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Only now am I realizing the title doubles as what I'd normally say in this part of the post lol. So that was a nice little bit of synergy lol. All kidding aside thank you guys so much for sticking around as long as you have, even if that's just a month. It means the world to me and I really can't express that often enough! I hope y'all have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and a great winter solstice!

All the North Pole seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as Santa's sleigh disappeared into the starry sky, as if the year long breath they'd held in was finally being let out. Though many of the Elves were already hard at work on next year's toys just as many were taking a moment to celebrate their momentous accomplishment. Bottles of sparkling cider were passed around with glee while Mrs. Claus brought them tray after tray laden with freshly baked sweets. And those who'd insisted on depriving themselves of the Christmas cheer they deserved were given temptation after temptation as she brought out every last delicacy they could've wanted. From cookies to cakes and everything in between she filled the workshop with such a delectable scent nobody could resist for long. While words might have failed to convince them to take a well deserved break the enticing smell of treats would always coax even the grumpiest Elves from their stations!

Every year they tried to resist, tried to keep working through every last morsel of temptation she brought out for them, and every year Mrs. Claus won before she'd even carried out the last tray of cookies or plate of brownies. None of them could resist for long and when her treats were the only gifts they'd accept for all their hard work she was sure to lavish them with as much as she could. With the same magic that let her husband fly to every home across the world in a single night she'd prepared hundreds, if not thousands, of sweets for them in just a few hours. And the Elves were only the first of many to enjoy her Christmas cheer!

She brought cheese to the mice in the walls, candied worms to the birds in the rafters, and a whole bushel of apples to the stables for the reindeer when they returned. She left out meat for the polar bears roaming the snowy landscape, fish for the penguins migrating across the ice, and fresh greens for the arctic hares scurrying about. Sadly she couldn't feed all the animals across the North Pole but she could certainly try her best!

Wielding her magic almost as much as Santa himself Mrs. Claus visited everyone she could with all the treats her special bag could carry and when it was empty she returned home to gather more. Nothing and no one was forgotten in her cheer. Even if they would never know why they were given such delectable gifts she visited everyone she could reach. Just as she had for centuries and just as she would continued to do for as there was Christmas cheer to be had. And by the time she was finished the Elves had barely made a dent in the sumptuous feast she'd brought to them. They'd scarcely finished even a fraction of the sparkling cider she'd given them and the festivities of another holiday had only just begun to settle in.

None of them had even noticed her slipping away the first time and none of them realized what she was up to despite it happening every year. They would still be surprised to find the special chocolates she left on each and every one of their pillows when they went to bed. Just as they would still be surprised by the fresh new clothes she left out for them the next morning!

Among the many things she loved about living at the North Pole giving gifts to the ones she loved would forever be her favorite. In the days leading up to Christmas it was all she could think about and she hadn't sat still for so much as a minute since Christmas Eve. Because no matter how many years Mrs. Claus spent doting on everyone around her the simple joy of giving gifts and knowing how much they were appreciated had never faded. And with only one person left to visit before the night was finished she was fit to burst with holiday cheer!

A cold wind howled across the tundra as a hulking, two legged beast dragged a reindeer back to it's cave, the long, grisly trail of blood left in it's wake endlessly smothered by the deepening blizzard. But no matter how thick the snow fell or how ferociously the air bit at the creatures shaggy fur it lumbered onward without delay. Even in the murky white haze it's imposing figure could still be glimpsed by all who passed too close. Like a great, looming shadow in the storm it could be seen for dozens of meters even in the thickest sleet and the pale glow of it's eyes gleaming in the encroaching darkness shone even further. Nothing dared cross it's path even after it'd found it's kill. Animals fled in every direction at it's approach, every last one choosing to brave the elements before they would brave it's wrath. And none were foolish enough to enter it's cave. For generation upon generation the wolves, bears, reindeer, and everything else knew to stay away. Although that knowledge hadn't saved the one that'd been slaughtered.

Dragging it's meal into the depths of it's icy cave the enormous creature tossed it's meal onto the stretch of bloodstained rock where it'd eaten so many beasts before it. Dropping to it's knees with a thunderous crash the monster tore into the reindeer's hide with ease. Rending it's flesh and ripping gobbets of still warm meat from it's body the beast soaked it's already bloody claws and matted fur with fresh spurts of blood and gore. All the cave echoed with the sickly crunch of snapping bone and torn muscle as the carcass was devoured in it's entirety. Nothing was left untouched as the monster tore it to pieces with a brutal efficiency unlike anything else living at the North Pole.

Pausing only to suck the marrow from the thickest bones it consumed everything within minutes of returning to it's lair. Even gnawing on the antlers after breaking them away from the reindeer's skull it gorged itself on hundreds of pounds of meat faster than even a pack of polar bears. And by the time it'd finished the floor of the cave was soaked in fresh blood once again. As was much of it's white fur.

Only when there was nothing left but the ever dwindling antlers did the beast finally relent, groaning in satisfaction as it stretched out across the floor of it's cave. A long, unseemly belch rumbled from it's gullet as it lay on the icy stone contentedly rubbing it's belly and picking it's fanged maw with the antlers of a buck every hunter would've been proud to catch. The wind outside howled even louder as the storm picked up but the beast didn't seem to pay it any mind. Indeed it's eyes were already drifting shut mere seconds after it'd laid down. Few things could rouse it from it's rest and nothing had ever been foolish enough to try. Save one very particular exception.

“Oh dear, I do hope you've left room for desert!”

The beast's eyes flew open in an instant and it lurched upright in a wild burst of movement. Rolling onto it's hands and knees before pushing itself upright the monster lumbered towards the figure standing at the entrance to it's cave. She approached it as it stalked closer and unlike everything else at the North Pole she didn't shy away or cower in fear. Indeed she looked at it with a disapproving air, watching it from behind her half moon spectacles and softly sighing at it's appearance.

“What happened to the utensils Santa and I brought you last years?” Mrs. Claus asked, eyeing up her companion's blood soaked fur and shaking her head, “You promised you'd try to use them!”

Her arms emerged from the heavy red and white coat draped across her body, tossing back the hood covering her silvery gray hair and hiding much of her beautiful face. All at once old, wise, caring, youthful, and mischievous her features had remained the same for centuries on end. Only her wavy tresses and how she'd tied them back around her head had changed. Everything else from the glittering emerald color of her eyes to the glasses perched eternally at the end of her cute button nose remained as unchanging as the North Pole itself. The smile lighting up her face and sending her plump lips curling ever higher was more radiant than the sun while the flush creeping into her chubby cheeks glowed with a warm that seemed to heat the very air around her. Even the beast positively looming over her couldn't help but grin, his bloody maw twisting into the same bright smile as her own.

“I did.” He rumbled, his voice so deep and carrying some of the icicles hanging above the entrance to his gave trembled, “They got in the way. I need bigger ones. Much bigger. And the knives don't cut through bone right. They're too weak. I'm much stronger.”

“Hmph.” Unable to deny his words even as she continued to inspect her companion's messy appearance Mrs. Claus' disapproving air slowly turned into a sort of amused resignation, “I'll see what can be done about that! In the meantime . . .” Reaching into her cloak and producing a bottle of shimmering liquid followed by a brush about as big as her head she smiled up at him and said, “You've no doubt broken the last brush and run out of my special mixture.” She looked at him for a moment, “In fact I'm entirely certain that's the case.”

“Yes.” He rumbled, taking both gifts with a nod, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome!”

Turning away and dousing himself in her special blend of spring water and high grade, all natural soap he started brushing his matted fur and wringing the blood from his coat under Mrs. Claus' ever watchful eye. Despite breaking his brush months ago and running out of her special liquid almost as quickly he still remembered how to groom himself. Though even if he hadn't the motivation to try remained as strong as ever. Especially upon hearing the soft rustle of fabric and breathing in the scent of a familiar sweetness.

But the moment he tried to steal a little glance at her Mrs. Claus caught him. Because she always managed to catch him, “No peeking!”

Quickly looking away with a not so quiet grumble he focused on cleaning himself for hours and hours it took to get all the blood and gore out of his fur. In actuality it only took a few minutes but she'd never be able to convince him of that as she watched his shoulders hunch and heard his rumblings. But the wait only amused her all the more and she made no effort at all to help him. If anything her slowly building excitement only made it that much worse for him.

“I'm done!” He exclaimed after at least five hours of nonstop cleaning.

“Are you sure?” She teased, “You didn't miss any in your claws? Or around your neck?”

Her questions were pet with a lengthy pause as he stood there like a statue. After a few seconds he looked down at himself and quietly remarked “I'm almost done.”

Mrs. Claus laughed and watched him clean himself for a few more moments before slowly turning her back to him. Knowing full well he would sneak a peek the moment she did she folded her arms and pretended to be very curious about the walls of his unassuming cave. All the while basking in the boldness of his unmistakable gaze.

Looking back the moment he heard the scrape of her boots on the stone he stared at the plump curves of her incredible body like it was the first time he'd ever laid eyes on her. Even after centuries of seeing those wide, juicy hips and the chubby contours of her downright enormous ass he couldn't help but drool just a little bit. And when his eyes drifted down her gorgeously fat thighs and perfectly rounded calves he was all but beside himself with excitement. An excitement that only continued to grow when his wild eyed gaze drifted above her waist to enjoy the freckled contours of her back all the way up to her shoulders and the silvery hair cascading down them. With her arms folded as they were he couldn't see much of her absolutely mountainous breasts but he certainly couldn't complain. There wasn't anything to complain about. She was every bit as gorgeous as the first time he'd seen her and there was no doubt she'd stay that gorgeous for the rest of eternity!

Indeed he was so enamored by her beauty he barely even noticed the lacy black lingerie wrapped so tightly around her plump, womanly curves. The little cord disappearing between her ample cheeks and the stockings covering her legs. Let alone the sheer negligee hanging off her breasts and falling down to her waist. Though he surely appreciated how it all seemed to draw his eyes in more and more despite knowing he would be caught peeking at any moment.

After basking in his admiration for a handful of seconds Mrs. Claus finally looked back at the hulking beast ogling her, coquettishly smiling at him through a few strands of hair as she cheekily remarked, “I said no peeking . . .”

His eyes darted up to hers for a moment and a smile lit up his beastly features, “Sorry . . .” He murmured, turning away a second or two later.

“Are you finished yet?” She asked. Turning towards him as she spoke and clasping her hands behind her back she bit her lower lip and waited for his inevitable response.

“I think so.” He replied without looking back.

“Oh?” Mrs. Claus let that single syllable hang in the air for a moment or two before quietly saying the words he'd been waiting to hear, “Turn around and show me!”

Doing exactly what he was told the massive beast looming over her turned back towards Mrs. Claus, wordlessly revealing both his freshly cleaned fur and the monstrously thick cock hanging down between his slightly bowed legs. Easily as thick around as her forearm with a swollen, glistening head the size of both fists pressed together his prick was utterly gigantic. Bigger than any other she'd ever had the pleasure of seeing and matched by a pair of balls so weighty they could smother her entire head with ease. And yet compared to his hulking frame his foot long cock looked downright small. Almost weedy. Especially alongside thighs as wide as her hips and a shoulder span double the breadth of her own. Just one of his enormous hands could comfortably cover most of his dick and both could entirely hide it from view. But that was precisely why she was left shuddering and squirming at the sight of his length. Or at least part of the reason why.

Warmth trickled down her inner thighs as she admired his dick once again, her chubby lips sensually rubbing together as she squirmed in delight at the heady smell of his musk. Her already heaving breasts bounced and jiggled just a little bit more as she sucked in a ragged gasp, all but forcing herself to look away from his length to meet his lascivious gaze. But of course he wasn't looking at her face as he stood there trembling with unrepentant desire.

Instead his eyes were fixed entirely on the soft curves of her chest. On her rosy pink nipples and the soft, puffy areola surrounding them and covering much of her tits. Or the curly tuft of neatly groomed yet still thickly overgrown hair above and around her sex. And after a few moments he was admiring all of her body as his gaze roamed every last inch of her figure before finally meeting her stare.

Pretending to look at his fur and check his efforts Mrs. Claus was already too far gone to care about much of anything. As long as he wasn't soaked in blood she really couldn't didn't have the wherewithal to concern herself with anything but the main reason she'd come to visit him, “Perfect.” She moaned, speaking as much about his dick as she was his fur. Slowly biting her lip as her eyes roamed his towering body one last time she softly added, “Merry Christmas . . .”

Mrs. Claus barely had time to hold out her arms and present herself to him before he'd pounced. Before his gigantic hands were wrapped around her waist and his claws were digging into her fat ass. But instead of lifting her up to his lips to taste her pussy or sloppily tongue her ass like usual he pulled her towards his madly aching cock. In the blink of an eye she was pressed against his length, her quivering lips spread wide by the sheer width of his shaft as the almost unbearable heat washed over her like a tidal wave. She cried out in pleasure as her clidt rubbed against him and he groaned in delight as her warmth cascaded down his shaft. Twitching and throbbing harder than ever against her aching cunt his prick lurched higher and higher into the air as it swelled just a little bit more. As it thickened another inch or two and lengthened about the same. He slid her down his cock as it slowly bounced upright and pulled her off him the moment it was jutting into the air just waiting for her tight little body.

“Are you ready?” He growled.

“I've been waiting all year for this!” Mrs. Claus moaned, “It's time you enjoyed your present big boy!”

His whole body trembled at her words, his cock swelling just that tiny bit more as his grip around her tightened. She let out a soft giggle as he lowered her onto his cock and moaned as his tip pushed against her quivering entrance. No matter how many times she felt his enormous dick against her oh so tight pussy she never failed to be utterly entranced by the size of it. And ever so slightly amazed at her own ability to take him all. But just like every other time she'd given him his Christmas present Mrs. Claus didn't have much time to think. About anything. The warmth of his gooey precum washed over her a split second before he let out a telltale groan. After that her mind was a complete blank.

Slamming her onto his cock without restraint he plunged every last inch of his prick into her cunt with all his strength. He blasted through her cervix and into her womb with ease, messily distending her belly as his fat prick rammed against her innermost walls. Mrs. Claus didn't even have the chance to scream before all the air was pushed out of her lungs. One moment she was staring down at his massive dick and the next her legs were trembling around his waist as she soaked his freshly cleaned fur in torrents of arousal.

And when he pulled her off his dick even faster than he'd slammed her onto it Mrs. Claus finally managed to suck in a ragged breath. Though it'd only been a moment it felt like nothing short of an eternity as she gasped for breath and screamed in mindless ecstasy. Her madly quivering pussy stretched and quivered around his prick, nearly turning inside out as his swollen head pulled at her cervix while he withdrew. She only managed to suck in a few scattered breaths before his top was yet again at her entrance and he was poised to absolutely ravish her once again. But instead of trying to get one last gasp she wrapped her fingers around his massive digits and held on for dear life. He looked down at her at the same moment she looked up at him and both of them smiled moments before his true power was unleashed.

Faster than she could ever hope to comprehend, faster than her mind or body could even begin to fathom, Mrs. Claus was turned into the world's most realistic fuckdoll. Her tits bounced and flopped and jiggled uncontrollably as she was used like a human fleshlight by the monster impaling her on his massive prick. Over and over and over again he slammed her balls deep onto his dick only to pull her off his length even faster. While she was still convulsing in ecstasy and gushing all over both of them in a fountain of lewdness. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head almost immediately while her back arched more and more violently with every second. The wet, meaty slap of his balls smacking against her fat ass filled the cave and echoed out across the tundra beyond. Not even the howl of the blizzard outside could entirely drown out the thunderous smack of him using her pussy so relentlessly it was a wonder she was still conscious after a few seconds.

Her stomach stretched and bulged around his madly throbbing dick every time he slammed it into her womb and the heady impact of throbbing tip against her innermost walls was truly incomparable. She'd never felt like such a piece of meat with anyone else. No other person or creature could dominate her so completely she didn't even feel human any more. And that delicious feeling of being nothing but a fuck toy, nothing but a pussy to be used and tossed away, thrilled Mrs. Claus to her very core. Even if he hadn't stretched her pussy so wide it perfectly walked the line between pleasure and pain she still would've loved the unrelenting brutality of his movements. How frantically he bounced her along his dick and how bestial his groans sounded as he did.

But what truly pushed her over the edge and sent her tumbling into her first bout of mindless ecstasy was something even better. Something she knew was coming and yet was utterly wracked by nonetheless. The moment he started thrusting into her cunt as he slammed her onto his dick was the moment she lost every last shred of self control. Any semblance of her normal, composed and cheerful self vanished in the blink of an eye as pure, unbridled bliss washed over her. As that already unfathomable bulge formed by his dick stretched just that tiny bit further, pushing aside her tits ever so slightly while a thick jet of precum erupted into her womb. As soon as she felt that unbridled ferocity the whole world came crashing down atop her in the most spectacular way imaginable. She didn't have the energy to cry out as her pussy was ravished almost as thoroughly as her mind. Mrs. Clause just whimpered like a timid little kitten while her once deathlike grip on his fingers relaxed. A moment or two later her arms and legs were dangling uselessly beneath her, every last one of her muscles going lump. Save of course her madly quivering pussy and the increasingly wild spasms surging through her body.

He rammed his cock back into her pussy unabated and a fountain of warmth erupted from her cunt. She squirted all over his chest, herself, and everything within several feet of them as her body was wracked with convulsions. A long, frantic squeal erupted from her lips as she was pulled off his cock only to be cut short by the meaty slap of his balls against her ass. And the splatter of more juices drenching their bodies and raining down on the cave around them.

Mrs. Claus' head lolled backwards as her tongue fell out of her mouth and a throaty groan emanated from the depths of her throat. Every stroke of that monstrous cock sent another torrent of arousal gushing from her sex and every time he withdrew her whole body was best by convulsions. She lost herself in the rhythm as surely as he did and for what seemed like hours on end he utterly ravished her mind, body, and soul. Pushing her well beyond a normal human's breaking point he kept thrusting away without mercy or restraint. No matter how hard she convulsed or how messily she squirted all over them he kept thrusting into her womb with all the ferocity he possessed.

Her ecstasy just seemed to stretch on and on and on as he buried his cock in her pussy and used her body like a toy. There was never a chance to catch her breath. Never a chance to piece together all the shattered fragments of her mind. Never a chance to do anything more than scream in ecstasy and convulse in uncontrollable fits of pure bliss. She even managed to outlast the seemingly unending flood of warmth squirting from her cunt. Or rather Mrs. Claus was pushed well beyond it as that monstrously thick cock just kept battering her womb and reshaping her pussy like no one else's could. After completely soaking them both in torrents of pleasure, drenching his fear and leaving rivulets of her own juices rolling down every inch of her plump body, she couldn't even squirt enough to fill a thimble let alone coat them in another layer of pleasure. But that didn't stop the ecstasy tearing through her as surely as his madly throbbing cock tore through her cunt and rearranged her womb. Nothing could stop the endless cascade of bliss flooding her senses and destroying and semblance of consciousness that might have remained. Nothing except the beast of a 'man' responsible for bringing her to such wonderful highs and lows.

Pulling her off his cock after five uninterrupted minutes of ecstasy he finally gave Mrs Claus the break she so desperately needed. For all of ten seconds. Or however long it took to flip her over, slide his arms under her legs, and push her knees against her massive tits. As soon as she felt his fingers interlock behind her head and his cock push against her asshole she realized what was in store for her next. A delirious smile lit up her face as the head of his prick rubbed against her quivering ring and she had all of two seconds to suck in a ragged breath before he resumed his ferocious assault. Before he buried every last inch of his massive length in her ass.

Simultaneously slamming her down onto his prick and thrusting into her guts with all his strength he utterly destroyed the meager dose of sanity she'd managed to claw together. Her beautifully well trained hole parted around his dick as easily as her pussy even as he stretched her to the breaking point, pushing her inner walls so unfathomably wide it felt like she was being torn in half!

Once again bulging outwards from the sheer size of his prick alone her already plump belly stretched and distended around the massive pillar of throbbing cock meat embedded in her guts. A little jet of pussy juice and precum squirted from her pussy a moment later as convulsions tore through her in the wake of his brutal stroke. And it only took a heartbeat or two for her eyes to roll into the back of her head while her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her arms dangled uselessly at her sides as she was once again overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of his dick and how roughly he treated her.

Completely at his mercy and utterly thrilled by that incredible fact Mrs. Claus groaned like a wild animal. Like a bitch in heat just begging to be bred. Because that's exactly what he turned her into each and every time they were together. And that's exactly how he treated her when he finally started thrusting in earnest after a moment or two of adjustment. As soon as he'd slid his feet a little further apart and bent her convulsing body just a little more he could give her the dicking she deserved. Not to mention enjoy what'd become a yearly tradition between them dating back to before Christmas was even known by that name!

Another messy combination of their arousal squirted from her depths as she was lifted off his cock and her asshole just about turned completely inside out. She could feel her ring distending around his enormous length as her inner walls tightened around him and with his hands pushing her neck down Mrs. Claus could just barely see her fleshy pink innards prolapsing as she neared his tip. Nobody could make her prolapse quite like him and she'd forgotten how amazingly lewd it felt to be so thoroughly and completely violated by such a thick shaft. The pleasure was unbelievable and all the little flashes of discomfort alongside it just made her ecstasy that much more exquisite. Even if nothing could overshadow the simple joy of his cock slamming back into her guts as he plunged her down onto his prick and plunged his ferociously twitching prick into her bowels. And the meaty slap of his balls against her pussy as their bodies collided in the most deafening cacophony yet was the best punctuation imaginable!

Her breathy squeal might've been completely drowned out by the wet slap of his balls against her quivering, still messily gaped pussy but her voice echoed throughout the cave as he lifted her right back up his shaft all over again. As her uncontrollably quivering hole prolapsed just the tiniest but more, the wet squelch and sputtering of her innermost walls stretching around him joining her ecstasy. Though half closed, glassy eyes Mrs. Clause watched her body turn inside out. She watched the precum he was so busily spraying into her leak right back out again only to be completely enveloped by her messy hole when he slammed her back down onto his dick. And she couldn't get enough!

She couldn't get enough of any of it. Everything he did no matter how small and seemingly unimportant it might have been was an endless delight. From the way his claws dug into her skin as he held the back of her head to the warmth of his breach against her back as he looked down at her and growled with nearly every stroke. All of it was a constant source of toe curling pleasure on top of the relentless brutality of his dick flying in and out of her ass.

Within a minute she was reduced to the same drooling wreck she always turned into whenever he was fucking her. The same drooling wreck she'd been while squirting all over his cock. And her ecstasy only continued to climb higher and higher as the seconds slipped by and his dick absolutely ruined her ass all over again. Even after centuries of being his fuck toy once a year every single year, and centuries of practicing for his dick when she wasn't with him, Mrs. Claus was still left utterly devastated by his monstrously thick, ferociously pumping length. Every stroke wracked her body and melted her brain so quickly she'd just about cum in the time it took him to reach his full, relentless cadence. Guttural screams and throaty groans tumbled from her lips every time he pulled out and every time he slammed back inside of her it was all cut short in a breathless gurgle as pumped another gooey load of precum into her guts.

Even in the state she'd been reduced to she couldn't possibly miss those thick spurts erupting into the deepest reaches of her body. Nothing short of being completely unconscious could deprive her of that heady warmth as his jizz seemed to flood her belly and fill up her guts so completely not even his cock could compare. And while she might not have been lucid enough to fully comprehend what that steadily growing flood of precum meant she'd been destroyed by him enough to understand on a primal level. To understand and revel in his impending climax.

Though of course he didn't empty his balls right away. First he had to utterly ruin her asshole and leave her a gasping, shuddering, prolapsed mess as he pounded away at her guts and completely destroyed her all over again. Then and only then could he say he'd finished enjoying the first of his presents. Not that Mrs. Claus was one to complain. Just feeling and seeing her asshole stretch more and more around him as he moved was enough to leave her quivering in fits of pure delight. Watching her fleshy pink walls stretch more and more around his dick, sloppily distending a little bit further with each and every stroke, was heaven all on it's own. After a couple minutes of being relentlessly sodomized by a cock thick enough to break a normal woman utterly her asshole was prolapsing almost six inches out of her body every time he lifted her up. Six quivering, cum splattered inches were left trembling around more than a third of his dick whenever she was lifted all the way to the head of his shaft. And watching it all disappear back inside of her, to say nothing of feeling it happen, was a treat she looked forward to every year!

Second only to the unimaginable thrill of him slamming his cock into her with a final, climactic groan as his prick swelled just a tiny bit more. Just enough to push her to the brink of insanity as her inner walls stretched even wider and the head of his cock raged against her already distended belly. She even felt his monstrously swollen balls tighten and convulse against her pussy in the brief moment they slapped against her still nicely gaped entrance!

And she only had a moment to enjoy the heady anticipation properly. Barely a heartbeat to realize what was about to happen at long last, her cock addled brain finally catching up to her body as he let out a ferocious growl. A moment later his cum was spraying into her guts in a torrent of uninterrupted ecstasy. Flooding deeper than his prick could ever reach his unimaginably warm, beautifully thick seed sprayed through her bowels and into the depths of her stomach faster than she could comprehend. Even knowing full well what was about to happen. She just watched in awe as her belly swelled despite how much of his jizz was surging through her body, the breathless moans and giddy whimpers tumbling from her lips slowly turning into gurgles and retches.

All the air was pushed out of her lungs in a single groan as the already unfathomable pressure of his dick buried in her ass grew even more unbearable. Growing and growing and growing until she felt like she was about to burst the pressure of his cum flooding her body ravished Mrs. Claus. Her stomach swelled until she couldn't even see his madly pulsing sack or the cock buried in her ass and she couldn't even understand the lewdness of it all. Long strands of spit and stomach bile dripped from her trembling lips as she mindlessly gawked at her own appearance and convulsed around the cock pumping her so wonderfully full.

She felt something push into the depths of her throat as lewd, sputtering gurgle filled the cave. Almost matching the growls and panting groans of the beast filling her guts the messy sound of cum filling Mrs. Claus' throat and distending her neck almost as grotesquely as her stomach reverberated through his icy home until it was suddenly, sloppily cut short by something even bette.

A geyser of fresh, steaming hot cum erupted from her lips. It sprayed out of her mouth in a gorgeously revolting torrent, arcing through the air and splashing across the floor several feet away as his grip around her head loosened. And throughout it all Mrs. Claus retched and heaved and gurgled in uncontrollable fits of anguish laced pleasure. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes as she puked up literal gallons of spunk. More than her body could ever hope to contain and more than she'd enjoyed throughout the entire rest of the year! Overwhelmed by the constant pressure of even more jizz erupting into her guts with every passing second she couldn't even feel her own ecstasy amidst the sheer insanity of his jizz flushing out her body and surging through her guts. No matter how hard she squirted or how violently she shuddered against and around him the sheer indignity of being used like a broken condom for so amazingly long overshadowed everything else. As long as that same, impossible to comprehend pressure remained she wasn't much more than a fleshy little hole being used like a momentary stop gap before his spunk reached the floor. Like a broken pocket pussy or any other ruined toy. And that'd remain true for so wonderfully long it seemed like that was her new life. Her new purpose.

No matter how hard her muscles spasmed and her body convulsed the sheer volume of cum being emptied into her kept it spraying right back out again faster than she could ever match. All her retching and gagging and sputtering wasn't much more than background vocals to the real cacophony of his spunk gushing from her lips and soaking the floor all around them. To say nothing of his bestial groans and endlessly labored breaths as he held her down on his prick, ruthlessly giving her a years worth of pent up jizz for minutes and minutes on end.

How she didn't pass out from the lack of oxygen was and would forever be a mystery but Mrs. Claus was more than happy to take full advantage of that no doubt magical ability. Especially when it meant close to five uninterrupted minutes of being so thoroughly used  she spent almost the entire time ravished by ecstasy as her beast of a love absolutely drained his massive balls. Even when that once unbearable pressure began to relent and her own bliss managed to shine through the simple bliss of being held there for so deliciously long remained. And before long the bittersweet, thoroughly intoxicating flavor of his jizz filled her mouth as she was finally able to taste his cum properly for the first time that year.

What'd once been a fountain slowly turned into a cascading waterfall as the pressure continued to diminish but the sheer flood of cum seeping from her mouth didn't  Almost instantly her fat, heaving tits were soaked in jizz and her belly was positively coated ina thick layer of spunk. Long, gooey strands dripped from her stomach onto the floor but a few creamy rivulets managed to roll all the way down to her pussy before  falling away. Some even dripped directly off her quivering folds, the heat of them making her shudder almost as much as the jizz soaking the rest of her body.

At some point after that Mrs. Claus managed to take her first real breath since he started cumming and more than anything else she knew that meant the end of their first bout of fun. He'd finished with his first present and was already thinking about the next as he lifted her off his cock and her asshole stretched around him. Even in the pleasure addled, utterly broken state she'd been reduced to she knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Just as she knew what would come next as her asshole only continued to prolapse around his still absurdly hard length. As surely as cum still bubbled up into her throat and spilled out of her mouth with nearly every wheezing sputter and throaty gasp Mrs. Claus could feel herself turning inside out in the most impossibly lewd way imaginable. She felt his cock pass through what should've been her asshole only to continue rubbing against the fleshy pink, cum splattered tail now hanging out of her ruined body once more. When his still furiously throbbing prick finally emerged from the devastated ruin that was her ass some six inches of gooey mess was left danging between her cheeks like a ribbon. It quivered and jiggled in the cool air, steam rising from it in thick clouds while she was helf aloft, her feet hanging down and her arms completely limp.

The beast responsible for her mindless state of pure bliss turned her around to face him and Mrs. Claus stared dimly back at him, warmth cascading from her pussy as cum dripped from her messy, not so little, prolapse. A faint smile found it's way onto her face as she stared at him but no part of her could comprehend anything beyond herself and the pleasure she felt. Save of course the absolute certainty that even more was about to fall upon her.

“I'd like my next present now!” He rumbled.

Weakly nodding and replying almost on instinct the moment Mrs. Claus opened her mouth a gooey cascade of jizz and spittle poured out of her mouth. Soaking her tits and rolling down her utterly enormous belly it faded almost as quickly as it'd started and she weakly gurgled, “M-Merry . . . Christmas . . .”

Santa returned to the North Pole just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. Exhausted but filled with Christmas cheer he cheerfully let his reindeer back into their stable to enjoy their special treats before peeking into the workshop to check on the Elves. And just like every other year they were all passed out in a sweet stupor, many still clutching empty bottles of sparkling side or half finished treats. No one stirred, not even the mice sleeping contentedly in their walls with bellies full of cheese and after a few moments he disappeared back into the snow.

Soon enough he was trudging through the door to his cozy little cottage, quietly hanging up his hat and coat so he didn't wake Mrs. Claus. Setting his snow covered boots by the fire and hanging up his ever so slightly damp trousers to dry he crept into the bedroom to find his wife already waiting for him in bed. Though saying she was 'waiting' for anything was a bit generous.

Sprawled across the bed in a sticky heap and still wearing the lingerie he'd picked out for her she didn't seem even the tiniest bit lucid as she lay there twitching and gurgling in the aftermath of her yearly visit to the Abominable Snowman. Her asshole was stretched out across the bed between her trembling thighs and little spurts of fresh cum were still leaking from the end while the rest of it was drying all across her sweat soaked body. He couldn't see anything more than the whites of her eyes as she continued to twitch and shiver, a delirious smile spread across her face. Little bite and claw marks dotted her softly jiggling tits and he was all but certain if he rolled her over he would've seen countless hand prints dotting her plump ass cheeks too. But of course Santa knew better than to deprive his perverted wife of the cum still sloshing around inside her absurdly swollen belly. He knew how much she loved waking up with gallons of cum sloshing around inside her guts so with a happy little smile sat down on his side of the bed and let out a happy sigh.

Stretching out beside Mrs. Claus he looked at her with an adoring grin and she weakly turned her head to 'look' at him too. One of her hands clumsily fell across his chest and he covered it with his own, laughing at the quiet little moan she let out. “How was Sangpo?”

“G-G-Good . . .” She gurgled. “He . . . he says . . . he says . . . hello . . .”

Santa chuckled as he watched her struggle through the tremendous effort of even saying that much and before she could say anything else he softly squeezed her hand and leaned in close Planting a soft kiss on her cheek before pulling away and letting out a happy sigh he murmured, “Get some sleep darling, I'm sure you need it!”

“G-G-Good . . . night . . .”

“Goodnight.” He whispered back, “I love you.”

“I . . . l-l-love . . . you . . .”


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