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Hi everyone,

Update time.

Medical: I announced this on discord last week, but I'm fully recovered according to my cardiologist! I still need to take some medications and take care of myself to prevent the condition from coming back, but health-wise they said I'm looking good. Thank you all once again for the support and patience during the last few months after my heart incident. I have no words that can describe how grateful I feel. Truly, thank you all!

Shop/Merch: I haven't been able to find the time this last week to begin setting up the shop, but with my break this week I'm hoping I'll make some major progress.

Break: As I mentioned before, I have some family visiting for the holiday, so I'm taking a break this week. I'll use this down time to work on the shop. I'll return next Monday with new updates/art. The deluxe poll will still be up during the week.

Poll: Here's the Deluxe Poll which is open now:

 WIPs: Here's WIP previews from the weekend:

 I think that's all for now. Thanks again! See you next week!



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