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There's not much to say about this one honestly. Except that it features a much older man and a much younger woman so if that's not your bag give this one a skip!

Clapping both hands over her mouth to stifle the moan spilling from her lips Sarah's tight, young body shuddered as something close to a foot of wrinkled old cock plunged into her asshole with a single well placed thrust. A messy little spurt of fluids leaked from her neglected pussy as his hairy sack smacked against her vulva while her big, round bubble butt jiggled merrily from the force of his impact. Despite being present and in full possession of her faculties every step of the way she couldn't quite figure out how she'd come to bent over the bathroom sink with a man close to four times her age sodomizing her with the gusto of a far younger person but the skill of someone with decades of experience. Everything had happened so quickly after he suggested a sponge bath it seemed like a blur. Though a good deal of her confusion could likely be chalked up to the tree trunk currently stretching her ass open so wide it was a little remarkable she hadn't been split in half yet! Knowing all manner of orderlies, doctors, and other members of the retirement community were walking by outside the room, each and every one of them separated from her and Mr. Stevens by a few inches of wall, added a whole extra dimension to the already pleasurable experience. Even the sight of her unexpected partner's ancient, leering face looking at her in the reflection of the mirror and the humiliation she felt upon seeing him somehow enhanced the whole affair. And so far he hadn't done anything more than slide his frankly enormous dick into her tight little rectum!

There was no telling how much better it could get once he started moving, although she didn't have much trouble imagining just how confusing it would be as her brain insisted on trying to get to the bottom of what'd led her to that moment. Even as the enormous dick buried in her anus began to retreat while the wheezing old geezer in belonged to moaned and flashed a toothless grin at her. For a handful of seconds Sarah's thoughts couldn't focus on anything but the slow withdrawal and toe curling pleasure of the prick gliding out of her hole and distending her once cutely puckered ring in thanks to it's sheer size. Little flashes of pleasure rampaged through her body as small but powerful convulsions sent her muscles spasming without her input. By the time his swollen tip was pulling at the edges of her asshole she was having an enormously hard time keeping her mouth covered or her voice down. In the brief moment she had before Mr. Stevens shoved his dick back inside her she managed to regain some sort of composure and find some sort of control over her body. Then he buried all eleven and a half inches of his ancient yet still remarkably hard dick in Sarah's ass and all that flew right out the window. Forced to grab the edge of the sink with one hand and press the other flat against the mirror so she didn't wind up with a concussion the she did her best to bite her lip as another moan tried to burst forth but her efforts were almost entirely fruitless. What little she did manage to stifle paled in comparison to the echoing squeal reverberating throughout the bathroom. Not to mention the rest of his living space and almost certainly the hallway beyond.

Of course that was only the beginning of both her noisy appreciation of the geriatric cock pounding her asshole and the pounding itself. Grunting almost as loudly as she had Mr. Stevens grabbed Sarah's waist with hos long, crooked fingers and held on tight as his hips lurched backwards and his cock slid out of her quivering rectum. But rather than pulling out until only the tip remained inside about midway through his departure he suddenly and roughly reversed his course. His dick plunged back inside her and she let out a startled gasp as pleasure rippled through her half naked body. Sarah barely had time to register the sudden change of pace before he was pulling out and thrusting back in again, a thoroughly wild rhythm building up long before she had the ability to respond with anything other that slightly taken aback whimpers and instinctive moans. Nowhere near as frail as he looked her surprisingly ferocious partner didn't waste any time building to the sort of ball slapping, asshole gaping, mind breaking rhythm every man, woman, and beast Sarah ended up with always devolved into. Rather he started there and maintained the downright insane speed and forcefulness for much, much longer than she expected. Certainly far longer than should've been possible for a person his age. His liver spotted hips bashed against her ass in an endless frenzy of madcap thrusting that sent her thighs colliding with the sink she was bent over so hard she'd almost certainly end up with bruises afterwards. Each and every impact sent a deliciously appealing jiggle through her juicy buttocks while simultaneous making her massive tits bounce and flop every which way above the porcelain. At some point her cheek had come to rest against the mirror she'd been trying to keep her face from slamming into as the constant arching of her back and her own inability to keep herself upright eventually led to her slumping forward as nearly every part of her body gave out over the course of the ten minutes or so she spent getting reamed in the best possible way.

Her moans filled every nook and cranny of Mr. Stevens living space as surely as his cock filled every nook and cranny of her asshole but if that alone wasn't enough to ensure everyone within earshot knew exactly what was going on the wet smack of his waist against her ass all but sealed the deal. Anyone and everyone who passed by heard the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from within and those who knew anything about the man that lived there could only shake their head and grin. Sarah was hardly the first slut he'd coerced into a compromising position and she certainly wouldn't be the last, although based on the sounds coming from his room she was, at the very least, one of the few able to fully take him without breaking. And while it wasn't a feat she'd ever really appreciate she certainly had no issues appreciating the constant waves of pleasure crashing through her body and sweeping away everything except the same wild love of cock she'd inherited from her mother. The same inner whorishness that'd led her into so many different and highly lascivious adventures. It was exactly that genetic predisposition towards being a complete and total cock sleeve that also allowed her to cum through nothing but getting her asshole ravished. Even if it wasn't the strongest or messiest orgasm she'd ever known there was no denying just how much she really enjoying getting fucked as fluids gushed out of her wholly untouched cunt while her inner walls clamped down with astonishing force on the dick still flying in and out of her hole. What was already a fantastic experience somehow managed to get even better soon after when her companion let out a hacking groan followed by a deluge of cum that put most men to shame with the first load. By the second he'd splattered her inner walls and filled up her belly with fresh, warm jizz. Everything after that was just icing on the cake, or frosting in her asshole as it were, and though she enjoyed it immensely Sarah could hardly fathom the sheer amount of spunk swirling around inside her. At least not until the man who'd so kindly given it to her pulled out a few seconds later to leave her once tight hole cavernous and gaping wide enough to fit several fingers inside without touching the edges. Because as soon as his dick vanished all the spunk he'd left inside her came rushing out and she was given no other choice but to understand how much there really was while it bubbled and squirted onto the floor as she held on for dear life. Eventually the orgasmic experience of spraying cum out of her ruined, nearly prolapsed hole sent her to her knees and nearly made her collapse entirely. Before she could slump down into the puddle of cum and pussy juice lapping at her knees the man behind her spoke and she was brought a little closer to reality by his less than considerate tone.

“Now let's finish my sponge bath.” Mr. Stevens said as he slid back into the tub.

“O-Of course Mr. Stevens . . .” She murmured, “Right away . . .”


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