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Here's a fun little sequel to a previous story posted more than a full month after the holiday it's centered around! I hope y'all enjoy it lol. Oh and you can find the first part here!

Valentine's Day was in full swing and it seemed like everyone in Gotham was celebrating. No matter where he looked or what he did Derek always seemed to run headlong into at least one couple fawning over each other. Some were sharing the same drink, others were holding hands and giggling, a few were all but skipping down the sidewalk, and a rare handful were having rather noisy sex just out of sight of the main road. Occasionally it was amusing but most of the time it was just an irritating distraction as he pushed through the crowds to sort out his own plans for the 'holiday'. Without anyone to take out he was all on his own, so like most single people on a day meant for couples he was taking himself out. Or rather he was picking up a few expensive steaks, some expensive scotch, and everything else he'd need for a fantastic home cooked meal. And once he'd gotten it all made he'd park his ass in front of the brand new television he'd just bought and enjoy some great films. As long as they weren't romantic comedies of course.

What should've taken twenty or thirty minutes at the very most, the majority of which would've been spent walking to and from his apartment, was instead turned into nearly two hours. Two full hours spent waiting in lines, pushing through crowds, and generally being slowed at every single turn. By the time he actually had his groceries and alcohol in hand he half expected a supervillain to show up and hold the entire place hostage. It certainly would've been a fitting turn of events after the landslide of annoyances that'd built up. Luckily he managed to get out of the store and back to his place without the Joker showing up and causing even more pandemonium. And for the handful of minutes it took him to walk up the stairs to his home he actually fooled himself into thinking everything just might go according to plan after all. So naturally those hopes were immediately dashed upon reaching his front door to find it quite visibly kicked in. The jamb was broken and there was even a visible boot print right next to the knob.

“Of course.” He sighed. “Even in a nicer neighborhood I'm still the one who gets robbed.” Too irritated to think the criminals might still be at his place he stepped inside his undoubtedly ransacked apartment and made his way to the kitchen. “What the fuck?!”

While most of his place was pretty much exactly how he'd left it his kitchen was destroyed so completely it looked like something out of a horror movie. His cabinets were ripped open, every last piece of food he had was strewn about, and his fridge was toppled onto his side. And standing in front of his wrecked fridge loudly enjoying the spoils within were a pair of massive, spotted dogs. Every inch of their shaggy furred coats was splattered with some remnant of what used to be in his cupboards while drool covered scraps of everything he'd bothered to keep cold were all of the floor. Neither of the beasts had heard him come in or his exclamation and yet when he took an involuntary step back both of them simultaneously turned their heads to look at him. And the moment they did he discovered something even more confusing than their presence in his apartment. Because he wasn't staring at a pair of stray dogs like he first thought. He was face to face with a pair of hyenas! Literal hyenas! Like the ones he might see on a nature documentary! No part of him could wrap his mind around what was going on.

“What the fuck?!”

“Sorry hot stuff!” A familiar and entirely unapologetic voice exclaimed from the living room, “My girls were hungry and you were taking foreeeeeeeeever!”

Jumping at the sound of another person speaking to him and narrowing his eyes as his mind caught up with his reflexes Derek flattened himself against the wall and inched away from the hyenas as slowly as he could get away with. Upon entering his living room he found none other than Harley Quinn herself sitting on his couch idly watching porn on his new T.V. “W-What are you doing here?”

Springing to her feet with a giggle she climbed over the couch to stand before him with a lascivious glint in her eyes, “It's Valentine's Day!”

“Yeah but . . . wait . . . are you—T”

“I don't got any plans and it sure seems like you don't got any either!” She cheerfully interrupted, “So I figure we can spend the day together! What's left of it anyways!”

Ignoring her jab at his supposed tardiness Derek just stared at her for several uninterrupted seconds before finally finding his voice and asking, “Why'd you bring your hyenas?”

There were probably better questions to ask but he couldn't begin to think straight as he stood in front of one of them most dangerous women in Gotham while two wild animals ruined his kitchen. “Don't worry about them!” Harley exclaimed. “GIRLS! BEDROOM!”

“H-Hang on! Aren't we gonna—”

“Don't worry about it cutie. They'll sleep on the floor! I don't let em sleep in my bed!”

“That's not—” He immediately fell silent as Harley's 'girls' ambled into view. Walking past both of them without so much as a glance the two wandered into his bedroom and out of sight, leaving Derek somehow even more confused, “That's not what I'm worried about!”

“Good! Cause you should be worried about apologizin to me!”

“For what? For being late?”

“Of course!” Strutting past him and towards what passed for his 'dining room' table she hopped up onto it, knocking everything that was there aside of course, and spread her legs apart to reveal her completely naked pussy to his stunned gave. Hiking up her skirt even higher and leaning back to grin at him she added, “Lucky for you I ain't interested in apologies with words!”

Derek stared at her soft, wet pussy for several moments before looking up at her face as his mouth fell open and shivers ran down his spine. A small, very foolish part of him wanted to ask her to leave. Or even insist on it when she inevitably refused. But since he wasn't suicidal nor a complete and total moron he quickly reconsidered that idiotic instinct. Of course it was a lot easier to reconsider with a beautiful, if clinically insane, woman sitting there half naked and waiting with unmistakable lust. Even though it'd been a while since he last saw her he hadn't forgotten how much fun they'd had on Halloween. How could he when it was the last time he'd gotten laid? And despite knowing full well he was playing with fire no matter what he did he dropped his groceries on the floor and hurried towards her after all of ten seconds of deliberation. Although he made sure to grab one of the beers he'd bought for himself as he did. But instead of cracking it open for a bit liquid courage he tossed the bottle to Harley before sinking to his knees and laying his hands on her thighs. Before he could so much as breathe in the sweet scent of her pussy she popped the cap off with her teeth and took a massive swig, nearly draining it in a single go. He watched in amazement and even chuckled a little at the unseemily belch that erupted from her lips a second later. She finished off what was left soon after and casually hurled the bottle at the wall.

“Ohhhhhh that hits the spot!” She sighed. Leaning back and looking down at him with an even brighter smile than before she added, “But I know what'll make it better . . .”

Taking the 'hint' and giving her a quick little nod Derek leaned in and wrapped his lips around her clit without hesitation. Every bit as horny and eager as she was he started sucking on her swollen bud as hard as he could, his tongue flicking across it in a wild burst of movement while his hands pushed hard against her legs to stop them from closing. Harley's pleasured squeals instantly filled his apartment, waves of ecstasy crashing down upon her one after another in the first few seconds alone. Leaning back even further and grabbing a fistful of his hair she didn't waste any time grinding against his lips, thoughtlessly moving in time with his ministrations. In the blink of an eye her arousal was trickling down his chin and soaking into his shirt. A messy little puddle had already started spreading across the hardwood floor beneath them and the edge of the table she was perched on was similarly drenched after only a few strokes. When he suddenly moved his attention a bit lower to run his tongue across the entirety of her labia in long, smooth strokes the flow only increased. As did her breathless enthusiasm for every single thing he was doing. Exceptionally horny, even by her usual standards, after looking forward to this little hookup all day long she was way more turned on than she expected. And not at all shy about vocalizing her excitement as he licked and teased every centimeter of her pussy in an actually skillful burst of movement.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck I shoulda come here sooner!” She gasped as his tongue glided across her clit once again. “Right there!” Harley added the moment he moved down to her quivering entrance, “Don't be shy hot stuff! You already shoved your cock in there, ya might as well put your tongue inside too!”

Quick to follow her instructions he pushed his tongue inside her pussy and was rewarded with another throaty squeal. Along with another deluge of warmth gushing into his mouth as her inner walls tightened around him. Her already furious grip on his hair similarly tightened as he swirled his tongue around inside her a split second later, the sloppy sounds of his efforts quickly filling the air alongside her passionate moans. But instead of foolishly dedicating all of his attention to that one spot Derek made use of what he knew about going down on a woman to pull after a few seconds and quickly returned to the rest of her pussy. Especially her soft, hairless lips and the ever swollen clit sitting at the top of her sex. Doing his best to be as unpredictable yet focused as possible he didn't spare any part of her cunt from the onslaught. Much to Harley's constant delight. Finally slumping against the table so she could grab his head with both hands she grinded against his mouth harder than ever, frantically bucking her hips and gasping for breath with a delirious smile spread across her face. It hadn't even been a full minute and she could already feel the first tremors of an orgasm echoing through her body and reaching the very tips of her fingers and toes. It would still take a good ten more to actually get her there but the simple fact that he was already pushing her along after such a short amount of time didn't go unnoticed.

“Fuck!” Her voice was several octaves higher and her nails dug a little bit deeper into her scalp, “Oh fuck that feels good!” Hearing those words Derek immediately plunged his tongue back into the quivering depths of her pussy to swirl it around as fast and as sloppily as he could. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Harley groaned, “Right there! Right there! Right there! Right fucking theeeeeeere!”

Almost as excited as she was and relishing in just how vocal and how wild she could be he kept moving his tongue in that same frenzied motion for a few more seconds. Only to suddenly stop and completely reverse the direction while pushing just a little bit deeper inside her. He couldn't go anywhere near as deep as he might've wanted but that hardly mattered when she was crying out so loudly and unleashing such messy torrents of arousal. With his lips pressed firmly against her trembling labia and his tongue moving in a constant barrage he was doing everything he possibly could. And she was absolutely loving it. Every inch of her body was shaking as seconds ticked by and she drenched them both in endless streams of her warmth. Goosebumps dotted her pale skin and her toes had already curled inwards so tightly they were cracking inside her boots. At times she couldn't even find the breath to cry out, be it more profanity or simply more enthusiastic moans. Then when she finally managed to suck in a bit of air, often when his tongue was gliding across the less sensitive parts of her sex to find all the most tender places, she unleashed it in a pent of scream that rattled the windows and undoubtedly irritated all of his unfortunate neighbors. Not that she or Derek gave even a single damn about either of them. Harley was far too enamored with his unexpected talent for eating pussy and Derek was much too busy doing his best to make her scream.

It was a motivation that eventually saw him pulling a hand away from her thigh to slowly push two fingers inside her cunt after a minute or two of pleasuring her with just his tongue. Eager to make her feel as good as possible for his own sake as well as hers he pushed his digits as deep as possible inside her, all the while focusing the rest of his efforts of her clit. Sucking and licking and teasing her amazingly sensitive bud he swept her up in a burst of pleasure that sent her back arching and her mind reeling as it washed over her. She barely had time to appreciate what his fingers were doing amidst such an deliciously overwhelming surge. Until his softly calloused fingertips pushed against her g-spot with just enough force to make her whole body stiffen. Hardly doing much more than tapping the most tender place within her sex Derek effortlessly made her freeze up like she'd just been turned to stone. A startled little whimper escaped her lips at the same moment she felt that added bliss and it was swiftly followed by a protracted groan as he started massaging her g-spot without mercy. Pushing and rubbing and teasing her depths with a slow come hither motion he all but attacked her clit at the same time, practically breaking her already broken mind within a few seconds. And to her abject delight those first few seconds were only the beginning of what came next!

In spite of his previous attempts to be as unpredictable and varied as possible Derek suddenly and ferociously leaned into that two pronged assault on her sanity. Or at least what was left of it. Sucking on her clit with everything he had and teasing her sensitive bud with his tongue like never before he moved his fingers faster and more roughly with every passing moment. Knowing full well Harley could take it and keenly aware of how much she enjoyed the wilder side he didn't hold anything back. Within a minute or two he was fingering her so eagerly, so enthusiastically, the sloppily wt sounds of her cunt being stirred up had joined the rest of the cacophony. Like something out of a porn film he was churning up her sex hard enough to make his muscles bulge and to physically lift her up off the table more often than not. He might've had a bit of help thanks to her spasmodic quivering but there was no denying his vigorous movements were the main source of her endlessly heaving body. Not to mention the increasingly creamy deluge of warmth cascading out of her sex as he refused to let up for even a second. What'd once been clear, freely flowing juices were quickly being churned into thick, gooey strands by his relentlessly moving fingers and the longer it continued the messier her pussy got. Before long it was clinging to her thighs, his chin, and even falling to the floor with audible slaps. Yet another source of lewdness to add to the wildness filling the air.

Though no matter how noisily he fingered her nor how loudly she gasped for breath nothing could outshine the breathless scream that erupted from her lips when she finally came. After minutes of being so roughly fingered she was honestly taken aback by his enthusiasm Harley couldn't take another second of the bliss cascading through her body. In a flash her eyes rolled into the back of her head and every last one of her muscles tightened simultaneously. Her inner walls clamped down on his wildly churning digits while her hips bucked so hard against his lips it was a struggle to stay where he belonged. All the squeals and moans she'd been unleashing suddenly died in her throat for a moment as her voice failed her. And for what somehow felt like a split second and an eternity she was paralyzed on his dining room table, her back arched as high as it could go and waves of ecstasy spreading through her to the tips of her extremities. Then all at once she collapsed into a shuddering, convulsing wreck when the pleasure finally overwhelmed her. A frantic, throaty wail erupted from the deepest part of her lungs as sucked in a frantic breath while a fountain of warmth squirted from her pussy. Spraying across Derek's chin and absolutely drenching his chest that first eruption was little more than a precursor to the countless geysers that'd soon explode out of her. Little more than a warning shot before he was completely soaked in her arousal as she bucked and grinded and spasmed against him in a frenzy of pure, mindless lust beyond anything he'd ever encountered.

And for a moment or two he was so shocked by the geysers of warmth spraying from her cunt Derek actually pulled away. His fingers kept writhing inside her madly trembling pussy but his lips vanished from her clit as he stared in abject shock. Or rather as he turned his head away while her furiously bucking hips sent another fountain of sweet smelling, sweet tasting arousal bursting forth. But then something awoke inside him as she squirted all over his face. Being quite literally soaked in her ecstasy had set a fire in the depths of his chest. An almost animalistic need to act. Any thought of pulling back further or indeed doing anything other than lunging forward and pleasuring her until she went crazy, or crazier, disappeared from his mind. Alongside every other thought he might have. With a throaty growl he lunged forward and wrapped his mouth around her clit once again, arriving just in time for her to send another explosion of warmth spraying across his chin and chest.

Although she'd barely noticed his absence she certainly felt his return as he suckled on her most sensitive spot with a ferocity that was almost too much for her. Between his relentless fingers and the sheer singlemindedness of his lips and tongue Harley was actually struggling to keep up with the waves of pleasure crashing down upon her. Drowning beneath an intense, almost unbearable pressure she could only pant and scream and convulse against and around him as she continued to squirt like a broken water main. Every gushing eruption relieved the pressure just the tiniest bit but his unrelenting assault on what remained of her sanity easily outpaced any relief she might've found. And for almost two minutes it truly felt like she was about to explode from the sheer weight of the ecstasy flooding her senses. Like she would collapse and die in quite possibly the best way anyone had ever died. There was no end in sight and if she'd been lucid enough to think such things she honestly couldn't say if she even wanted one.

Luckily, and unluckily, Harley didn't pass out or die from the pleasure of his tongue and fingers. After what felt like an endless swell of ecstasy she actually started to come down from her euphoric high, though Derek made sure to really drag it out in the best way possible. The once powerful jets of warmth exploding from her pussy grew weaker and weaker with every convulsion while the uncontrollable spasming of her muscles similarly diminished. Slowly but surely she managed to find her breath and recollect her thoughts. It took almost as long as the orgasm itself but she was eventually able to piece together what was left of her mind as she lay sprawled across his dining room table. But it took even longer than that for her to find her voice as she panted and whimpered and moaned for what'd felt like an eternity. Not at all helped by his continued licking and fingering. He might've slowed down the frenzy a little bit but he hadn't stopped altogether. That only happened when she was finally capable of speaking.

And of course the first word out of her mouth was profanity, “Fuck . . .” She sighed, “That hit the fucking spot . . . I knew I shoulda come here sooner . . . fuck . . . fuck . . .”

Hearing the tone in her voice and correctly guessing she wasn't even close to finished despite how hard he'd just made her cum Derek slowly stood up. “Yeah . . .”

“What're you grinnin at?” She asked with a laugh, looking up at him and smirking, “Stop wasting time and—”

Whatever else she was going to say disappeared into an excited giggle as he lifted her off the table and carried her to his couch in a burst of energetic movement. In the blink of an eye she was stretched out across his comfortable sofa with her legs in the air and his throbbing cock rubbing precum across her already messy pussy. She couldn't want for him to stick it in and just go to town! Especially while she was still in the afterglow of an orgasm and so horny it was a struggle to think clearly. Little did she realize Derek was having different thoughts. Every bit as excited as she was and much too eager to give any thought to what he was doing he slid his cock past the tight little entrance to her sex. As much as he wanted to go balls deep in her cunt there was someplace he wanted to fuck even more, someplace even tighter. And since she was such a lunatic both in and out of the bedroom it almost made sense. At least to his lust addled brain. But the moment he actually pressed the head of his dick against her tightly clenched asshole he was reminded exactly how dangerous she could be.

Any hint of delight or excitement vanished from her face as she instantly trapped his neck in a scissor lock, effortlessly choking him before he could even react. By the time he'd grabbed onto her calves in a fruitless attempt to pull her off his face was already a furious shade of red, “What the fuck do you think you're doing?!” She hissed.

“I'm . . . sorry!” He choked.

“Yeah? What if I don't believe ya?” She squeezed a little tighter and Derek stared into her cold, furious eyes as the corners of his vision started to fade.

“I'm . . . s . . . s . . . sorry!”

“I killed the last guy who tried to fuck me in the ass without my permission . . .” Her words sent a chill through his body and yet all he could do was choke and sputter as he waited for her to kill him. Or in some insane stroke of luck spare his life, “But you're a way better fuck than he was . . .”

Squeezing him a bit tighter then suddenly letting go Harley let her legs fall down onto the couch while he gasped for breath and said, “Thank you!” about a thousand times.

“That was your only warning! Try that shit again and I'll feed ya to my girls!”


“Good. Now get back to fuckin me before my buzz wears off!”

“Of course! Right away!”

More relieved than words could describe and beyond eager to satisfy her every imaginable whim Derek didn't wast a second slamming his cock into her pussy with all his strength. He was still reeling from quite literally staring death in the face and in no position to really fuck her properly but that didn't and wouldn't stop him from trying. Nor did it stop him from pushing her legs back into the air until her knees were pressed against her chest and her ass was lifted right off the couch. In the back of his fear wracked mind he basked in the tightness of her cunt as her inner walls quivered around him but no matter how good that felt it couldn't overshadow his very real concern for his well being. Not even when he finally pulled backwards only to slam himself back inside her with all his strength, the meaty slap of their colliding bodies just barely drowning out her pleasured squeal. The messy little spurt of warmth that gushed out of her pussy after that first stroke went almost entirely unacknowledged while he frantically retreated once more. Guided as much by adrenaline as terror he started pounding her with everything he had. Moving faster and thrusting harder with each pump of his cock it wasn't long before he was absolutely hammering away at her cunt like his life depended on it. And for the first time ever it really, really did.

“Fuck yeah!” Harley moaned, sliding a hand between her trembling thighs to start rubbing her pussy while he thrusted away, “Harder! Harder!”

Doing exactly as he was told and sweating bullets the entire time Derek gave her everything he had, fucking like a wild animal as he slammed down into her in an absolute frenzy. More and more spurts of arousal erupted from her sex as the delicious afterglow she'd been enjoying, despite his mistake, quickly turned into abject pleasure. Her fingers were a blur across her clit and pleasure was already echoing to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Within a minute of him desperately jackhammering her cunt she was clutching the edge of the couch with her free hand and squealing loud enough to disturb his poor neighbors all over again. The endless, wet smack of his hips ramming against her tight bubble butt only made it worse as the apartment was once again filled with lewd, over the top sounds of pure sexual chaos. Of a man so unimaginably eager to do everything he could he was like a machine as he pounded away at her cunt with everything he had. Of a woman basking in that fearful reaction without a hint of regret or concern. If anything she got off knowing just how scared he was. His cock had never been harder and his movements were practically unhinged! If she'd known a death threat could've caused this kind of passion she would've threatened his life a lot sooner! Because after a couple minutes spent reaping the rewards she was clawing at his sofa and gasping for breath all over again!

“Fuck!” Harley moaned. Her eyes were starting to roll back into her head and her mouth seemed incapable of closing as he ravished her, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”

Swearing with just about every stroke of his cock she was rubbing her clit so fast and so hard she probably would've caused a fire if she hadn't been so unimaginably wet. Even with a seemingly endless deluge of fluids gushing out of her sex and streaking across the rest of her body, including her own face, Harley was still in danger of rubbing herself raw. Especially as his cock started slamming into her g-spot and the pleasure surged to new heights. Or rather back to the same toe curling heights that had let her completely drench her companion in arousal and pretty much ruin his relatively nice floors in the process. Growing more and more overwhelmed by the second she couldn't do much more than frantically work her clit and mindlessly grind against him as she did. Anything more than that required enough brain power to comprehend her own body beyond the ecstasy setting fire to her nerves. And after several uninterrupted minutes of being pounded like Derek was trying to break her pussy with his cock that was completely beyond her. Indeed even screaming out profanity while he was so furiously dicking her was too much after a little while. No doubt to his neighbors relief, although the throaty squeals and guttural moans that replaced them were hardly an improvement.

Of course she could've been screaming like an ambulance and Derek wouldn't have cared. He was so singlemindedly focused on pleasuring her he barely even heard the sounds she was making or the sounds he was causing. Focusing almost entirely on the increasingly sloppy jets of warmth gushing out of her pussy every few thrusts of his cock he just kept pounding away as the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours. Or rather that's how it felt as his muscles screamed for a reprieve and his back ached from the awkward position he'd been fucking her in. But he ignored all of that as surely as he ignored the people banging on the walls and no doubt telling them to stop. Slamming his cock balls deep into her cunt with every stroke and deliberately hammering her g-spot with every ounce of strength he had left Derek pushed himself so far beyond what he was capable of it felt like he'd die from exhaustion trying to save his life. A feeling that certainly didn't go away as Harley continued to squirm and squeal and shudder beneath him with no end in sight. She might've soaked her face and filled her mouth with her own juices but to his fear addled brain she was nowhere near another orgasm, and he didn't even want to think about what would happen if she decided she was owed more than two climaxes!

Fortunately for him and his rapidly waning stamina Harley was a lot closer to ecstasy than he knew. So close it fact it was actually a complete and total surprise when she shoved him away just as the first geyser of arousal was exploding out of her cunt. Falling backwards with a groan he watched in awe and relief as Harley continued furiously rubbing her clit as her entire body shook in downright violent spasms. Her hips bucked wildly in every direction while she made noises he'd never heard come from a human being before. All as she absolutely soaked herself, his couch, and a good deal of his living room in a sweet smelling deluge of pussy juice. Derek could only sit there and watch as the spectacle before him carried on and on and on for what seemed like ages. He almost felt a bit hurt that he was apparently so irrelevant to her pleasure that she could continue writhing and screaming for such a long time completely without him. Although such feelings couldn't overtake the visceral pleasure of watching a beautiful woman wracked with pure bliss. Especially when her more convulse shudders began to die down and she started resembling a normal person again, albeit one dripping with her own fluids and still quivering in spasmodic fits. The gradual softening of her squeals was every bit as welcome too. Particularly when she managed to find her voice yet again.

“That . . . was perfect . . .” She said with a hoarse laugh.

“I-I'm glad . . .”

“Me too!” Harley replied. After a few more seconds she sat up and looked at him with a bright grin and a wild look in her eyes, “You're too much fun to kill!”

“Th-Thank you?”

“You're welcome!” Springing to her feet in spite of how much her body was still trembling she did her best to walk away from him while shouting, “C'MON GIRLS! WE'RE LEAVIN!”

Standing up and looking at her in confusion Derek glanced down at his painfully hard cock before looking back at her and asking, “You're leaving?”

“Yep! But don't worry cutie, I'll add you to my little black book when I get home! You'll be seeing a lot more of me from now on.”

Derek watched Harley and her hyenas leave, slowly following in their wake and looking at the mess that'd been made of his place. “Great . . .” He finally said, his tone rife with disbelief, “That's just . . . great . . .”


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