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Pardon the alliteration of the title. I couldn't help myself nor could I think of anything better lol. And since this particular suggestion didn't come with a title I couldn't be my usual lazy self. But enough about all that, I hope y'all enjoy the first of six stories releasing from now until Halloween day!

A pale crescent moon climbed ever higher into the sky as a cold autumn breeze swept through the pumpkin patch. Brilliant orange and yellow swirls of leaves plucked from the surrounding trees swirled through the air, the endless creaking of the branches they'd once clung to ringing out across the vast, open field of pumpkins, Princess Peach walked among the rows of carefully planted, carefully cultivated gourds with a knowing smile lighting up her face. Nobody knew why she'd taken to spending so much time in the pumpkin patch beyond her castle. Nobody could even guess why she'd plated them in the first place. And she was perfectly content to keep her subjects in the dark. Not even Bowser knew the truth of her intentions. Though he could certainly make a better guess than all the Toads she left wondering and fretting about her return. Perhaps one year she'd invite him to accompany her. To see the fruits of her labors and enjoy the true magic of what appeared to be an ordinary pumpkin patch.

Daintily holding her dress up to avoid staining the hems Peach made her way to the very heart of her enchanted patch. From the very moment she set foot on the freshly tilled soil she could feel all the life around her stir and awaken. Though it couldn't see her in any traditional sense she still felt their gaze on her as strolled through the rows and past so many lovingly cultivated pumpkins. Not so long ago it'd filled her with a strange sense of trepidation as she was surrounded by so many unseen eyes. Even now the hairs on the back of her neck rose as she looked out across the 'empty' patch and the line of trees surrounding it.

But after countless visits across the years she'd come to adore those feelings. To cherish the simple thrill of walking towards the center of the patch knowing full well what was about to happen. In many ways it'd become her favorite tradition. Something she looked forward to each and every year like nothing else. The air was thick with magic and anticipation. Goosebumps dotted her skin and her breath was already catching in her throat. By the time she came to a stop in the very heart of the patch Peach's warm blue eyes were sparkling with unabashed delight.

A truly radiant smile lit up her face as she finally let go of her dress to delicately remove the long white gloves covering her arms. She let them be swept away by the wind as a soft, pent up gasp tumbled from her lips. The earth beneath her feet began to shift and all around her she could see the pumpkins doing the same. Some even seemed to turn to 'face' her as she awaited their company. And after several wonderfully exhilarating moments her wait finally ended.

Dozens of long, sinewy vines erupted from the soil all around her. She scarcely had time to gasp before she was surrounded on all sides by creeping tendrils slithering through the air and turning their sights upon her with unmitigated glee. Even without any manner of facial expressions or vocal chords their excitement was apparent in every slightest movement as they surrounded her. From the eager twitching to the way they gently caressed her outstretched hands every last vine was overjoyed to see their companion again. Perhaps even happier than Peach herself, though she too was overwhelmed by the simple thrill of feeling those soft, ever so slightly wet tendrils against her skin. There wasn't so much as a fleck of dirt upon the ones coiling around her hands the way many a visiting noble had taken her hand to offer a respectful kiss. And she knew none of the others slowly pushing through the air like so many beseeching fingers would have any soil upon them either. Just as she knew that cool, comforting dampness would only increase as the moments passed. Though not before several vines slipped beneath the hem of her dress to coil around her legs.


She couldn't help but moan at the cool, slithering touch of those vines against her bare skin. As they inexorably coiled around her ankles and slithered up her calves in a slow, winding ascent. Peach had all the time in the world to feel them reaching ever higher and her grin only widened as she thought about what they'd soon find. Though even before the tendrils reached their prize they faltered and slowed in their pursuit as they finally found the long, sweet strands of arousal rolling down her thighs. And the very moment they tasted her warmth, the very moment they were reminded of that joy, all the pumpkins around her seemed to shudder at once.

Looking out across the patch with an ear to ear grin Peach licked her lips and said, “I've missed you too!”

Her words seemed to hang in the air forever as the tendrils snaking around her thighs absorbed every last drop of arousal coating her skin. Their inexorable climb resumed with even more fervor while the vines holding her hands finally followed suit. Soon they were coiling across her forearms and up her trembling biceps to slip beneath the sleeves of her dress. All the while even more were gently tightening about her waist and drifting across her back as she gleefully leaned into their caress.

It'd taken years to train them to not tear away her clothes and leave her dressed in tatters. But all that effort was truly worth it as she felt the vines sliding beneath her sleeves and up her legs find their goals at the exact same moment. As they coiled around her softly heaving breasts and brushed against her now indescribably aroused pussy. One even brushed against the tight little ring hidden away between her plump buttocks. And none of them were even the tiniest bit shy about doing so much more than simply touching her most tender places. Even when that simple touch alone was enough to make Peach cry out in pleasure, her back arching and her eyes shutting tight as she smiled up at the starry sky. She knew they were only getting started and that knowledge was almost as sweet as the pleasure that followed!

Like they always did the tendrils coiling around her breasts squeezed just hard enough to send another moan tumbling from her lips. Just hard enough make her back arch as another deluge of warmth soaked the ones brushing against her pussy. But before those could slid into her like they wanted the ones teasing her chest split apart. Dozens of smaller tendrils broke away from the ends of the vines wrapped around her tits and they eagerly coiled around her nipples. Brushing against her large, puffy areola on their way to her swollen buds they wrapped even more tightly around each and squeezed even harder than the rest of the tendrils groping her chest.

And despite Peach knowing exactly what they were going to do she still cried out in abject passion as she was assailed by that wonderfully unique sensation. No matter how many times she'd enjoyed it already she couldn't help but squeal like it was the very first time. Nor could she stop herself from shuddering against all the other vines, her body squirming and shifting against them as her legs threatened to give out already.

Luckily for her the tendrils wrapped around her legs kept her upright even when she couldn't manage it herself. And they didn't hesitate to slip inside her pussy and ass near simultaneously while she was in the midst of her ecstasy. Indeed she was still recoiling from the first onslaught before another arrived to absolutely ravish her in the same heartbeat. The amazingly cool fluids every vine constantly secreted only increased in both thickness and quantity as soon as they pushed inside her. In a few breaths her inner walls were absolutely lathered in that deliciously cold goo. Just chilly enough to make her shudder but nowhere near enough to cause discomfort it perfectly walked the line and sent her shuddering all the more wildly as it did.

Not unlike the vines pushing deeper and deeper into her body. While the one slithering into her pussy and brushing against her most tender places eventually had to stop at the entrance to her womb the one gliding so amazingly deep into her ass wasn't limited in any such way. It could push deeper and deeper and deeper until she felt her stomach distending from the sheer pressure of such a thick vine gliding through her body. Because of course her oh so considerate pumpkins had purposefully made sure to use one of their thickest tendrils. They knew full well how much she adored being split open and much like Bowser they were all to happy to oblige!

First by absolutely breaking her tight little ring around a vine as thick as one of her forearms and then by pushing a second tendril into her pussy before she'd even adjusted to the first. Before she'd even finished moaning at the pleasure of one pressing into her cervix and stealing her breath away in a burst of visceral ecstasy.

Torrents of arousal gushed from her sex as her body contracted around the vines suddenly buried so deep in her sex. She drenched both the tendrils already inside her and soaked countless others writhing between her feet just waiting for another taste of her body. And the ones already stretching her pussy so nicely only continued to swell. Both from the deluge of warmth she fed them and in the anticipation of even more. After years of water them with her own juices, she'd given her pumpkins such a feverish love of her ecstasy they craved it more than she did. More than anyone or anything else in the Mushroom Kingdom. Which meant their movements only grew even more feverish as seconds turned to minutes and they started moving in earnest.

All three of the vines inside her started thrusting with complete abandon. Withdrawing much too fast for her to properly follow they plunged back inside her again hard enough to lift Peach off her feet and instantly reward themselves with even more of her sweetness. And because the massive appendage splitting open her ass was pushing so deep into her it had to move even faster than the ones inside her pussy. At least if it meant to keep pace with them. Which of course meant a wild disparity between the two sets and even more pleasure for the princess they were so eagerly ravishing.

Within seconds Peach was lifted right off her feet to bounce and jiggle and lurch in the air as three different vines had their way with her. Her throaty squeals and breathless whimpers quickly drowned out everything else, even the mournful howl of the wind sweeping through the trees. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head soon after and her fingers coiled around the tendrils so kindly holding her hands. Before long she was squeezing them so hard all the blood rushed out of her knuckles, the anticipation of what else was to come mingling so well with the bliss of getting ravished so thoroughly already. Because she knew full well what else would happen. How far her pumpkins would go and how far her body could go with them. It was a well practiced game and something she'd reveled in at least a dozen times across the years but that only enhanced the pleasure. Only made her cry out that much louder when another tendril slammed into her ass. Or a third glided into her sex.

Both were a good bit smaller than the others but that didn't matter one bit. She hardly even noticed that meager difference when a wave of pleasure was tearing through her body and setting fire to every last nerve. Especially as all the tendrils so wildly ravishing her started moving independently of one another. Thrusting at different times and different speeds they all but ensured she was left completely wrecked by their ministrations. That no matter what happened she was being overwhelmed by at least one vine and wracked by the pleasure of so many more sliding into or out of her body. And that was all before they went that final step beyond.

One last tendril pushed into her overstuffed ass while two more slipped inside her unimaginably stuffed pussy at the same time. And Peach barely had a chance to moan at the sheer pressure of being so completely filled before every last vine pushed into her simultaneously. Before they just about broke her in every imaginable way as a surge of incomprehensible pleasure flooded her senses. One made so much more powerful by the simple fact that she knew what was about to happen.

Waiting just long enough to torment her with anticipation and leave her wondering if they weren't about to do what she thought the vines finally have Peach what she expected just as she was about to unleash a needy little whimper. In perfect unison and without a hint of worry or restraint every single tendril pulled outward at the same time. In the blink of an eye Peach's already stretched, inner walls were gaping wider than ever. Wider than even Bowser's massive, thorny cock could manage. She could feel the cool breeze filling her depths as it swept through the patch and it send the most powerful convulsions surging through her. Nothing could ever be as exhilarating as the feeling of cold air filling her messily gaping pussy and asshole while so many tendrils held her open. It never failed to be the most exhilarating part of every trip and it never failed to send her careening over the edge into a mind numbing, reality breaking flood of pure ecstasy.

For all of a second or two she was frozen in abject pleasure, her unblinking eyes staring up at the night sky as they rolled back into view. Though torrents of warmth were about to erupt from her sex and every last one of her muscles would soon be wracked with convulsions for a handful of moments that felt like an eternity she was completely frozen in place. Time seemed to stop and what was left of Peach's mind disappeared into the churning sea about to consume her. And when it all came crashing down it did so in the most spectacular display.

Lurching forward so forcefully she actually managed to overpower the enchanted vines holding her up Peach curled into a ball as a wave of sheer bliss flooded her senses. Everything else in the world vanished as she lost herself in her joy. Messy geysers of warmth erupted from her depths as her inner walls spasmed against the vines keeping her gaped so wide. And for a moment or two the tendrils stretching her open faltered. Her convulsions were so fierce and the rest of her body was so manic she came so incredibly close to winning out against the enchanted vines making her scream and shake so violently in the first place. But of course they quickly responded by pushing back even harder. Not enough to cause any pain but certainly enough to push her a little closer to her breaking point, a little closer to the absolute devastation that was being stretched beyond her limits.

Thankfully none of the vines went too far and she was left in a state of abject euphoria as indescribable pleasure flooded through her over and over and over again. All the tendrils beneath her were soaked in more warmth than they could possibly absorb, her arousal raining down on the soil in an endless cascade while countless more vines churned up the earth below. Every eruption might've been a little more diminished than the last but between her own rampant desire and the anticipation of that day Peach still managed to unleash a truly impressive amount. Enough to drown any normal plants in her arousal and certainly enough to not only feed her pumpkin patch but encourage them to continue when words and sense failed. Not that any of them needed much in the way of encouragement. So long as she was present and conscious they would continue their relentless ministrations nearly unabated. She'd never told them to stop and they'd never given her a reason to. It was all such a perfectly choreographed game she could've predicted what would come next even with her mind broken into pieces and her body convulsion so hard she'd lost all control. And as always that knowledge didn't diminish the pleasure even the slightest bit.

Her quivering holes were finally allowed to return to normal, or as close as they could get with so many vines inside of her, as the tendrils stopped pushing outwards. Her body was moved into an even more embarrassing position as she was held above the pumpkin patch and left to stare down at all the magical plants she'd so lovingly fostered. All the of the vines inside her resumed their eager thrusting, though they were a bit more gentle in the afterglow of her ecstasy. And even more slithered up from the earth to join in. One coiled around her throat while another slipped between her lips and down her throat. Another pulled her dress up to reveal her naked legs and plump, quivering buttocks while one more pulled her dress down to let her perky breasts tremble and jiggle in the open air.

Had anyone come to the pumpkin patch at that moment they would've seen everything. Every part of her body. They would've seen how hard she trembled at the joy of being impaled on so many vines and they would've understood what a rampant, unapologetic slut their princess was. But for the time being her secret was kept and Peach could enjoy her pumpkin patch in solitude. With only the plants she'd cared for and her own lust to while away the hours. In short, another perfect autumn night before Halloween . . .


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