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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of breaking bad hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Show Time

One of the best episodes in the entire series !!!

Sean Carroll

King Gus Fring has arrived

Josh Kammerman

please do the final episode of the boys im dying to see ur reaction

Ben Gibb

That was Skylar’s version of Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to JFK

Patrick Munley

finally some more Breaking Bad, that was too long of a break 😭

Aldo Gonzales

The 1-hour timestamp for Walt to deliver the meth was bad enough not to mention breaking a door. Then the term “terrible timing” is applied when Skyler goes into labor.

Ben Gibb

Well as far as liking the characters, there’s still Hank😂

Trayvon Brown

@23:20 She's doing the Marilyn Monroe birthday rendition. She did it for Jfk. (He was allegedly cheating on his wife with Marilyn Monroe.) The video: https://youtu.be/Vg5HIMnPx7k


They have already reacted to it, they just haven’t uploaded it yet. No clue on the date since the schedule wasn’t released.

Sean Carroll

Skyler was singing Marilyn Monroe's Happy birthday Mr president

DLHJ Records

It's about to get real. 👌🏽💯🔥


It was heroine that they were shooting. She just sprinkled some meth in.

Theo Sebuliba

That’s kinda the point of this show, you’re not supposed to like Walt, he’s pretty much a villain at this point

Brian McG

Oh man, I can't wait for the rest of the season. Ya'll ain't seen shit yet, haha!


“I don’t like anybody!!” Welcome to Breaking Bad

Oliver Higgs

Strap in, y’all - the season (and the show) only gets better and wilder from here. I’m jealous that you get to watch this all for the first time. Top 5 all time show for me - and it ain’t 4 or 5 hehe.


I would say, you guys have officially entered the prime of BB. From now on up until the finale, it's just top-tier television.


Two wrongs don't make a right. But I do understand were Skylar Is coming from. Jesse is looking for guidance. Unfortunately he has Walter. It's 100 percent on Jane to maintain her sobriety.

Keyshawn Mosley

Thanks for adding stuff to the collections tab section it’s way easier to find you guys older reactions now


It was Heroin with a little Meth sprinkled in.


I lost sympathy for Walt the moment he rejected Gretchen and Elliot’s offer all the way in Season 1 to be honest.


Keep watching. Your in for a ride. Your opinions on everything will change constantly.


That was a 1 million dollar deal. Not nothing to sneeze at.


I don't blame him for that. He sold his company to them when it was barely worth anything for 40k and if he would of stayed he would of been a billion air, It was his work that they continued, and because he has cancer they pity him and offer help. I wouldn't take that pity hand out either. It's the pride of being a man.




Right. He might not be around for the baby and this is a way to provide for them.

Theo Sebuliba

Walt also sold the company and left without any explanation to Gretchen because of his ego and pride couldn’t handle the fact that Gretchen came from a rich family, he blames Gretchen and elliot for cutting him out of the company even though he left the company himself for no reason other than ego, so he caused the situation that he was in, no one to blame other than himself

Daunte Johnson

Yeah honestly the show is full of gray characters. Jesse has a good heart but he’s bad at handling his emotions and turns to drugs. Walt is trying to convince himself that he’s doing everything for the family, but we all know he just enjoys the rush. And Jane just got caught up. Lol crazy


So because of pride you turn into dealing drugs. Yeah no sympathy for me.


I still like Jesse, I just believe he has some troubles. He takes drugs when he tries to escape from his problems, which is what he’s doing. Notice he only started back up with the meth once Combo got killed. And Jane brought him the heroine to help him escape more. It’s wrong, but it’s like an escape when he’s depressed, he just needs some real help to get clean. Walt, eh, I got no excuses for lol


There’s no way I could excuse that for the birth of his own child lol

All See’er

The chicken manager, servin up Methampheta Meals daily


Eh Walt had a 1 hour deadline. That's absurdly quick for a baby to be born after first contractions even with it being her second.

All See’er

This show reminds me of some Slipknot lyrics oddly. The Devil In I. “Where is your will my friend? Insatiates never even bother. You and I, wrong or right. Traded the lie for the leverage. In between the lens and light, you’re not what you seem.” Sounds like Walt and Jesse. If you know the band’s history it kinda matches

All See’er

There’s been athletes I’ve seen play a playoff game and miss their kids birth 😅

All See’er

A good show makes you have a longer discussion than the episode was 😅

Insert Opinion

Breaking Bad is the perfect example of where every character is a bad person but you still root for them to succeed

Pierce R Conohan

I love all the characters and I'm sure you both will come to love them too. They're despicable people, but amazing characters


Definitely agree with Theo. I hear people who are on Walt’s side about not wanting to take Gretchen and Elliot’s charity. But the way he twists the story to say he was cut out of the company is just wrong. He has no reason at all to be mad at Gretchen and Elliot when it was his choice to leave with no explanation. His ego and pride have always been his worst enemy.


Both of your faces during Skyler’s singing scene were the perfect combination of how we all felt. Shoshana being absolutely disgusted, and Vince looking annoyed for having to sit through this 🤣


@Tripp - they said they recognized the actor who plays Gus because they just saw him in The Boys (which means they’ve seen the finale - I can’t wait!)


Exactly, no matter how many times you rewatch her sing that, it’s still the same amount of cringe 😭😭


Jesse has no coping mechanisms, he couldn't handle the pain of his friend being murdered so he sought an escape through drugs. Walt decided long ago that he's happy to upset Sklyer if it means he gets a chance to be somebody.


This show is about Walt digging a massive hole for himself, sometimes you can watch and cheer just for the fun of the shovelling, other times you watch in horror at how big the hole is becoming

Thomas Baldwin

Could you guys please watch? John Carpenter’s The Thing 1982- starring Kurt Russell?

Jason Murillo

I think the way Walt casually dismisses Combo's death really affects Jessie. They were close friends and my theory is Walt's influence makes Jessie feel like he should also not feel anything over his friend's murder, so he resorts to meth.

Neville L

The characters in this show are so very flawed, which I think is why they are so very interesting to watch. Breaking Bad at its core is about fundamentally decent people (some of them, anyway lol) making bad decisions.

Aaron Boone

I think your a little to harsh on Walt here. I would be more mad at him saying “which one is that” when Combo died. At least he’s making over a million dollars for his family. That’s a pretty good reason to miss the birth of your child.

Yami Gandhi

I mean this is only season 2. the beginning of a lot of their arcs

Aldo Gonzales

Vince already saw the first season already once before, but it’s good that he got a refresher. Giancarlo Esposito is always a win.

Mitchell Smilie

For those of you saying missing the birth of your child is worth it for a million-dollar deal, please don't procreate. And if you do have kids, I feel bad for the kids. Fucking hell... As far as Jesse goes unless you've known a drug addict, it's difficult to understand his arc. There is no such thing as going rock bottom once for an addict. And many of them never stop hitting rock bottom until there's no bottom left. That's why I have immense respect for recovering addicts because it's a torturous existence. I've seen people with immense potential ruin their lives and the lives of those that love them for drugs. It's a sad state of affairs that is only getting worse as our society continues to collapse, leaving many in the throes of the depression and anxiety that leads many into addiction to begin with.

Sergej Skok

Lot of negativity here it seems. You have your opinions and that is okay, don't mind the others, you guys rock and I am happy to see next episode

Mitchell Smilie

It's okay, Sergej: I leave much lighter comments on the Fast and Furious posts. BB deserves a bit more rancor.


I will boil down my opinions on Walt and Jesse (From first episode up until this point) down to: Jesse CANNOT be relied on, but can be trusted. (I think he is a screwup) Walt can be relied on , but CANNOT be trusted. (I think he is evil) Based on this I hate Walt deeply. And as much as I love Jesse, I would probably also not want to get into any business with him. I think I was one of the few who side with Skylar over Walt at this point. I still don't like her, but that's just more a personality I don'tt particularly care for. But compared to Walt, she's a saint. I feel like a lot of people really idolize Walt for his intelligence and competance, and overlook a lot of his bad sides. Love the reactions!

Ray H

It’s wild when people recognize The Chicken Man from the Boys rather than from his iconic role in Breaking Bad. I also have to skip this Mr. President scene every rewatch lol it’s the cringiest of all cringe.


Yes, so true, I think that’s why I have such a soft spot for Jesse bc I know a lot about drug addiction/alcohol addiction and have read books on ppl’s experiences in dealing with it and how hard it can be. Even after recovery, the disease is still there. But it can be overcome, look at RDJ. He made a full turn around and that’s amazing. So I had hope for Jesse at this point


I had to skip over the birthday song scene, its just too hard to watch let alone watch your reaction lmao


I’m sorry y’all I was broke for a day but I’m back 😂❤️


Skyler don't get a pass for sing that song in front of everybody. That's the song Maryln Monroe song to JFK . She was his mistress . So the song is inappropriate.


The drug business don't care about your family . No surgery if he doesn't complete deal . And I've never been a Jessie fan . But he did save that starving kid an give him some food .

Despero Riggity

recognizing Gustavo frings actor from the boys & not breaking bad is wild lmao. On the other hand I shouldn’t hate on boys just bc I haven’t watched it, my older sis told me I’d prob like it Honestly it’s a shame you didn’t meet him first in this. He was broke & seriously considering faking his own death or getting himself killed to get life insurance paid out for his kids before this role. This role saved his life, careeer & set his family up for life. You ever wonder how he’s acting so well? His life depended on it Jessie & Jane are so toxic for each other, toxic ones are some of the hardest to get out of. First adult relationship I had was toxic af, sex was amazing & she was gorgeous. Good for like a year & then half a year of craziness, ending w me breaking up w her & then her trying everything from false allegations, slander, only person to ever punch me in the face, a woman lmao. & I never put my hands on her but yeah almost a year later, won my legal battle & proved my innocence & lost thousands to lawyers that i needed for college. Just glad I was able to make it out, don’t stick your dick in crazy & def don’t date it. Same for women don’t sleep w crazy guys & if you do, def don’t date them

Despero Riggity

Just the way she sung it was enough for me, even without all that context. Get a divorce if your wife is singing to other men like that

Despero Riggity

You’ll never convince the ppl who believe witnessing the birth is more important than life itself. Reminds me of god ppl, no point to argue w them, no matter what you say, they’ll never change their minds. Typa ppl I try to avoid speaking to. To them nothing on earth is more important than witnessing the birth. Could list dozens & dozens, likely hundreds of things more important but no point to waste anymore of my time. Be the reason a world war ends? Or witness your babies birth? Will give you one easy example

Madelene Sanchez

Addiction is a monster and people are complicated. I think this show does a good job at showing that. I also think Jesse has a good heart but makes some really sad decisions. I think if he got out of the drug business, went to a good rehab, and got therapy he could be a regular good person. I can't say the same for Walt. He's too far gone, all be it, in a different way.


The original Happy Birthday, Marilyn to JFK, is really bonkers, if you think about it. A sitting president, at a fundraiser, being recorded, gets THAT from the sexiest of the sex icons of the era.

Yess... Cuban B

Bingo. The fact that Skylar's actress mentioned how she'd get threats irl, plus just the general hate character gets from (overwhelmingly male) fans is a testament to how great the character is and how well the role is played.

Yess... Cuban B

The Marilyn Monroe/"Happy Birthday Mr. President" scene is oomee of the most cringe scenes in television history.


Y’all’s reaction to Skyler singing Marilyn Monroe is the exact same as the entire fan base lmaooo