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All right y'all! It's time for me to get back into the swing of things after by bout with COVID. This is the first of the two stories I owe you guys and I'll do my best to get the second one finished and sent out either by the end of this month or within the first week of the next. Hopefully y'all enjoy the final product(s)!

After weeks of traveling across the land to finally meet his bride Prince Eltael's carriage finally rolled to a stop outside the gates of his new home. Butterflies ran wild in his stomach as he listened to the muted sound of his entourage speaking with those guarding the gate. Immediately he wondered if there hadn't been some sort of mistake. If perhaps he'd misunderstood the proposal sent to him by the Queen Byria and approved by his parents soon after. Thankfully his fears weren't allowed to fester for too long before the rattle of a portcullis opening filled the air and his carriage lurched forward a few heartbeats later. The bumpy unevenness of the cobblestone streets gave way to smooth brickwork and the sound of trumpets rang out in celebration. He could hear dozens of voices speaking at once but resisted the urge to peek through the curtained windows on either side of him. As foolish as it might have been Eltael didn't want to spoil the surprise that was his bride to be's appearance. Although he'd been told she was an intelligent, beautiful Queen very much worthy of ruling and that he should be proud to marry such a remarkable person he'd heard precious little about how she actually looked. A different sort of man might've been suspicious of that fact and perhaps even probed a bit deeper to find out why her looks were being hidden. But not the Prince of Mordavia. For all his neurotic tendencies he harbored little concern for her appearance beyond an intense curiosity about what she looked like that'd only grown with every moment spent traveling to Nortrigrad to meet her. And when the time finally came for him to step out of his carriage and meet the woman he was to spend the rest of his life with he couldn't help but smile nervously at his feet for a moment. When the carriage door swung open and his herald announced his presence he pushed away any nervousness he might've felt and stepped into the cool morning air with his head held high.

Little did he realize his bride to be was nowhere to be found within the wedding party. Instead she was sequestered away in one of the many towers overlooking the courtyard. Sitting at the window gazing down at him she watched her husband emerge with all the proud bearing and noble standing she expected and indeed predicted of a young prince. What she couldn't possibly have predicted was how handsome her partner would be. She'd certainly heard rumors of his beauty and like anyone with even a slight awareness of the world she knew how attractive Half Elves could be. Yet as she watched him meet with her court and shake hands with countless nobles Queen Byria couldn't help but marvel at the sight of Prince Eltael. His wild mane of shimmering black hair perfectly framed his graceful yet rugged face, perfectly accentuating his glittering blue eyes and complimenting his chestnut brown skin. He had a remarkably strong nose and full lips, with high cheekbones and all the sharp angles characteristic of anyone with Elven blood. As if in direct contrast to that very notion a very light dusting of dark hair covered his broad jawline in a testament to his Human lineage. The rest of his body had a similar juxtaposition. Though tall and obviously well built, even beneath the flowing silken garments Mordavians so favored, he moved with a flowing grace so unlike his frame. He towered above nearly everyone he met as he slowly made his way through the courtyard and into the castle proper but he never seemed as imposing as one might expect. Perhaps it was the warm smile spread across his face or the affable way he greeted everyone to cross his path. Despite how much larger he was than all but her most impressive guard, despite how easily his hand dwarfed the ones who shook it he was never anything but charming and perhaps even kind.

“Your suitor is quite a handsome lad.” Her handmaiden remarked, peering over her shoulder to watch him for a moment.

“He is indeed.” Queen Byria remarked. She made no effort to keep the delight from her voice as she turned back towards her companions. “Hopefully he'll be every bit as enthralled with me . . .”

Prince Eltael spent the remainder of the day being led about the castle and told of it's long, storied history. Alongside more immediately practical information like the location of the kitchens. Although he asked about his bride to be many times his questions were always met with the same assurances: he would meet her at the wedding. Their flair for dramatics was certainly impressive but by the end of the day he couldn't help feeling a touch annoyed with the utter lack of information he'd been given. Why Queen Byria had elected to keep him in the dark eluded him and his retinue certainly weren't much help in discerning her motives. All but the ambassador who'd lived in Nortrigrad were just as clueless as he was. And not even his ambassador could provide anything more than shrugs and supposition when asked about the odd behavior. Nothing could diminish the excitement he felt at the prospect of marrying so legendary a woman but as he lay in bed trying to fall asleep a certain amount of skepticism couldn't help but penetrate his elation. Had the wedding not been the following afternoon his concerns might've had a chance to blossom into something more but fortunately for all of them he fell asleep before his thoughts could turn to action. Though as his eyes drifted shut and his consciousness faded he did consider, for a brief moment, sneaking out of his chambers and finding the Queen. He couldn't think of a more wonderfully romantic way to meet his bride and it was only the exhaustion of traveling for so long that kept him in his bed. Little did he realize Queen Byria was thinking near exactly the same thin on the other side of the castle. Only her sense of propriety and the gossipmongers among her court kept her from slipping out and meeting her soon to be husband in the dead of night. She too drifted off thinking about him with a small but unreservedly eager smile.

Both the bride and the groom woke the next morning flushed with excitement. Each rolled out of bed grinning from ear to ear and each hurried towards their wardrobes. Of course in Queen Byria's case what she selected within was little more than the first of many stages involved in preparation. Prince Eltael was lucky enough to simply don his elegant black and gold livery and be done with all he needed to accomplish. While he did fret about which boots to pick and what jewelry to pair alongside the rest of his garb by in large he didn't spend more than twenty minutes choosing everything. Indeed when he emerged from his chambers much of the castle was still asleep and only his most dedicated guard proved conscious enough to greet him. By contrast the woman he was to marry didn't depart her bedroom for nearly four hours as she went thought the laborious process of choosing every little detail of her gown, veil, train, and everything else that might send a message to those in attendance. With more than a dozen courtiers and nobles to appease her concerns were many and they were impossible to ignore. Thankfully with the help of her handmaidens and a few select, trustworthy nobles she was able to decided upon the best assembly. In a perfect world she might've chosen everything weeks or even months in advance but the duties of ruling paired with many a guest arriving last minute left her with little choice but to decide everything on the eve of her marriage. A small amount of time was saved by her abject refusal to wear any sort of makeup in spite of her companions insisting she do so to 'complete her appearance'. She hardly ever wore any sort of makeup in her day to day life regardless of how strange a habit that was and she refused to change that for her wedding day. Her groom would see her as she is and he would appreciate or resent her solely for that alone. Though she quietly hoped he'd feel nothing but the former.

Fortunately Queen Byria didn't have to wait long to learn what her husband thought of her. As soon as she emerged from her chambers the wedding began. Music filled the halls of the castle and everyone waiting in the gardens rose to their feet. Every last one of her handmaidens fell in line around her while a coterie of flower girls scurried from all over to begin dropping petals. She was handed the elegant yet very much functional sword she'd commissioned for this very occasion while Prince Eltael was handed a beautifully crafted axe he'd commissioned for much the same reason. Both bride and groom held their gifts tight as they waited to meet one another properly. Between the decorum of such a lavish event and the simple size of the castle she was traipsing through in accordance with tradition Queen Byria didn't actually reach the gardens for nearly ten minutes. On two separate occasions her journey proved so long the orchestra heralding her arrival was forced to begin their song anew as quickly and smoothly as possible. Only the Mordavians found that quirk amusing. Everyone else in attendance retained the same austere, reverence regardless of what occurred around them. In some ways it felt more akin to a funeral than a wedding. Those feelings swiftly changed upon seeing the Queen for the first time. Appearing just as the song heralding her arrival reached a crescendo she stood tall among the woman around her, a picture of beauty an elegance that nearly struck Prince Eltael from his feet. His mouth fell open and his eyes widened the instant he beheld her and for a brief, thoroughly embarrassing moment he fumbled with the axe in his suddenly trembling fingers. Though he managed to catch it before it clattered to the found and disturbed everything he only did so by scrambling and flailing like a buffoon and more or less disturbing everything around him regardless. But he didn't care. He was much too busy admiring the woman he was to marry.

Her face was hidden behind an opaque veil that shrouded her undoubtedly beautiful features in a final layer of mystery but thankfully every other facet of her appearance wasn't the leas tbit hidden. Clothed in a beautiful, shimmering gown of pale blue and adorned with countless jewels about her neck, fingers, ears, and indeed everywhere else they might be found she couldn't have looked more regal if she tried. The crown of burnished gold set upon her head rested atop fiery orange locks of elegantly braided hair streaked with silver and gray. Falling down around her hidden face in a carefully built style befitting a Queen her soft locks were a perfect accompaniment to the soft, emerald green color of what little skin was left exposed by her quite reserved dress. Though calling it reserved under any circumstances beyond how much of her body it showed was simply laughable. Luxurious and ornately detailed without being garish her gown and the trail following behind it was simply jaw dropping in both scope and beauty. And yet it paled in comparison to the woman wearing it. Although he felt ever so slightly boorish for thinking of a woman he'd never spoken to in such a manner Prince Eltael couldn't help but marvel at how plump and voluptuous his bride to be was. Living among Elves and Humans his entire life he'd never truly witnessed how full bodied a woman could be. In the span of a single heartbeat Queen Byria had show him exactly how much he was missing.

Every last part of her buxom Orcish features were chubby and round in the most enticing way imaginable. From her soft, pronounced belly visible beneath the taut fabric of her gown to the fullness of her arms and the sheer size of her breasts beneath her ill equipped bodice she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. There was no doubt in his mind her legs were every bit as vivacious as the rest of her, though they remained shrouded by the flowing lower reaches of her gown. He couldn't wait to see every inch of her without the dress hiding her beauty. Thoughts of his bride to be stretched out across their marital bed, reaching out beseechingly towards him with a tender smile, filled his mind and refused to leave even when he tried to temper his wild desires. For all the good his efforts did he might as well have tried to douse the sun beaming down upon them. Prince Eltael simply couldn't stop marveling at queen Byria's gorgeously full figure and the proud dignity with which she held herself. His eyes were round as could be and his mouth simply refused to close. Once he saw her face there was little doubt in his mind he'd be well and truly enamored with everything about her looks. And if she was even half as remarkable as everyone said he could already imagine himself falling head over heels in love with her by the end of summer.

Queen Byria noticed his reaction and allowed herself a little smile beneath her veil. Many of the more traditional Orcs and Dwarves in attendance would've balked at the notion of her showing such a blatant display of emotion during a time she was meant to be austere and composed but she didn't really give a damn about them. Her happiness was much too strong to be trampled by dour faced traditionalists and the many jealous fools who'd gladly see her fail in everything she did. And it didn't hurt that many of those same noles were too busy watching Prince Eltael with disgusted or horrified expressions. His utter 'disrespect' for what was meant to be a moment of reflection took so much pressure off his bride to be she could practically skip down the aisle towards him. Indeed he likely would've appreciated the sight even more than he appreciated her already, though she couldn't quite bring herself to be that brazen yet. Perhaps in the coming weeks as her husband established himself among the people and she finally had another ally against the endless succession of brooding orthodox courtiers all around/. But those plans could wait until after she actually married him and learned what sort of man he truly was, she'd heard precious little about her young husband save that he was the last unwed child of her neighbors. Fortunately nearly all the rumors and gossip her spymaster had unearthed painted him in a good light and what few didn't seemed so at odds with the rest it was hard to believe their sincerity.

By the time she was standing across from him with a high priest, two lesser clerics, and a host of deacons surrounding them on the dais she was quite ready to be finished with the wedding. Moving at the 'appropriate' pace it'd taken her far longer to reach him than necessary and she knew full well how much more was to come. Only a single, niggling doubt kept her from looking forward to everything to follow with her whole being. A small yet annoyingly persistent part of her still harbored some lingering fears about what he might think when he lifted her veil and saw her face for the first time. His obvious infatuation with her body may not extend to her countenance or even her body after she'd removed her dress. He certainly wouldn't be the first lover to balk at her age. Though she was still centuries away from being the wizened old crone many an idiot saw her ass there was no denying she'd already lived a fair few centuries and many of them could be seen on her face. Would her husband to be find the sight of such natural qualities unsightly? Would he lose his newly kindled enthusiasm? There was no denying she was a good deal older than him. Almost twice his age if the reports she'd gathered were to be believed. With a lover such things were of little importance, she could send them away and find another who wasn't a fool. But if her husband harbored such thoughts she couldn't dismiss him so easily nor could avoid him as he lived out his days in the same castle.

What'd begun as a small, worrying otion in the back of her mind slowly overtook her thoughts as the ceremony continued and the high priest droned endlessly on while his deacons sang and clerics chanted their hymns. Although completely unaware of his bride's concerns he was every bit as eager to be done with the ceremony. When it came time to exchange the weapons they'd brought for one another he did so with a bright smile and a genuine enthusiasm. He was honored to receive so intricate a blade and despite all tradition and decorum he slung it across his back without a second thought. Countless glares fixed on him the moment he disturbed the ceremony and yet the only thing he cared about was the soft laugh of the woman standing across from him. Even through the veil he could feel her gaze on his face and her smile shining like the sun. His already widening smile just about reached his pointed ears when she wordlessly strapped her axe to her waist a few heartbeats after he'd donned his blade. Her insolence filled the air with mutters and furtive whispering, their surprise and disgust causing more of a stir than anything else as they drowned out the chanting of the solemn music of the deacons. So great was their ire the high priest was actually forced to stop his sermon and demand the crowd be silent. All while the couple responsible for their antics did nothing but stand before them grinning like fools and quietly sharing in a moment of bonding. The first of many they quietly hoped.

“Now then,” She said in a voice dripping with irritation, “We may proceed with the union. Prince Eltael—”

“Yes Your Grace?”

Several nobles couldn't help but sight at his foolishness. Queen Byria let out a soft laugh while the priest he'd interrupted gathered herself once more, “Lift your bride's veil and look upon her as a husband looks upon his bride!”

“Y-yes Your Grace . . .”

Doing his best to hide how nervous he was Prince Eltael reached out with trembling hands to lift his bride's veil and finally lay eyes on her face. He couldn't have been more exicted to finally see the rest of her beauty, a direct and almost comical contrast to the uncertainty welling up inside her. His fingers gently brushed against her cheeks as he held touched the silky cloth shrouding her face and whether by accident or design his touch sent a little shiver through her body. Before her shudder had even passed he'd thrown back her veil and revealed her slightly embarrassed, slightly worried, and slightly nervous countenance for all to see. But he didn't care what everyone else saw, much like before he was far too enamored with what his eyes beheld to think or care about anything else. She was, to use the only word his mind could conjure, gorgeous. Like many an Orc her face was wide and round with strong, fierce contours yet a small, slightly upturned nose. Two large, sharp teeth were visible jutting upwards even with her beautifully pouty lips closed.. Her ears were small and human-like but with a pointed crest at their peak like an Elf. She had the most piercing gray eyes he'd ever seen his life and they were quite a bit larger than he expected, not so much that they took over her face but certainly enough to leave him staring deep into their depths almost immediately. When he managed to tear his gaze away from hers he found himself admiring the rest of her round, chubby face. Particularly the wrinkles around her eyes and creasing her forward. At a single glance it was easy to tell she'd spent many a day smiling and laughing with those she trusted and the years of joy had marked her face in the most beautiful fashion he could've imagined. Prince Eltael didn't think once about her age in spite of how much he enjoyed it's signs. He simply drank in the beauty of the woman before him, memorizing every line and feature of the woman he was soon to marry.

“You're beautiful.” He mouthed, just aware enough to know speaking while the High Priest continued to ramble on would earn him no favors.

A dark green flush crept into Queen Byria's cheeks and she mouthed back, “Thank you!”

Both of their hearts were racing as they stood before one another barely listening to the sermons and just about ignoring everything else in the gardens. With the last cause for worry removed she felt nothing but excitement. Though he'd thought it impossible he was perhaps even more eager to be done with all the ceremony, his thoughts slowly straying towards more lascivious places. Hers soon joined him as the high priest neared the climax of his rambling and both of them thought about what followed after they were officially married. Nortrigrad was somewhat infamous for it's many and often times complicated traditions but among the few nobody had ever complained about was the consummation of a newly complete marriage. Especially after Queen Byria's predecessor had abolished the rule stating a priest or deacon must be present to witness the fulfillment of the sacred act. With that one and only qualm removed many a bride and groom had suffered through endless speeches and rituals with only the bedroom on their minds and the royalty standing in the palace gardens were no exception. They made almost no attempt to hide their true feelings throughout the ceremony and when it came time to join hands the tender yet excited way they squeezed one another was even more telling than their expressions. She wrapped her fingers around his wrist just a bit tighter than she should've and he did the same without hesitation, entirely unaware of yet another 'rule' he was breaking in the process of doing so. Three bands of silken rope were tied around their arms, binding them in the eyes of the Gods and more importantly, to many in the court at least, in the eyes of the nobility. The high priest concluded her sermon with a grand, sweeping gesture and everyone rose for silent reflection as the newly married couple turned towards them.

Feeling unaccountably foolish as he stood there clasping his wife's hand while people stared at them for several uninterrupted moments King Consort Eltael glanced at his bride and silently asked, “What do we do now?”

Her brow furrowed and she looked at him in confusion. He repeated his question and she eventually replied, “We leave!”

He'd never been more eager to leave anywhere in his entire life and yet for all his obvious relief and unapologetic enthusiasm it was the woman beside him that move first. All but dragging her husband forward a handful of steps she descended from the dais and rushed down the aisle. Away from the judgmental eyes of her court, towards the solitude of the castle looming above them, and most importantly of all to their marital bed. It didn't take long for her groom to join her as she hurried past a sea of scowling faces and soon he was even outpacing her. She did her best to keep pace with him but her flowing gown made it all but impossible to match his long, unrestricted strides. He noticed her lagging behind him around the time they disappeared into the cool shade of the palace and in a moment of unexpected romance he turned back to face her wild a wild grin. For a moment she thought he menat to swoop in and kiss her but instead he knelt down and lifted her off the ground. Byria gasped as she was swept off her feet, holding on tight to his doublet and giggling as he jostled her around for a moment or two. Once he'd gotten an arm wrapped around the small of her back and another beneath the crook of her knees he stopped to admire the woman in his arms. She smiled up at him with the same happiness radiating from his gaze. Eltael continued walking down the hall a moment or two later, barely paying any attention to where he was going as he carried her to their chambers. It wasn't until he reached a split in the corridor that he realized the folly of his antics.

“I don't have the slightest idea where I'm going.” He admitted.

“To your right.” Byria laughed, “And a left soon after.”

“Thank you . . .”

“You're welcome . . . husband . . .”

She felt his grip tighten ever so slightly and watched his smile curl upward even more, “That title feels strange to hear aloud . . .”

“Would you prefer something else?”

“I've never had any qualms with being called by my name . . .” He said with a grin.

“Very well . . . you may call me whatever you like, though I suspect you'll choose Byria . . .”

“I suspect I will!” They shared a hearty laugh and a short conversation before finally reaching the Queen's bedchambers. Yet upon arriving at the threshold her gallant groom didn't barge in and carry her to their bedding as she expected, instead coming to an abrupt stop and flashing a nervous expression as he failed to meet her gaze, “I fear I have a confession to make . . .”


“I . . . have little experience in matters of the . . . b-bedroom.”

“Are you a virgin?”

“N-No. But I suspect I might appear as such once we begin. I felt it only fair to warn you of such a thing before—”

Amused by his reticence and flattered by his honesty Byria silenced him with a kiss. Resting one hand against his chest and the other upon his cheek she leaned up and smothered his fears in a burst of sincere passion. In truth she didn't give a damn how much or how little experience he possessed. They had centuries to learn everything they could ever desire and she was nothing if not eager to begin that process as quickly as possible. And when her husband recovered from his shock enough to return her tender embrace she was delighted to find him more knowledgeable than he gave himself credit. He'd already swept her off her feet in a literal fashion and the moment he leaned into their kissing she could feel him doing the same in the only other manner she was interested in. Even if his knees did buckle just a bit as their lips pressed together and adrenaline coursed through their bodies. Eltael took a clumsy step forward after a few moments, his head spinning and his body suddenly very eager to reach the bed and all the wonders it promised. But taken as he was by the unimaginably soft kiss of the woman in his arms he found it near impossible to think or act anywhere near clearly enough. Part of him was even quietly amazed at how little her protruding teeth actually interfered with their kiss. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had wondered about such a thing upon seeing her. Now his thoughts were scattered to the winds and desires ruled him in an uncontrollable medley. He barely had the presence of mind to turn them both sideways and avoid slamming her against the doorway. Once he'd accomplished that remarkable feat he immediately slammed himself agai

nst the frame instead, nearly ending their embrace as his shoulder collided painfully with stone. Had her lips not parted to allow her tongue a chance at meeting his own a moment earlier he undoubtedly would've ruined the lovely moment they'd been sharing. Of course no amount of pleasure could stop her from smiling at his silly little mistake, nor could it stop her from feeling the heat radiating from his cheeks as he blushed like never before. Thankfully she was nothing if not a master of self control, at least for the moment, and they managed to find their way inside their bedchambers without too much trouble. The door was kicked shut behind them and with a clear shot to the bed the King Consort could just about stumble his way over without too much issue. Indeed he was so eager to reach the luxurious bedding he failed to think about anything else and soon learned the intricacies of Nortrigradian carpentry as he slammed both knees and feet against the frame. A pained groan spilled from his lips before he could stop it and both of them were sent tumbling down upon the sheets in a wholly ignoble heap. Their kiss ended in a burst of laughter as his wife utterly failed to hide her amusement while he simply lay atop her in a sprawled, shameful heap for several moments. Although he managed to push himself upright after a few seconds nothing could diminish the shame burning his cheeks. But looking down at the vision of beauty beneath him was a rather wonderful balm for his embarrassment. With her fiery orange hair spread across the bed around her beautifully grinning face Byria was nothing short of breathtaking. Everything from the curve of her lips as smiled up at him without a hint of judgment or annoyance to the way her eyes sparkled with unabashed arousal sent shivers down his spine and excitement coursing through his body.

Within a few seconds Eltael had forgotten all about his blunder as he swooped down to resume the kiss he'd accidentally broken. The pain in his knees and feet persisted a good bit longer but it was an easy enough problem to overcome as his tongue nervously emerged from his mouth to meet her own. He had precious little experience in such matters, even by his already limited standards, and allowing her to lead him and take charge of everything couldn't have felt more natural. Especially when her hands slid across his body, one tangling itself in her hair as the other glided across his back. Eltael was given a rather pleasurable shock when his new bride didn't hesitate to grab a handful of his toned buttocks and squeeze them hard enough to make him gasp. Both taken aback and thrilled by her utter lack of fear or hesitation he ended their kiss for a second time to grin down at her. She smiled right back up at him and took a moment to admire how adorable her husband was. Everything about his reactions were so genuine and sincere she couldn't help but swoon a little after so long spent in the company of Orcs and Dwarves incapable of showing their true feelings without first ensuring it was part of some courtly doctrine first. Byria would ensure her King Consort never joined their ranks, no matter the cost.

Her momentary distraction was brought to a sudden and much needed end when Eltael leaned down once more, this time to kiss along her and softly ask, “Is your dress terribly complicated? I should like to see you out of it . . . but I'd hate to ruin the craftsmanship . . .”

“It's quite the mess!” She breathed, her voice caught between a sigh and a moan, “None of the tailors responsible for it were at all concerned about removal. Merely how it looked before the court.”

“I see . . .” Kissing his way along her jawline with considerably more confidence than she'd seen from him yet Eltael eventually pulled away to look across her voluptuous figure, “Then allow me to praise them for a job done flawlessly . . . and you for looking so beautiful . . .”

“With a tongue so silvered I'm beginning to doubt your inexperience with women!” She squeezed his rump a little harder and squirmed against the bed.

“If only I could disprove that doubt throughout the evening . . .”

“Let's settle ourselves on removing this gown first.” Byria laughed, “Afterwards we can see how little you may or may not know!”

“The Queen speaks with wisdom . . .”

They shared another bout of laughter as he straightened and slid off the bed. She joined him at the foot of their considerable mattress. Turning away and lifting her hair to reveal the complex lattice work of previously hidden strings and clasps keeping her ensemble in place the Queen let out a soft laugh as she said, “If it's too much trouble rip the blasted thing off. My tailors can always repair the damage and I have little intention to wear it again . . .”

“It may come to that.” Eltael replied as he looked at the complicated mess before him. He started pulling and prodding at various spots to little avail and quickly retreated after each attempt to fix her gown with a studious look.

“Who could've imaged the mighty Prince Eltael foiled by a simple Nortrigradian dress!”

“My Queen, there is nothing simple about the dress you've put before me!” Sliding his hands into the neckline of her gown and gripping the silken fabric tight he said, “Your tailors did an admirable job and I'll see they understand my sorrow for this desecration!”

Before she could do more than smirk at his words Byria felt her husband's muscles tense and heard the rip of fabric. As effortlessly as he might tear a ripe piece of bread Eltael ripped his bride's gown open all the way to the uppermost portions of her shapely buttocks. He wasted little time stepping back and releasing his hold on her ruined garment, watching in abject delight as it quickly sagged off her buxom frame. She let her hair fall down her suddenly exposed back and without looking back at him quietly slipping out of her ensemble as quickly as she could. He watched with bated breath and utter fascination as her clothing inched little by little further down her beautiful green skin. When her arms were removed from the sleeves hugging them only her wide and altogether vivacious hips kept her sullied dress in place. It was pushed down her plump thighs and appealingly chubby legs long before he could appreciate the glimpses of her body he'd been teased with. Once her apparel was in a crumpled heap at her feet she stepped out of the mess and turned towards him wearing nothing but the jewelry she had yet to remove and a pair of elegant heels he couldn't have cared less about. In an instant Eltael was smitten all over again as he looked at his wife once more. Everything about her seemed even more beautiful in the soft afternoon light.

Her softness, her full figure, every last face that'd so entranced him before continued to leave him awestruck. And the countless new details suddenly assailing his eyes even more so. Unrestricted by the fabric of her gown Byria's ample breasts were free to spill out in every direction, crested by two amazingly large areola and two nipples hidden away between those dark green confines. A few stretch marks dotted her soft belly and a few more were visible across her thighs. Perhaps even more striking than that was the wild thicket of curly orange hairs shrouding every inch of her sex save for a dark green pearl peeking out from within the forest of downy fuzz. Much of the lower portions were already matted with arousal and slicked down by the movements of her body and as he stood there gawking little rivulets of that same warmth rolled across her thighs. When he finally managed to tear his gaze away from the rest of her body and look to her face he found an ever so slightly apprehensive look spread across her beautiful features. As if some part of her was worried what he thought about her appearance. For a moment he was almost surprised by such a reaction. A heartbeat later he realized the only sane course of action and stepped forward.

“No man deserves such a beautiful companion.” His lips pressed against hers faster than she could respond and his arms closed around her body as he crushed her into him in a tight hug.

Byria didn't hesitate to kiss and hug him back with all her own, considerable strength and for several wonderful moments they stood there basking in the warmth and tenderness of one another. Their embrace only ended when she pulled away to tell him, “Your clothes are in our way.”

“They are.” He agreed. Eltael started to pull away only to be stopped by her eager hands grasping at his far simpler attire and lifting it up with an eagerness that made him shiver. Grinning like a fool he set about removing everything she wasn't already dealing with and in no time at all he stood naked before his bride, quietly asked, “Do I pass your muster?”

Staring at his broad, powerfully built frame and the countless muscles straining from every part of him she nodded without a second thought. Her eyes roamed his deliciously bulky silhouette for several unbroken moments before finally drifting down to his unexpectedly hairless loins and the impressive cock hanging down between his bulky thighs. At least as long as her forearm and thick enough around to make her ache simply by looking at it his manhood was every bit as perfect as the rest of him. And the ample balls hanging down behind it looked ready to burst with seed. Suddenly it was her turn to marvel at every remarkable facet of her partner's body as she ogled his member for what felt like quite a long time before taking in the rest of his gorgeous appearance. How elegantly he walked the line between Elf and Human. How smoothly rippled his musculature was. How large his hands truly were as they reached out to clasp hers. How widely he beamed as he looked down at her. And most of all how tenderly he spoke when he asked his question again and she finally thought to answer him.

“Do I pass your muster?”

“Very much so.” She replied, “Now stop prattling on and kiss me!”

His lips reunited with hers before those words could finish echoing throughout the room and the pair fell back onto the bed in a heap of trembling limbs and unabashed laughter. But instead of allowing her King Consort to gain the upper hand Byria wasted no time seizing her advantage. With both hands pressed flat against his chest and her sex pressing down upon his manhood as she straddled him there was no denying she held every ounce of control as kissed him. Other men might've complained or even attempted to roll atop their wives Eltael found himself absolutely delighted to be beneath such an incredible woman. His fingers trailed down her back and his hips clumsily thrusted upwards the very instant he felt the warmth of her slit against him. He was rewarded for his efforts with a messy deluge of arousal seeping from her pussy to cascade across both their bodies while a wild tremor rippled through her already tensing muscles. She smothered him beneath her kiss with even greater fury and their tongues coiled around one another in a wild dance as his hands finally happened upon the prize they'd been searching for. Though ever so slightly more nervous than she'd been he grabbed as much of her enormous, jiggling rump as he could get his digits around and squeezed hard. Hard enough to send another barrage of shivers throughout her body and hard enough to bring their kiss to an end. Albeit a wonderfully short one. Burying her face in the crook of his neck and gasping for air as she felt him grope and fondle her with so much more enthusiasm than she expected Byria only recovered as quickly as she did through sheer force of willing. Her burning need to kiss him outweighed her excited trembling just enough to see their tongues coiling around one another and the room filled with their soft embrace after a scant few heartbeats.

At the same time her hips lurched upwards into the air and countless long, gooey strands of arousal stretched out between her cunt and his length. Without the weight of her body pressing down on it his cock sprang into the air so quickly it slapped against her outermost folds with a meaty smack. Another full body shudder ran down her spine and without a second thought Byria lowered herself back onto his manhood. Suddenly it was Eltael's turn to bring their kiss to a sudden end as he groaned in abject pleasure. Just about going cross eyed as her tight, wet body enveloped him faster than he could've ever handled the King Consort could do little more than lay there grunting like a wild animal and holding on for dear life as she slid all the way down his shaft. Going just slow enough to savor every inch yet more than fast enough to leave them both out of breath the Queen shivered every bit as much as her husband, if not more. His cock was absolutely raging inside her body, throbbing like mad against her inner walls and straining so ferociously he couldn't help but collide with many of the most sensitive places within her over and over again. Yet even when he wasn't inadvertently stimulating her most intimate spots the sheer strength of his member made her toes curl and her eyes shut tight. By the time she was comfortably straddling his hips and enjoying every last centimeter of her man's cock Byria's nails had scraped long red tracks across his chest. Her hips started rocking back and forth almost immediately while a trickle of warmth seeped from her innermost folds to soak his waist and trickle down across his muscular stomach. The more enthusiastically she moved the greater the flow became and within a few seconds of sitting atop her lover she'd all but soaked the both of them in her fluids. The air around them was absolutely flooded with the pungent smell of her sex and no matter what he did Eltael couldn't help basking in her scent.

After a few more moments she almost managed to straighten her wildly curved back and offer a lengthy moan to the ceiling. But while her eyes had fluttered closer and simply refused to open her husband couldn't stop himself from staring up at her as she trembled and panted above him. His gaze was all but glued to the sight of her ample, heaving breasts rising and falling with every breath she tried to suck in and every ragged gasp she belted out. In an unsurprising but no less wonderful turn of events he was completely smitten with the sight and wholly unable to give it up as she tried to pull away. It didn't matter if he could already feel the limits of his endurance weighting down upon him. It didn't matter if he could barely control his limbs as he all but flailed his hands away from her plump ass. The one and only thing he sought to accomplish was pressing those soft, green lips against his own once more, whatever the consequences might've been. All at once sitting up and wrapping both arms around her back Eltael clutched a fistful of his bride's orange locks, both pulling her down against him and holding her in place as he lunged forward. Byria scarcely had time to whimper at the unexpected pleasure of his bravado before they were kissing once more and she melted against him in a trembling fit of unbridled passion. In the blink of an eye her body was pressed down against his once more and she was basking in the full force of his excitement as his cock throbbed madly inside her sex while his lips pressed furiously against her own and his hand glided across her skin. Within a few heartbeats he was haphazardly thrusting upwards as hard as his position could allow and the sudden, toe curling smack of his loins against her own as he actually lifted her into the air was nothing short of awe inspiring. The first time it happened she was delighted. The second time she was overwhelmed. By the third she was slamming down against him every bit as hard as he was thrusting upward.

And for almost a full minute they could do nothing else but kiss one another and enjoy their frantic lovemaking to the absolute fullest. The rest of the world faded into the background of the pleasure and the furious slap of their colliding bodies reverberated throughout the bedroom and into the halls beyond, much to the approval of the nobility unashamedly listening in for proof the marriage was being consummated. Fortunately for the Queen and her King Consort none of the stuffy, sexually repressed men and women outside their door hovered longer than was necessary to confirm tradition was being upheld and nobody heard the unmistakable sounds of Eltael's inexperience quickly getting the better of him. Because after nearly sixty seconds of being ridden by a woman as remarkable as Byria there wasn't any hope of him lasting anywhere near as long as he wanted to. Indeed every time he thrusted upwards and felt her inner walls spasm around him he knew it could very well be his last. Especially as his gorgeous bride began to gyrate and grind against him every time their bodies reunited amidst a shower of sweet smelling fluids. Feeling how much she enjoyed being atop him and knowing he was, at least for the moment, actually succeeding in pleasuring such a remarkable woman was perhaps the last thing he needed to know. Within seconds of truly realizing how well he was doing and how well he might continue to do in some other existence seemed to drain away all the composure and restraint he'd managed to keep up to that point. A lengthy gasp erupted from his lips as he broke their kiss yet again to cry out in a manner his wife was all too familiar with. What she didn't expect and couldn't have predicted was the absolutely wild barrage of thrusting that followed his not so subtle warning.

In a flash of apologetic determination he did his best to make her feel as good as possible before succumbing to his weakness. And lacking any other recourse that meant pounding away at her amazingly tight sex with all his considerable might. Slamming into her like he was trying to hammer down a stubborn nail he held nothing back and gave everything he had for a brief yet utterly incredible few moments. Byria was completely swept away in his ferocity and beyond thrilled by his efforts. Her whole body descended into fits of quivering as she stopped trying to move at all and simply held herself down against him while he devastated her sex. Even knowing he couldn't maintain that speed or strength for anywhere near as long as she might've wanted did little to diminish her abject pleasure. Nothing could harm the excitement coursing through her as his body slammed against hers and the wet smack of his sack against her flesh rang out in a wild cacophony. And when it finally came time for him to empty those loins and fill her with his seed she was all the more overjoyed. His madcap thrusting came to a sudden, toe curling end as he embedded his length inside her one final time and cried out her name. She wrapped her arms around him and smothered his face in her breasts and she cried out his name too and threw her head back in rapturous delight. A small but no less delicious wave of pleasure crashed down upon her a moment before his warmth exploded into her sex and the moment she felt his seed splashing across her inner walls she sank down against him in a satisfied heap.

Over and over again his length pulsed with even greater strength, every twitch sending an amazingly thick jet of cum deep into her body. So deep in fact she could all but feet it flooding her womb and perhaps even sealing their union in the most wonderful way imaginable. But even if she didn't end up with child the sheer volume of his fluids and the thickness of them as they flooded her body was incredible all on it's own. In just a few heartbeats she felt full to bursting with his seed and after a few more it was already leaking out of her sex in long, creamy rivulets. Yet he was still pumping more inside her with every pulse of his endlessly throbbing manhood. After thirty seconds delight was slowly being overwhelmed by incredulity and after another thirty seconds she was beginning to wonder just how pent up her husband was. By the time he'd actually finished a thick puddle of his warmth had already formed on the sheets beneath their bodies and the constant trembling of her inner walls sent an endless trickle seeping out of her sex in such copious amounts she almost didn't realize he'd finished. Only the slow softening of his length and the utter weariness that seemed to overtake him gave away his flagging endurance. Or at least that's what she assumed until she heard his muffled voice weakly promising the opposite within a few seconds of his body going limp.

“I'm not finished . . .” Eltael mumbled.

“Are you certain?” She laughed, “It certainly feels like you've finished!”

“I can keep going . . . I merely need . . . a short break . . . to recuperate . . . a few minutes . . . at the very most!”

“Is that so . . . then we'll need to occupy ourselves in some other fashion until then . . .”

He felt her body tremble atop and around him and when she lifted her breasts from his face enough for him to see her expression he found his wife smiling lasciviously down at him, “What perversions fill your mind . . . my Queen?”

Her sex trembled around his sensitive length and she bit her lower lip for a moment, basking in his words and the sincerity with which they were spoken. After barely a second of deliberation she slid her hands beneath her ample tits and held them aloft, “Kiss my breasts . . .”

Eltael glanced down at her soft mounds for all of a second before wrapping his lips around one of her dark green areola and sucking as fiercely as he could. Even expecting and indeed ordering such a thing couldn't prepare Byria for the onslaught of pleasure that accompanied his efforts. Her chest had always been remarkably sensitive but in the wake of everything else they'd done and her own rampant excitement she felt ready to burst the moment he started suckling. In the blink of an eye her back was arched and her arms were wrapped tight around his head as she held him against her tits and cried out his name. With his mouth preoccupied with far more important things he responded by cupping her unattended breasts and sensually rubbing her achingly sensitive buds. The Queen wasted no time grinding against him as her fingers tangled themselves in his hair and wild shudders struck like bolts of lighting over and over again. Somewhere in the back of the mind she noticed his cock swelling against her feverishly trembling inner walls and delighted in the sudden reversal of his stamina. But such a thing couldn't possibly remain at the forefront of her mind while his tongue darted across her skin and slowly coaxed out her hidden bud. Bouncing between sucking so fiercely his cheeks caved inward and letting his unexpectedly skill tongue glide across and around her areola Eltael kept his wife in a constant state of trembling delight.

Knowing just enough to keep her endlessly guessing and wholly unable to fully adjust to his ministrations he gently coaxed out her inverted nipple little by little while she cried out in pleasure and squirmed atop him. Yet as wonderful as it was to lay beneath her feeling every slightest quiver as he teased her breasts the longer he remained the more difficult she made it for him to continue. Not by any conscious choice of course. But being slowly beneath her ample bosom as she pressed down upon him proved more of a challenge than anything else. Especially as he struggled to draw breath among the heaving curves of her chest. All but certain losing consciousness would ruin the pleasure of the evening and very much eager to see his wife in a state of utter bliss the King Consort did the only thing he could think of in the moment. Taking a leaf out of the same books he'd always dismissed he wrapped his arms around her body and suddenly rolled them both over. In his haste he nearly sent them careening off the bed entirely but thankfully they avoided that uncomfortable fate thanks solely to the sheer size of her bedding. And instead of a painful reminder of the efficacy of gravity Byria was given a sudden, toe curling reversal of pleasure as she lay beneath her man while he suckled freely on her breasts. His manhood was swelling even faster inside her pussy, so quickly the steady dribble of cum now leaking down her buttocks actually slowed. Slow, almost mindless thrusts quickly followed as he settled down between her widespread legs and the added pleasure only made her back arch even higher. Soon enough she was clawing at the sheets above her head as she grinded against his manhood and coiled her legs around his waist.

When he released her nipple with a wet pop she couldn't help but cry out his name. In the heat of the moment she feared he was done with her breasts and instead focusing on the same madcap gyrations as before. Her fears immediately proved unfounded as he bent down with a smile and wrapped those soft lips around her untended areola. She barely had time to appreciate how fiercely he sucked on her tit before his fingers closed around her newly exposed bud to pinch and tease it between his thumb and forefinger. Very clearly aware of just how much she enjoyed a man, or indeed anyone, touching her in such a place Eltael didn't hesitate to take full advantage of everything he had at his disposal. Suckling one breast while relentlessly pleasuring the other and slowly building a steady rhythm with his hips he did all he could to make his new bride squeal. And his efforts proved a resounding success over and over again as seconds blended into minutes and she was left constantly writhing and gasping beneath him. Sometimes her hands clawed at his back as she wrapped herself around him and held on tight. Sometimes she seemed to almost shy away from him as ecstasy shuddered through her and she struggled to bear it's weight. Other times she fell almost completely still as her muscles tensed and her entire body seemed to quiver so fiercely he was almost worried. But no matter what she did he always responded in the same manner, constantly doing his best to make up for his rather poor initial showing and give her a reason to desire him beyond that first night.

Indeed the King Consort was so focused on pleasing his wife he didn't notice the telltale signs of his success even as the grew so obvious any fool should've been able to see it. His mind and body were so singularly focused on bringing her to orgasm he barely even felt how she reacted as his mouth switched from one nipple to the other. Some part of him was certainly aware of the enjoyment coursing through her as he lightly bit down on her tender buds. How could he not be when her whole body tightened around and beneath him? When her sex gripped his now fully erect manhood so tightly he had to lurch backwards or risk climaxing once more? But while it was nearly impossible not to recognize how much she adored his efforts he couldn't begin to see how quickly all his ministrations were adding up. With so narrow a focus he had no earthly idea the true scope of her ecstasy or how rapidly it was building inside her body. Every powerful thrust of his hips sent the wave threatening to crest within in her climbing even higher. The feverish smack of his body against her own paired with the absolute thrill of his manhood swelling against her inner walls was exquisite. All the more so as he continued to follow her command with such a wild enthusiasm she honestly regretted not asking him to touch her breasts sooner. Whether it was his lips or his fingers wrapped around her nipples the unending pleasure of each never failed to make her cry out. Paired together as they so often were it completely eroded her conscious thought and sent her mind falling to pieces within minutes.

Little by little his teeth biting down on her sensitive buds and his fingers squeezing just hard enough to make her gasp compounded everything else in the most delicious way imaginable. Every so often he moved a little more forcefully than she was expecting, perhaps a bit more forcefully than she might've wanted, and that momentary flash of unexpected discomfort or outright pain crystallized her thoughts and brought her back from the edge. Until she was thrown right back to the precipice once more by the ensuing barrage of pleasure as he hastily made up for his errant behavior in the only manner he could. Before long the Queen almost found herself looking forward to those moments when her husband forgot himself just enough to leave her acutely aware of herself and everything that was happening. Because the rapid and toe curling descent back into ecstasy was well worth the temporary flash of lucidity. Particularly when it sent her eyes flaring open and she had a chance to look up at the handsome man she'd married and watch him suckling at her breasts so fiercely. Watching him above her and feeling the intensity in his gaze as surely as she felt the ferocity of this thrusts and the passion of his lips and fingers never failed to send her eyes rolling back in her head and her back arching as fiercely as possible. Little did she realize her lover was relishing the sight of her wild gaze suddenly finding him only to vanish as pleasure crashed through her and she settled back into wild shudders. He was much too distracted with continuing his efforts to really think about what was making her react so feverishly but luckily for both of them he managed to continue stumbling down the exact right path regardless.

Little by little the cadence of his thrusts returned to the same frenzy he'd reached before losing his control so completely. But now each wild plunge of his manhood was accompanied by an even greater ecstasy for the woman he sought so desperately to please. What'd been an enjoyable but nowhere near overwhelming experience the first time around was rapidly becoming everything she could've wanted and everything he sought to give her. Reaping every imaginable benefit of his 'weakness' she was left to squirm and writhe with greater intensity as minutes passed by in a constantly rising bliss. She truly had no idea how long it could last and what little of her conscious mind remained lucid enough to wonder was torn between wishing it might continue forever and desperately waiting for the wave to crest. There was little chance of the former so long as he continued to suck her nipples like it was the sole purpose of his life. And in the end what sent her careening over the edge into an orgasm so fierce she lost all sense of time and place was perhaps the silliest thing Eltael had yet done. Without really thinking twice about his efforts and acting solely on his instincts he cupped her massive, heaving breasts and pushed them together. His mouth vanished from one of her nipples only to suddenly close around both of them at the same time. He started sucking with all his mind a heartbeat later and Byria opened her eyes to witness the comical sight of him tasting both of her buds simultaneously. A few moments later she was gone.

Baring her teeth and letting out a final, ragged breath Byria tightened like a bow drawn too far back, every last muscle tensing at once as she froze beneath her husband. She remained like that for a handful of moments as Eltael continued thrusting and suckling in equal measure. Then, as quickly as everything had arrived, it came crashing down in a tidal wave of pure ecstasy. Wild, uncontrollable spasms spread through her like wildfire as warmth cascaded from her sex and pleasure flooded every conceivable sense. Her arms wrapped around his body and she held on for dear life as pleasure crashed down upon her over and over again with unrelenting fury. The man responsible for her thrashing exultation did his best to continue sucking her nipples and thrusting his hips but the sheer, unhinged ferocity of her every slightest movement made it near impossible for him to match. Almost immediately he could feel himself being swept away by the pleasure of her sex wrapped around his manhood and the almost maddening tightness of her innermost walls was nothing short of overwhelming. Had her legs not been wrapped so fiercely about his waist he might've been able to pull back and father his thoughts amidst the awe inspiring display. Unfortunately his partner was completely overwhelmed by her pleasure and wholly unable to let him go for even a moment. No matter how far he tried to  retreat she pulled him back in. More than once she sent his hips slamming against her so fast and so hard it rivaled his own movements. But even when she wasn't demonstrating her considerable strength in such an over the top fashion her constant gyration and relentless trembling more than stopped any efforts he made. Yet again he was swept up in the pleasure of her body and it didn't take long for Eltael to submit and simply do all he could to hold on for dear life. No part of him could ever stop moving entirely as he felt her shake and shudder beneath him but it wasn't long before he was left every bit as incapacitated as her while she succumbed to her pleasure for what must've been hours on end.

Within a minute or so her body had given out and she collapsed against the bed in a heap, barely able to move save for the occasional, uncontrollable spasm coursing through her. What'd once been powerful jets of warmth gushing from her sex gradually faded into steady trickles only occasionally hastened by her trembling pussy. Very much concerned with going to far and pushing his luck Eltael gradually slowed his movements in time with her waning ecstasy and when he finally released her nipples with a wet pop Byria was almost relieved.  Though she continued to quiver and moan for quite a while longer as a beautiful afterglow settled upon her without his constant efforts she could finally regain her sanity little by little. Although the presence of her husband's cock still buried deep in her cunt as he lay atop her kissing all along her cheeks and jaw ensured she didn't recover too quickly. Indeed by the time she managed to find her voice and speak the words reverberating through her head  so much time had passed her lover was half considering withdrawing entirely and letting her rest properly. Fortunately for both of them that utterly foolish notion was squashed when she managed to clumsily throw her arms around him yet again. Her ankles crossed behind his back and her lips pressed against his own in a tender burst of passion. She was far too weary to kiss him as fiercely as she might've wanted but in the aftermath of their pleasure neither could complain about the closeness they felt. Indeed they were more than happy to sink even deeper into that very intimacy as his hands slid down her back and they held one another close. Their lips parted eventually but not before the remainder of her post coital bliss was spent holding the man responsible and quietly basking in the satisfaction of the first of many unions.

“You undersold yourself.” She whispered, looking into his eyes and grinning, “I can't help but wonder if it was all a ploy . . .”

“You give me too much credit . . .” He laughed.

“Oh I don't think I do . . .”

They shared another, far shorter kiss. His manhood swelled inside her and she squirmed beneath him in pleasure, “Would you prefer we stop?”

Byria arched an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, “Are you truly asking?”


“Then no. I have no desire to stop. Not until exhaustion settles in and the entire castle crumbles around us!”

“I'm relieved by how reasonable your expectations are.”

“You'll do fine . . . my King . . .”

His cock throbbed even harder at her words and she slowly licked her lips, “Now stop prattling and start ravishing!”

“As you wish my Queen!”


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