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And here's the second installment of this little 'experiment'. I'll go ahead and provide a link to the prologue before the story proper in case anyone missed it. Other than that I'm not sure there's much to say about this one. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Prologue - Chieftain Ursha - Princess Kasheeri - Eldawen - Lady Amoura - Epilogue

Chieftain Ursha arrived in the dead of night, alone save for the weapons strapped to her back and the great brown wolf she'd ridden across the lands. She wasn't spotted by the drowsy watchmen until she'd nearly reached the gates and by the time word had reached King Latharyn her mount was already feasting in the stables as she sauntered through the palace. She cut quite a striking figure among the rapidly assembling guards, servants, and nobles doing their best to greet her in a manner befitting her station. Standing more than a foot above even the most impressive Human and broader by far than two standing side by side she was the pinnacle of an Orc woman. Brimming with muscle and capable of sowing death with ease yet still feminine and curvaceous in all the right places she was all at once beautiful and terrifying. The sight of her chiseled abdominal muscles and thick biceps alone sent more than a few onlookers into shameful self reflection and the sheer width of her legs sent many an embarrassed look downward. Her skin was a rich, deep green color that contrasted nicely with the ebony shade of her wild mane and the rather piercing white shade of her teeth as they jutted out from between full lips. A few travel worn pelts and furs covered her body, hiding very little from the respectful yet ever so slightly curious looks of those around her. One hung about her waist like a skirt from which her thick, toned legs constantly emerged while another was fastened around her quite ample breasts, not so much covering them as restraining their soft curves.

In much the same way the shapely sculpt of her rump was visible beneath the hem of the 'garment' meant to conceal such things the underside of Ursha's quite voluptuous breasts were plenty visible too. No shoes covered her broad feet and aside from the pelt draped across her shoulders and wrapped around her neck like a shawl all the rest of her body was uncovered. In part to show off her impressive and intimidating muscles but mostly because she simply couldn't be bothered wearing anything more. Proper clothes were and had always been a tremendous hassle and waste of time. She much preferred furs and the occasional dab of war paint to anything more fanciful. And considering the circumstances of her visit she'd taken to tracing intricate patterns in red and white across her broad, angular features. Barely an inch of skin was left untouched from forehead to neck, much of it focused around her bright golden eyes and high, sharp cheekbones. She'd left her thick brows untouched purely thanks to the annoyance of cleaning them later and spared her lips for the unpleasant taste. But even if she'd arrived dressed in silk without a single drop of Askjara covering her skin she would've towered above all those around her in every sense of the word. Only one Human didn't show any sign of amazement or embarrassment as they stood before her and it was among the many reasons she'd come to respect King Latharyn long before he could claim that title.

“Ursha!” He exclaimed, entering the throne room dressed in a nightgown with his crown haphazardly resting on his tousled locks, “I should've known you wouldn't rest until you arrived!”

“I'm offended to you didn't stay awake for me!” She replied, her voice deep and her laughter booming as she held out her arms and walked towards him. He held out his arms and was quickly reminded why Dwarves were the only race foolish enough to hug an Orc as he was lifted bodily off the ground like he weighed nothing. His back cracked in rapid succession and all the air was forced from his lungs as she crushed him against her in a smothering, yet genuinely warm embrace. Though he did his best to squeeze her just as fiercely he knew his efforts were laughable even before she spoke, “You've lived too long in a castle my friend! There was a time I could almost feel you when we embraced!”

“Perhaps you can help me regain some of my old strength!” He wheezed.

Ursha released him a moment later, setting him back down on the ground and smiling at him with both hands resting on his shoulders, “You speak of our marriage?”

“I speak of the proposal.” King Latharyn clarified as he gathered his breath, “I'm sure you know you're not the only one to make such a proposal?”

“But I am the first one to arrive yes?”

“You are.”

“Then I win.” She stated. Turning away from him to fold her arms and look around the throne room with a thoughtful expression she said, “It will be strange to live beneath stone as you do. But I'm sure I'll understand why so many people enjoy it.”

Her companion couldn't help but smile and shake his head, “You know I must honor their proposals before I make a decision. I owe them that much at least.”

“If you must!” Ursha huffed. She turned back towards him and smiled for a moment. “Where will I be staying while you pretend to decide?”

“Right this way.” He gestured to the door he'd entered from and his guest wasted no time strutting towards it. As she walked past him the King looked to his bleary eyed servants and nobility, “Thank you for pulling yourselves out of bed at such a late hour. Please return to your dreams.” Grateful and exhausted in equal measure everyone departed immediately and King Latharyn turned away to follow his companion as she disappeared through the door, “How is your mother? Last I heard she was having trouble parsing her visions.”

“The Gods continue to toy with her but she refuses to give any ground.” Ursha remarked.

“That sounds like your mother.”

They shared a genuine laugh and spoke of a great many things as they made their way through the quiet, empty halls of the castle to her quarters. Although it was only a short distance from the throne room neither of them were in any great rush to arrive and by the time they did neither wanted their fun to end so abruptly. In her characteristic fashion Ursha made no secret of that fact as she stopped in front of the door and said, “Join me. It's been too long since we watched the sunrise together.”

“It has.” King Latharyn agreed. “But I can't spend the night talking like we used to. I need to rest, there's still so much left to do . . .”

“Like pick your bride?”

“Among other things!” He laughed at her question and looked down at his feet for a moment. When he looked back to her he was surprised to find her expression rather serious, “Is something wrong?”

“What else are you considering?”


“About the other women? What else are you considering?”

“A great deal. All of you are remarkable and all of you would make exemplary Queens of Wyndelle. I know the values each marriage would bring beyond that and the aid each would give my people. In truth all of you have as great a claim as all the rest.”

“I see . . .”

“I wish I had some manner of test or scheme to pick which of you might be the best. But . . .” As he trailed off a wild thought flickered through his mind. The sort of random little notion that only occurred in a flash. It jumped unbidden into his head and vanished a moment later to leave him with slightly crimson cheeks and a profound sense of embarrassment. “Excuse me, I'm far more exhausted than I realized!” He remarked.

King Latharyn tried to turn away but a thick, muscular arm stopped him. Ursha stepped in his path and laughed as she said, “What did you just think of?”

“It was nothing.”

“No it wasn't.”

“Of course it was.”

“No it wasn't. It's never 'nothing' when you make that face?”

“I'm not making any sort of face!”

“Not anymore. But you were. What did you think of just now?”

“Nothing that needs to be said aloud. It was a silly little thought and nothing—”

“Tell me!”

She spoke with a serious expression but mirthful tone and despite himself King Latharyn couldn't help but smile and admit his stupid, wild thought aloud, “I thought of a way to decide which of you I should marry. But it's not at all something I can or would consider. It's far too—”

“What's the idea?”

He sighed and looked away, his cheeks darkening once more as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, “For a moment, and only a moment, I thought I might decide by . . . spending the night with each of you and picking based on the connection I had with them . . .” A long, quiet moment stretched between them and he watched his companion's expression slowly shift into a look he didn't recognize at all. “But it was only a fleeting thought. I'd never actually consider such a thing.”

“You should.” Ursha replied in a husky tone.


“You should decide in that manner. If it's truly as difficult as you claim I think it's a sound strategy.”

King Latharyn stared at his companion in open mouthed disbelief, “You can't be serious.”

“I am.”

“You aren't.”

“I am.”


Ursha smiled at him and slowly licked her lips. He stared back in utter amazement, barely even noticing as she laid a hand on his shoulder. A moment later her calloused fingers brushed against his cheek as she slowly inhaled a ragged breath and said, “Even if none of the others agree . . . I think . . . I know I'd like to . . .”

Dizzy and lightheaded and convinced he was dreaming King Latharyn could only nod as he swallowed past the lump in his throat and said, “Are you sure?”

Responding not with words but a sudden passionate embrace she wrapped her arms around his body once more and pulled him into a wild kiss. Her lips united with his in a flurry of pent up lust and years long attraction. Though she didn't crush him against herself he nonetheless felt swept away as the two of them disappeared into her chambers a moment later. Without either of them thinking clearly about what they were doing they found themselves standing at the food of her bed, frantically removing whatever clothing remained on their bodies without ever pulling away. Her weapons clattered to the floor a a deafening cacophony while he kicked off his slippers. His crown tumbled away as her furs and pelts were thrown aside. Both of their hands roamed one another's bodies in the brief moments between peeling away their own garb and it wasn't until she stood naked before him that their kiss finally came to an end. But only for a single moment as she lifted his nightgown over his head and hurled it away with an eager moan. He barely had time to admire her beautiful body silhouetted in the faint beams of moonlight spilling in from the courtyard and she hardly had a chance to admire his own physique as he stood before her every bit as eager. Their lips reunited while he quickly pulled down the undergarments hiding his manhood. The very moment they'd fallen away and he found himself every bit as naked as her she hugged him tight against her body.

Adrenaline coursed through both of them as she felt him throb and pulse against her flesh and he felt her muscular yet wonderfully soft skin light up with goosebumps against him. Guided entirely by instinct he wrapped his arms around her waist and let his hands roam every inch of her back and even her tight, round buttocks. Ursha groaned in delight and pulled him even deeper into their kiss the instant she felt his fingers brushing across her rump. When he had the audacity to actually squeeze her trembling cheeks she broke their kiss once more to let out an audible gasp. For a split second Latharyn worried he might've somehow overstepped but upon seeing the grin spread across her face and the gleam in her eyes any concerns he might've had were put to rest before he could give them another second of attention. When she pulled away from him a few heartbeats later he had a moment to admire just how beautiful his companion truly was. She'd always been beautiful but as she sat down on the edge of the bed and slowly stretched out across it words failed to describe how wonderful she truly looked. His eyes roamed the supple contours of her breasts, drinking in the sight of her puffy areola and pert nipples, before gliding down her amazingly muscled stomach to find the curly thicket of dark hairs resting above and even traveling down either side of the dark green outer folds hiding her sex. As she pulled herself further onto the bed and slowly spread her legs wider a palpable sense of shyness radiated from her every slightest movement. It was such an unexpected and uncharacteristic  response he honestly didn't know what to make of it even as he stood there admiring her body and wondering how in the world he come to be in such a situation.

Her clear and impossible to misconstrue nervousness only continued as she slowly licked her lips and reached out with a single trembling hand. Beckoning towards him in a come hither motion while shivers ran in a constant barrage throughout her body Ursha admired him every bit as much as he admired her. Many times in the past she'd seen him without a shirt and indeed with little more than his small clothes but that did little to diminish how exhilarating it was to look at his broad, handsome features. To stare at his muscles and let them slowly guide her eyes down from his chest all the way to the large, almost intimidatingly so, member hanging between his thighs. She couldn't help but stare at his length and wonder just how it might feel inside her. She couldn't help but see his quite weighty loins hanging behind his manhood and fantasize about feeling their warmth empty inside her. But more than anything else she couldn't help but suck in a sharp breath as all the confidence and bravado that ruled the rest of her life faded away. For the first time ever she was truly vulnerable with another person and it couldn't have been more liberating. Nor could it have been more terrifying. As he stepped closer and she thought again about him entering her sex a shudder coursed through her body. Warmth beaded between her outermost lips and like the petals of a flower they slowly parted to reveal the dark green folds once hidden between. But when his knees touched down against the bed and she felt it shift a sudden and altogether thoughtless request erupted from her mouth.

“Kiss me!” Ursha panted. “K-Kiss me . . .down . . . down there . . .”

Latharyn faltered for just a moment as her request took him by surprise. But in the span of a heartbeat a wide smile had spread across his face as he laid down across the bed and replied, “Your wish is my command . . .”

Ursha barely hide to laugh or roll her eyes at his purposefully over the top response before a sudden burst of pleasure surged through her body. Brought on by the warm gust of his breath as he exhaled against her trembling sex it only continued to radiate out to the tips of her fingers and toes when another soft breath washed over her. Soon after his hands slid beneath her buttocks and she sucked in a breath of her own. He pulled her just a bit closer before their eyes locked and he lowered his grinning lips onto the swollen bud at the crest of her womanhood. She watched and waited to feel his touch for what was surely an eternity and when his lips finally closed around her clit pleasure lanced through her like a bolt of lightning. In the blink of an eye her back was arched both hands were clapped over her mouth to stifle the squeal trying to erupt from her throat. Holding nothing back and doing everything in his power to make her feel as amazing as possible Latharyn took full advantage of her apparent lack of experience alongside his own, far more considerable knowledge. Applying just a little bit more pressure than she could handle he gently sucked on her most sensitive place while lightly flicking his tongue back and forth across her bud. Compared to the laughably meager pleasures she'd given herself many a time in the past his efforts were nothing short of awe inspiring. Nothing she'd ever done on her own and nothing she'd ever thought to do could compare to how amazing his lips felt around her clit. To just how much she truly adored feeling his tongue moving back and forth as it did.

Wave after wave of bliss crashed down upon her, each one brought about by his ministrations and each one arriving long before the last had even begun to fade. And just when she started to think she could adjust to what she was feeling and handle the sensations swirling throughout her senses he suddenly changed tactics. Although his lips continued their ferocious assault his tongue stopped it's flicking to instead swirl in a slow but toe curling rhythm around her bud instead. Another poorly stifled cry erupted from her lips as her whole body tensed, her legs stretching outwards and her toes curling inwards until they cracked one after another. All of her muscles tightened and her back arched even higher off the bedding. Unbidden and entirely beyond her control a hand leapt from her mouth to grab a fistful of his tousled locks. He felt a painful twinge as she nearly ripped more than a few hairs from his head but it passed before there was any reason to stop. As more and more wild shudders ravished her body and sent each ragged breath out in a burst of strangled delight Latharyn smiled against her sex. Supported only by the heels of her feet and her head Ursha was much too busy convulsing and shivering to notice what her lover's hand was doing as it disappeared from her buttocks. Until she felt a single soft yet ever so slightly calloused digit slide into the depths of her pussy. Suddenly it was impossible not to think about his other hand as a single digit slid deep within her sex all while his lips and tongue continued to work their magic upon her clit. Even more pleasure surged through her body and for the very first time she cried out his name in the midst of her ecstasy.

He responded by slowly curling his digit back in exactly the same motion she'd beckoned him with, his finger slowly pushing against her madly quivering inner walls and hitting a place she'd never dreamed of soon after. Another overwhelming spike of pleasure set her body alight and her eyes rolling back in her head. She'd always heard how incredible sex could be with the right partner but she'd always quietly doubted such a notion. Now those doubts were completely gone, utterly washed away in the wake of her bliss as he slowly extended his digit once more only to repeat the process all over again just a little bit faster. And if that wasn't enough to send her into fits of wild convulsions his tongue finally departed from her clit to instead drift across the rest of her sex in a tender yet unpredictable burst of movement. Seemingly intent on caressing and tasting every last part of her Latharyn didn't miss a single spot in his toe curling ministrations. Back and forth in an absolutely breathtaking rhythm he darted across her pussy, sending even more waves crashing down upon her and slowly overwhelming her in the rising tide. Because no matter how incredible each moment felt as it collided with her poor, inexperienced mind the gentle cadence and unending steadiness of his every movement was what truly sent her tumbling over the edge before long. After minutes upon unbroken minutes of feeling him between her legs Ursha finally succumbed to the pleasure crashing through every last part of her body.

Clutching her lover's head with both hands and crying out his name until she couldn't breathe Ursha descended into pure, unthinking ecstasy. For a moment her whole body tensed and all of her muscles tightened until she resembled a statue. In the next she was consumed by violent contractions and uncontrollable spasms ecstasy set her very soul aflame. Her hips bucked wildly against Latharyn's face as warm fluids seeped from her convulsing inner walls and her eyes completely disappeared into the back of her head. Loud, almost bestial grunts erupted from her lips over and over and over again with each and every breath she managed to suck into her lungs. The sound of her pleasure echoed throughout the bedroom and into the hallway beyond, undoubtedly waking up more than a few staff unlucky enough to be sleeping within the radius of her orgasmic cries. But neither she nor the man making her squeal cared much about anyone hearing them. He was much too busy trying his damnedest to keep doing exactly what he'd been doing while the beautiful Orc chieftain he was pleasuring grinded and gyrated against him like she was possessed by demons. While her inner walls squeezed him so tightly it was almost painful and the deluge of sweet tasting fluids seeping into his mouth threatened to drown him in her taste. And in truth it didn't even matter how successful he actually was. Although she certainly appreciated his efforts on some level Ursha was well and truly gone from the world her lover occupied. Pleasure had consumed her and it's grip on her mind, body, and soul wouldn't vanish for close to a full minute. Nearly sixty seconds of thrashing and groaning and soaking both herself and her lover in arousal until she was dripping from head to toe in sweat and her thighs were soaked in pussy juice. And even when she collapsed against the bed in a twitching, spasmodic heap her bliss continued to stretch onward as the delirious afterglow of her first true climax settled upon her like a shroud.

Some part of her was dimly aware of the bed sinking down beside her and when she felt Latharyn's touch on her cheek she turned towards him with weary smile. A moment later his lips touched her own and she was met with the taste of her sex. It was not a taste she enjoyed. “Ugh!” Pushing him away as quickly yet gently as she could Ursha laughed at his surprised expression, “I taste . . . revolting . . .”

“I couldn't disagree more!” He laughed.

“Good . . . that's . . . that's very good . . .”

He laid down beside her and she cuddled up next to him without a thought, “This . . . doesn't count . . .”

“For what?”

“For . . . my test . . . to decide . . . which one of us . . . you want to . . . marry . . . we haven't had sex yet . . . it doesn't count . . .”

“As you wish.” He replied, chuckling at her insistence.

“You can . . . you can put your . . . you know . . . inside me . . . if you want . . .”

“I do want that. But can you bear it? You don't seem at your best . . .”

Ursha smiled and nuzzled against his chest, “Maybe . . . maybe give me a moment . . . or two . . . I can bear it . . .”

Wrapping his arms around her and smiling as her voice grew fainter and her posture slowly relaxed Latharyn quietly said, “I know you can . . . but even if you can't tonight . . . we always have time before  Princess Kasheeri arrives . . .”

“We do?”

“Of course . . .”

“Oh good . . .” Her arms slid around his body and she held on tight, “I was lying . . .”

“I know . . .”

“In the morning . . . in the morning we can . . . do things . . . right . . .”

“I look forward to it . . .”

“Me . . . too . . .”


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