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Hi everyone,

Here's this week's art.

1. Previews.

2. Ivy's Birthday Gift 1-Page Comic: This is what I was alluding to in one of my past update posts when I said I was making something to go along with the next animation. This is a short little comic of Rosa giving Ivy a birthday present. The animation is Ivy using the present. I'm still working on the animation, but I have 1 frame done.

3. Ivy Animation Frame 1: I didn't finish the animation this week, but I still wanted to update you all on the progress. I have 1 of 6 frames done, and here it is. The animating phase is done and I'm just adding the rendering to each frame now. I think I could have it done next week, but we'll see how much time I have. I'll have an updated WIP of the full loop for the Deluxe members tomorrow even if all the lighting isn't all there yet.

4-5. Poste Booty Painting: I made another big booty Poste artwork this week. This isn't the Bunny Poste I'll be making for the Deluxe Poll, that will come next week. This is something I made using my old painting method of directly painting on a rough sketch with no clean-up sketch. It's a tricky method to pull off since you render everything as you go, but the result is always nice and you can improvise details too. The "Handle With Care" sticker and placement of the underwear are all improvised details.

That's what I finished this week. Let me know what you think. It's still Ivy Month, so I'll have another Ivy painting next week along with the Bunny Del and Poste.





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