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Here's a short, sweet, and all around simple story I hope y'all can enjoy! There's not much else to say beyond that so read on and be sure to let me know what you think if you've got any opinions on this little commission!

Resplendent in her golden armor and flowing red cape Big Barda towered above the Humans around her, a living god walking among them. Protecting them. Ensuring they were safe from any threat in the universe. Yet for all her kindness and benevolence she cut quite an imposing figure. Even those familiar with the many aliens, superheroes, and villains populating the planet. Most people could only stare in awe of her as she passed or babble out a few incoherent words. The few who didn't openly gawk hardly fared much better. She couldn't remember the last time a normal person had stood before her and spoken coherently for more than a moment. Which of course made the young man that'd approached her in Central Park all the more fascinating even before he'd made his request.

In a testament to his bravado and his desires he managed to stand tall even as Barda loomed over him, a wild grin spread across her face and her hands resting on her hips. Nearly twice his height and capable of crushing him with a finger she was the most dangerous person Anthony had ever met but he didn't back down. His heart might've beat so fast he nearly passed out and sweat might've soaked the collar of his shirt within seconds but somehow he didn't buckle under her inscrutable gaze. To say nothing of her commanding presence and the sheer legend of what she'd accomplished after arriving on Earth and joining the Justice League. And it was that boldness that finally sent a hearty laugh tumbling from her lips as she clapped her gauntleted hands together in celebration. Though he was almost bowled over by the gust of wind her gesture created.

“You've impressed me Human!” Barda cheerfully exclaimed, “And it's been far too long since I shared the company of another! I'll grant your wish!”

“Y-You will?!” Anthony couldn't believe what he was hearing. Neither could the dozens of people within earshot, all of whom expected things to take a very different turn. “That's . . . that's amazing! I-I live a few blocks away on—”

“I don't care where you live!” She interrupted. Unbuckling her belt and tassets as she spoke Barda smiled at him as her armor clattered to the ground with an echoing crash.

“Then how are we—don't you want to—I don't underst—oh!”

Everything was made abundantly clear the moment he noticed her removing her scaled leggings as casually as a person might remove their jacket. Happily laying bare the lower half of her body for all to see Barda stood proudly in front of Anthony and everyone else, her plump yet toned buttocks on full display alongside the curly tuft of red hair above and surrounding her sex. A chorus of gasps and whispers heralded her sudden nudity but while everyone else was reacting in shock, delight, amazement, or a combination of all three Anthony just stared in disbelief. He never imagined she'd say yes to him in the first place and he certainly never imagined she'd take him in public. In front of at least two dozen strangers all staring in open mouthed shock. And before he could express any of that, or think about what was about to happen, Barda leapt into action. By the time his mind was working properly she'd torn his pants from his body and pushed him down onto the ground. By the time he had the wherewithal to speak she was squatting over his dick with a look of pure lust lighting up her beautiful face. It was a look anyone in his position would've wanted to see and one he couldn't help but stare at even as she pushed his legs into the air.

“W-What are you doing?!” He groaned, watching his ankles hover just above his head as his back curled and she bent him into a thoroughly humiliating position.

Her fingers wrapped around his cock as he spoke and he was momentarily overwhelmed by the softness of her touch. He hadn't even noticed Barda removing her gauntlets. How could he amidst all the other craziness unfolding right in front of him? Though no amount of craziness would stop him from seeing just how wet her pussy was as she squatted over him. Nor from feeling a small but significant flash of pride as he realized her large hadn't didn't completely engulf his prick. Of course no matter what he might've been feeling in the moment or what he might've been thinking as she handled him like a toy everything was eventually silenced by the simple pleasure of her sex rubbing against the swollen head of his prick. Or rather her rubbing his sensitive tip against her trembling folds as she moved into position above him.

All but pinning his knees against his chest with her own impressively muscular body she didn't even need to hold him in that embarrassing position. Though she still continued to hold his dick as she teased him for a few more seconds, her free hand resting on her knee while she grinned at Antony with a smile that sent his head spinning. Barda didn't seem to care about any of the people watching them, not even the ones recording the show she'd suddenly put on. He tried his best to not think about all the strangers either but it was nearly impossible with so many of them whispering and gasping and making all sorts of noises at her every slightest movement. Luckily he didn't have to worry about that for long as the sweet smell of her arousal filled his nostrils and rivulets of warmth trickled down his shaft. It was such an incredible sensation he barely even thought about what came next. About what she clearly had in mind. Not until she suddenly slammed herself down onto his shaft with all the strength she could risk using.

It wasn't even a fraction of her true power and that first thrust still sent all the air rushing out of Anthony's lungs. Although the intense, nearly unbearable wave of pleasure that accompanied her oh so wild movement certainly didn't help. Despite their almost comical size difference Barda's pussy was tighter than anything he'd ever felt in his life. He could barely comprehend the ecstasy swirling through him as her inner walls trembled around him and her arousal cascaded down his stomach. In the blink of an eye he was holding on to her ankles for dear life and groaning like he'd never groaned before, his eyes rolling back in his head while his entire body shuddered. In an instant he forgot all about the people around them.

In an instant he forgot about everything beyond the unimaginably strong, unimaginably beautiful alien woman squatting above him. The rest of existence just stopped mattering as he sank deeper and deeper into the toe curling pleasure of her body. She hadn't even started riding him yet and he was already at his wit's end. Her pussy felt so amazing he was practically on the verge of cumming even after masturbating not two hours before. And all of that on top of the simple thrill that was finally getting to be with a woman he'd fantasized about for well over a year. Ever since she saved him from certain death. Finally getting to be with her was worth anything else that might happen and he let out another, throaty cry long before she actually moved.

“Enjoy yourself little Human!” She cooed, “For as long as you can!”

Anthony barely heard her and couldn't offer anything more than a groan as she slid up his cock. The simple yet indescribable pleasure of her gliding along his prick was even better than her straddling him without moving. And when she reached his tip he sucked in a ragged little breath, his eyes barely managing to focus on her face as she held herself there for a second. Just long enough for a thick spurt of precum to erupt into her sex and send a wild shudder coursing down her spine. Seeing her react so viscerally to him was a dream come true and everything that happened after would stay with him for the rest of his days.

Barda slammed herself back down onto his cock and immediately bounced right back up again. She couldn't be anywhere near as rough as she wanted to nor could she completely let loose like she would've liked. But that didn't stop her from taking advantage of every single centimeter of his madly throbbing dick nor from pushing him as far as he could possibly go. Grabbing onto his ankles and pushing his legs back just the tiniest bit more she started riding him like no Human woman ever had or ever could. Absolutely flying up and down his prick she dominated him so utterly and compositely he was little more than her mewling, lovestruck slave. A position he and anyone else would've gladly occupied as waves of pleasure surged through him one after another.

As the sheer, overwhelming ecstasy of her pussy washed over him again and again faster than eh could react. His shirt was soaked in her arousal and his body was wracked with convulsions before a full minute had even passed. It was nothing short of a miracle he'd lasted as long as he had and ever additional second he managed to keep going while her beautifully tight sex trembled around him was another second of pure heaven. Time seemed to stop as he lay there in the middle of Central Park while the woman of his dreams slid up and down his shaft. It could've been hours or even days for all he knew, the pleasure was just so devastating and his mind so far gone he couldn't begin to care one way or another.

Moving faster and faster with ever pass Barda was enjoying herself ar more than she expected. The notion of fulfilling some bold Human's dream had been enticing enough by itself but she was delighted to learn just how thrilling mounting him in public could be. How pleasurable his manhood felt throbbing away inside her pussy. He couldn't hold a candle to the super powered beings and many alien lovers she'd taken by judged on his own merits Anthony was quite a lovely ride. Enough that she might even have cum if given enough time. Not even the comparatively slower pace she was forced to adopt could tarnish the enjoyment flooding through her. Every time she looked down at him and saw that dumbfounded expression lighting up his face she couldn't help but giggle. Hiving him such an indescribable experience continued to arouse her far more than she could've expected and the harder his prick twitched the more enthusiastically she bounced up and down his length. Her pussy was already filled with his precum and she hadn't even reached the peak of her measured rhythm! And she wouldn't get the chance to either, though it was difficult to lament that fact as her adorable companion uttered a breathy cry.

Finally at his limit and in no position to stop Anthony couldn't even give her a warning before he succumbed to the pleasure of Barda's amazingly tight pussy. A frantic moan was the best he managed as his eyes disappeared completely into the back of his head and his whole body tightened. Many of the strangers still watching gasped or whispered to one another as he tensed up. But they quickly fell silent when the goddess riding him glanced in their direction. And by the time she glanced back down at him cum was flooding the deepest reaches of her pussy as his cock went absolutely wild. Load after gooey load sprayed into her while she sank all the way down to the base of his shaft one more time. Before long she was moaning every bit as eagerly as him, the warmth of his seed sending shivers down her spine. Her inner walls quivered all the more around his length, milking every last drop he had to give while he was lost in a heaven beyond his wildest dreams. Nothing had ever felt so amazing and nothing would ever feel so amazing. Fifteen seconds felt like an eternity as he lay there emptying his balls into her sex while Barda moaned encouragingly and relished in every twitch and spurt and shudder.

But he didn't have time to enjoy the afterglow of his mind blowing ecstasy. She didn't give him the chance as she suddnly lifted herself off his cock. With a soft squelch his dick emerged from her pussy, followed by a deluge of fresh cum. It rolled down her naked thighs and dripped onto the ground as she stood up and everyone nearby stared in amazement. Barda didn't pay them the slightest attention. She simply lifted Anthony off the ground like he didn't weigh anything, throwing him over her shoulder with a hearty laugh. She collected her discarded things soon after and marched off with her new lover as if it were perfectly normal to walk down the street half naked and dripping a long trail of cum behind her.

“Where are we going?” Anthony mumbled.

“To my home!” She replied, “I'm not finished with you yet!”

Thrilled by her words, and the tiniest bit terrified, he could only smile and slump against her armor as he said, “Lucky me!”


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