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Hi everyone,

Weekly update time.

Medical: nothing to report, just being careful until I meet with the cardiologist.

Poll: The fanart poll is up, don't forget to vote: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2024-art-106271134

 WIPs from yesterday:

 Update on the plan for comics in case you missed it before: I am back to working on comics, but I need to make a few changes from the way I did it before. Before, I would aim for a new page every week. It was a lot of work and now that the heart thing happened I need to be more careful. I am now aiming for at least every other week for comics. This will make it easier for me to make regular pinups and comics while watching my health and attempting to balance my day job. For the short term: I plan to finish the Naruto comic in a few more pages and then go back to working on my original Del and Poste comic.

Thanks again!



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