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Hi everyone,

Some updates for this week and next month.

First, with the end of the year approaching. I'll be taking a break late December for the holidays. Hopefully I can actually go home this year, last year my plane got canceled due to a blizzard. I won't be able to work on stuff from Dec 20th to Jan 4th. Because of this I'll be stopping the Wednesday art tips/studies for the next few weeks so I can focus more fully on the artworks. I'll won't be doing the Wednesday Art tip/study post starting this week, but they'll be back in January after I return.

We also have a Deluxe poll coming on the first as usual. And I'll still have the Tsunade poll scheduled on the the 15th as usual next month.

This week I'll be working on page 17 of DGDO

I also have some other stuff to work on like that lewd comic of Poste and some sketches I'm coloring. I think I'll be doing more colored sketches the next few weeks so I can put more of my time into the weekly comic pages.

That's all for now. Thanks again!




No problem enjoy the holidays when the time comes Ima try to fly back home to for the holidays provide work doesn’t kill me first


Thanks! I feel that lol. I hope we can both make it home for the holidays.