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Hi everyone,

Weekly update time.

Health: Almost two weeks have passed since I got my heart monitor. The last few days weren't great, just feeling fatigued from work I guess. I feel okay today though, the extra day off for Memorial Day must have done me some good.

I have some good stuff in the works. A new Letta and Poste artwork, a look at a concept sketch for Del's mom, and a new Rosa and Ivy Pinup. Here's the WIP previews:

 Poll Results for this month:

 Tsunade: 46

Midna: 18

Rouge Amy: 23

A18 Krillin: 20

No surprise Tsunade won haha. I'll likely still draw Rogue and Amy for 2nd place.

The next Poll is an OC poll for the Deluxe tier that will open on June 1st.

Thanks and have a great week!




Let’s be honest here tsunade a smokin bombshell hands down. Can’t wait to see your drawing during the week I wonder how she react to meeting dels mom


I haven't drawn her in a while so I was sort of expecting her to win haha...