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As usual y'all should skip this one if you don't want to read anything featuring real life people! If that's your cup of tea then read on!

While a howling blizzard raged outside the cozy little log cabin she'd be whisked away to by her lover Josephine was stretched out languidly across a bearskin rug, a roaring fire silhouetting her half naked body. Laying in front of her close enough for their lips to touch was the man who'd taken her away on a whirlwind vacation to Aspen. He was built like an Olympic weightlifter and strikingly handsome in the most manly, rugged way. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop her fingers from drifting over his broad chest and through the curly black hairs covering it his muscles. In much the same way he couldn't stop running his massive hands across her shapely body, particularly down the side of her ever so slightly blushing face to move along the outline of her jaw. When his thumb traced the contours of her full, soft lips she gave him a little kiss for his tenderness. A soft breath escaped his own lips and she took the chance to inch a little closer to him. Though her tightly curvaceous body was only covered by a bra and panties she was still wearing entirely too much clothing for her liking. Luckily she didn't have to say a word to Carter about her desire. Like always he seemed to know exactly what she was thinking the moment she thought it. His enormous hand was already running along the strap of her bra, gently tugging and pulling on it while he smiled at her. Josephine smiled right back and let her own wandering fingers reach the waistband of his boxer briefs. Near simultaneously their eager digits slipped beneath the fabric hiding the remainder of their bodies while both of them let out shaky gasps. As he pulled the strap of her bra down her arm she tugged the front of his underpants lower and both of them were given a delicious treat. Yet while he was able to enjoy more of her perky, heaving breasts as the cloth keeping them restrained loosened she had a vastly more delicious glimpse of the uppermost portion of his thick member. Even thought she'd already seen it at least a dozen times something about glimpsing it in the warm glow of the fire was absolutely wonderful.

But rather than continuing to pull his boxers down she let out a needy moan and slid her hand around his neck to grab a fistful of his curly hair and pull him into a sudden kiss. He gladly returned her passionate gesture and she felt his lips smile against her as they shared a long, tender embrace for a few more seconds. When they broke apart again she didn't waste any time giving him a look he knew all too well before laying flat on her stomach across the rub. Carter smile widened even further as he looked at the perfect, sculpted curvature of her ass glowing in the firelight. Even more heavenly than usual her soft, round buttocks were a sight to behold. Every bit as beautiful as the rest of her body yet somehow more alluring than anything else in the world her gorgeously tight rump called out to him. Something she knew as surely as she knew her own name. Within seconds of seeing her gorgeously perfect cheeks displayed by the fireside he pulled away from her only to slip back between her slowly parting legs and slip his fingers beneath the waistline of her thong. But rather than simply tugging it down to reveal not only her perfect ass the but the plump, swollen folds of her sex hidden by her panties he took her by surprise. With one hand still lifting up the edges of her underwear he brought the other up to her face to caress her cheek and brush aside her hair. Josephine let out a soft, appreciative gasp a moment later as his lips made tender contact with her cheek.

Goosebumps erupted across her body while a pleasant little shiver ran down her spine. But before she could do more than that he'd planted another kiss a few inches lower on her jaw. Another soft whimper escaped her lips and she reached back to grab a fistful of his hair in response. Her fingers found only empty air while her ears were met with a soft laugh as he continued to shift his attention lower, his warm kisses drifting away from her face to next find her shoulder just beside her neck. More goosebumps spread across her skin while much of her body tensed at his unexpected but wonderfully romantic gesture. Ever since they started having sex he'd been able to surprise her with remarkable ease and she never failed to adore that trait. The feeling of his lips moving down her back and planting soft, warm kisses across her skin in short intervals was enough to make her gasp his name and lower clutch the bearskin rug beneath her. All the unbridled arousal she'd been feeling since they arrived in the cabin was reaching a boiling point and the longer she was denied the pleasure of him inside her the more powerfully she ached for the feeling. His endless kisses were both a wonderful substitute and a maddening delay as he gradually worked his way down. Just as she was beginning to wonder if he intended to tease her until she was begging for him, something he'd done in the past and something she'd enjoyed greatly at the time, his lips pressed against her skin for what would be the final time. For a few minutes at least.

Kissing the beautiful dimples that formed in her buttocks whenever her muscles tensed Carter teasingly removed her thong. Josephine eagerly lifted up her waist to give him uninhibited access and within a few seconds her underwear was nestled in the crook of her slightly bent knees. For a moment his hands vanished from her body and she looked back just in time to see him tugging down his boxers and freeing all nine inches of throbbing cock from their clothy prison. She admired the long, turgid length of his dick and the powerful, sight of his equally delicious balls in the firelight, her body so hungry for his she could hardly think of anything else. Luckily she didn't have to wait long as he stood up only to remove his underwear entirely before kneeling back down. She took the chance to discard her sodden, useless panties and open her legs wide for him. As he took hold of his member he stared at the amazing look of her ass lit only by the fire and the glistening folds of her sex slowly opening for him like the petals of a flower between her thighs. Like any sane, heterosexual man being met with that gorgeously perfect image was all the motivation he needed to press his swollen tip against her wet, quivering sex and gently push inside her. Both of them moaned in abject delight as his manhood glided deep into her like it had so many times before. Her inner walls stretched to accommodate his impressive girth while a myriad of shivers coursed through their bodies. She moaned his name as his weight slowly pressed down atop her and he moaned her name as the soft contours of her ass squished against his waist. Like always he didn't stop until every inch of him had slid inside her and he was firmly embedded in the warm, trembling confines of her pussy. And once he was he let out an almost bestial groan as his hands pressed flat against the floor on either side of her head. Moaning even louder than him Josephine wrapped her fingers around his wrists and subtly grinded up against him for a moment as the two of them adjusted to the pleasure of the moment.

The very moment she was ready to enjoy his fat cock sliding in and out of her pussy Josephine moaned her lover's name. He responded with a soft laugh, his dick pulsing excitedly as the rest of his body shifted into the ideal position. As soon as he was able to he pulled out at a slow and almost maddening pace. It felt as if he'd be siding backwards forever and yet she couldn't get enough of it. Feeling him gliding backwards and rubbing against her inner walls in a gentle, sensual display was so good her toes curled inward and her breaths arrived in labored gasps by the time he'd come to a stop. Carter didn't wait more than a heartbeat before sliding right back inside her. His movements were a little faster than before but nowhere near fast enough to stop her rampant enjoyment of his slow, sensual side. Nearly every other time they'd had sex it was a wild, ball slapping affair that left her sore and half unconscious but this was different. In the best possible way. Her nails dug a little deeper into his skin as he plunged the his last few inches inside her only to immediately retreat. She felt his groan ruffle her already tousled blonde hair and the warmth of it upon her neck sent her into another shiver. The tightness of her sex made him groan again and the whole process repeated itself in the time it took him to pull back and come to a stop yet again. But rather than letting that overwhelm him he resisted the urge to start pounding away like a madman. Keenly aware of how much she wanted a slow, gentle night together he did everything in his power to accommodate the beautiful woman gasping his name. Seconds blurred into minutes as he pumped back and forth in a deliberate rhythm that emphasized the rotation of his hips and the subtle curve of his cock to make sure she felt every last moment he was inside her. And she loved every single nanosecond of it. Everything from the intimacy of their union to the simple fact that he'd remembered what she'd said about her favorite sexual positions made every moment nothing short of incredible for Josephine.

Perhaps the one and only complaint she might've had was being unable to see Carter's face. She always loved to look him in the eyes when he filled her pussy with cum and although he was no slouch in the bedroom she could already tell he was nearing an orgasm. His first but not last of the evening. Before Josephine could voice her one and only complaint her lover proved exactly why he was leagues ahead of the other men she'd been with. Pulling back just a little bit further than usually he slid his cock free of her wetly quivering sex and gently rolled her onto her back. Or rather he started to and the instant she understood what he was doing she helped him along. Suddenly finding herself face to face with her man she smiled up at him and caressed his handsome features. He did the same with beautiful face while at the same time pushing his throbbing tip against her sex again. Knowing full well he didn't have to wait another second he slid back inside her without any delay and resumed the gentle, rhythmic thrusting that'd left her so breathlessly delighted. Unfortunately being able to see her gorgeous features react to his every slightest movement, witnessing her breasts bounce upwards while her mouth hung open in a constant moan, was just a little too incredible for him to resit quickening his pace. Carter was able to avoid going full animal mode but there was no stopping the slow, steady increase of his thrusts as long as he was able to see Josephine in all her beauty. Which was actually perfect for her. All the pleasure she'd been feeling since the moment they first kissed was building up within her like a rising wave and his increased speed provided the perfect fuel t send it rising higher than ever. As long as he could keep himself under control for a few more minutes she'd be able to enjoy her first orgasm of the night alongside his first orgasm, something she rarely ever experienced with her previous lovers but something she enjoyed with him almost every single time they were together. When she didn't it was always because he made her cum first.

In an unexpected turn of events Carter was actually the first one to climax. Groaning her name and gritting his teeth as all of his muscles tensed and his body shivered he did his best to keep thrusting at the same, tender pace as before. Even while his dick swelled inside her and a gooey jet of spunk gushed into the depths of her pussy. Throwing her arms around him and pulling his face into her chest she let out a feverish cry of her own as the incredible sensation of his cum splashing across her inner walls collided with her senses once more. Paired with his ability to keep a remarkably consistent and absolutely toe curling pace even as he emptied load after load inside of her one right after the other was more than enough to send her spiraling down into an orgasm well before he'd finished his. Every inch of her body that could tightened around him as she threw her head back and panted his name with an ever increasing breathiness to her voice. Her already tight inner walls squeezed him harder than ever, simultaneously milking his cock dry while sending a warm torrent of arousal gushing onto the bearskin rug beneath them at the same time. Soon both of them were panting and moaning in near perfect unison as he emptied himself into the depths of her sex while she in turn was struck by wave after wave of ecstasy brought on by the warmth of his seed flooding into her and the intimacy of his body pressing against her own. It was impossible to tell how long they remained there gasping for breath and loving every second of being connected to one another. By her reckoning it could've been hours or decades and his notion was every bit as inaccurate. Of course it hardly mattered. What mattered was the feeling of joy they felt. The closeness they basked in. The delicious way her nails scraped across his back or the soft tingling caused by his chest hair against her skin. By the time he'd finished her pussy felt like it'd been flooded to the point of overflowing and the simple fact that he hadn't removed his cock and it hadn't gone soft was heavenly.

Their lips reunited at some point soon afterwards and when their beautiful, post coital kiss ended their eyes met and she quietly asked, “How long before you're ready again?”

“A couple minutes.” He whispered, “Less if you roll over and let me see that ass of yours again . . .”

Josephine laughed and bit her lip, “I don't want you to pull out . . .”

“I don't want to pull out either . . .”

“Then don't . . .”

Carter smiled and her and leaned in for another kiss. But just before his lips made contact with hers yet again he murmured, “I won't . . .”


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