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I don't like to get too political here, but I feel pretty strongly about this (and I'm sorry if you've already seen this rant/post from me elsewhere, but I want to get the info out there)....I'm all for stopping sex trafficking...but this isn't helping..if anything it's going to push that all underground and could greatly censor the internet as a whole.

If you like my and other cosplay/lewd content and want to keep seeing it we need to talk about FOSTA-SESTA. Us and many in our community are already starting to see it hurt our ability to post our content. Some content that was literally just a bikini.

People need to start talking about how this bill could affect everyone! Not just sex workers. The only reason we are taking note is we are the first to start seeing the effects, Porn, art, photography, or something as simple as your beach selfie.

I'm worried about even Patreon in the long run, they could decide that adult content is too much of a liability and decide to completely drop it off the site.

Ways you can help right now.
•Spread the word and get people talking about it.
•Sign the petition. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petit…/repealstop-fosta-now
•Call your congressman. Here is a very handy link with instructions on what to say and how to get on the phone with these authorities: https://act.eff.org/action/stop-sesta-fosta

Good reads/videos about the situation

 • https://medium.com/@jmalcolm/fosta-sesta-isnt-just-an-attack-on-sex-workers-it-s-also-an-attack-on-free-speech-f764f9c09452

 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrP0tvoUgd4&feature=youtu.be



I signed the petition again and will continue to do so whenever the link is made available


I signed it over a week ago when it first hit.