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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of breaking bad hope you guys enjoy!





Brian McG

Gonna get a little wake and bake going then I'm gonna enjoy this with ya'll. Thanks, much appreciated!

Aldo Gonzales

Jesse was a real one in this episode. I too would’ve been horrified and disgusted by what he saw. The poor kid deserves better.


Hell yes been waiting for this one

Brian McG

And my dumb ass forgot just how heavy this specific episode was, haha.


I love this episode. Jesse has such a soft spot for children, just shows his sense of morality amidst the wrong stuff he does. And sheesh Walt 😭 He’s asking Gretchen to not tattle on him but then talks to her like that?? 😂 Idk how he got his way. Lol

Silas Kane

The episodes where Aaron Paul really gets to flex are always iconic.


Amazing episode! I freaking love this episode and completely agree, I had gained so much love for Jessie for doing what he did for that kid. Great reaction y’all!


Re-watching this series with you guys really reminds me of how badass this show is.

Ben Gibb

Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich is so good! You should definitely try it


I wouldn’t say Skyler is naive. I agree with Shoshana that she knows Walt is lying. She’s been giving him a pretty hard time about that 2nd cell phone. And she made that sarcastic comment last episode “maybe I smoked them in a fugue state”, basically calling him out on that BS story. And in this episode she says “should I even ask where you’ve been? Nvm we’re long past that I suppose.” She keeps throwing jabs at him about his lies. She just hasn’t figured out what he’s really hiding.

Pitz Woodworks

You are going to love the rest of this show, PROMISE YOU!!!

Neville L

I think seeing that kid broke Jesse's heart too. This episode does an excellent job of highlighting what is arguably his best quality: empathy.


Like you said they do need to pace Skyler’s character in a way that keeps the family dynamic in place for the time being—but I don’t thinks really naive to it. She’s got a LOT on her plate as well, and while she knows Walt is up to something, she doesn’t know necessarily that ALL of his lies were lies. She seems to have bought that Jesse just sold him weed, for instance. Consider that at the end of the day she’s still a mother trying to keep her family together, and she does still love Walt, I would assume. You tend to look past things when family is involved, she just hasn’t hit her breaking point. Yet.

Mitchell Smilie

This is the first episode where the human consequences of what Walt and Jesse are doing are made plain. Yes, Walt's actions have hurt his family, but not to the extent of the hell that kid is in. While not directly involved in the kid's plight, they are playing a part in it simply to make some money. And one has to sleep (or try to) with that realization.


Keep in mind Skylar is pregnant. You'll just have to see how everything plays out.


31:03 Vince’s reaction to Walt keeping count of the number of times he said “sorry” had me dying 😂🤣


Post your strain next time! Blueberry Cheesecake myself (We might have unusual strains in Australia idk)

Brian McG

It was either Trop Super Jet or Gush Mintz. Could have been a combo of both but I think it was a single strain for this episode.