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I hope y'all were in the mood for some Bowser/Peach action today lol. This story's pretty simple but I'm quite fond of the pairing so hopefully that comes across in the text! And I hope y'all enjoy regardless.

Another warm, sun filled day had come to grace the Mushroom Kingdom and all across the land people were enjoying the truly beautiful weather. Even the feared and reviled King Koopa had left his airship to enjoy a walk among rolling hills and grasslands. Sending countless Toads fleeing in his wake was simply icing on the cake of an otherwise peaceful afternoon stroll. But just as he was about to turn back and continue his endless scheming he heard a familiar voice ringing out not so far away. Though strangely muffled and echoing in a rather unexpected way he knew Princess Peach's voice as surely as he knew his own. And the moment he heard the strain in her unintelligible words he broke into a mad dash, thoughtlessly charging forth to rescue her from whatever danger she might've run into. Only to stop dead in his tracks as soon as he crested the nearest hill. Staring in confusion for all of a second he burst into laughter at the spectacle waiting for him in the small valley below.

Struggling and cursing in equal measure Peach was half hanging out of an unsually small warp pipe, the top part of her body clearly stuck within while everything below the waist dangled out of the perpendicular green pipe. She was furiously kicking her legs and clutching the green metal around her so tight he could hear her knuckles cracking even at a distance. Yet no matter how hard she strained nor how loudly she shouted into the darkness she was stuck in she couldn't get herself free. If anything she seemed to be making things worse for herself as she unintentionally wriggled deeper and deeper into the pipe without realizing it, all the while shouting at the top of her lungs and reminding Bowser yet again of just how loud she could really be when she wanted. And before he'd even finished laughing at the unexpected sight he was lumbering towards his trapped lover. Although he had every intention of freeing her as soon as he approached other plans quickly formed as she recognized his booming chuckle.

“Bowser?! Is that you?”


“Thank goodness! Pull me out of this thing!”


Peach waited to feel his strong hands on her waist or perhaps even on her legs. Instead she felt his clawed fingers pushing up her silky pink dress and trailing across her thighs. For all of a moment she wondered what he was doing, then she felt a cool breeze waft across her almost entirely exposed ass and everything was suddenly clear. “Seriously?!”

“Why not?” Bowser asked as he stuffed her dress into the pipe so it wouldn't get in the way. He took a second or two to admire the sight of her tight, round bubble butt wiggling and bouncing in front of him, a sight he'd enjoyed more than a few times in the last week alone! Carefully pulling down the soft white panties covering her ass he admired her already sopping wet pussy even more. And the jet black tattoo of his calling card on her left buttock. “It's been a while.”

“It's been two days!”

“Does that mean you don't want to?”

“Of course not!”

“Then what's the problem?” He asked as he straightened and guided his massive, thorny cock to her oh so tight cunt.

“You're incorrigible!” Peach replied. She tried to keep her smile out of her voice but that just wasn't possible as she felt his swollen cock head rubbing against her vulva. “Just—Just hurry up! I don't want anyone to see us!”

“You got it Princess!”

Realizing what she'd said a moment too late Peach barely had time to suck in a breath before Bowser slammed his foot long cock deep into her pussy. In the blink of an eye a dick as thick around as one of her thighs was buried so amazingly far inside her she could feel her newly distended belly straining against the contours of the pipe she was stuck in. Not to mention his scaly belly pressing tight against her quivering ass. And she loved it. She loved everything about the almost mind breaking girth of such a massive prick filling her to the brim. She loved it as much as she always had and she wasn't the tiniest bit shy about making that love known. Squealing in abject delight as he did what no other man was capable of doing Peach shuddered and grinded against her lover in a frenzy of barely coherent movement. Warmth gushed out of her pussy and full body shudders tore through her in a constant barrage of pure delight. Her already tight inner walls gripped his massive shaft even tighter while in turn his thorny length pulsed and throbbed against every inch of her sensitive pussy. Hitting places no other man had ever managed and sending waves of pleasure crashing through her just by standing there Bowser almost completely erased any misgivings she might've had. On some level she remained worried about any of her subjects discovering what was happening but those fears were quickly and completely being drowned beneath a rising tide of bliss. Especially when his enormous hands wrapped entirely around her waist to hold her steady as he withdrew his dick.

Feeling even better retreating that it did advancing his member throbbed like mad inside her cunt, straining so wildly it felt like he was going to split her in half with every twitch. By the time he'd all but completely pulled out the sudden emptiness she felt without his dick was overwhelming. Peach was left craving his cock like she always did, mewling in anticipation and wiggling her deliciously plump ass back and forth to tease him into thrusting back inside her. And while she hardly needed to give him any more incentive the sight of her juicy cheeks jiggling as she soaked the tip of his prick in arousal was one he never failed to enjoy. As well as one that never failed to send his dick slamming back inside her with all the ferocity he was capable of. Not so long ago she could only dream about bearing the full brunt of his lust but after hundreds of hours spent being ravished by her man she was more than capable of taking everything he had to give. Something he was more than happy to test as he immediately and relentlessly started thrusting with all his might.

After giving her two strokes to adjust and remember why she couldn't resist his dick under any circumstances Bowser went completely wild on his beautiful secret bride. Pounding her with everything he had he slammed into her tight, wet pussy in a downright mindless frenzy while she squealed in delight and soaked them both in a constant deluge of warmth. Every stroke sent more fluids erupting from her sex and another moan tumbling from her lips. Every meaty slap of her ass against his scales sent a shockwave throughout her body. Every toe curling thrust sent his barbed member rubbing against her trembling inner walls like no other cock could hope to match. In less than a minute her eyes had rolled back in her head while her tongue was left hanging out of her mouth as she drooled all over the inside of the pipe. The wet slap of their endlessly colliding bodies echoed out across the plains, matched only by his satisfied roars and the far more muted squeals erupting from her lips. Before long she didn't care who spotted them. She didn't care if the entire kingdom discovered what was happening, as long as he continued ramming his fat cock into her pussy nothing else mattered!

And as luck would have it Peach had more than enough time to enjoy Bowser's massive dick. More than capable of lasting hours if he really wanted and thoroughly excited by this unexpected twist of fate her man was more than happy to absolutely destroy her for as long as he saw fit. He drenched her inner walls in precum as she convulsed around him while she drenched both of them and the grass below in an endless torrent of warmth. Whenever she could she grinded against his cock as it plunged so amazingly deep into her pussy but more often than not she couldn't do much more than shudder in pleasure as he completely let loose. Had he not been holding on to her waist the sheer ferocity of his thrusts would've sent her even deeper into the pipe and likely out of his reach entirely. But fortunately for both of them he was more than capable of keeping her right where he wanted as he plunged his cock into her tight pussy over and over again without restraint. Indeed on more than one occasion Bowser even proved just how easy it would be to completely free her as he pulled her onto his throbbing prick, sliding her a few inches out of the pipe as he did.

Of course Peach neither noticed nor cared about such things as her ass smacked against his body and his dick rammed into the entrance of her womb. Every time she felt him collide with her cervix all the air was pushed out of her lungs in one massive gust and her already frazzled mind broke just a little bit more. So naturally he slowly focused all his attention on repeatedly hammering her second entrance, pounding away with everything he could and leaving her in a breathless state of absolute delirium within a minute. And when that wonderfully exhilarating state continued for minutes and minutes afterwards Peach was left to drown in the rising tide of pleasure coursing through her body.

Like so many times before he was pushing her towards the kind of mind altering bliss she'd never felt with anyone else and the closer she got the more she craved it. What little breath she managed to suck in was immediately released as frantic, encouraging moans as the waves of pleasure inside her crested ever higher. Even when Bowser couldn't fuck her any faster or any harder she still cried out for more in a ways that drove him completely mad with lust. His mind was a complete blank as he ravished her tight sex and his body was little more than a machine as he thrusted away with abandon for minutes on end. Minutes that felt like hours as they lost themselves in one another for the hundredth time.

She finally reached her limit after twelve unbroken minutes of taking Bowser's cock and loving every single moment of it. Although it could've been hours or even days for all she knew Peach was finally reduced to a convulsing, barely lucid wreck as ecstasy overwhelmed her. She screamed until she couldn't breath and shuddered in uncontrollable fits against her man. A fountain of warmth squirted out of her pussy to soak both of them in a fresh layer of warmth while her inner walls tightened madly around the dick inside her. And like he always did Bowser made sure to bury every last inch of his dick in her cunt the moment she started shaking. Knowing full well how much she loved feeling his length inside her as she trembled in abject bliss he gave her exactly what she craved: the entirety of his thorny cock for the entirety of her ecstasy. For almost a full minute she was squirted all over him and herself as she basked in the barbed contours of his member embedded in her sex. Not to mention the strong yet gentle grasp of his hands round her waist and the years of pleasure and love they'd built together. Aside from being denied the pleasure of kissing him as she quivered on his dick everything was as perfect as could be.  Then her ever caring husband to be effortlessly pulled her out of the pip to give her the kiss he knew she was craving and life truly was perfect.

“Why couldn't you do that before?” She asked when they finally broke apart.

“This was more fun.” He said with a grin.

Unable to argue Peach giggled and said, “Yes it was . . .” They shared another long, passionate kiss before she pulled away to ask, “How far is your airship?”

“Maybe fifteen minutes away . . .”

“Good.” She murmured, “Because I'm nowhere near finished!'

Sweeping her off her feet and carrying her like a new bride away from the pipe Bowser laughed and said, “Oh I know you aren't!”

Peach shared in his mirth as she snuggled up next to him and added, “If you hurry we might have time for a little anal play too . . .” Looking down at her in surprise her man paused for all of a second before breaking into an all out spring, the very ground beneath his feet shaking as he rushed back to his airship with absolute haste while Peach giggled in utter delight.


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