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Planning on cosplaying Sakuya from Okami for AX this year (Amy Fantasy as  Amaterasu!~)

This is definitely going to be a fun project, I would like to do her full outfit....but that booty cutout is a little intimidating! 

I'm still gonna try my best though!
Worst case I hope to have her dressed down forms at the very least in time for the convention~

The only other worry I have about the booty cutout is wearing it at con hahaaaa....like....I feel like for convention I maaay have to have a fake booty over mine just to make sure it's legal ;w; hahaaaa

I'm gonna be going out to buy materials soon so I can get started on this project~
As always you all will be first to get updates and selfies in my progress!
Lets hope I can tackle this!

(Also if anyone has HQ references, I'm collecting any and all as references help the drafting process sooo much)




AX is going to be yummy


You are gonna be so cute! 😍❤️ I’m so excited to see this!