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And here we have another fairly self explanatory story. If the thought of a futa alien woman pleasuring herself doesn't appeal to you give this a pass. If that's your cup of tea I hope you enjoy!

Oh and this story was inspired by a specific image you can see here!

As the Normandy docked at the Citadel every crew member with even a day's worth of shore leave prepared to disembark for some much deserved R&R after yet another harrowing mission. And among those disembarking to enjoy the newly repaired space station was Commander Shepard herself. Though before she left she took the time to stop by her squad mate's room and fruitlessly try yet again to coax Liara into joining the rest of them for some fun. After all they'd been through together it seemed almost insane their resident Prothean expert always remained aboard the ship. Unless of course she'd been chosen for a mission. But the fact that she never really showed her face nor spent any downtime with the rest of the crew had become a favorite topic among the more gossip inclined people on the ship. As much as she hated to admit it Shepard had joined that rumor mill a few times as well, particularly after a disastrous attempt to lure her friend into a more romantic setting with a handsome Turian who'd asked after her during their last trip to the Citadel. What should've been a cute little moment between them turned into an unmitigated disaster of comical yet worrying proportions. Liara had been so shy and so withdrawn she seemed ready to implode with every question her kind but obviously in over his head date had posed. Having the rest of her squad mates watching off to the side probably hadn't helped matters much either. Although it was difficult to say if they'd even been noticed. Their presence certainly wasn't acknowledged when their companion finally rushed off blushing a deep shade of blue while the Turian she'd tried and failed to date sat by in utter bewilderment.

That was the first and last time many of the crew saw Liara outside the ship for personal reasons. Some didn't even see her that often! Although as word of her 'date' spread that was probably a good thing for her fragile self esteem. But in spite of all that Commander Shepard was determined to see her friend come out of her shell and experience some of the fun the galaxy, and dating, had to offer. “Liara?” She called through the door, “Are you in there?”

“Yes commander.” Came the soft spoken reply.

“Do you mind if I come in?”

“Not at all.”

The door whooshed open and Shepard stepped inside to find her companion seated at her desk wearing the same clothes she always wore on board the ship. Some sort of Prothean artifact sat in front of her and it was apparent she'd been studying it before the interruption. “The crew's heading aboard the Citadel for some shore leave.”

“That sounds like fun. I hope they enjoy themselves.”

“You could join us.”

“I don't think I should.”

“Why not?”

Liara's cheeks darkened and she looked up at her friend for a moment, then back down at the artifact in front of her. “I-I just—I-I don't think—I-It wouldn't be a good idea!”

“You don't know that.” Shepard replied, approaching her friend's desk and sitting down on the edge to look at her with a smile, “It won't be like last time.”

“I-I know. But I still don't think I should. It's too . . . it's too embarrassing.”

“What if I told you you didn't have to go on any dates?”

Letting a slightly amused, slight relieved sigh Liara glanced at her Commander and said, “That would be a little more comforting. But I'm still not certain it's a good idea.”

“But why?” Shepard ask, a little hint of irritation creeping into her voice as she let her exasperation shine through for a moment, “What's the problem?”

“I can't . . . I can't explain.” Her cheeks darkened even further and she stared so hard at the artifact beneath her it was a miracle the object didn't burst into flames. “Please . . . don't stay on the ship for my sake. I-I'd rather you have fun and spend your shore leave thinking about more important things. I-I'm sure Garrus would like to spend time with you!”

Shepard smiled a little at the mention of her Turian friend but her expression quickly turned dour again as her thoughts strayed to Liara once more, “Are you sure? There's nothing I can do to convince you to come out with us?”

“No. I'm sorry Shepard. I wish I could but . . . It's just not something I can do.”

“All right . . .” Standing up and heaving a sigh as she accepted her friend's insistence for the umpteenth time. “If you change your mind just message me on the comms. We'd all love to see you.”

“Thank you.” Liara smiled up at her friend with sincere happiness, her cheeks flushed a deep blue even as her icy sapphire eyes sparkled. “Enjoy yourselves.”

“I'm sure we will.” Shepard laughed, “Have fun with your artifact. I'll see you in a day or two.”

“I look forward to it.”

Patting her friend on the shoulder and offering the same disappointed but understanding smile she always did whenever they had these fruitless conversations Shepard left her companion's room without another word. Liara watched her depart and waited a minute or so for her friend to suddenly come back in a last ditch attempt to convince her. While it'd been a good few months since she'd tried that tactic it was easy enough to think she was simply biding her time and waiting to catch her off guard. She'd seen her Commander employ that same strategy when hunting Geth and any number of other threats to the Alliance. But after a short while it was clear her friend had well and truly departed for the Citadel along with the rest of the crew. Which meant she was well and truly alone. Nobody else aboard the Normandy had tried to convince her the way Shepard did. Wrex and Garrus used to make attempts but their efforts fell off quickly and though both Kaiden and Ashley persisted longer they had the same success as everyone else. Tali never even made an attempt and in a strange way Liara appreciated that just as much as the sincere efforts by her friends. Only their stalwart, undaunted leader was left to carry that particular banner despite how consistently she was shot down each and every time. And how consistently she would be shot down every single time in the future. None of them truly understood the reasons why Liara didn't and couldn't go with them. Although her shyness and inability to date or even flirt was certainly a factor it was far, far, far from the only thing keeping her locked away in her room day after day. But those particular reasons had to remain a secret for as long as she could keep them, the thought of being found out was too mortifying to entertain and she simply refused to imagine what would happen if anyone discovered the truth of the matter. Thankfully with state of the art locks and a caution that sometimes bordered on paranoia it was easy to imagine never being caught by anyone as she indulged her shameful yet thrilling addiction.

Liara stood up from her desk and let out an excited little moan. With a wave of her Omni-Tool she locked every specially installed, ultra security lock in her door, then hurried over to double check each and every one. As soon as she was certain they'd been closed and only the most brilliant, talented hacker could ever break through she turned away and hurried towards a secret compartment installed in the wall beside her bunk. As she rushed across the room she tore away her now useless and entirely constricting clothes one piece at a time. In a flash her ample, some might even say massive, tits were all but revealed to the cool air, her puffy blue nipples already rising beneath the fabric keeping them hidden from nonexistent eyes. Soon after her wide, shapely hips and gorgeously plump ass was similarly all but laid bare along with her long and rather chubby legs. Although she didn't have time to think about or indeed acknowledge her own appearance some part of Liara remained keenly aware of just how buxom and curvaceous she'd gotten over the months. While her breasts and waistline had always been rather voluptuous spending as much time as she did inside the Normandy within her own quarters had certainly allowed her to fill out in a rather pleasing manner. Entirely by accident she'd turned her already juicy figure into the sort of wide hipped, full bodied, eye catching silhouette any man of any species couldn't help but stare at.

Too bad for them dating was so thoroughly out of the question even entertaining the notion was enough to send a shy little shudder down her spine. It vanished quickly as the last of her proper clothing was removed and she reached the other side of her quarters. Within a few steps she'd removed all but the decidedly function over form undergarments she had on beneath her outfit. Those were removed and tossed aside while she stood in front of her secret compartment trembling with wanton excitement. Every inch of her supple blue body was covered in goosebumps as she issued the secret command word to open that most private space. The panel slid aside with a hiss to reveal her prized collection neatly arranged and lit by dusky red lights to enhance the ambiance. As she stood before her impressive assortment of unquestionably valuable and in a few cases one of a kind toys she couldn't help but let out an eager little moan. Another shiver worked it's way through her curvaceous body and she quickly felt her hands caressing her stomach and drifting across her heaving breasts as her eyes scanned the many, many options laid out before her. There were so many to choose the simple act of picking where to start was infinitely more exciting than any date could ever be. And nowhere was that more obvious than the madly throbbing and constantly swelling cock pulsing between her tightly clenched thighs. Often tucked away and out of sight to avoid any undue staring or invasive questions her absolutely gigantic member was truly a sight to behold as it steadily grew larger and larger nestled in the warm, soft confines of her supple legs.

Her tip naturally emerged from the gooey foreskin wrapped around it and a thick glob of precum oozed onto the stained floor beneath her feet. Though still hidden away her equally massive and remarkably pendulous sack was clenched and pulsing in much the same way as her cock, the cum inside her balls eager to be unleashed again and again and again until she had nothing left to give or exhaustion claimed her. Often times it was the latter. By the time her meaty shaft had reached it's full length the swollen tip was sitting just a few inches above her knees and the thickest point near the center of her girthy shaft was easily wider than her comparatively dainty wrists. Veins ran the length of her prick and a seemingly endless stream of precum oozed from her head as she stood there deliberating and contemplating what to start her own special shore leave with. Of course the choice was as obvious as it was predictable and no matter how much she liked to pretend otherwise there was little chance of her choosing something else. But before she could enjoy that little treat she had to test out one of her newest toys. A seemingly unassuming little ring glowing a warm yellow and supposedly capable of tightening or stretching at the push of a button. She'd already synced it to her Omni-Tool and the moment her fingers felt the smooth, almost velvety texture of it again Liara licked her lips and uttered a soft, barely audible epithet to her race's Goddess. A moment later she lifted the ring from it's spot while wrapping her fingers around the massive pole still straining to burst free from the confines of her thighs.

Lifting her cock into the air and shuddering as her fingers involuntarily started stroking Liara slid the glowing ring over the head of her cock like one of the Human condoms she'd seen used in an occasional video. Slowly rolling it down her fantastically sensitive tip she bit her lip and rubbed her dick a little faster, wholly unable to stop herself as reveled in the pleasure of it all. After a few seconds the ring was wrapped loosely around the neck of her shaft but despite knowing full well it would get a whole lot tighter towards the base but too eager to wait she summoned her Omni-Tool and tightened her new toy by a few degrees. Not enough to cause discomfort but certainly enough to make her body quiver and her toes curl as she resumed sliding it across her prick centimeter by centimeter. The soft confines of the specially made device felt heavenly rolling down her shaft and by the time her slowly widening length was turning that pleasure into discomfort Liara was about ready to blow her load. But rather than give in and splatter the ground in jizz, for the third time that week, she resisted the urge and widened the ring with another couple of button presses. Once it was able to glide across the fattest part of her dick with relative ease she rolled it as quickly as she could down to the base.

As much as she wanted to keep teasing herself she wanted to empty her balls into one of her other toys a lot more. With another breathy whimper she pushed as close to the hilt of her member as she could before tightening it for the final time and letting out a satisfied whimper. She smiled down at her newly installed cock ring for a moment or two before looking back to array of toys and collecting what was undoubtedly her most used one to date: a very detailed mold of her favorite sex worker's tight little cunt fashioned by the biggest perverts in the galaxy and specially ordered the moment it was available. The sleeve wrapped around the pocket pussy was made of an extremely durable metal that ensured a certain amount of pressure remained no matter how hard it was fucked. Or how often. Made from a heavenly synthetic blend it was purported to be as realistic as an actual Human vagina, although of course Liara had no  way to verify that fact.  What she could say with absolute certainty was that the largest model available to none Elcor or Krogan customers was nowhere near big enough to wrap around her entire dick. Maybe two thirds of the toy could it on her swollen member if she shoved it as deep as she could possibly go with every thrust. It was a small but admittedly disappointing downside, though not one that stopped her from fucking it over and over again until it was overflowing with cum and in desperate need of rejuvenation. But she'd worry about that later. In the heat of the moment her only concern was soaking her dick in the unique lubrication she'd brought.

Although not technically sold as an aphrodisiac it had that effect on Asari women with her relatively uncommon 'condition' and in addition to making her somehow even hornier it also enhanced her stamina and made her orgasms just a little bit more powerful. Needless to say it'd become a favorite of hers since she came across it and even the simple act of squirting the bottle onto her pulsing shaft and slowly rubbing it in with both hands was a hundred times more erotic than anything she could find with someone else. At least as far as she knew or cared. It was so erotic in fact she spent the better part of a minute moaning and squirming as she sensually rubbed the lubricant into her skin and across every part of her cock. Sometimes she thrusted forward into the tight little hold created by her fingers and other times she let her fingers roam her dick with unrestrained glee. But whatever she did the surge of excitement and tingling that accompanied every moment was beyond thrilling. The amount of precum she leaked onto the floor during that time could rival a normal male's entire ejaculation, as long as she wasn't comparing herself to a Krogan or Elcor of course. And by the time she was done her fingers pulled away not because she'd so thoroughly lathered her prick every square centimeter was glistening with pinkish white fluid bur rather because she knew full well continuing any further would see her jerking off until she came. So with slick hands and an ear to ear smile she picked up her most well used toy and turned towards her bed to enjoy it for the millionth time. But as she turned away from her cabinet she felt another, even more insistent tingle reverberate through her body. One that made her stop dead in her tracks.

“Since I have a couple days . . .” She whispered to herself, “I guess I could indulge a little more . . . I don't think it would hurt . . .”

Convincing herself within a few seconds with that inarguable justification she turned back towards her collection and grabbed the first toy to catch her eye. It was another mold of alien genitals, this time of a Varren. And a particularly hung one at that. Almost as large as her own cock in length and considerably thicker than her prick at the base the long, tapered, and barbed phallus was completely unique among her assortment. She had molded dildos of ever male species in the galaxy and although she loved each and every dick for it's unique properties she was particularly fond of the strangest and most elaborate ones in her collection. Hefting the massive, floppy dick with her left hand while holding her pocket pussy with the right she scurried over to her bed for an evening of fun and ecstasy. A split second later she remembered the lubricant she'd need for the second toy and with a rush of biotic energy she brought it to her. A couple seconds were spent lathered the fake cock up the same way she'd lathered her own, albeit with far less erotic pleasure. Soon enough it was coated and ready to slide inside her well used but still remarkably tight asshole. Pushing the tip against her quivering, oval shaped hole she delighted in how small and easy it was to slide inside herself. The head was barely bigger than the tip of her smallest finger and she'd been stuffing things much larger inside herself since childhood.

It slipped into her quivering hole without any trouble at all and her greedy inner walls tightened around the intruder almost immediately. But rather than shoving it as deep as it could go inside her ass and pounding away like she always did Liara rolled onto her side and angled herself just right. Keeping one hand on the base of the dildo and the other firmly holding the base of her faux pussy she brought the latter to the head of her swollen cock. Squirming and shifting in both anticipation and arousal she managed to lift her dick off the bed and get her aching tip between the outermost folds of tightest and only pussy she'd ever fucked. As soon as she slipped inside it and felt the warm, amazingly soft confines any sense of composure or restraint fell away entirely. With a desperately horny moan she pushed the Varren cock deep into her hole. Deep enough to stretch her out and send a flash of pleasure tinged ever so slightly with pain coursing through her. That discomfort didn't last more than a second though, she wasted no time thrusting her dick inside the Human pussy already closing around it. Unlike the toy in her ass the toy wrapped around her dick had nothing stopping her from burying every inch of her dick inside it. Every inch that could actually fit at least. Upon feeling her cock head slam against the cervix that served as the deepest point of her toy Liara moaned in delight and lurched back onto the dildo halfway shoved into her ass.

Stretching herself out even further and plunging the toy even deeper she felt a wave of arousal as the lubrication smothering her cock was also pushed into the deepest reaches of her rectum as well. Though infinitely less familiar with that experience she was still entirely thrilled by the wild tingling and toe curling bliss consuming her body as the two most sensitive places within it were flooded with ecstasy. Long before she'd taken more than half the Varren cock her eyes were rolling back in her head and her breath was arriving in labored, frantic gasps. Her massive tits heaved with every ragged gulp of air she took and had anyone walked into her room at that moment they would've seen an Asari absolutely wracked with carnal bliss. Of course if they'd waited a few seconds longer they would've watched her reach even greater heights as she none too gently shoved the rest of the cock, including the massive knot at the base, into her ass a moment later. Far too aroused to think or care she just wanted the cock inside her. It didn't matter that the bulbous knot was easily the size of both her fists pressed together. It didn't matter that her poor little asshole was already tighter than usual thanks to pleasure assaulting her cock. Hell it didn't even matter that she hadn't taken anything that big for quite a while. In the heat of the moment all she wanted was an asshole full of Varren cock. Which was exactly what she got. And it was certainly a good thing her room had been soundproofed not long after she joined the crew because the inhuman scream she let out would've sent chills through anyone still aboard the ship. Her animalistic cry and the feverish grunting that followed soon after were entirely unlike any sound any of her companions had ever heard her make.

“Ohhhhhh yes!” She moaned, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and every muscle in her body either tightening or spasming uncontrollably, “Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!”

With every ragged breath and moaning exultation she slid the pussy wrapped around her cock forward or pulled the dildo shoved into her ass back out with a lurid pop. In the moments between her cries she slammed the latter back inside her slackened hole or buried her dick back in the former. Once or twice she even managed to do both near simultaneously and the orgasmic thrill of feeling her cock massaged by the best cunt in the galaxy while her asshole was absolutely wrecked by a dildo that could put any real male to shame was indescribable. Precum squirted out of her tip in thick, messy jets to soak the lube coated inner walls of her toy and slowly fill it with layers upon layers of jizz. Although she barely felt the added fluids her body still reveled in the perversity of adding her own lubrication. The almost intense heat of it paired so well with the naturally warming fluid she'd soaked her prick in she couldn't quite believe how good it all felt. Despite experiencing that very thing more times than she could ever count. But while the cum leaking from her dick went comparatively unnoticed the toy pounding away at her asshole couldn't possibly have flown under the radar. The way it stretched out her already opened ring while reaching deeper than anything else could was exactly what'd drawn her to the Varren cock in the first place. The way it could leave her gaped and nearly prolapsed with such ease while at the same time hitting all the deepest and most sensitive places in her ass never failed to send her into fits of convulsions. Even if she'd been using it just by itself her body would've been wracked with pleasure and her mind would've gone blank. But using it at the same time as her pocket pussy> It was a good thing nobody expected her to go on any missions or indeed function in any way for at least a day or two because the pleasure crashing through and setting fire to every nerve inside her body all but ensured she'd be useless for at least that long. Unless their next mission required a drooling Asari slut violently gyrating between her two favorite toys as she staggered closer and closer to orgasm.

It only took a minute of fucking herself from both ends for Liara to become little more than a lustful, thoughtless beast. Any shred of coherence or sanity had all but evaporated from her mind as she fucked her pocket pussy and asshole simultaneously. Nothing could've been more perfect than the abjectly wonderful experience of a tight hole wrapped around her dick while a fat cock stretched out her once tight hole at the same time. The waves of pleasure crashing into her from both sides were at the same time completely different yet diametrically opposed. Neither was inherently better tha the other and both were dramatically improved by one another with every moment she spent thrusting her body between both. Especially when, through total happenstance, she stumbled into the even better system of moving her own body with clumsy yet passionate rhythms while keeping both Varren cock and Human pussy exactly where they were. While not quite as orgasmic as slamming both onto or inside of herself the pleasure of moving from one to the other while soaking her sheets in sweat and tangling them up beneath her constantly writhing body was only a tiny downgrade. Tiny enough to be completely trivial after a few seconds of adjusting and finding the right momentum and certainly tiny enough to be completely overshadowed before long. And that wasn't the only thing to be overshadowed as Liara found her perfect groove and fucked herself into senseless ecstasy.

The greater her pleasure grew the harder it was for her to draw so much as a single breath and the timid little whimpers spilling from her lips were all too quickly drowned out by the lurid squelching of her cock fucking that tight pussy. As well as the massive dildo all but turning her asshole inside out as the knotty base popped in and out of her slack, distended ring with increasing ferocity. Hearing and feeling her ass slopping open each and every time that massive cock emerged never failed to send chills down her spine and a wild pulse through her cock. In much the same way slamming two thirds of her length into a pocket pussy never failed to make her greedy little hole tighten around whatever amount of Varren cock had been shoved inside it at that moment. The symbiosis was as perfect as it was perverse and Liara quickly found herself drowning in as time wore on and her pleasure climbed ever higher towards ecstasy. And yet for all the pleasure she felt and all the arousal cascading through her there still remained a single, stubborn little thought bobbing on the churning seas of her pleasure.  A single annoying reminder that there was more she could do. More she could indulge in. Though she hadn't been deliberately ignoring it she'd certainly not indulged anything so distracting as conscious thought while relentlessly and sloppily fucking herself from both ends. Why would she? The pure joy of stuffing her ass and fucking a gorgeously tight mold of a porn star's cunt was as good as she could ever feel. At least that's what she convinced herself off as she moaned with whatever breath her lungs managed to intake and grunted at all other times.

But the presence of that niggling little though remained no matter how violently Liara rocked back and forth between her toys. It stubbornly refused to go away until she acknowledged and indulged what it was saying to her. So after what felt like an eternity of devastating her asshole while massaging her cock she finally gave in and activated her Omni-Tool. Hitting a trigger she'd all but completely forgotten about she barely had time to process her own actions before the ring snugly wrapped around the base of her dick started glowing even bright. The light caught her eye and she looked down at it a heartbeat before the toy started vibrating with a force and a frequency that sent her spiraling out of control in an instant. Her eyes flew open and her mouth unleashed a silent scream into the room as she stiffened like she'd been paralyzed. As her cock swelled her asshole clamped down like never before and although she'd been trapped in the middle of bouncing between her two most obvious toys she was immediately forced to stop dead in her tracks as a third, overwhelming layer of ecstasy crashed down upon her. Snugly wrapped around the base of her dick like it was her new favorite addition to self pleasure was able to send tingling waves of pleasure radiating not only through her entire dick but also her previously untended balls as well. It was a sensation entirely beyond any she'd felt and the triple threat was more than her already overloaded brain could handle.

Gritting her teeth and screaming until her throat was raw and her lungs were bereft of air Liara buried the Varren cock dildo in her ass and shoved her own cock balls deep into the Human pocket pussy at the same time. It was the last conscious act she made before being consumed utterly and completely by the ecstasy coursing through the very core of her being. Although her body tensed and gyrated and grinded with absolute abandon her mind had gone completely blank. Perfectly, blissfully empty there wasn't a thought in her head. Only an endless haze of pleasure as her body was ravished by the endlessly cresting waves that'd been threatening to overtake her for some time. Although it hadn't been more than ten minutes she started masturbating in the first place and certainly hadn't been more than a minute since activating the vibration function of her cock ring she was ravished beyond understanding by yet another toe curling, jaw dropping, bed breaking orgasm. Every bit as powerful as she expected but no less amazing in spite of that expectation it began in her stuffed and stretched asshole before radiating outwards to the very tips of her extremities. Spasming and clenching around the dildo shoved so wonderfully deep inside her every inch of her quivering inner walls were coated in that perfect aphrodisiac and more susceptible than ever to the pleasure echoing outward from the uniquely strange contours of the dick inside her.

At times she wanted to pull away from the sensation, to yank the toy from her ass and spare herself the teeth grinding pleasure before it drove her mad or killed her outright in some freak accident. But she couldn't even begin to control her limbs enough to pull something like that off. There was no chance in hell her trembling arms and barely functional digits could do more than hold the base of the prick while it remained embedded in her hole. Which was, without a doubt, a very good thing as the ecstasy bombarding her soon overwhelmed other parts of her body. Particularly her madly throbbing cock and cum laden balls. Feeling her greedy hole tightening around the toy stuffed inside it was a perfect accompaniment to the pleasure of a tight pussy squeezing and massaging much of her dick. It could only have been more perfect if she'd stuffed her entire dick inside the pocket pussy at once but even without that it was still laughably easy to hit her limit and send her first gooey load of spunk erupting deep inside her toy. Joining the copious amounts of precum already sloshing about in the depths of the pussy Liara's initial load absolutely drenched it's inner walls and coated much of her prick in another layer of creamy warmth. By the time she was unleashing her second spurt a heartbeat or two later her cock head was entirely submerged in a tawdry mix of lubricant and semen, something that would only grow more pronounced with every pulse of her dick.

Spraying jet after messy jet of semen into her well used toy she absolutely flooded it with her first incredible orgasm of the night. Although her climaxes were always sloppy and copious in equal measures the added pleasure of the vibration massaging her dick and teasing her balls seemed to enhance that already insane amount and send it Krogan levels of thickness and quantity. Or at least that's how it felt as every new spurt was accompanied by even more arousal as the rising tide of jizz enveloped more and more of her dick until it felt like her shaft was swimming in a pool of fresh spunk. At times it was hard to even feel the pussy around her as spunk continued to erupt from her tightening sack for what must have been hours or even days on end. In reality it wasn't much more than a minute or two but of course in the heat of the moment time had no meaning and reality began as well as ended with the toys bringing her to such heights of pleasure. By the time the greatest peaks of her ecstasy were beginning to subside Liara was so overwhelmed and so overcome by the afterglow as well as the aftershocks she couldn't do anything more than lay there as cum leaked from her still throbbing dick while her asshole weakly clenched around the toy stuffed inside her. She didn't even have the wherewithal to shut off the buzzing ring that'd caused her explosive finish, even though doing so might've spared her from the minutes upon minutes of laying in a heap panting and whimpering like a wild animal. Though it was nearly impossible to say whether or not she actually wanted it to stop. With nothing but time on her hands and an addiction to feed why would she even bother?

Eventually she did manage to find some vague semblance of self control and motivation, although the exact reason for finding that surge of energy was still rampant sexual desire. Rolling onto her back, and moaning as she pushed her dildo a little deeper inside herself, Liara rolled onto her other side without ever removing the pocket pussy from her cock. When she grabbed it as she slid off her bed entirely it was solely to keep it right where it belonged as she clumsily stood up and waddled towards her massive assortment of toys. Hunching over and moaning she flatted a hand against the wall beside her display while staring with unfocused eyes at what she wanted to fuck herself with next. The dildo inside her asshole had remained stuffed so deeply within her only the base was visible between her massive, jiggling cheeks but that was a concern for a later time. Her more pressing thought was focused entirely on pulling the toy wrapped around her dick free and draining it of the cum. Before she fucked it again of course. Inch by inch it slid from her sensitive but still remarkably hard shaft, wet squelches and all manner of lurid sputters filling the air alongside her moans. More than once she actually had to stop and take a moment to recuperate as the pleasure grew too strong. But it never took more than a few seconds to resume pulling it off her prick once more and soon enough she was fast approaching the tip of her length. It was only as she stopped there to gather her breath and uncurl her toes that she thought to turn off her vibrating cock ring for a moment. It would be turned back on soon enough but for the time being she couldn't afford the added distraction. A relieved sigh spilled from her lips and much of her body relaxed the moment it was shut off. She even managed a quite smile as she looked down at the toy perched on the end of her dick.

With a final, quiet moan she pulled it free and held it upside down above the ground. In the blink of an eye all the jizz and lubricant still swirling about inside her pocket pussy came rushing out in a tawdry stream. Gushing forth from the nicely spread open lips she'd been so eagerly fucking it slopped onto the ground and splattered across both her feet and much of the surrounding furniture. Had she been even a little more level headed and cognizant of what she was doing she might've poured it into the toilet or even her own mouth. On a very wild evening she'd even drained that cum into her asshole as an extra dose of lubrication and perversity. But stupefied as she was Liara couldn't do much more than watch with a smile as long strands of pinkish white cum oozed from her pocket pussy. The sight was oddly fascinating to her barely held together mind and the longer she watched the more aroused she felt by it. And when that arousal reached a sort of tipping point her eyes jumped to the collection she'd been standing in front, thoughtlessly roaming the variety on display as she tried to think about where to start after her introductory orgasm. Instinct and countless hours of experience guided her towards a pair of highly refined clamps to wrap around her nipples as well as a thick, vibrating dildo modeled after a Krogan member. One capable of depositing it's own cum inside her and one she was very much looking forward to being ruined by. But not before taking a few moments to bask in how much time she really had to enjoy herself and how much she could finally go wild after so long contenting herself with the bare minimum.

“Two days . . .” She moaned, “Two days . . . Goddess . . . I don't have to stop for two days!” Her eyes closed for a moment and when they opened again they were sparkling with a wild excitement unlike anything her friends had ever seen, “Two days!”

And she would use every available second of the time she had. Along with nearly every toy available to her and every perverted thing she could manage. All while the rest of the ship and indeed the rest of the galaxy had no idea what a filthy degenerate she really was.


Jimmy TwoTries

Yesyesyes. Utterly fucking perfect.


Well that's about the best praise I could hope for when publishing a story!