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Now this chapter was considerably easier to write than the last. I daresay I might even have some semblance of a clue what I want to do with this story and where I'd like to take it lol. But of course that could all change as time goes on. There's really no way to say for sure. Either way I hope y'all enjoy the ride!

“Are the shackles truly necessary?” Maeve asked, squirming and chafing against the bonds fastened around her wrists and ankles.

“Yes.” Ishala bluntly replied.

Both she and Amatiya walked along the crest of a towering dune behind their prisoner but while she remained stone faced and unmoved by Maeve's plight her companion was already letting his softer side through, “At the very least we might take off the ones around her ankles!” He suggested.

“So she can flee into the desert and join another band of murderous thugs?”

“You say that like I was one of them!”

“You took their gold and entertained them after their raids. You were one of them.”

“I'm a dancer! Not a murderer!”

“A dancer more than happy to profit off the deaths of the people Hazim slaughtered.” Ishala spat, “Were it my choice you would've died with the rest of the marauders.”

Glancing back at them through a curtain of silvery blonde hair. Her eyes met Ishala's for all of a moment before turning to Amatiya, “Th-Then why did you spare me? Who are you taking me to if not the headsman?”

“Someone much more forgiving than Ishala!” Amatiya laughed.

A warm breeze swept across the dune but Maeve paid it little mind as she turned back towards the endless expanse of desert she was marching into. Hazim's oasis hideaway was little more than a speck on the horizon behind them and the sun was already dipping below the horizon at their side in a riot of color and lights across the heavens. A chill was already settling into her bones as they descended their lofty perch and weaved between more mountains of golden sand. Shadows enveloped them and she couldn't help but shiver at the cold, quietly rubbing her arms and pulling her flowing, bloodstained dress clothes tighter around herself.

“I don't know how anyone can stand the cold every night.” She remarked,

“It's much warmer in the cities.” Ishala replied, “Where you should've remained.”

A long, tense silence followed those words as Maeve held her tongue and grit her teeth. Though she could hardly complain about her life being saved she certainly didn't have much love for the one who'd spared her. But she knew when to push her luck and when to shrink back off the stage and she wasn't about to risk her life again. Not so soon after it'd been spared. In time she'd find a way to escape her bondage and slip away from the strange pair that'd captured her. Or even the mysterious patron she was being brought to like some prisoner of war. It certainly wasn't the first time she'd found herself restrained and marched into the desert. Though it was the first time her captors had seen fit to keep her going long after the sun had set and the icy night air had settled upon them.

Walking beneath an ever stunning blanket of stars as the moons climbed ever higher into the heavens Maeve finally broke the nearly hour long silence to ask through chattering teeth, “H-How m-m-much f-further?”

“We could at least give her a blanket!” Amatiya stated, looking to Ishala with a pleading yet expectant look, “Before she freezes to death!”

“We?” Ishala replied. Though her expression remained stoic her eyes sparkled with no small amount of delight as she watched him roll his. A moment later she dipped a hand into the pouch at her side and produced a thick cloak, “Here.”

Coming to a stop and shaking from head to toe as she turned around to face her captor Maeve continued to rub her arms even as the clock was draped across her shoulders, “Th-Th-Thank y-you . . .”

“Hmph.” Ishala pulled it around Maeve's slender figure and even fastened the broach across her dainty little collarbone. She uttered a single, indecipherable word upon finishing and motioned for Maeve to continue.

Midway through turning around the already comfortably warm cloth grew even warmer as the faint hum of magic filled the air, “Th-Thank you!”

“It's not much farther.” Amatiya finally stated.

“You should've asked for a cloak sooner.” Ishala added in a deadpan voice. Amatiya chuckled and Maeve looked back at them for a moment but nobody said a word for almost twenty minutes. Not until she spoke again, “Stop.”

Immediately spinning around to face her captors Maeve looked out across the sands with a mixture of fear and confusion. “Why are we stopping now? What have we reached? What makes this stretch of desert more special than the rest?”

“Nothing.” Ishala said with a small grin, her fingers closing around the small urn hanging from her bracer.

While she brought it up to her lips and whispered something Maeve couldn't hear into her palm Amatiya offered a bit of clarity, “Well that's not entirely true. We had to be certain we were far enough away from the oasis. And anything else that might be swept up.”

“Swept up in what?” Maeve asked, her eyes going wide and her heart skipping a beat as she looked at both of them.

Amatiya offered a thoroughly unhelpful smile while Ishala finished whispering and raised her hand into the air, “You'll see.”

Maeve was left to fret and worry about those maddening words for a few tense seconds before finally finding her answer in the most dramatic way imaginable. One moment she was looking at the pair who'd captured her and the next a howling whirlwind of sand was swirling all around them. Rising into the sky until it seemed to eclipse the heavens themselves in whipped their clothes around their bodies and nearly deafened Maeve in a cacophony of wind and magic. Even as she closed her eyes and covered her ears, sinking to her knees in some desperate bid to protect herself, she could feel the immense power swirling around her. Swirling around all three of them as Ishala and Amatiya stood without fear or concern even as the gale seemed to grow more and more ferocious by the second. Much of the energy seemed to radiate from Ishala herself but she wasn't casting whatever grand spell was creating such a furor. She was simply channeling that unimaginable power as something else worked through her. That much even Maeve could sense as she hunched over and shied away from the unbridled strength of something much, much greater than herself.

Then, just as abruptly as it'd started, the whirlwind died down. And in the deafening silence that followed Maeve could hear her every ragged breath as surely as her pounding heart. But still she didn't open her eyes nor uncover her ears. Until she finally noticed the warmth of the sun at her back and the cool, comforting breeze rustling her cloak.

“W-What happened?” She asked, her eyes fluttering open to see the same golden sands they'd just left now lit by a radiant glow from the heavens, “Where are w-we—”

All her questions died in her throat as she lifted her head to look at Ishala and Amatiya. Though all three of them stood on undeniably solid earth the world beyond them didn't seem to exist. A vast, empty plane of air swirled and coalesced behind the pair, golden streams of sand endlessly trickling off the edge of existence only a few feet from their heels. Clouds drifted through the soft blue void and she could even seen the faintest silhouettes of what seemed like buildings floating atop the white, fluffy nothingness that filled the great expanse.

A profound and overwhelming fear gripped her heart as she shakily rose to her feet. Every inch of her body trembled as she took a clumsy step forward. Then another. Fearing every step would be the last she ever took Maeve slipped between her captors to nervously approach the edge of everything. She watched the same ground she stood upon fall into the sky like sand from an hourglass and let out a small whimper, more frightened than she'd ever been in her life.

“I always forget how beautiful Her realm is.” Ishala remarked with a soft sigh.

“Perhaps if you visited more you'd remember.” Amatiya chuckled.

“B-Beautiful?” Maeve whispered, still staring out over the edge with unabashed terror, “How could any of this be beautiful?! How could you—”

Whirling around to face the lunatics who'd brought her to the brink of nothingness Maeve was once again cut off by her own disbelief. Only this time fear was replaced with an overwhelming awe as she looked upon the grandest palace she'd ever seen. Not even the great works of Sultan Sirajid or his forefathers could compare to the majesty laid out before her.

Rising high above them and indeed the towers all around it was a great dome capped with ornate bronze and intricately carved mosaics. The stone supporting it and the stone all around was a shimmering white marble that seemed to brilliantly reflect the sunlight without ever blinding her as she stared it utter disbelief. Countless more pavilions surrounded that great dome in a vast, sprawling city that stretched across the breadth of the island. At it's heart was an elaborate fountain filled with numerable figures spraying crystal clear water high into the air in graceful arcs. Long canals flowed through the ground like countless rivers, all at once smooth and winding yet perfectly ordered like the rest. Though surrounded by a few feet of glittering golden sands everything within that simple border was a wondrous display of elegance beauty and perfect decadence. A vision of opulence no mortal works could ever hope to match.

Maeve stepped towards the marble stairs waiting only a handful of feet away, her mouth agape and her eyes as wide as could be. She couldn't stood there staring for hours on end had Amatiya not clapped a hand on her shoulder and broken her reverie with a knowing chuckle. Blinking like she'd just woken from a dream Maeve looked at him in disbelief and he grinned back at her, softly squeezing her shoulder and giving her what almost felt like a hug.

“Welcome home!”


He patted her on the shoulder and grinned a bit wider before walking off. Maeve looked to her other side expecting to see Ishala but she was already at the top of the stairs and walking across the enormous courtyard. Soon enough Amatiya was doing the same and without even thinking Maeve followed them both as quickly as her feet could carry her.

“Where are we? What is this place?Who rules here? How did we arrive here from—”

“I'm not answering any more questions.” Ishala stated, “You'll have to ask Her yourself.”

“Who is 'Her'?”

Amatiya laughed at her question and even slowed down to walk beside her as they made their way across the beautiful tiles and stepped over streams of softly trickling waters. But neither he nor Ishala said a word as they walked towards the enormous dome at the far side of the island. And that silence only continued upon reaching the enormous metal doors and finally coming to a stop beside them. Only as she stood in the shadow of that great, bronze capped dome did Maeve finally realize how quiet and empty the city around her was. She hadn't seen so much as a bug since they arrived and only the soft whistle of the winds and the gentle splash of the fountains broke the weighty silence. And somehow she knew that was wrong. That something was amiss. Without even knowing where she'd been taken or the name of whoever ruled over it.

“I'll take my cloak back now.” Ishala said, breaking Maeve's thoughts as she took her garment and stuffed it back into her far too tiny pouch, “And you won't be needing these.”

She knelt down to unlock the manacles around Maeve's ankles, wordlessly letting them and the ones about her wrists clatter to the floor. Wincing a little at the sound and rubbing her wrists Maeve glanced down at her bonds for a moment only to let out a soft gasp as they disappeared in a flicker of golden light and a soft breeze.

“What was that?! W-What happened to my shackles?!”

Once again she was met with laughter and amusement, this time from of her companions as they pushed open the enormous doors and stepped inside the beautiful palace waiting for them. Much too nervous and unsure of herself to remain Maeve followed a heartbeat later, though she was swiftly and completely distracted by the ornate beauty and extravagance of the hall beyond. The tiles They walked upon were more intricately carved than ever before while the high vaulted ceilings were adorned with soft filigree of gold woven into hypnotic patterns. Just like the city outside the walls and columns were made of that same dazzling white marble that seemed to capture the light in the most breathtaking ways imaginable.

Almost instantly Maeve found herself trailing behind Amatiya and Ishala. Endlessly looking up and around and down every hallway branching off from the one they walked she couldn't begin to keep pace with them. And she scarcely even tried as the moments slipped by one after another and the hall just continued to stretch on and on and on. So long as she could hear their footsteps and see them traveling down that long path she wasn't at all worried about getting lost.

But a small part of her was beginning to worry about what sort of entity could possible reside in such a lavish place. Even if she knew in her heart she remained alive it felt for all the world like she'd died and been taking to some heavenly after life. Though she could scarcely believe why every glimpse of the halls stretching away from the one she walked and the seemingly infinite rooms all begging to be explored left no other explanation. Especially when the pair ahead of her finally came to a stop outside another set of tall wooden doors much like the metals ones that'd led them into the dome. A beautiful, intoxicating scent filled the air as soon as she was within arms reach of the doors and though it seemed like a trick of her imagination Maeve could've sworn she heard the gentle lilt of harps being strummed just beyond.

“What is this place?” She asked again, her voice low and almost timid.

Laying a hand on each door and smiling at her Ishala and Amatiya simply replied, “Meddah Al-Naruf.”

The name sent a strange swell of adrenaline coursing through her body. As if her very soul was excited to hear it spoken aloud. But before she could react with anything more than a soft breath the pair threw the doors open to reveal a grand chamber unlike anything she'd ever seen, “Oh Gods!”

Larger than the entire oasis she'd left behind the chamber was filled with a haze of perfume and smoke, the ceiling all but shrouded in the clouds of hookah even as she could see from one end of the great circular room to the other. Dozens, if not hundreds of people from every race she'd ever seen were stretched out across pillows, floating in steaming pools, or simply swaying to the soft melodies floating through the air. Many turned to look at them as Ishala and Amatiya entered but many moor remained lost in the heady celebration all around. Some were lost in the throes of ecstasy as their glistening bodies writhed and trembled in abject bliss but just as many were entirely clothed as they feasted on succulent fruits and shared pungent wines. Even more were entirely naked or dressed in flowing silks that left their bodies perfectly accentuated and revealed behind shimmering, sheer cloth. Maeve struggled to even comprehend it all as a wave of sights and sounds and smells washed over her the very moment the doors were opened. She even staggered backwards as it all washed over her in such a disorienting haze..

But the pair who'd brought her to Meddah Al-Naruf didn't have any trouble walking into the very heart of the chamber. Even as Maeve stumbled after them in a daze she watched Ishala and Amatiya move with the utmost confidence. And through the haze of smoke and perfume she finally saw what could only be the ruler of that strange place.

Stretched out across a mountain of luxuriously stacked pillows was a tall, beautifully curvaceous yet unfathomably well muscles woman. Even laying down she seemed to tower over everyone around her, even the Orcs and Half Giants laying naked on the cushions beside her. Like everyone but Amatiya and Ishala she was adorned in flowing silks that seemed to shroud her powerful figure and accentuate it in the most tantalizing ways imaginable. Jewelry was draped like silks across much of her azure skin and an ornate turban rested atop her head, a few errant strands of dark blue hair falling down her strong, fiercely countenance. Yet for all the power etched into her striking features her expression was positively radiant upon seeing the pair approaching her. Even her jet black eyes, entirely devoid of any pupils, lit up with untold delight the moment Ishala and Amatiya stood before her.

“We've returned.” Ishala announced, kneeling down and bowing her head as she spoke.

“So you have.” The woman laughed, her delight carrying to every corner of the chamber while she rose to her feet. “Welcome home my love!”

Her gaze turned to Amatiya and he grinned at her with a cocky gleam in his eyes, “I told you I wouldn't be long!”

She stared down at him for a moment before bursting into laughter and lunging forward with a relieved smile lighting up her face. A moment later she'd swept Amatiya off his feet and pulled him into a deep, loving embrace. Their lips met and all the people around them cheered as the pair lost themselves in one another. All the while Ishala remained on bent knee and Maeve simply stood there dumbstruck by everything around her. To say nothing of what she was slowly coming to realize as she stared at the otherworldly woman so passionately kissing Amatiya.

She took a step or two closer but didn't say a word while they continued to hold one another close and linger in their embrace while those gathered around slowly returned to their festivities. Though many a head was still turned towards them, especially when they finally broke apart and Amatiya's feet returned to the marble.

“As ever you remain my most skilled servant.” The woman said, looking to Ishala once more and even laughing at her continued reverence, “Rise! Rise and tell me of your adventures!”

Ishala did as she was bidden and stood up, but rather than speaking aloud she retrieved the golden scarab she'd shown Amatiya and handed it to her patron, “I have a way into the pyramid.”

A hush fell over the chamber, even the music faltered for a moment, as the woman took the scarab with an almost wild gleam in her eyes. Holding it above her head and moving it in the light of a golden beam that fell down upon her as soon as she raised her arm she softly remarked, “Finally . . .”

She released the scarab and it seemed to vanish into thin air before her hand could even return to her side. Maeve let out a breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding and suddenly all three of them were looking at her. Though only Ishala seemed unhappy with her presence, “And this is the dancer you had us spare.” Amatiya stated, approaching Maeve and pulling her closer, “She's called Maeve.”

Bending down to look her in the eye the woman's smile widened to an almost unsettling degree as her black eyes sparkled, “A dancer? I have precious few dancers in my service . . .”

“S-S-Service?” Maeve stammered, “I never agreed to any service!”

“Maybe not,” The woman grinned, “But why would you ever refuse this great paradise?” Holding her arms aloft as she spoke the music seemed to swell with her words and the light shining from above glowed all the brighter, “How could you turn your back on Meddah Al-Naruf after witnessing all the splendor of my house?”

“I-I'm not a servant . . .” Maeve quietly replied.

“To be a servant is no humiliation! No dishonor or shame! You say it as if you would debase yourself in my service!”

The woman returned to her mound of pillows and laid back down with a heady sigh. One of the men beside her immediately offered her a glass of wine while the woman on the side held out a bowl of fruit for her to eat, “I'm a-a dancer . . . not a—”

“And that's all I would ever expect you to be!” She grandly replied, “A dancer! For me, for all of us! I only ask for your admiration and honor. And in return you would live out the rest of your days in the decadence of my palace.”

“The rest of my days?” Maeve whispered.

“Of course!”

“Meddah Al-Naruf  is no prison.” Amatiya explained, laying down beside his love and drinking from the cup in her hand, “You need not pledge your life if you truly wish to leave.”

“But you would be the first to refuse my hospitality!” The woman exclaimed, “The first to refuse a lifetime of decadence for the pain and suffering of the mortal wordl!”

“I don't even know who you are. What you are.”

Sitting up a bit and leaning towards Maeve with a wickedly exuberant smile the enigmatic woman quite simply said, “I'm sure you know more than you think . . .”

Maeve stared at her for a few seconds, unable to fully meet the intensity of her gaze as she gave a small nod and remarked, “Your a Djinn . . .”

“Not just any Djinn!” She proudly declared, springing to her feet and once more throwing her arms into the air, “Safiyyah, the Queen Above Golden Sands! The Great Wind of the Desert! Lady of Boundless Grace and the First Jewel of the Sands!”

“Blessed of the Sun and Graced by the Moon.” Ishala added, the faintest of smiles spreading across her face.

“And so many other titles.” Amatiya finished with a far more bold laugh.

“Indeed!”  Safiyyah nodded, a momentary glimmer of annoyance flashing across her face before she looked to Ishala and Amatiya and smiled.

Entirely too surprised and overwhelmed by the barrage of titles and grandiosity of her speech, let alone the enormity of standing before such a powerful Genie in the first place, Maeve could only give a simple nod and say, “I-I've never met a Jewel of the Sands before . . .”

Amatiya immediately covered his mouth to hide his snicker while Ishala's jaw visibly clenched and Safiyyah merely looked at her with an amused yet inquisitive smile, “I like you Maeve the Dancer!” She suddenly announced, “I hope you'll consider remaining in Meddah Al-Naruf!”

Before she could give an answer or indeed say anything at all Maeve was cut short by Ishala asking a simple yet enigmatic question, “Where is Brylaia?”

“In the gardens waiting for you.” Safiyyah replied.

“Thank you my Queen.” Bowing her head and departing without another word Ishala didn't so much as look back at any of them as she walked across the chamber in the opposite direction of the entrance they'd arrived through.

Maeve watched her leave while Amatiya and Safiyyah cuddled up beside one another in a bevvy of giggles and smiles, “Who's Brylaia?” She finally asked after Ishala had disappeared into the haze.

Letting out a hearty chuckle and taking a long, deep breath Amatiya looked to his own lover and replied, “The woman Ishala will someday marry.”

“Just as soon as she discovers she's in love!” Safiyyah added.

Emerging from her Queen's smoky, perfume laden chamber not a moment too soon Ishala shook the haze from her mind breathed in the cool, clear air. Much as she loved her Queen and Meddah Al-Naruf the pungent aroma of sex and hookah, let alone sweet perfumes and rich wines, had never been much to her liking. Not like the lush gardens behind the great dome and the beautiful woman waiting within them for her return.

Just the thought of Brylaia was enough to send Ishala hurrying forward once again, her feet carrying her down the hall before she'd even finished clearing her head. A smile lit up her often stoic features as a little ripple of adrenaline flickered through her body. Her heartbeat quickened as surely as her stride and soon enough she was all but running down the halls as fast as she could manage. Though it couldn't have been more than a week since they last saw one another it'd come to feel so much longer after how abruptly they'd parted ways. Ishala had never and would never refuse her Queen but she'd certainly come remarkably when bidden to depart in the midst of a passionate night with Brylaia. But of course she followed her patron's will without fail and departed immediately, shouldering the burden of her own insatiable urges the entire time they were apart.

Insatiable urges that would finally be satisfied once more as she threw open the doors and stepped into perhaps the most impressive garden in all of existence. Filled with plants from every corner of the known realms, and some only one as powerful as Safiyyah had tread, it was a world all it's own. An overwhelming cacophony of sights and sounds one could spend centuries exploring without ever seeing it's full scope. Even trying to catalog the contents of the first sphere that simply comprised the Mortal Plane was a fool's errand. Trying to fathom the hundreds of other spheres filled with their own flora and fauna within their own smaller planes was nothing short of madness.

Yet in spite of that simple truth Brylaia tended as much of the gardens as she could, eternally looking after the plans within the many spheres she'd come to know so well. No single mortal could ever hope to cultivate them all but among Safiyyah's gardeners Brylaia was the undisputed best. So much so Ishala could only guess at where she might be and hurry from sphere to sphere in search of her.

Fortunately for her, and indeed anyone who wished to visit the vast gardens, traveling from each plane was as simply as walking across the short bridges separating and connecting them. And so long as the paths winding through each miniature realm were followed there was no danger of running afoul of anything that might lurk within the depths of a garden. Although that hardly spared Ishala much effort as she hurried from sphere to sphere for what was surely hours. Perhaps even days. Every moment felt so much longer when she was constantly entering and departing entire worlds rife with their own cycles and subject to their own times of day. Endlessly moving from day to night to eternal twilight and everything else one could imagine made it near impossible to gauge how long it'd truly been. Alongside her own eagerness she was lucky she could even hazard a guess, let alone wonder at all. Thankfully she didn't have to wonder for long as she reached a beautiful ocean shore lit by a single moon and a sea of stars across the inky black sky.

While the sand and rocky crags that made up the land and borders of that place were almost entirely devoid of life the glittering purple water lapping at the shore was teeming with beauty. With the glow of plants and animals alike in a cornucopia of unknown majesty. Even before she noticed her lover waiting naked on the small sandbar a dozen meters off the shore Ishala was delighted by the familiar yet no less breathtaking sight. And the moment she spotted Brylaia waiting for her she couldn't help but smile and rush out to meet her companion.

Wading through waist deep waters as fish swam around her and plants reached out with beseeching tendrils and ponderous limbs Ishala scrambled onto the sandbar to find Brylaia standing on a silk carpet with a small assortment of treats and drinks spread across it. But there was only one treat either of them cared about as she wrapped her arms around her plump lover, lavishing kissing all along her neck and down her naked shoulder as both of them let out a contented sigh.

“I've missed you . . .” Ishala whispered.

“And I've missed you!” Brylaia moaned, her deep, husky voice more throaty than ever as she leaned back against her partner.

Without so much as a thought she leaned back and slid a hand around the back of Ishala's head, eagerly unwrapping her turban as she smiled and trembled in her arms. The other found it's way to her lover's wrist, cheekily guiding her fingers down between her chubby thighs and to her aching sex before she was forced to endure another moment without her touch. Ishala brushed against her trembling pearl a moment later, before she was even remotely prepared for the ecstasy of such a wonderful reunion, and her calloused touch was nothing short of heavenly. In the blink of an eye Brylaia was crying out in pleasure as her back arched and a wild smile lit up her face. Pressing herself even more tightly against the woman behind her she clung to her love as much as she tried to undress her, every movement growing just a little bit more ragged as Ishala's fingers teasingly rubbed her clit in small, tantalizing circles.

“Oh Gods . . .” She sighed, shaking and even bucking against Ishala's ministrations, “Oh Gods how I've waited for this!”

“You're not the only one!” Ishala moaned. Kissing up her neck and along her soft, round jaw she gently laid a hand over one of Brylaia's ample breasts, all but completely covering her enormous areola and lightly rubbing at her puffy nipple as she whispered, “I've thought of little else since I left!”

Goosebumps erupted across her blood red flesh as Brylaia moaned at those words and sucked in a ragged little breath. Clinging to Ishala as much as undressing her she pulled away the fine silky turban adorning her head and let her fingers trail through the wild thicket of dark braids cascading down the left side of her face. All the while nuzzling against the right with another soft moan. And paying a special mind to her horns as they cuddled together at long last. After a few moments their lips reunited in a sudden swell of overwhelming passion as their eyes met and a wordless exchange passed between them.

Little by little turning to face her companion Brylaia was constantly tempted to stay in her arms and let her simply tease and torment her body for as long as she wanted. But with so many other pleasures to indulge and the ever looming threat of being parted once more hanging overhead she didn't have any hope of holding back or resisting her own temptations. Neither of them did. The very moment  Brylaia's gorgeously buxom figure was pressed against her chest Ishala's hands slipped down to her rump to caress and squeeze and simply feel as much of her shapely contours as she could. As desperately as she wanted to undress she couldn't help but revel in every thick, womanly inch of her companion's figure. She might've worshiped Safiyyah like a God but there was nobody she worshiped more than the beautiful Tiefling she'd come to love more than words could describe. So great was her love she couldn't even continued their kiss or allow her partner to continued haphazardly pulling at her silky robes and ornate leather armor. Ishala was simply too eager to taste her love to wait another moment.

Breaking their kiss with a soft moan and sinking to her knees she buried her face between Brylaia's glistening thighs in a burst of unbridled passion. Her tongue glided across her puffy sex, slipping between her soft, hairless lips to glide deep between her folds and even teasingly brush against her oh so delicious entrance. All ending with a playful flick of the swollen pearl at the crest of her womanhood and a knowing smile as she looked up at Brylaia with a wicked smile.

But rather than wasting time with words or indeed doing anything else Brylaia just moaned her partner's name and lifted her leg off the carper. Draping herself over Ishala's shoulder and holding her head with both hands she let her claws dig into her companion's skin just the tiniest bit as she felt a gust of delicious warmth air against her sex. Her head tilted back as a long, breathy whimper tumbled from her lips while the woman between her thighs watched in delight as those softly quivering folds slowly parted like a blossoming flower. Another eager gasp erupted from her throaty and a wild shudder rolled down her spine at the mouth watering spectacle.

Barely a heartbeat later one arm was wrapped around Brylaia's thigh as it rested on her shoulder while the other was reaching out to teasingly push a finger inside her entrance. A fresh torrent of warmth gushed from her beautiful sex and another moan burst from her lips the moment she felt her calloused touch. And she only moaned louder when Ishala lunged forward like a feral beast.

Faster than either of them could entirely follow Ishala's lips were wrapped around her clit and she'd slid one gentle, calloused finger deep inside Brylaia's sex. And in the time it took her to gasp her lover's name Ishala had curled that finger back towards her palm, lovingly brushing against one of her most sensitive places even as she mercilessly teased her most sensitive place. It was all she could do to stay upright as her love slowly licked and suckled at her aching pearl. She might've started off slow and measured in those first delicious moments but her movements only grew more and more feverish with nearly every second they remained together. Especially as Ishala's tongue glided along the rest of her sex and Brylaia's was reminded in the most vivid detail just how skillfully she could move even a single digit.

“R-Right there!” Brylaia moaned, “Right there!”

Ishala's lips curled into a smile against her clit and her tongue darted even faster across her sex as her finger oh so tenderly caressed her deepest reaches. All at once faster than she could bear and almost painfully slow she endlessly walked the line between torment and ecstasy. Just like she had before they were interrupted and just like she would always do when they were together. Much to Brylaia's delight and anguish.

Bucking her hips against her love and trembling more wildly than ever around her finger she could hardly remain on her feet as pleasure crashed through her senses and her mind was quickly overcome by pleasure. Every ragged breath turned into a long, shuddering moan the moment it left her lips and every wild spasm to course through her body was more feverish than the last. Before long she was leaning against Ishala as much as she grinded against her, one hand frantically clinging to her intricately braided tresses while the other simply clung to to her shaved head in fits of constant desperation. And all the while her warmth cascaded down her thighs and soaked the woman beneath her in an endless torrent of pure bliss.

After only a minute or two Ishala was completely drenched in her lover's sweetness. Completely lost in the simple thrill of tasting her as she squirmed and trembled and cried out so feverishly. Watching her buxom figure writhe and convulse with nearly every stroke of her finger or tongue was a treat she'd never tire of. Seeing her ample breasts heave and bounce with each desperate gasp she sucked in and every wild moan she let out was almost as great a thrill as feeling her inner walls contracting so tightly around her. As knowing what that meant and shivering even more as she pushed her love to the edge without mercy or hesitation.

Within a few more minutes Brylaia couldn't form so much as a single coherent syllable. Pleasure flooded her every sense as a towering wave of pure ecstasy rose higher and higher within her. Every moment it didn't come crashing down was another moment spent drowning in the anticipation of that bliss. An anticipation she'd been suffering every moment since Ishala left. But now that they were finally reunited all those days of waiting and wondering and deliberately holding herself back were driving Brylaia positively made. So mad she was reduced more and more to a quivering wreck as her ever merciless lover refused to give her even a moment's respite. Her lips and tongue only moved more and more feverishly as every second stretched into eternity while her finger continued it's gentle ministrations unabated, constantly tormenting her with that sweet gentleness she adored so much. A gentleness she herself couldn't possibly match as she groaned louder and louder until her voice finally died altogether.

Brylaia's whole body stiffened as she let out one last, bestial moan. Her eyes flew open to meet Ishala's before disappearing into the back of her head while all her muscles tightened. And for a single, beautifully endless moment she was simply paralyzed by anticipation. Frozen in place and wholly incapable of anything else. Then she succumbed to her bliss.

Descending into a truly wild bout of convulsive shuddering and impossible shaking she bucked and grinded and spasmed harder than ever. Torrents of warmth gushed from her trembling sex in messy jets of pure arousal as every inch of her trembled uncontrollable. But she didn't make a peep while she erupted, her mouth hung open in a long, silent scream as she shuddered but nothing emerged from her quivering lips. Not even as Ishala continued her merciless efforts unabated and the already overwhelming madness of finally reaching her joy after a week of waiting coursed through her.

Lapping up as much of Brylaia warmth as she could and viciously licking at every inch of her quivering sex Ishala was nothing short of a fiend as she made her lover squirm. Finally moving her finger faster and faster to match the madcap convulsions tearing through her sex she licked and suckled on her wonderfully swollen clit between bursts of arousal and gulped down everything she could taste whenever Brylaia was ravished by another convulsion. And even when she couldn't savor another fountain of sweetness letting it cascade down her chin and across her chest was a delicious treat all its own. One that filled her every breath with the heady smell of sex and sent her mind spinning faster and faster as she just about drowned in the exhilaration of it all. Few things thrilled her more than driving her absolutely wild and the longer Ishala remained in that intoxicating position the more she remembered just how sorely she'd missed it.

But even when Brylaia's convulsions started to fade and her once spasmodic shudders lessened basking in the afterglow of it all was a joy both women loved more than they could ever say. Ishala's efforts gradually slowed to match her lover's weakening shudders and more haphazard convulsions while the woman she'd so relentlessly teased all but melted against her. How she remained upright for almost a full minute after succumbing to her bliss and coming down from the heavens was a mystery neither of them could know. And it was one neither of them could begin to care about as her leg finally gave out and Ishala gently guided her down to the silk carpet she'd laid out for them.

“That was almost worth the wait . . .” She laughed, smiling down at Brylaia and tenderly brushing her curly black tresses from her face as her love stared up at her.

“Speak for yourself!” Brylaia said with a shaky smile.

Her arms slid around Ishala as she laid down beside her and within a few moments they were sharing a long, tender kiss. But even more than that they were cuddling up beside one another as she held Brylaia close in the aftermath of their joy. Of course Ishala's hands couldn't possibly stay idle for long. Not when she had such a gorgeous woman stretched out beside her.

“You really didn't enjoy anyone else while you were away.” Brylaia remarked, bringing their kiss to an end as Ishala's fingers trailed across her plump belly and back towards her hairless sex, “I never imagined you'd show such self control!”

“I didn't have time to be with anyone else.” As she spoke she lovingly rubbed Brylaia's clit and even teased her quivering entrance with the same sticky digit, “Between the search for a way into Hetshapsul's pyramid and rescuing Amatiya I was far too busy.” Slowly pushing the tip of her finger inside her lover's sex once more she smiled a bit wider and cheekily added, “But if you'd like I can return to our Queen and find a companion to—”

The rest of her taunt was cut short by a passionate kiss as Brylaia grabbed her robes and pulled her into a wild embrace. Their tongues coiled around one another and their bodies pressed together as they shared a long, lustful moment together. When it ended both women were smiling, though Ishala's grin just about reached her ears as she basked in the ever so slightly jealous gleam in her partner's eyes. It was always a delight to see how eager she truly was to have her all to herself whenever they were together in Meddah Al-Naruf. A far cry from her love of hearing all the wild tales of her sexual exploits when she was traveling the Mortal Plane on behalf of their Queen.

“You're not going anywhere!”

It was impossible not to shiver at those words and delight in the way Brylaia spoke them, “Of course not . . .” Ishala softly replied, “There's nowhere else I'd rather be . . .”

Their lips reunited in another lusty swell of mindless passion and overwhelming love. Ishala slipped a finger into Brylaia's sex and both of them trembled as she did. But rather than simply clinging to her breastplate and laying there trembling Brylaia let one of her hands trail down her lover's body, slipping into her robes and beneath her breeches to find something much, much better than leather.

Her fingers wrapped around Ishala's cock without hesitation and both of them moaned the very moment she did. Brylaia shivered at the warmth of her member and how madly it throbbed against her fingers, delighted by the messy strands of precum already coating her length. But instead of stroking her deliciously thick shaft and reveling in every wonderful inch she trailed all the way down to the base and slowly cupped her gorgeously weighty sack. Letting her entire cock rest against her forearm and greedily pulse against her skin she slowly cupped and played with Ishala's balls. Squeezing just enough to steal her breath away and relenting a moment before it was too much to bear she took her chance to tease her love and didn't think twice about relishing in it. For as long as she could last at least. Neither of them had ever been able to keep their hands off one another for long and they'd almost always failed at teasing and tormenting one another like they truly wanted. How could they when diving headlong into the pleasure was so much easier and so much more enjoyable?

“Do you remember what you wanted to do before we were so rudely interrupted?” Brylaia asked.

“Of course.” Ishala replied, her cock throbbing more wildly than ever as she stared into her lover's eyes with an earnest smile.

“Good, because I don't think I can wait another second!”


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