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Hey Rangers, we are here season 3 of breaking bad!!! Hope you guys enjoy our reaction!





Mak G

Too long a break From BB I’m having meth withdrawals

Luis Ortiz


Brian McG

Fuck yeah! Can't wait to see your reactinos to this one!

Aldo Gonzales

Those scenes involving the plush bear in the pool in season 2 led me to believe they had something to do with Walt’s meth gig. They turned out to kinda be its’ own thing, but I also didn’t expect Walt to tell Skyler about his antics this soon. He is in total denial if he thinks she won’t turn down the divorce anytime soon.


If you thought this show was intense before… It’s gonna be a wild ride from here on out!


Walt is trying to minimize the crash because he feels all those deaths are a direct result of him choosing not to save Jane. The teddy bears eyeball symbolizes the lingering guilt.

Emerald Light

As soon as she looked at him I was like she gave him the mike

Insert Opinion

Strap in, because this show is about to go into overdrive

Insert Opinion

There is a reason there was a scene focusing on Walt cutting his crust. It's what he did for Crazy 8 back in season 1. Walt will pick up little quirks from the people he kills. It's an interesting way for the show to have indirect call backs.

Drip Drop

Welcome back Been waifing for BB!


I love when Skyler found out omggg that scene took me by surprise the first time i watched 😭 great reaction guys! get ready for a whirlwind this season!


Hells yea finally season 3🔥🔥


I feel like the season 3 of every show is almost the best season 😂


“We are cruising” 😂aye we really mf appreciate it. Unlike other channels that only post 1 episode a week 🤢 that’s why yall is the goat

All See’er

The crawling, It’s a ritualistic thing concerning Santa Muerte. To protect against death


“Shes never gonna find out”😂😂

Silas Kane

I know how ridiculous this sounds but you still haven't gotten to the "good shit" yet. And you're already this invested.... lmao Loving the rewatch with you guys keep 'em coming. ❤️


Man it's like one garbage show posted after another on here. 😆


Wow. You’re the first negative person Iv seen in a normally very positive community. I wonder how they will address this.


"Address this"? Lmfao News flash bud this is the internet and not the school yard. If you can't handle the opinions of others than don't go on the internet.


I will not argue with you as I am an adult. I’m pointing out you are not their normal subscriber. People here respect others shows that have been picked. And wait for their chance to get their show picked. You are disrespectful I can’t imagine they would want someone like this here.


That is fucking rich lol "I am an adult" yet you can't even convey or conduct yourself as one when you're coming off as a sensitive little kid who can't handle a different opinion


It’s very childish to bash someone’s content on a platform you PAID to be a part of because it’s not something you want to watch. This is not YouTube. People have respect here. Thats what they have asked for. I’m just letting you know. Enjoy the show.


No sharing an opinion is not childish. I'm just letting you know that's not how the world works and behind a screen you can be ignorant and sensitive as you want. 👍I didn't disrespect any person here you need to get over yourself.


I appreciate the talk. I am not here for breaking bad myslef. But I respect others in the community that have wanted to watch this show for a while. So I wait for my days to watch the content I want. That’s how this community works. Take care man.


Well my opinion of a show shouldn't take away from someone's ability to enjoy it. And if it does that's on them. Deuces✌️


Wow I literally shared my opinion on a show and you are telling someone to walk off a bridge. How upset are you my dude ?😆

Despero Riggity

Shocked by planes colliding midair? 5:25 , has happened before, 2 planes colliding midair. don’t get into the world of commercial airline crashes if you don’t like hearing ab large body counts. 167 is a lot but the largest jet can carry 850 ppl, imagine if 2 of those collided midair full of passengers. From what I’ve found 206 planes have crashed that resulted in over 100 deaths. 4 crashes w over 500 deaths

Despero Riggity

Not mad at all, sitting back sipping some whiskey, watching a breaking bad reaction on one of my days off. Absolutely chilling & just gonna point out your in the minority of the world thinking breaking bad is lame. The vast majority of ppl who watched breaking bad enjoyed it. I’d even say you have bad taste imo, would love to know what your subbed to the patreon to watch


I really don't care if I'm in the minority it's my opinion on a show. Get over it and enjoy your whiskey.

Neville L

The guilt and self-loathing theme of this episode is so intense. Both Jesse and Walt feel these things for their roles in the crash (indirect or otherwise). They handle it completely differently and its just so fascinating to watch.


I’ve been going insane constantly screaming JESSE we need to cook


this season is really good but my fav season is probably s4


…. Oh good grief. If they react to something I don’t want to see, I simply don’t watch the reaction 🤦🏾‍♀️


You do realize we don't mind your opinion. This community has been a very positive one for years. Your just fishing for negativity. Yes we all know your entitled to your opinion. We know it's just the internet. Yes we know you'll hate the post tomorrow too. Yes we are soooo triggered by you please stop. We can't take it anymore you win 😂


Great reaction keep them coming! We love you guys.




Have you considered only sharing your opinion when it adds value?


Watching this episode makes me appreciate what a well-written and well-acted character Marie is. She does such a great job of being annoying. I appreciate how the main discussion after this episode was about what Walt will do about Skyler. I think that's one of the central questions of the show: How far is Walt willing to go?

Brandon L Bevilacqua

This is honestly one of the only shows that every season is truly better than the rest. This is the season the show gets nuts and heart attack inducing lol. Strap in lol


Isn't sharing an opinion that adds no value just a waste of your time?


Great question! I'll answer it, but can you answer my question first?


Who defines what has value lol you? It's a comment section for a dumb show. Who the fuck cares.


Where's the value in a comment that says something is garbage among a group of people enjoying it?


Who determines what is "valuable" you? You let a comment on the internet effect you so easily lmao let it go dude.


No. Not because you said a show was bad. You said “it’s one garbage show posted another on here” which is coming after the people who picked the shows and vince & shoshana for reacting to them. If you don’t like Breaking Bad, oh well. What bothers me is you purposely being negative in a positive community. Like if you’re not interested in the content that’s being posted, the door is right there. It’s as simple as that. Stop being disrespectful to people who are actually enjoying the content and the creators with your negative comments. Why are you paying for content you don’t want to see? Makes zero sense.


Also I haven't disrespected anyone so you can quit that gas lighting. If you don't like my comment. "There's the door"


A negative opinion that no one ASKED for. You’re the only negative person commenting and we don’t want someone like that here. It’s not gaslighting, it’s facts, look how many ppl liked the replies to you, smh. And I’m going to stay here because I actually enjoy the content that’s posted. If I didn’t, I would leave. But for some reason, you’re still here, even though you’re disrespecting the content that they post. Obviously for attention, since you refuse to give any reason as to why. Ridiculous behavior.


It is gas lighting if you're saying I'm doing something that I'm not. I'm not here for this stupid show not sure how you don't get that. I don't owe you any explanation for sharing my view. You really need to get over yourself.

Ben Clark

Walt doesn’t have a split personality, he is fully Walt in every scene. This show is about how people can change based on their bad decisions.


What you did was exactly gas lighting when all I did was share a opinion. An opinion which got you so upset. Hence you're still here trying to argue instead of moving on with your life. Oh and again I'm not here for the dumb shows. Just a few movie reactions.


Yeah, I know how much you love Breaking Bad, it’s chill, you don’t have to put on anymore 😎 we’ll keep it just between us.

Yess... Cuban B

In that California incident from the '80s that this was loosely based off of I believe the ATC at the center of the collision was actually named Walter White. So the symbolisms in this tragedy, with BB Walt being the catalyst for everything, is just phenomenal.

Yess... Cuban B

Nah, Walter's school gymnasium speech is wild. Like... Bro, what!?

Alexis Pollock

The woman at the beginning in the news report being interviewed is actually Bryan Cranston (Walter’s) wife in real life. And the girl in the auditorium who was expressing how she felt about the crash is his daughter in real life too!

Despero Riggity

Keep getting offended & mad at Walt everytime he does something insensitive 22:22 & your gonna have a LONG tough time w the rest of breaking bad, same for Saul in BCS. Your gonna have a rough go, almost everything in the show is immoral, your in the wrong business if your looking for upstanding, good father figures & role models LMAO


Something I never see people mention but is one of the most jaw dropping facts to me, is how with everything that walt gets up to throughout the show, nobody has any idea that he was more or less the cause of the plane crash.


Where you think the value is in a comment that says something is garbage among a group of people enjoying it?


Who determines what is "valuable" you ? Lmao it's a garbage show dude if you like it that's alright.👍


the top rated show of all time is garbage? lmao


You still have avoided my question twice now. Where do YOU think the value is in a comment that says something is garbage among a group of people enjoying it? Don't answer my question with a question


Are you telling me you're unable to justify your own behaviour? Would that not in fact make you... a clown? 🤡🤡🤡 Hahahahaha


The fact you are still here making insults and commenting shows your lack of maturity and emotional stability. You let a comment on the internet dictate your emotions and behavior. Bravo my man you played yourself.


You went from glib to self-righteous so fast I nearly got whiplash


I understand you are frustrated because I called out your bad behaviour, and you were unable to explain yourself. You must feel very small right now, but resist the urge to lash out. These moments are great for self reflection. I'm 100% sure you will grow from this. You can do it! 🏆 Can I get some likes for my 90s friend who is trying to improve himself everyone? 🏆🏆


Is that why you keep responding because you let a comment on the internet upset you ?


Don't people complain when they are upset? Weren't you the one that posted a complaint? I'm not upset, I love BB


Personal attacks and name calling shows a lot in response to a opinion on a show. You are the one responding to my comment


I'm really sorry that you feel attacked. Didn't you tell three people to get over themselves? Didn't you say to someone that nobody cares about them? Didn't you say someone was acting like a little kid? You've admitted that there was no justification for your original comment. Instead of allowing yourself to get so upset, why not do some self reflection instead?


Do you still feel attacked or are you feeling better now?


Love it y’all’s reaction to the school assembly had me rolling