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i have decided to stop (maybe only temporarily) uploading alternate versions of my art that features dark skinned males. why, you may ask? well i get a lot of flak for it more than anything and not because i make the alternate versions but because i dont solely do it. people have gotten on my case for doing white male versions and advocate i should only do black male versions, its gotten quite out of hand to the point where i deal with it pretty constantly on a daily basis, anyway, my question to you all is this; would you all still like to see a dark skinned alt (or blacked) version of things i make? i know i said i wouldnt lock content behind a pay wall but honestly when these things go public it just fuels the disdain for these people and since you guys are here supporting me (which im extremely grateful for) i dont want you guys to have to lose out on my content. so what do you guys say? (also im genuinely sorry for this long winded post haha)



I don't think it really matters there's nothing wrong with doing white guys only alt version is badass but I don't think anyone wants to strain you or put you in a position I love your art style dude plus people should ask not demand no offense to some of the fans but no one wants you to stop making art

Durge Dagger

Perhaps, and if it's not too much work for you. Maybe go the 'annonymous' skins for public. I'm personally not bothered by the skin color of who's fuck'n who; I'm just here for the thicc asses, and plappage. Maybe keep the skin colors through Patreon, and annonymous in public. The other alternative is just 'block' ppl who give you flak, but I know how irritating that gets.


I have nothing against you just using white alts if it’s what you prefer and if it means less of a headache for you online when posting. Similarly to one other commenter, I’m here mostly for the girls so who’s doing it to who doesn’t really matter to me. If you’d rather just post the white alts publicly and then the various other types for Patreon I’m fine with that too.