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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of breaking bad hope you guys enjoy our reaction!





Silas Kane

"All the lies...I can't even keep them straight in my head anymore." 😏


I LOVE how Jesse really believed Walt might be building a robot to save them 🤣


This is ONE of my fav eps of the series! “Ahhhhh, a wire”😂Oooh boy, but now I’m so ready for ep 12…. 😅You guys are in for some interesting times!


I interpret the end rage just him angry at himself for all the lies he told, his plan for having cancer to save his family was to cook meth. Remember he killed crazy 8. I think his anger just came out being told that he'll probably be okay in the end when he thought he was doomed.

Erik Gonzalez

Anybody else already watched this series more than once & just want to experience it again for the first time 😫

Trayvon Brown

The character work in this show is great. When Walt got that news it was like I got that news 🥲

Aldo Gonzales

Dude, you gotta type something else. That’s all we ever see you write. Be creative, especially if you’ve already seen this show. Peace out.


“Can’t get right Jessie” 😂😂 I like it

Night King01

Yeah the ending of this isnt a happy one because it shows walts selfish nature because he was starting to like cooking and now the thought of stopping drove him nuts which is why he beat the paper dispenser.

Petteri Ahlberg

I just love how Aaron Paul delivers that robot line! he sounds so sincere 😂


Great ass episode even better reaction, I love how happy yall were at Walter’s news at the end lol


In the course of less than two seasons Walt became a person okay with killing people who got in the way of their goals. He still shows remorse, and has his moments of clarity (like telling Jesse not to follow through with killing the addicts who robbed them), but I think he might have actually considered killing Badger in prison if not for Jesse. This whole process is for his family, but the more it gives him a rush the more Heisenberg comes out—the whole Gretchen and Elliot thing really showed how much it’s starting to bleed into his personal life and how potentially reckless he’s getting. I don’t think you become that person so quickly if you think you’re gonna live another six months. The sudden realization that he now has to live with everything he’s done, and keep up the lies he’s told to his family, would be enough for me to beat up a paper towel dispenser for sure.


top 10 episodes of the whole series


every goated show has an episode where they get stranded


“That’s what you used to call me” 😂😂😂

Ben Clark

Walt smashed the paper towel dispenser because it meant he would no longer have an easy out of cooking meth. Remember he was against treatment in the first place? He wanted to die of cancer so his family wouldn’t find out about his drug dealing.

Pitz Woodworks

Keep in mind the episodes that are in black and white with the teddy bear. They are an easter egg for you to figure out.

Jeff I.

Please don't give these kind of 'hints' that can lead to something being spoiled for them in the show.


these past couple reactions, Vince pulling out the prayers have been the highlight to my days 🤣


in my opinion the primary reason for him punching the paper towel dispenser, is because of the specific circumstances of this episode. He goes on a four day cooking trip with Jesse expecting himself to die within weeks as he mentions to Saul, and only manages to cook for two of those days as the following two were taken up by the battery dying and his wrestle with his grief, malnourishment and likely fear. Though in the end they manage to just BARELY avoid death and make it back, Walt still believes he is weeks from death and asks Jesse to get his family his money even still. To then get the results of his treatment and to find that it has in actuality given him time rather than take it from him, he feels rage and anger at himself for putting himself in that situation where he, if not incredibly lucky, would have died. Lying to Skyler about visiting his Mom, lying to Jesse about the Methylamine and by convincing himself that the cancer had spread violently when in reality if he had just stayed in town and learned his results, he would not have ever been in that life threatening situation. I also think you can kind of infer this idea wrestling in Walt’s head thinking back to when Jesse says something similar regarding Jane “Why didn’t I just go to Santa Fe?” All in all one of my favorite episodes, great reaction guys


nah thats a good comment Aldo Im gonna start doing that now, it’s just Walt’s classic catchphrase

Neville L

I dont believe that Walt's rage is directly born from his regret that he put himself in danger to cook when he did not 'need' to. To me, it's born from the fact that the world (or fate or whatever) decided that he did not need to; the world decided FOR him. Remember, Walt gets a massive high from being involved in the meth business. To me, his anger is about control. His whole life, as he said, has always felt like he did not make any of his own choices. Meth gave him a choice again. Now, when he thinks he will likely die soon, he takes further control. Then to find out he actually will not die (soon) makes him feel like control was taken from him yet again. He is driven in part by pride and it shows here. Its amazing that they managed to write him in such a complex and nuanced matter. But then again this is just my take on it :)


I actually don’t think that’s a spoiler, they’re just saying to keep in mind the specific intros


why so negative aldo i feel like every bb fan would love it


i’ve watched it twice this is my third time 😂


I respect all opinions, even really wrong ones!


I deleted my comment because you said essentially the same thing. Walter wants power and control. I also personally think that him saying that he hasn't made his own choices is a lie he tells himself. I think he has made poor choices ever since he was young, and always used other people as an excuse.

Jesse S

My interpretation of why he was angry I think was because he feels like he’s going to have to live with everything he’s done, where as before he thought he would die before his family found out about the meth cooking

Dan Sopranos

Good reaction guys


I agree. I think he thought he was justified in his actions because of the cancer and the debt on his family, now it’s almost like it’s for nothing and he’s just as guilty as anybody else, especially morally.


Funny reaction. 4 Days Out is an adventure


Y’all’s reaction with Walt’s health news was incredible lol