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Hi deluxe tier!

Here's some WIPs from the past few days.

1. Del and Poste WIP. I think it's time for a little more Poste lore. Del is normally hard to read as she is usually serious with a tough exterior, but she has a soft spot for Poste since they've known each other for long time. Poste is too dumb to notice. I'll be working on this one this week.

2. OC Parade WIP. I cleaned up the sketches for this. I still need to rearrange the characters to fit a common poster size (I'm thinking 2x3 aspect ratio). I'll keep chipping away at this one, not sure when it'll be finished.

3-4. Inko Comic Pages 1-2. The pages are in order. I've got the first page under way with colors and the second page has the sketches done (still needs to be cleaned up). I'll have a few more pages to this story, but it'll get lewd after the second page. I'm going to aim to have the first page done for this Saturday along with the Del and Poste artwork.

That's what I worked on the last few days, let me know what you think. Since the Art poll has ended, I'm going to start working on some of that art this week. There's a chance I'll have the 3rd place sketch done too this week, but we'll see. The rest of the poll art will likely be worked on and delivered next week.

Thanks and have a great week!




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