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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of breaking bad hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




Omg heaven


Walt didn’t let Jesse know because he thought Hank may have been listening to Jesse’s phone calls. Great reaction! Next time though omg 😭 Episode 7 is craaaazyyyy! I can’t wait!


Season 4 is not the final season. 5 is the final season.

Chase Taylor

5 seasons not 4 lol

Theo Sebuliba

It’s 5 seasons not 4 guys


5 seasons then El Camino movie. Your just now getting to the wild shit.

Yess... Cuban B

I wonder where Jesse is getting his methylamine now? Or is he just using whatever was left over from his cooks with Walter? If so, how did he plan on getting more? When Hank told Marie that "there's a little something called the constitution" when responding to her request to arrest Jesse and ask questions later it threw me off for a bit, but then I remembered that Hank being a fed puts him under a little more scrutiny than local PDs that seem to not even acknowledge the constitution exists (at least where I live anyway). Because Gus has eyes everywhere, I'm wondering if he's aware of Hank's fishing expedition, and siccing the twins on him kills two birds with one stone?🤔 Badger river dancing after doing that first bump was goofy as hell. Love it. I actually really love him. Skinny P too. "This is my own private domicile, and I will not be harassed..." 😎 Great reaction y'all 👍🏾

Kyle Crosby

Day 2 of asking y’all to finish the transformers series

Isaiah Ronda

If you guys posted a breaking bad episode everyday I wouldn’t be mad 😂


Glad I saved this for when I clocked in🔥


One little problem guys the volume of the show is so high we can barley hear you guys talking , idk if you guys are doing it that way on purpose but if not just letting you know, n so you guys don’t have to lower the volume of the tv you guys can just turn up the mic


Y’all know gale from suits lol I know yall watch that off camera


Breaking Bad just officially began.


Man I hope you guys just keep uploading these everyday, watching this show again for the second time with you guys reminds me of why I got so hooked on this show. Keeps you on the edge of your seat every episode.


Walt's new partner Gale is Daniel Hardman from Suits. I appreciate something new every time I rewatch Breaking Bad: The apple crunching the same moment the cop gets axed. I never realised they shot Walt and Gale's meeting like a cheesy romance montage, even Gale was acting like a guy meeting the love of his life. I never appreciated that one of the driving factors for Walt cooking meth is that he truly loves chemistry. It's magic to him. He loves chemistry much more than he loves Skylar. In Los Pollos, a bell that sounds just like Hector Salamanca is ringing repeatedly as Gus finally addresses the Salamanca Cousins


Wild ass episode great ass reaction, I cannot wait for the next episode 😭🔥


Step 1. Binge watch the rest of breaking bad (you win) Step 2. Release a $50 BB tier (you win again) where they are released immediately for us to binge (we win) Step 3. Continue to release them in the regular tier at the normal rate (everybody wins)


Hey mate! This won't work, they use polls to choose the movies so its fair, and sometimes democracy sucks 😁😁. They wouldn't choose a movie based on repeated comments because that would just encourage spam in the comments. Your best bet is to make a passionate case why people should vote for Transformers next time there is a poll. Good luck


I think as a federal agent Hank would also be more involved in the evidence / prosecution / court side of things, so having useable evidence is would be a big part of his cases

Aldo Gonzales

In Spanish, the double-L is spelled out like a y for yolk. So in other words pollos is spelled out like po-yos. Now about the RV. We had some fond memories with it over the course of three seasons, but it’s time to part ways. Walt got himself an upgrade.

Justin Meade

I’m sure you guys know by now but there’s actually 5 seasons with the last one being 16 episodes. Still a LOT more to go down for Walt and Jesse. Strap in


Any chance yous could finish the boys then finish all of breaking bad and probably by that point it would be halfway through the release of s4 of the boys not much left of the boys and quite a lot of breaking bad

Joshua Johnson

As everyone is saying.. season 5 is the final season not 4


badger love❤️


hey josh I know you already know this but there are 5 seasons not 4


I may be in the minority but I think you should give yourselves a break before watching El Camina, and another break before starting Better Call Saul. They're both better with a bit of distance in my opinion. Maybe wait a month

All See’er

Hank pulling in windows and handles felt like a horror movie 😅

All See’er

The introduction of Bryan, I missed that part 😅

All See’er

Badger has no bodies, unlike Jesse and Walt. He just loves river dancing

Jeff I.

What!? Waiting a month to watch the El Camino movie? Sorry if I misunderstood you, but it starts right where the show ends, so it's best to just go ahead and watch it right after finishing the show.


I understand your point of view. There was about a year between the release of Breaking Bad and El Camino, and I think having a break to digest the show enhances the experience. Breaking Bad ends with some characters having a somewhat unknown fate (I will avoid spoilers). I think it's nice to ponder on their fate before El Camino gives you answers.


I love you guys, but you’re terrible with names and faces 😂


the introduction of bryan cranston 😂

Kristy Stevens

This show just gets crazier & crazier & better & better from here. Like everyone has said, there are 5 seasons, then the movie El Camino & finally Better Call Saul. I would say wait a week after the finale of Breaking Bad to watch El Camino & then take a little break before you watch Better Call Saul, which, if I'm honest, it starts off slow, but the payoff is FANTASTIC! Just like BB, it gets better & better with each season. You won't be disappointed.

Despero Riggity

As bad as being a cop would be in this current time (don’t get political for the love of god) If I had to? As dangerous as big cities are? Id rather be in a big city as a cop than out in the middle of nowhere & being the only cop for 50 miles in any direction. God that’s a nightmare scenario, im a cop by myself, out in the middle of nowhere, back up is 25+ mins away or maybe even an hour +. Run into some psychos like the cartel brothers? Good luck, scary shit even if you hate cops Yeah it’s gonna be scary for anybody alone to run into some psychos but at least you can just run away or whatever. Cops are supposed to go towards the threats or psychos & deal w it. Not run in fear, which sometimes they still do & have to do but usually they’re going towards gunfire not away from it. The cop at the beginning, I feel bad for Not tryna say you were doing it intentionally or out of malice but “now that is the sound of flies” no shoshanna had it right from the beginning, you.. just now heard it. Again don’t think you meant anything bad by it, just reacting obviously but yeah listen to your woman! She’s usually right & already knew she was right without you confirming it tbh but yeah Also African American guy telling a cop “shoot first, ask questions later” ? That’s a first, that’s what my original comment was ab too. Cops don’t have the luxury of being able to shoot first & ask questions later or they go to prison or are made public enemy #1 to the world. Some get away w it tho, absolutely, I’d love to see the ppl who hate cops try to be one, they’d fail so hard & quickly understand why things are the way they are


I think at this point it’s still not about the family for Walt it’s still about pride that was a good point about Badger I haven’t thought about that very much