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And here we have the first Halloween themed story of the month. Admittedly it's a bit early but I like to space things out so there's not a barrage of content so y'all are getting something nice and early this month. And something featuring the lovely Veronica Sweet, a character I'm sure needs no introduction at this point!

Your flesh is mine mortal!”

Veronica heard the words whispered into her ear and felt a chill wash over her body as she stood in the master bathroom. Goosebumps erupted across her softly tanned skin and she let out a soft gasp as a shadow fell across her. A moment later she sank to her knees with an echoing thud, clutching her head and groaning as something washed over her. Something that didn't belong.

Suffusing her very soul it pushed overwhelmed her mind and took hold of her senses before she could even think to stop it. Every last shred of her consciousness was pushed down into the swirling darkness overtaking every facet of her existence. Her body twitched and spasmed in uncontrollable bursts of movement. Like a marionette with it's strings tangled her limbs jerked and shuddered in unnatural ways while her groans turned to breathless whimpers. She collapsed to the floor a few moments later and lay completely still, impossibly still, while her eyes disappeared into the back of her head. A split second later they rolled forward and any trace of the woman behind that sparkling green stare had disappeared completely.

The soft, guttural noises tumbling from her lips turned into laughter as she pushed herself upright, staring down at her buxom figure with an approving smirk. Stretching her arms out in front of herself and coquettishly extending a leg she reveled in her new form with unabashed glee. Before long she was cupping her enormous breasts with an approvingly lewd grin and running her hands across Veronica's tight yet deliciously round buttocks. She even bounced up and down on the balls of her feet upon glancing at her reflection in the mirror. Watching her voluptuous, womanly figure jiggle and shake from such a small motion was the most exquisite sight yet!

She turned to face the mirror after a few more moments of enjoying her new body's curves, flattening her hands on the counter top and leaning in to smile at herself, “Don't worry mortal, I'll let you have your body back eventually . . .”

Licking her lips and laughing as she felt the last vestiges of Veronica's personality slip into the shadows surrounding her mind Lilith stepped back and looked around the bathroom. With only a single night to enjoy her corporeal form she had so much to do and so little time to enjoy the pleasures of mortal flesh. She'd have to act quickly if she wanted to make the most of her possession! Which meant wearing clothes was even more pointless than usual. They'd only get in the way and slow down as she enjoyed the company of her mortal body's lover. And indeed the rest of her family, if Veronica's memories were truthful!

But the moment her thoughts turned towards more lascivious recollections, the moment she spared even a single moment to the countless lewd acts her mortal form had committed, Lilith was overwhelmed by a desire unlike anything she'd ever felt. Greater than any lust she'd known from another mortal and greater even than what she herself experienced in the pits of hell she was consumed by a desire so fierce and so primal it genuinely shocked her. All her smug confidence slipped away in an instant as a longing both pure and uncontrollable overtook her senses.

Within seconds her entire body was shivering in anguish as rivulets of arousal cascaded down her thighs. Every last fiber of her mortal flesh was flooded with a need for pleasure. A craving for desire in any form. As if some invisible switch had been flipped she was awash in a deep, pervading arousal so far beyond her ten millennia of existence Lilith genuinely struggled to fathom what she was feeling. And yet above even her shock and delight she felt one thing more completely than words could describe: the need for satisfaction. She needed a release like never before! Even her most feverish desires paled in comparison to the lust swirling through her now . . .

Still fidgeting with the cuffs of his Dracula costume as he walked into the master bedroom Henry walked down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door as he exclaimed, “I hope you're almost done in there! Samantha's Halloween party starts in ten minutes!” He turned away from the door to throw open the closets opposite the bathroom and ask, “Do we have any clothespins? I can't get these stupid, frilly cuffs to stay in place!”

The bathroom door swung open as soon as he turned away from it and 'Veronica' appeared in the doorway, a lusty expression lighting up her face as she leaned heavily against the frame. Too overwhelmed by desire to act she simply stared at the mortal man before her, drowning in memories of all the times her host had enjoyed his company. When he turned around and she laid eyes on his handsome face a wave of adrenaline surged through her trembling, naked form. He barely had time to process the spectacle of her goosebump riddled body panting and heaving and quivering in the soft glow of the lights behind her. One moment she was staring at him with an all too familiar hunger, the next she was pushing him up against the wall and moaning like a wild animal.

“What's gotten into you?!” Henry laughed, making no effort to stop her as she yanked his pants down and hungrily throated his half hard cock with complete abandon.

He suspects something!”Lilith hissed, “He knows something is amiss! Curse this mortal's appetite for sex! Her husband will suspect—”

“If you don't mind being late I'm not gonna complain!”

His hands jumped to her head and his fingers tangled themselves in her hair while his cock swelled in the depths of her throat. 'Veronica' moaned around his prick and sucked even harder, her tongue swirling around his shaft and teasing his balls in an absolute frenzy. She couldn't believe he wasn't perturbed by her frantic, almost bestial, desires but with the taste of fresh cum on her tongue and just a tiny bit of her lust satisfied Lilith wasn't about to question her good fortune. Instead she slid her hands around his waste to cup his buttocks and pull him even deeper into her mouth. Hungrily deepthroating every last inch of his thick shaft she held herself on his dick for several heartbeats before pulling back just as forcefully as she'd inhaled his length.

Gliding all the way back to the tip and filling the hallway with a long, sloppy gurgle she instantly reversed course as soon as her lips were about to leave his shaft. Slamming herself back onto his dick once again 'Veronica' didn't waste a moment flying up and down his prick with every ounce of passion burning inside her. Frantically and gleefully throating his entire cock over and over and over again Lilith sent creamy ribbons of spit and precum splattering across her cheeks or drooling down her chin as the lewd sounds of his prick ravishing her throat echoed all around them. And before long the mortal clutching her head and gripping fistfuls of her hair was moving her even faster than she could've managed on her own. Pulling her onto his dick and thrusting forward at the same time he didn't seem to think twice about fucking her throat every bit as roughly as he might've fucked her pussy. If anything he seemed even more ferocious than her body's memories might imply. When she looked up at him the bestial glimmer she saw in his deep blue gaze certainly took Lilith by surprise. Before it sent another wave of abject pleasure crashing through her.

More than happy to give up every ounce of control and focus entirely on sucking his cock dry she let out a throaty little moan as he all but completely took over. As he started thrusting away with even more abandon than she expected, his balls slapping against her chin and his cock plunging into the back of her throat with a truly unhinged ferocity. Her cheeks sank inwards as she lewdly slobbered all over his gorgeously throbbing shaft. Moving her tongue in an absolutely frenzy to match his own she lavished him with centuries upon centuries of cocksucking experience and he barely seemed to notice a difference. He just groaned in pleasure and absolutely ravished her throat with a nonstop barrage of thrusts that genuinely took her by surprise.

Yet while her mind was certainly reeling from his impressive stamina and bestial ferocity her body was drowning in the onslaught of pleasure his manic strokes sent tearing through her body. With one hand groping at her tits and the other mindlessly fingering her pussy she did everything she could to satisfy her lust while a mortal man used her latest possession like a toy. Though some part of her still feared him questioning why she'd turned into such a desperate whore those concerns were being pushed further and further from her thoughts with every wild stroke of his cock. Every time he slammed balls deep into her throat only to pull her off him like she wasn't anything more than a particularly realistic pocket pussy Lilith understood a little more about their relationship. About why he wasn't the tiniest bit fazed by her pouncing on him and trying to suck his dick try with zero provocation. Although she wouldn't truly understand the lewdness she'd unwittingly stepped into until Henry pumped a fat load into her stomach.

Barely five minutes after they'd started he let out a hungry moan and said in a deep, guttural voice, “I'm gonna cum!”

Exhilaration and the tiniest flash of disappointment swirled through 'Veronica' at those words. She was overjoyed to having another helping of fresh mortal cum to enjoy but she was also quite disappointed by what she assumed to be the end of their fun. Still operating under the assumption she was dealing with normal mortals she sucked his cock even harder and played with herself even more furiously while he pounded away. Relishing in the sheer frenzy of his movements as he hurtled toward an explosive finish she tried to bring herself to the same heights in the handful of seconds she had before he reached his limit. Sadly she couldn't quite manage it before Henry slammed his prick balls deep into her throat and unleashed another moan.

Thankfully any disappointment she might've felt disappeared in a torrent of pleasure as he pumped a fat load of delicious cum into the depths of her belly. Holding her tight against the base of his shaft and still thrusting away in small, spasmodic bursts he panted and groaned and gasped for breath while every inch of his already thick member swelled inside her gullet. But somehow Lilith didn't feel any of the usual, mortal inclinations she expected. Her body's gag reflex didn't go wild nor did she feel some sort of revulsion as her belly was pumped full of cum. If anything the unabashed lust already consuming her only increased with every twitch. With every spurt of fresh jizz. Adding more fuel to the fire with each second spent emptying his balls inside her mouth Henry drove her absolute crazy with an entirely new surge of frantic desire. One that only made her all the more eager to leave him behind and seek out new sources of pleasure. Or at least that's what she would've done with a normal mortal during a normal possession . . .

Still holding her on his dick for a few more seconds before suddenly yanking her off his remarkably hard shaft Henry groaned yet again and smiled down at her. Tightly gripping her messy hair with one hand and grabbing his dick with the other he teasingly slapped it against her cheeks and smeared gooey strands of precum across her lips as he said, “Let's just skip the party!”

'Veronica's' eyes lit up and an ear to ear smile spread across her face as she breathlessly said, “I'd love to!”

Somehow still unfazed by her apparently not so uncommon lust her corporeal body's husband simply replied, “Good!”

A moment later she was being thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while he rushed down the hall. And yet as fast as he sprinted towards the bed Henry still had time to spank her plump ass hard enough to make 'Veronica' squeal. Hard enough to leave a bright red handprint glowing on her deliciously jiggling cheek. But she was still basking in the pleasure of that single smack by the time he was tossing her onto the bed without any hesitation at all. And she was still reeling from the wildness of his every action when he plunged two fingers into her cunt, pressed them hard against her g-spot, and started moving them in a truly wild assault on her senses.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!”

Thoroughly taken aback by his strength, skill, and passion Lilith threw her head back and screamed until her voice was hoarse and her eyes had rolled back yet again., Warmth all but erupted from her sex as she succumbed to the pleasure of his ferocious ministrations and she was bucking and grinding against his hands in an instant. Her thighs tried to close around him in a reflexive burst of pleasure but he just forced them open with his other hand and fingered her even harder. Moving so fast and so forcefully he actually lifted her off the bed in his frenzy Henry positively ravished her in those first few moments. No amount of sifting through Veronica's memories could've prepared Lilith for what was in store for her as soon as she stepped out of that bathroom and now it was finally time for her to reap the rewards of her unexpectedly fantastic choice in possessions.

First with a truly explosive orgasm that tore through her body like a hurricane, setting fire to all of her nerves and sending torrents of arousal squirting from her already messy cunt. Absolutely drenching herself, her 'husband', and everything withing several feet of them she unleashed messy geysers of sweet smelling ecstasy with every spasmodic twitch and wild convulsion. All while the man responsible continued to wrack her with nothing but his wonderfully strong fingers. Cumming harder and longer than she ever had, as a mortal or a Succubus, Lilith was all but drowning in pleasure before he'd done anything more than finger her impossibly wet cunt. By the time he stopped breaking her pussy and rolled her onto her stomach she was genuinely dumbstruck by what he was capable of, what both of them were capable of. Little did she realize she was about to get a perfect demonstration without even trying.

Henry slammed his nicely lubed up cock into her ass without a moment's thought and Lilith screamed in pleasure as he split her open. She didn't feel any pain or discomfort as he stretched her tightly clenched ring wide. Just an incomprehensible wave of satisfaction unlike anything she'd knew with any other mortal possession. And it only continued to grow more exquisite as he started jackhammering her freshly gaped asshole with all the same ferocity she'd come to expect of him. But now with the added pleasure of both his balls slapping against her sensitive pussy and his hand shoving her head down into the bedding with a roughness that made her squirm even more. She'd clearly awakened some sort of beast inside Henry and 'Veronica' was all too happy to bask in the pleasure it brought.

For minutes on end he absolutely pounded her sloppy little asshole, turning her inside out as he fucked her with complete abandon. The meaty slap of his hips colliding with her ass filled the bedroom and reverberated throughout the entire house. Alongside her desperately passionate screams it created a truly wild cacophony beyond all the others she'd known. And yet for Henry it wasn't much more than a typical day in his life. An average Tuesday made only marginally special by the fact that he was dressed up like Dracula while he was destroying his wife's asshole and making her scream like an over the top pornstar. But that mundanity didn't hamper his pleasure at all. Indeed it only made him even more horny. Knowing this was all part of his life, a life he genuinely loved, turned him on so much more than he could say. Enough to send his wife into another fit of screaming pleasure as he fucked her ass so furiously she succumbed to another orgasm before he could give her a nice, gooey creampie to go with it. Not that her gushing pleasure and messy squirting stopped him from pumping a load into her ass. He just basted her inner walls and filled her full of cum after she'd collapsed into the bed in a sweaty, pleasure addled heap.

And somehow he still wasn't done! Lilith truly couldn't believe what was happening when he pulled out of the gaping, cum splattered mess that was her asshole, rolled her onto her back, pushed her legs up, and slammed balls deep into her pussy without delay. The fact that his cock was still hard after cumming so quickly defied comprehension and the fact that he could pound her so roughly after already fucking her more furiously than she'd felt from a mortal was even more absurd.

Long before she had any chance of recovering from the pleasure of a sloppy creampie and all the ecstasy that came with it he was pounding her trembling cunt with the same ferocity as before. He might've been thrusting even harder than before, she truly couldn't tell as her head spun and her thoughts turned into a jumbled mess of disjointed insanity. As long as the ecstasy of his throbbing cock pumping in and out of her quivering mortal form continued Lilith would keep sinking lower and lower into the sort of bliss she usually gave mortals. And much like them she was quickly growing addicted to the pleasure of such an unmatched experience!

Luckily for her she had more than enough time to fuel that addiction as Henry continued to ravish her for literal hours on end. Every bit as overwhelmed as she was, albeit in slightly different ways, he gave in to his urges once more and used every solitary inch of his wife's gorgeous body to satisfy himself while he did. Pounding away at her cunt like he was trying to break her pussy, his cock, or both he eventually emptied another massive torrent of cum deep into her sex. He completely flooded her depths and filled her with another wave of pure bliss. But of course that was far from the end.

'Veronica' was pulled onto his lap as he joined her on the bed. His cock was shoved back into her sloppily winking asshole a moment later. She'd barely even finished squealing in delight before he'd buried two fingers in her cunt and pressed against her g-spot once more. And by the time she was able to process that ecstasy he'd turned her head to the side and smothered her in a deep kiss. Without even a seconds hesitation Lilith kissed him back, now entirely convinced he wouldn't notice any difference between his normal wife and the possessed whore he was fucking. Because there was no difference between the two. At least none that she could betray.

Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly keeping her cover wasn't much of a concern, instead her one and only worry as time wore on was keeping pace with the monster of a man she'd unwittingly spurred into breaking her. For the first time in thousands of years of life she was actually struggling to keep pace with a mortal lover. Henry was so ferocious in his every slightest movement and so unrelenting in his attention she never had a moment to relax. There was never a moment of respite as he recovered his strength and recuperated for another burst of passion. Even when he wasn't slamming his cock into one of her holes and pumping her full of another load of cum he was fingering her pussy, teasing her asshole, groping her tits, or otherwise driving her absolutely insane.

At times he was using his hands more than his dick and it led to a truly unending barrage of pleasure so far beyond her comprehension she struggled to fathom it. Lilith never realized how much she relied on things like mortal limitations and refractory periods to maintain dominance. Without those brief moments to catch her own breath and adjust to the thrill of possessing a mortal, a thrill made all the more incredible by her latest choice of possessions, she was left at the mercy of the man using her body throughout the night. Left to his every whim and desire as he tossed her around, moved her into whatever position he wanted, and made her cum more times than she could count. All the while flooding her mouth, pussy, and ass with remarkable amounts of jizz. More jizz than she could've imagined a single mortal producing and, as the night wore on, more jizz than she could even handle.

Between her own, inherent lust and the truly maddening swells Veronica's body seemed inundated by Lilith was all but drowning in Henry's cum as he continued to pump it inside of her. Every load sent more violent shudders tearing through her body and feeling it sloshing about inside her ass, womb, and stomach while she was wracked by other pleasures never failed to enhance every slightest moment in ways she truly couldn't predict. Not once in her entire life had she admitted defeat but as her 'husband' pumped another deluge of cum into her pussy while furiously rubbing her clit until her back was arching and warmth was exploding from her depths she genuinely considered it. If only to spare herself the humiliation of being forced to slink away after he'd completely ravished her and she awoke in her corporeal body hours later. Because as the night wore on and Henry grew more crazed she could actually feel her consciousness struggling to keep up. Around the time he was sliding his entire first into her ass and groping her tits at the same time she was forced to admit the truth. No matter how much it bruised her ego and no matter how absurd it might've been. One way or another he was going to beat her. Now it was only a matter of deciding when she accepted that.

Swallowing her pride and one last deluge of cum Lilith's astral form disentangled itself from the mess of shuddering flesh and quivering limbs it'd been inhabiting for much of the night. Finally freeing herself from the shackles of Veronica's insanely lust addled body she departed the Sweet house to find another, less absurdly horny, vessel to enjoy on Halloween night. But not two seconds after she'd slipped free of her mortal coil and vanished into the ether Henry finally collapsed on the bed, exhausted beyond reason and ready to sleep for the next century. He couldn't think, move, or function at all as he lay beside his wife gasping for breath and for a few moments it seemed like she was every bit as done as he was.

But as her mind returned and she was left with no recollection of what'd happened while her body wasn't her own Veronica was flooded with all the pleasure that'd been assailing her senses during what amounted to her fugue state. All at once she was hit with the tidal wave of ecstasy and burning desire that'd kicked everything off in the first place. Only now with the added tease of cum sputtering out of her ass and pussy while thick beads of it swirled around her mouth. How could she not lurch upright and look at her husband like a lioness admiring a particularly juicy gazelle?

“You're not finished yet darling . . .” She purred, throwing a leg over him and straddling his flaccid dick, “I'm certainly not!”

“You want more?!” Henry gasped, “I don't think I have anything else to give babe!”

“Oh I think you do . . .” Veronica said. Looking down at him with a lascivious smile she licked her lips and cheekily added, “You'd better!”

Her husband could only stare up at her in disbelief, shocked by the fact that she was still lucid after everything that'd happened. She bent down over him and kissed all along his neck while he was left to groan and shudder in a mixture of dread and delight, “We should've gone to that party . . .”


Keith Rogers

Damn Veronica literally out lusted a succubus.


Yeah it's a bit over the top and maybe not entirely within the bounds of canon (unsurprisingly) but this was fun to write and really not all that absurd for the character. Especially not in the wider realm of grey canon my works often occupy.