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Hey everyone,

Here's the weekly update:

With my new job, my schedule is more strict than while I was still in grad school. So I need to schedule out my artworks to keep releases steady. Luckily I worked hard these past few days and am a little ahead of schedule. So this week's releases are ready:

We've got some great stuff coming this week. A18 and Krillin are dropping tomorrow (Tuesday), Tsunade is coming Thursday, and DGDO Page 21 is on Saturday. Check them out when they drop!

I'll be operating like this from now on just so I can give myself room to breathe and work around my job schedule.

We've also got a new OC poll coming on the 1st for the deluxe tier, here are the options:

The Fan Art poll will open on the 15th, which will be open to all patrons.

That's all for now.

Thanks again and have a good week!




Finally, time for the pole dance, very exciting. Ivy Post Del in swimsuits, very exciting. Android 18, very exciting. Looks like it's going to be a banger of a week!


Awesome can’t wait and who know if Sakura and ino join as well the leaf village will thrive again (Hinata request naruto personally 😈)