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Hey Rangers, wow another banger of an episode! Hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




Every day at 9:59 I sit n refresh the page till yall video drops 😂🔥 yall are goated


OMG!! yes, yes yes!!!

Aldo Gonzales

Is it just me or did Krazy-8 look like a zombie trying to walk down the neighborhood?


My mom describes this show as "A big burning train wreck that you can't stop looking at." Walt + Jesse = Pure Stupidity


What a episode 😂 amazing reaction y’all can’t wait for more 🔥


Another bomb reaction 😎 As the show progresses, I’m curious to see what you guys think of Skyler! She was definitely a Karen this ep 😂

Mario Serra

haha things only get crazier from here! Can't wait to see your reactions as the episodes and seasons progress.

Insert Opinion

This show is such a great combination of intensity, hype, despair and humor. Hits pretty much all the right notes.


Both of your reactions when Skyler showed up to Jesse’s house is one of the funniest things ever 😂🤣


Very good reaction! :)


Guys yall are in for a treat. This show is a great mix of everything. It's also ALWAYS UNEXPECTED. I think yall are in for an incredible experience. Also you'll be surprised at the tone of this show its imcredibleeeee.


they did connect breaking bad to the walking dead by Daryl finding blue meth when he gives T-Dog the meds from his brothers stash


Skyler gotta be one of the most despised tv moms💀


True though i think im one of the few that doesnt hate her lol


This show improves in quality by 20% every season. It gets bonkers.

Rob Wolf

So many adventures await!

Aldo Gonzales

John, this is my first time watching the show. I don’t know who those two are any more than they do.

Steven Warner

Anyone else curious what they say to eachother right after (in her voice) “Peace”


They peel their masks of and continue communication in Neptunian "Bleeg Blorg"

Mitchell Smilie

I've never understood the hate for her character. She responds in a manner that much of the population would if faced with similar circumstances. She doesn't always make the right decision, but no one does in this show; everyone is flawed.


Completely agree!!! which I have more to say about that in regards to the other characters but I’ll leave that for when they react to later episodes lol


I have to admit, when I first watched BB as a teenager I got caught up in Walt's emotional arc and hated Skylar because she felt like a hindrance to his progress. I think my own personal biases obviously played a part as well. Walt was standing up for himself, for the wrong reasons. Skylar was standing up for herself for the right reasons.


Aldo, none of the people I named are from Breaking Bad. I am not saying you need to know or they need to know. I am simply just stating facts lol, chill bruh


You took my “ they” as the content creators when i mean they as in people of the internet, don’t come at me with ill will, its not necessary to be a smart ass 🤙🏽