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I have some unfortunate news to share amongst all of you. It seems patreon has taken huge issue with me sharing certain art pieces on this site that include stuff such as beastiality (like the horse stuff), incest (this goes for my current madeline fenton stuff that includes her son and even Ryuko x Satsuki content) and other things. I have, of course, obliged patreon and removed said content from my account and removed all scheduled content involving such content. It is never my intention to go against the ToS. However, I've taken some issue with their decision to not allow me to share external links to my patreon to other sites. Yes, they do not want me to share my patreon to other sites. So therefore I am unable to even market myself. Of course, I obliged as I do not want any of you to feel cheated and lose any money you've generously decided to give to me, which I am grateful immensely for. However, due to this, I have decided to expand outward to other means of ways to give early access to all my art without restriction while still being able to receive subscriptions and the such. I would like to advise all of you to keep an eye on my Twitter account, which unfortunately I cannot link here but the @ is DeezySempai, for future endeavors. I will continue uploading to patreon, this is not me resigning. I'll stay faithful to my patrons here and ones that choose to stay here even after I expand outward. It is such a shame I have to limit myself on this site but it is what is, unfortunately. As stated, I have no desire to leave patreon, nor do I desire to break any rules or ToS. As much as I personally dislike being policed off-site, it is a burden I must deal with until I find different avenues. Hopefully you all don't take any offense to this and as said previously, please keep an eye out for any announcements on my twitter account and/or discord about future subscription services I plan to use. Thanks for sticking around and supporting me, let's hope things don't get even worse.


Ben-Zero Ultimix

Major OOF right there for this to happen and sorry that this happened to you dude, but since I decided to come back to Twitter recently I'll be there for you. 😔😤 Believe it or not I'm an artist myself, I just don't draw much like everyone else does cause of personal stuff in life~ 😅 And when you do find an alternative, I'll pull up first thing!~ 👍


I knew it was a gamble for you to be on patreon. This is why I'm glad subscribestar exists.