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Hi everyone!

I've got art previews and some updates.

First a reminder of the art for this weekend. These four artworks were voted on by the Deluxe members in the Deluxe poll. I wanted to do some pokemon fan art this month and they helped me decide who to draw. First (1st) place was Lorelei (top left), and Jessie (top right), Misty (bottom left), and Sabrina (bottom right) tied for 2nd. Since we had a three way tie for 2nd, I decided to draw them all but only fully paint/render Lorelei. That was the plan anyway. I ended up getting a little carried away with Jessie and painted her more than Misty and Sabrina. These are ready for tomorrow except Lorelei, she needs some finishing touches, which I'll do tonight so she'll be ready for Saturday (3pm PT) with the rest.

Anyway, here are the previews:

Something else I'd like to talk about is next month. I had an idea to have a summer themed month. So what I'm thinking is a month where all the art I make is summer themed. Stuff like bikinis, swimsuits, sundresses, beaches, pools, etc, and summer themed art tips like outdoor/sunny lighting, painting water, etc. The artwork would of course have the usual lewd/nude alts. This would also affect the polls, so the poll artworks will be summer themed, even the explicit stuff. Anyway, it's just an idea I'm kicking around. I'm still not sure. I think it sounds fun, but what you think?

One last thing: I want to make a new promo art to promote the patreon on twitter. I have a survey poll to get your opinion on who will be on the promo pic. Since it's a promo art, it'll be an original work. The choices are: Ivy, Calla, my bee mascot, or a new OC. You can vote here if you haven't yet: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66559055

Well, that's it for today. I hope you're looking forward to the new art this weekend. And thank you all once again for supporting my artwork. I know I say that a lot, but I am very grateful.

Thank you and have a great weekend!



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