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Hi everyone,

Update time.

Medical Update: I got my heart monitor last week. Its a little device I need to wear on my chest that monitors my heart activity and sends the data to my doctor. I need to wear it for another few weeks. By Mid-June my cardiologist will have reviewed all the data and monitor results and will hopefully be able to tell me why this happened and whether it's over and I can go back to normal or if I need more treatment. I've been feeling a lot better though so I'm hopeful it'll be a good result. I'd also like to say thank you again for the patience and support during this time. It was very unexpected that I would end up in the hospital with a heart problem but I'm getting a little better every day.

I forgot to announce the May OC poll results:

 Letta and Poste won! I haven't started this artwork yet but will do so later.

Don't forget to vote in the new fan art poll for this month: https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2024-fan-art-104118208

 Here's WIPs for this week:

 This week I'll have the Poste art done, and want to work on that Letta set from last week.

I think that's it. Thanks again everyone! Have a great week!



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