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Hi everyone,

This is a rare public update.

I just wanted to make one last post explaining the billing pause and talk about plans for the future.

So, as I've mentioned before, I am taking a break for the holidays and will be moving to start a new job in January. As a result, I won't have much time to work on art or comics over the next few weeks and have decided to pause billing for a month, from Dec 17th to Jan 17th. During the pause, subbed members will have their next charge skipped while retaining their access to the patreon page. As an example: If you subbed on Dec 15th, the Jan 15th charge will be skipped and you'll keep access until the next billing cycle. I'll still be active on Discord, so if you're in the premium tier, feel free to keep sending me art for feedback if you want.

As for plans for the future, when I return from my break and move the plan is to continue working on my Delivery Girls comic on a weekly schedule like I've been doing for the last part of this year. When the comic is done, I'd like to start a new short fan comic project (of the extra spicy variety) while I plan out the next OC comic (which will also be extra spicy and include a new OC). Polls will also resume after the pause, so the next Deluxe poll will be on Feb 1st.

It's been fun making comics this year! Thank you all for the support! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



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