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Anyone turned off by stories about real people should give this one a pass. If that's your cup of tea and you like beautiful trans women then read on!

As soon as he set foot inside his girlfriend's house Santiago knew something was up. Soft, romantic Christmas filled the air and the entryway was lit by a soft candlelight glow. Following their gently flickering trail deeper inside with an ever widening smile he set down his briefcase and called out to the woman of his dreams, “Natalie?”

She didn't reply but the soft crackle of wood in the fireplace pulled him towards the den and the second he reached the doorway his jaw just about hit the floor along with his briefcase. Stretched out across a faux bearskin rug like something out of a dream was his stunningly beautiful girlfriend. With her back to the roaring fire and shadows dancing across her face she looked all at once fierce and gorgeous as she reached out to him with a single curling finger. Her alabaster skin glowed in the warm light as nearly every inch of her gorgeously curvaceous body was laid before. Only a fluffy Santa hat sitting at a jaunty angle atop her head and a festively colored chastity cage broke the smooth beauty of her naked body. He watched goosebumps erupt across her softly trembling skin as her small, perky breasts heaved with every breath and her warm green eyes sparkled. The smile spreading across her plump crimson lips made his heard skip a beat. Before he even realized what he was doing Santiago started unbuttoning his shirt, his wide eyes constantly roaming her body. A wild shiver coursed down his spine as he watched a bead of precum fall from her caged cock and disappear into the fur she was stretched so invitingly across. Stepping closer with a hungry grin lighting up his face he kicked off his shoes and tore off his clothes as fast as he could. But no matter how quickly his fingers moved it wasn't fast enough and he dropped to his knees beside her, half undressed and unable to hold back for so much as a moment.

Bending down and wrapping her in a kiss he stopped taking off his clothes to instead touch and caress her body, one hand gently cupping the back of her head while the other trailed across her tautly trembling stomach and towards her cock. Kissing him back with a soft moan Natalie finished what he'd started even as her whole body quivered at his touch. Eagerly undoing his belt and unzipping his slacks she wrapped her fingers around his deliciously fat cock at the same moment he cupped hers. Both of them gasped in pleasure as they felt one another and both of them leaned even harder into their passionate embrace. A moment later his digits slipped just a little bit lower to find the tightly clenched oval waiting for his attention. Sliding two fingers inside without so much as a second thought he started teasing and toying with his lover almost immediately. Pumping in and out just fast enough to send chills through her body yet just slow enough to be absolutely maddening he broke their kiss to stare into her eyes with a knowing grin. She looked up at him with a glassy eyed stare, her lips parted in a constant moan and her whole body quivering with excitement. Her fingers glided along his dick as quickly as she could manage and for a few wonderfully heady moments the two remained there, locked in those positions.

Until they couldn't handle another second of build up and Santiago swooped in for another kiss. Their lips reunited as he plunged another finger into her ass and her whole body curled towards him in a fit of pleasure. Her fingers were a blur across his cock as their moans filled the room and drowned out the crackle of the fire behind them. When he pulled away a second time the look on his face sent an excited shudder tearing through her entire body. Letting out a sound caught somewhere between a laugh and a moan Natalie laid back against the soft fur. Immediately pulling her legs into the air until her ankles were almost parallel to her head she clutched her thighs tightly and watched her man move into position with an eager grin. Pausing just long enough to lather his cock with the bottle of lube she'd so kindly left nearby he pressed the head of his prick against her quivering entrance. She barely had time to moan in delight before it vanished again. Her brow furrowed as she looked at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement. Then another whimper spilled from her lips as he pushed the lube bottle against her trembling asshole instead. Squirting a deliciously massive amount deep into her ass he watched and reveled in her shuddering as her inner walls were painted in gooey lubrication. Precum oozed from her nicely caged prick, dripping down onto her stomach and rolling across her skin while he slowly lifted her ass off the ground until she was staring up at her own cock. Then and only then did he press the head of his shaft against her tender little hole.

“Fuck me!” She whined, her fingers trailing across his calves as he squatted above her. “Fuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Giving her exactly what she wanted, exactly what both of them wanted, before she'd even finished begging Santiago plunged all eleven inches of his madly throbbing cock inside her ass with all his not inconsiderable strength. His balls slapped wetly against her skin as she cried out in ecstasy, her whole body tightening as she was stretched open nice and wide by his impressive girth. But she barely had time to appreciate just how fat his dick was and just how much she'd missed him while he was away at work before he pulled back. Feeling his prick gliding out of her was almost as delicious as feeling it slam inside and she was treated to both in quick succession. They very moment his twitching cock head reached her quivering asshole he suddenly and ferociously slammed his entire length right back inside her again. Another echoing smack filled the den, wholly drowned out by her pleasured squeal and his throaty groan. She'd edged herself for hours just waiting for him to come back and now that he was finally home she couldn't help but scream in delight. Especially as he wasted no time absolutely pounding away exactly like she wanted and exactly like she'd hoped. With both hands clutching the backs of her knees and keeping them pinned against her chest he fucked her tight asshole like there was no tomorrow, holding nothing back and giving her everything he had in a flurry of pleasure that nearly overwhelmed them both.

Jackhammering her sloppy asshole with everything he had Santiago groaned like a wild animal as his cock plunged in and out of her hole. Her trembling inner walls convulsed around his dick with every stroke, thick spurts of lube and precum oozing out of her ass to drip down her trembling body. Little flecks of the tawdry mixture splashed across both of them with every impact of his hips against her plump bubble butt and it wasn't long before they were glistening with sweat and the cinnamon scented lube she'd bought for the occasion. Add to that the long strands of precum endlessly drooling from her cock as it throbbed against the cage surrounding it and Natalie looked every bit like the messy slut she really was within a minute or two. Her face was painted with her own arousal, even with her mouth opened wide to catch as much of her precum as she could, and every time she felt his dick slam balls deep inside her ass another strand dribbled out. Pleasure coursed through her body in greater and greater waves as all the teasing and edging she'd tormented herself came back in the most toe curling ways imaginable. Whenever she wasn't gulping down her own fluids she was panting him name and moaning increasingly perverted encouragements. Every word from her mouth was punctuated by a long and shuddering gasp as her man went more than a little crazy.

After spending what should've been his day off cleaning up other people's messes and fantasizing about his girlfriend Santiago couldn't have held back even if he wanted. Knowing full well Natalie loved every second of his ferocious movements he did his best to keep up that pace and drive her completely insane. Guided as much by a desire to please her as he was his own libido he rolled his hips with each and every thrust, slamming his prick against her g-spot and adding further fuel to the raging fire burning inside her. Within a few seconds he'd all but taken away her ability to speak, any words she tried to say tumbling out in a nonsensical jumble as her eyes slowly rolled back in her head. By the time a full minute had passed she was groaning like a bitch in heat and baring her teeth. She gripped his ankles so tightly her nails almost drew blood but he didn't stop pounding her gooey little hole for even a second. The momentary flash of pain was well worth the incredible pleasure of her asshole quivering around his dick. Not to mention the sight of her cheeks flushing and her back arching as she sank deeper and deeper into the ecstasy coursing through her. There was no telling how long she'd be able to last but in the end it hardly mattered. Whether he fucked her for five minutes or five hours she was about to explode and nothing short of stopping entirely was going to change that. And luckily for her Santiago didn't even consider that.

No matter how fun it might've been to completely ruin her orgasm and deny her just a little longer he couldn't do anything more than continue thrusting like his life depended on it. Her ass was too tight and his mind was too hazy for anything more complicated. And yet as he felt her inner walls squeezing him even harder and heard her breathless groans he did manage to have a single thought. One that sent his hips into an absolute frenzy of movement. Pounding her as fast as humanly possible in a burst of enthusiasm he could never hope to maintain for more than a few seconds he filled her entire house with the wet slap of his body slamming against hers. Long, gooey strands of lube connected them both in the wake of his unhinged barrage and increasingly messy streams of it oozed from her convulsing asshole as she was finally given the ecstasy she'd been craving all day. Pleasure coursed through her body in a crashing wave, setting alight every single nerve and stretching to the very tips of her extremities. She let out one last gasping, grunting squeal before falling completely silent as her body shook and her mind went completely blank. Another swell of goosebumps erupted across her sweat soaked skin while her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Beneath the festive little chastity cage her cock was twitching and pulsing just as wildly, huge spurts of cum erupting from her tip to leak out in one long, seemingly endless stream. A stream that drizzled across her face and flooded her still open mouth until her hair was plastered to her skin and she was so completely drenched Santiago could barely see beneath the layers of spunk,

She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman in the world and he stared down at her in awe as his movements instinctively slowed. Though he wanted to keep fucking her he was much too enamored with how beautiful she looked painted in her own jizz and convulsing in the afterglow of an orgasm some twelve hours in the making. In no time at all he'd stopped thrusting completely to enjoy the constant trembling of her asshole around his cock and smile at the disheveled, cum soaked sight of her lying beneath him. “Merry Christmas . . .” He said with a soft chuckle.

Licking her own cum off her lips and smiling up at him Natalie shakily replied, “Merry Christmas babe . . . now fuck me all night long!”

“Of course!” He groaned, effortlessly picking her up as he rose to his feet, “What'd you think my present was?!”

Natalie's laugh quickly melted into a moan as he started fucking her all over again, thrusting ever bit as hard as before, “F-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ck y-y-y-y-y-y-e-e-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s! I-I-I-I-I-I-I l-l-l-l-l-l-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-v-e-e-e-e-e-e y-y-y-y-y-y-y-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u!”

“I love you too!” Santiago groaned, slamming his cock into her with all his might, “I love you too!”


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