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Hey everyone,

Here's page 9. I went for some dramatic lighting on the last panel to build a little tension before the reveal and the final page. There isn't too much sexy stuff on this page, but that's to make the final page more impactful. I think to keep the final page a surprise (even though I'm sure most of you know where it's going) I'll avoid showing a WIP and just post the page when it's done. While I work on that I'll share WIPs of some ink and marker sketches I've been doing, starting tomorrow with a look at the Hinata artwork I still owe everyone from last month haha.

Thanks and Enjoy!




Matt R

Is this going where I think it is?

John Hannon

This is the best bit of Sakura art I’ve seen in a dog’s age. I know she’s about to play second fiddle in the story, but man you knocked it out the park with her.


Thanks! Been working on my figures since joining that art group.