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I don't have much to say about this one, I think it speaks for itself and there's nothing so wild that I feel obligated to give a disclaimer. Fans of anal sex and interracial will definitely enjoy it!

With an ear to ear grin spread across his face Luis slid inside his brand new, 1970 Chevy Nova SS and slid the key in the ignition. His car roared to life like the magnificent metal beast she was while the underground parking structure around him echoed with the deafening sound of her engine. He quickly buckled his seat belt and sped out of his spot before any of the people nearby could approach to voice their complaints. Although he did feel bad about the amount of noise his beautiful, fiery red car made whenever he turned it on or drove it at any speed faster than a crawl it was nearly impossible for him to worry about any of that as soon as he was on the streets of Portland. Although he'd only had his new vehicle for a week he was already in love with everything about it down to even the most trivial things like cup holders and style of the buttons. Of course that wasn't much of a surprise considering he'd been saving up for that exact model since he was fourteen. And after a dozen years, almost thirteen in fact, he'd finally been able to buy his dream car. Just in time for his birthday and for a meet up with a bunch of other people he'd met at various trade shows and forums. The excitement of showing off the single most valuable and kickass thing he'd ever owned to his buddies was second only to the excitement of showing it off to all the women that normally wouldn't look twice at him. Because while he definitely hadn't purchased the car exclusively as a chick magnet the fact that it would help draw in women better than his old piece of shit beater was an unquestionable bonus.

So much so he couldn't help but take his brand new car out several times a day just to show it off in the hopes that he might finally receive a tiny amount of attention from the opposite sex. Any time he wasn't working or sleeping his was driving around the city just hoping someone would finally notice him. To his delight a lot of people did actually notice him. But to his disappointment most of them were other men. The handful of women that'd approached him as he rolled into the parking lot of all his favorite haunts were always accompanied by some sort of romantic partner. And while the admiration was always a nice ego boost and he was more than happy to talk shop with anyone that wanted to chat about cars with him Luis couldn't help being a little unhappy with the complete lack of attention from eligible women. At least until he hopped back into his car and felt the hum of it's powerful engine reverberating through his body. It was genuinely impossible for him to do anything but smile as soon as he felt that tingle coursing through his arms and into his chest as he held the steering wheel. His grin would persist for as long as he continued to coast through town basking in the warm summer day and enjoying the simple pleasure of driving through the city in a car he'd dreamed about owning since he was a teenager. And in a perfect world that might've been enough for him. Unfortunately he wasn't living in a perfect world and every time he glanced at the passenger seat he couldn't help feeling disappointed there wasn't someone sitting in it enjoying the day with him. Even if it was only for a day.

For a little over a decade he assumed his high school sweetheart would be the one sitting there enjoying both the car and the beautiful, sunny day. Then, sixth months ago, she'd broke up with him and moved across the country to New York to 'start her life'. Thoroughly devastated by the break up Luis had been an absolute wreck for weeks on end and only a few degrees better than that for even longer. He'd nearly blown all the money he'd saved for his car on a grand romantic gesture to win Carmen back. Luckily his sisters had caught wind of his plan and all but kidnapped him until he came to his senses enough to realize how stupid that idea was. He'd spent the remainder of the time between that epiphany and buying his car slowly piecing his life and his self esteem back together. The former proved much, much easier than the latter. After dating one woman for a significant portion of his life he had absolutely no 'game' at all. He could barely open his mouth and talk to women let along flirt with them enough to get their number or a proper date. Which might not have been such a big issue if he was the kind of guy with anything special going on in the looks department. Sadly he was about as average as could be, just another middling height Spanish guy who wasn't quite in shape enough to be muscular but wasn't out of shape enough to be fat. Because of his job he had to keep his wavy dark hair cut short in a professional styling and his face clean of any facial hair at all. Which left his boring brown eyes, average nose, and normal lips to pick up the slack. Along with an incredibly uninteresting jawline and zero qualities that might make someone look his way. And that was where his beautiful new car came in. Anyone with an appreciation for classic muscles cars or cars in general would take an interest in his and once they did he could strike up a conversation with them and maybe, just maybe, 'get back out there' like his sisters and friends were always saying. Because there wasn't much chance of any women noticing him without it.

Luis finished another circuit through Portland with a few new numbers in his phones and a few cool new people to talk with about cars. None of whom were women. He returned to his apartment complex feeling a little dejected but still miles better than he'd felt a couple weeks ago and he went to bed with thoughts and fantasies of tomorrow's meetup filling his head. Seven hours later he woke up seconds before his alarm went off and practically leapt off his mattress. More excited than he'd been in a very long time he peeled off the clothes he hadn't bothered to remove the night before and climbed into the shower for a much needed rinse. As soon as that was finished he grabbed a white t shirt, black jeans, and his favorite pair of busted old Converse before heading out the door. Only to immediately turn around and come right back to collect his wallet, phone, and car keys. Once he actually had everything he needed he was hurrying downstairs to the parking garage and his bright red muscle car. In less than a minute he was on the street and driving towards the meetup, eagerly checking the clock on his dash as if that had any bearing on anything. The maps function on his cell claimed it would take an hour and forty three minutes to reach Eugene but he managed to make it in an hour and twenty. To his delight he wasn't even close to the first person to arrive and from pretty much the moment he rolled up there were dozens of others cars and people to chat with. Although he knew a few of them pretty much everyone else was a complete stranger and Luis spent the better part of two hours just meeting new people and talking about cars with them. Usually about his own but just as often about theirs or even other cars at the meetup. It was everything he could've hoped for and quite a bit more as people continued to arrive and before long the abandoned dirt lot they were congregating in was jam packed with awesome people and kickass cars.

Around four hours after he'd arrived Luis and a number of friends he'd made at the meetup were about to pile into their cars for a little racing and showing off on the pretty much empty highway that ran parallel to the lot they were on. But while everyone else he was with had no trouble getting into their cars and speeding off to he was stopped by the single hottest women he'd ever seen. Strutting through the crowd around her like she owned the place and walking right up to his car without an ounce of hesitation she casually leaned forward to rest her arms on the passenger side window and smile at him with a sparkle in her dark eyes that made his stomach flip and his heart skip a beat. She'd styled her short blonde hair in a pixie cut that framed her cute, angular face perfectly and really pulled attention towards her cute button nose and large, full lips. In addition to her dusky eyes and the heavy lines of mascara surrounding them. A black leather jacket and white, navel bearing tank top covered the upper portion of her slender body while tight, form fitting leopard print mini skirt did the same for everything below her pierced bellybutton. Although considering how quickly it came to a stop and how much of her long, shapely legs were left completely bare perhaps 'covered' wasn't exactly the right word. Her eye catching ensemble was rounded out by a pair of jet black, stiletto heels that should've been a whole lot harder to walk in than they seemed to be. But like something out of a dream she didn't seem to have any issues with anything, including introducing herself as Sakura Takeda and extending a hand. Like an absolute moron he stared at her soft looking fingers and carefully painted purple nails for a good couple of seconds before remembering what normal humans do in that situation and clumsily reaching out to shake it with one of his own.

“I-I'm L-Luis!” He stammered. Moments before touching her he realized just how sweaty and clammy his palms were. But rather than making some excuse or trying to subtly hide that fact he immediately pulled his hand away and wiped it on his jeans before reaching out again. “I-it's a p-pleasure t-to meet you!”

“Likewise.” She laughed, staring at him with no small amount of amusement as they shook hands. “So where are you taking this beautiful car Luis?”

“I-I was gonna go for a little race with s-some friends.” Pausing for a couple of seconds to watch her admire the interior of his vehicle he abruptly added, “D-do you wanna come?”

“You sure you won't mind the extra weight?” Sakura joked, “It might cost you a win.”

Scoffing and speaking before he could think about it Luis immediately replied, “There's no way you could weigh enough to slow me down! You're way too small for that!”

“Is that right?” She asked while he blushed in embarrassment, “Well in that case . . .” Straightening and lifting up the lock she'd been leaning against she opened the door and slid into the passenger seat like it was the most normal thing in the world. “Let's go handsome!”

More nervous than ever but in no position to refuse a gorgeous woman like her Luis nodded and turned his car on. A moment later he buckled his seat belt and quickly noticed she hadn't done the same. Again without thinking he said, “Buckle your seat belt please.”

Sakura's grin widened and she let out a chuckle but made no objections to his request, buckling her seat belt a moment later and coyly asking, “What are you waiting for?”

Lacking an answer to the question or indeed any good reason to stick around he sped off as quickly as he could. Although not usually one to show off or drive recklessly with a mysterious and drop dead gorgeous woman in the seat next to him Luis couldn't help but try his best to look badass. And at first he actually managed to pull it off, taking a few turns quite a bit faster than he should've and with way more skill than he really had. On top of zipping around the handful of cars they encountered and even completely blowing past some guy in a sporty little Honda that thought he could match them. But all of that changed when they arrived at the meeting spot for the race. Pretty much the moment he pulled up alongside the other four drivers he knew he was gonna look like a jackass. Even at a glance he could see all of them had a confidence and self assurance that he'd always lacked and the moment their little competition began he was given a firsthand lesson in how much that mattered. In spite of Sakura cheering him on and even giving directions whenever he had a chance to zip around one of the people he was racing against Luis couldn't find the strength to actually do anything beyond trailing behind the men and women he probably could've beaten if he'd had a spine. By the time they reached the end of their 'course' he was trailing in dead last by a wide enough margin that he wouldn't have been unhappy if a hole appeared in the earth and swallowed him up. Amazingly the woman beside him didn't seem the least bit put off by his utter failure. In fact the moment they came to a stop she rolled down her window and leaned out of the car to shout at the other drivers. And while he did his best to listen to what she was saying the way her amazingly perky ass looked as she bent over and all but showed it off to him was a lot for Luis to take in.

“Rematch!” Sakura shouted. “Double or nothing! First one back to the meetup wins!”

“We didn't bet anything!” One of the drivers exclaimed.

“Then you won't have anything to worry about when I kick your ass!”

“You're on Sakura!”

“You're gonna regret those words Takeda!”

“Bring it on Sakura!”

Laughing and sliding back into the car just in time to see him staring at her ass she grinned at Luis and said, “Let me drive.”


“Let me drive! I can absolutely destroy those guys in a car like this.” As she spoke she ran a hand along the dashboard like she was caressing a love, “You just gotta let me drive!”

Although it went against every instinct in his body and seemed like an impossibly stupid idea he found himself unable to say no to her request, “All right . . .”

Giddy with excitement Sakura climbed out of the car and hurried around to the driver's side. Not too keen on getting out and being seen relinquishing control of his own vehicle Luis climbed over the clutch and into the passenger seat. Feeling like a failure he watched his companion slide in comfortably behind the wheel. After adjusting the seat and buckling her seat belt she honked the horn a few times and smiled at him. Everyone else honked their horns and soon they were all lined up and ready for their rematch. Following a short countdown they were off again, but the second time around things couldn't have been more different. Like someone out of an action movie Sakura absolutely smoked the other four cars so effortlessly it was almost absurd. And she somehow managed to do it without driving like the sort of lunatic Luis was always trying to avoid being every time he took his car out for a drive. Sure she was definitely being reckless and more than a little risky but no more so than one hand to be when literally racing other people and in the couple of minutes it took for them to return to the meetup he was amazed by how excited he felt. Not to mention how sexy his already beautiful companion managed to look behind the wheel of his car. Just watching her change gears and work the steering wheel would've been enough to make him fall in love but seeing the wild eyed look of genuine excitement spread across her gorgeous face all but sealed the deal. In fact he was so enamored with her driving abilities and the infectious charm of her enthusiasm he didn't even think about getting back into the driver's seat when they came to a stop. Nor did he question when, after a bit of gloating and showboating, she sped off again down the road. Of course no amount of infatuation could keep him from wondering what she was planning or where they were going. Which soon compelled him to ask those very questions of her as they drove into the city.

“I'm just looking for someplace private.” She replied as the car drifted around a corner and into what looked like an abandoned parking structure.

“You're not gonna murder me are you?” Luis joking asked, although a small part of him was definitely worried about that to some degree.

“Of course not!” Sakura laughed, “Now if you had a new Mustang GT . . . that'd be a different story!”

He couldn't help but chuckle at her joke and feel a little reassured, even if his nerves still tried to get the best of him as the car came to a stop and she shut it off, “Then what are we doing here?”

Slowly turning her head to look at him with an expression that was simultaneously the most terrifying and exciting look he'd ever been on the receiving end of she seductively replied, “We're gonna fuck . . . obviously . . .”

“What?!” He exclaimed, half laughing at the pure insanity of what she'd just said, “Are you joking?”

“Of course not!” Sakura unbuckled her seat belt and turned towards him with a lascivious smile, “I saw you checking out my ass earlier and you're pretty cute so why not?” Like it was nothing she lifted up her shirt to reveal her small, perky breasts and the beautifully dark areola at their center. Luis gasped as he stared at her naked tits and marveled at how soft and petite they looked. Just like the rest of her body and just like he'd imagined when she was leaning out the window earlier. “Plus I always get horny after a race and this is a million times better than going home and masturbating . . . right?”

“Y-yes!” He stammered, eager to accept and enjoy this bizarre and surreal turn of events, “B-but why me? I-I mean why not someone better—”

She pressed a finger against his lips and shushed him with a smile, “I think you're cute. You seem nice, I'm horny, and we're alone. Do we really need more explanation than that?” Luis slowly shook his head while staring at her with wide, unblinking eyes. “Good. Now unless you actually don't want to have sex with me, which would be a goddamn shame, I wanna fuck right now. Do you wanna fuck me right now?”

Thinking about it for a few seconds as he looked from her exposed chest to her smiling face several times in quick succession he finally nodded. Sakura's grin widened and she pulled her hand away from his mouth, instead letting it drift down his chest and towards the unmistakable bulge in his jeans. Her other hand quickly joined in on the fun while Luis slowly leaned back in his seat and let out a groan as she unzipped his jeans. A split second later her fingers were diving beneath the fabric of his boxers to wrap around his almost painfully erect cock and free it from the cloth prison it'd been held inside. And the moment it was revealed she let out a delighted gasp, her eyes sparkling in excitement as she held his deliciously thick, modestly sized member in her hands. When her fingers started gliding up and down his length in a smooth, effortless motion he quietly gasped her name and she responded with a soft laugh. Sensually stroking his member with her right hand Sakura slid her left back into his boxers to remove the nicely sized and appreciably hairless balls previously hidden away from her sight. The moment his sack was resting atop his jeans she began fondling and massaging him with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine. Before he could stop himself he was moaning her name yet again and holding on for dear life, his own hands clutching anything he could wrap his fingers around.

Beads of precum were already forming on the head of his pulsing member and the longer her soft fingers slid along his length the more fluid collected at the tip. Before long it was rolling down his shaft in long, sticky strands only to be immediately collected by her constantly moving digits and smeared across his length. Within a minute her hand was slathered in his precum and his cock was glistening with it as well. The soft, wet sounds of her handjob were soon audible in the confined space of his car, though it was hard to hear them over his moans and the occasional breathy gasp from Sakura. Especially when she finally let out a proper moan as she suddenly and unexpectedly leaned over to wrap her lips around the pulsing head of his cock. Too busy staring up at the roof of his car without really seeing it Luis had no idea what she was doing or what she was planning until he felt the wet, warm confines of her lips around him. Instantly looking down while a surprised gasp tumbled from his mouth he watched with no small amount of awe as she wordlessly slid his entire length into her throat like it was nothing. In one effortless movement she'd swallowed every inch of his cock without missing a beat, one set of fingers still wrapped around the base while the other set continued to tease and stimulate his balls. Still not quite able to believe what was happening Luis could only watch in utter amazement while she slowly rose back up his length, then moan in utter delight as her tongue swirled around his cock like it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. And by the time she reached the head of his cock he knew there was no way in hell he could last more than a minute or two.

That estimation proved almost comically accurate as Sakura started bobbing up and down his cock with a practiced ease and he found himself counting the seconds as he tried to delay his shameful lack of endurance as long as he could. But he might as well have been trying to delay the sunset for all the good it did. Her lips were just too soft, her mouth too warm, her tongue too skilled. Nothing he could do, say, or think would stop him from blowing his load and after quite a long time being alone after spending so many years with the woman he thought he'd be with forever part of him didn't even want to try. It was so easy to just lay back and bask in the smooth, softness of her incredible blowjob. To think about how good it would feel to finally cum without the aid of his hand and some porn he immediately forgot about after watching. And of course the moment he started to let go was the moment he pretty much gave up entirely. Watching and feeling Sakura's mouth gliding along his cock faster and faster with every passing second, hearing the wet slurp of her lips as she sucked him harder and more eagerly than he dreamed possible, was heavenly. About all he could contribute beyond moans and an eventual, messy cumshot was to reach out and brush her hair behind her ear so he could see as much of her as possible while she sucked him off. It was a move that earned him a sidelong glance and a coy little grin that only made an already incredible blowjob amazing. So amazing in fact that he quickly lost what little self control he had left. Calling out her name in some last second attempt to warn her Luis' whole body tensed and he slid down in his seat. With both hands he grabbed her head but rather than trying to pull her deeper onto his prick he tried to lift her off it before his cum flooded her mouth. Because after many years with his ex he'd grown accustomed to his sexual partner not liking the taste of semen. Little did he realize Sakura wasn't at all like his ex.

Instead of pulling backwards upon hearing his passionate cry she slammed herself down onto his dick with so much force it was downright absurd. Inhaling every last centimeter of his cock she smothered his length with her mouth and sucked with so much force a vacuum cleaner would've had trouble keeping up with her. Luis didn't even have time to process what was happening before cum exploded from the swollen head of his dick and into the back of her throat. And by that point it was far, far too late for him to do anything but moan her name and weakly thrust upwards with each new load. For the first time in his life he felt what it was like to cum inside  girl's mouth and the experience was more than he could've ever hoped for. The intense, almost unbearable pressure of her lips and tongue against and around him as he dumped jet after jet of spunk into her was simply indescribable. He couldn't think of a time he'd cum harder in his life, although in the heat of the moment he couldn't think about much of anything at all. Everything beyond the wet, warm confines of her mouth and all the pleasure it gave him simply didn't matter for the twenty or so seconds he was emptying every last drop of spunk he had into her belly. Though he could still hear and thoroughly enjoy the sound of her genuine moans and wet slurping as she eagerly drank down his cum without the slightest bit of issue. Eventually the rest of his senses started coming back to him one by one as the world around them slowly returned from the void he'd been occupying up until that moment, just in time for him to feel and hear her lips release his dick with a wet pop. For a split second he worried about how selfish he'd been and how wildly unsatisfied she must be after such a one way experience. But then her fingers wrapped around his prick again and she started stroking him just like before and those thoughts quickly trickled away into nothingness as he enjoyed a glorious post orgasm handjob.

“That was a lot of cum!” Sakura laughed, noisily smacking her lips as she swallowed the last few drops still clinging to her tongue, “I hope that wasn't everything you have!”

“Why?” Luis dazedly asked, his cock perking up at the implication of her words even his brain had yet to comprehend them.

“Because I'm not done with you yet!”

Before he could stupidly ask what that meant Luis was given the best answer possible. Her fingers vanished from his cock and their sudden departure sent his half closed eyes flaring open yet again. He looked down at his unexpectedly hard dick for a moment but quickly found his vision blocked by the infinitely more enjoyable sight of Sakura's ass as she crawled over the center console and to straddle him, her mini skirt rolled up to reveal a distinct lack of panties as well as the tight, bubble butt he'd been admiring earlier. Her hands pressed against his thighs to steady herself as her heels pushed down hard against the floor of his car and she gave him a sultry over the shoulder grin. Realizing how hard it would be for her to to what she was trying to do along Luis helpfully grabbed his wet cock after a few seconds of gormlessly watching her amazing ass jiggle and bounce as she moved. Incorrectly thinking he knew what she wanted he pushed his dick forward a little until the head was pressed against the soft wet folds of her beautifully messy pussy. For a split second he felt the curly tufts of hair clinging to her outer lips and even brushed against the sensitive little button resting at the crest of her sex. But then she completely caught him off guard yet again by shifting forward as much as she could and dragging the tip of his prick against her skin until it was resting against the tightly puckered and feverishly clenching hole nestled between the buttocks he'd been admiring. Taken aback by her intentions and impossibly aroused by what was about to happen he could only stare in amazement at her as she grinned a little bit wider and slid down onto his cock. Her asshole parted for his dick with incredible ease, the tight inner ring that should've denied him spreading open like it was nothing and eagerly swallowing up every last inch he had to give until he suddenly found himself balls deep inside her anus. And with those firm ass cheeks pressed tightly against his lap and the rest of her body leaning back against his own he was sent right back into heaven faster than he could react.

And it only got better as she lifted her legs off the ground to press her feet against the dashboard while reaching out with one hand to grab the back of his head. Her other hand jumped to one of her naked and previously untouched breasts to start groping and fondling it with a remarkable eagerness. He felt her asshole tighten around him and the pleasure all but demanded he do more than just sit there holding on to the car around him. So he wrapped his arms around her waist and, without a thought, shoved two fingers into her sodden, hairy cunt. His reward was an ecstatic moan and full body shiver as Sakura called out his name and writhed against him. Almost insatiably hungry to hear more of her pleasured squeals as well as his own name he started moving his fingers inside her pussy as fast and as vigorously as he could manage. Although he didn't have a great deal of sexual experience after being with a single, relatively conservative woman his whole life he knew how to finger a pussy at least. Something his companion quickly found out and something she quickly came to enjoy almost as much as the feeling of his hot, throbbing dick in her ass. Grinding back and forth between the twin pleasures of his very talented digits viciously assaulting her g-spot and his madly twitching dick straining against her tight little hole her moans grew louder and more guttural at an incredible rate. And for the better part of a minute that was her whole existence. Everything from the sloppy sound of Luis' fingers stirring up her pussy to the crashing waves of pleasure radiating outwards from her stretched and quivering asshole was nothing shy of perfect. But as violent shudders continued to run down her spine and she struggled to keep up with the pleasure flooding her senses Sakura felt her own movements gradually slowing down. Although she tried to keep up the frenetic, lustful energy she'd started off with it was downright impossible to maintain as her own ecstasy built up.

Luckily she didn't have to do all the work despite naturally assuming as much and usually being correct about her assumption. Because Luis was many things but a slouch in the bedroom or a lazy lover he was not and the moment he felt her starting to slow as pleasure washed over her he happily took charge of the situation. As much as he could. Still moving his fingers as roughly as and eagerly as he could without actively causing her discomfort he slid his feet as far apart as he could in the tight space given to him and thrusted upwards with all his strength. Gasping in surprise, appreciation, and pleasure Sakura felt his dick plunge a little deeper into her ass before she was suddenly lifted an inch or two into the air by his waist. And when he sank back down an instant later she quickly followed him as her total lack of wherewithal alongside gravity conspired to bring her down onto his shaft with a soft smack. Yet another moan burst from her lips while a furious shudder coursed through her, momentarily rendering all of her limbs useless as they tensed for a moment. She might've been able to regain her composure and respond to his unexpected thrust in kind had he not immediately followed it up with another, even more powerful movement before she could gather her thoughts. Crying out from the same mixture of emotions and sensations she was lifted right back up his dick as he drove her another few inches up only to let her come falling right back down again a second later. The muted smack of her ass hitting his jean covered thighs was like a thunder clap compared to the first time and her delighted scream followed suit. She barely time to fully enjoy or even comprehend that second thrust before a third was upon her and Luis had settled into a rough, wonderful rhythm that would all but guarantee she never had a chance to catch her breath or gather her thoughts. Exactly how Sakura liked it.

Focused entirely on making her cum as fast and hard as he possibly could Luis barely even noticed how tight her asshole really was or how incredible it felt squeezing his dick every time he slammed inside her and pulled back out. His single minded desire to make sure she walked away from their hookup with at least as fond a memory as he did wouldn't allow for it. Even if his body couldn't help but notice and couldn't help but be affected after several minutes of thrusting into the tightest, most pleasurable hole he'd ever experienced in his life. Which wasn't saying much given his lack of experience but some part of him was confident Sakura's ass would've still beaten out most other women even if he did have dozens of sexual partners. And because he didn't the sheer, incredible tightness of her ring as it wrapped around him and squeezed so hard he often found himself breathless was made all the more incredible for it. Without even making the conscious choice to do so his thrusts were increasing in both speed and force with every minute the two of them continued having sex and it wasn't long before the entire car around them was rocking back and forth on it's wheels from the constant barrage of movement. Had there been anyone else in the parking garage they would've heard Sakura's desperately loud moans and frantic squealing clear as day through the windows. Even people outside the structure could probably hear her as the was slowly but surely pushed right up to the edge of an orgasm she rarely got to enjoy with anyone but her favorite vibrators and a lot of time spent edging herself. Which of course just made the whole thing all the more delicious as her voice grew more and more hoarse while her pussy grew more and more wet. After a good eight minutes of being sodomized so effectively she couldn't quite believe she'd stumbled across him the way she had there was no way she could hold on for another moment. The pleasure was too great and she was too eager to cum. Little did she know her deceptively skilled lover wasn't far from his own orgasm either.

Throwing her head back and screaming in utter delight Sakura's eyes rolled back in her head while the rest of her body convulsed like she was having a seizure. A torrent of hot, sticky fluids gushed from her pussy, soaking the seat beneath them and splashing across the floor of the car in a wet deluge every bit as lewd as the rest of her reactions. But no matter how spectacular the rest of her body was as she came nowhere was more incredible than her already impossibly tight asshole. Squeezing his cock so hard he genuinely couldn't move it an inch let alone continue thrusting like he'd been her greedy little hole all but forced him to cum as her inner walls spasmed around his cock. Shoving his fingers as deep as he could into her pussy Luis buried his face in the crook of her neck and let out his own, pleasured moans as he unleashed another fountain of fresh, gooey jizz inside her body. It streaked out of his cock faster and harder than he'd felt in a long time as his body eagerly soaked her inner walls in a thick layer of spunk while her inner walls in turn eagerly milked his cock for every last drop they could get. Sakura felt his cum explode into her asshole and deliriously smiled at the roof above her, beyond happy to feel a nice, messy creampie in the throes of her ecstasy. And more than happy to let that same creampie fuel her orgasm even more than his thrusting ever could. Because if there was one thing she loved more than hooking up with strangers it was getting her asshole flooded with spunk. The sensation alone was easily enough to prolong her climax for another twenty or thirty seconds as he dumped an impressive amount of jizz into her butt and she had the seemingly endless pleasure of feeling every last drop empty into her, along with the wild pulsing that delivered them. And even when it did in fact come to an end she was left with a swirling belly full of cum to enjoy along with the lesser but always thrilling delight of his prick slowly softening within her. Not to mention the feeling of her asshole trying and failing, for the moment at least, to return to normal.

“Ohhhhhhh fuck!” Sakura moaned the second her throat was capable of producing words again, “That was fucking great!” Another shiver ran down her spine and she slowly grinded herself against his limp cock, “Any chance you could go again?”

Wishing he could say yes but very much aware of how exhausted he felt after just two climaxes in such a short amount of time Luis quietly laughed, his fingers sliding out of her pussy with a soft squish as he leaned back against the seat, “I don't think so . . . sorry . . .”

“After how hard you just made me cum you shouldn't be apologizing for shit!” She laughed.

“Okay . . .” He chuckled, unsure of how to respond, “Y-you enjoyed yourself right? I-I mean I know you did but I wanted to make sure—”

Suddenly grabbing his wrist and bringing his hand back down to her pussy to feel the sodden, gooey mess that was her vulva Sakura looked at him with an incredulous grin and asked, “What do you think hot stuff?”

“I think that was a stupid question.” He replied.

“Yeah it was!” Her laughter sent a flush creeping through his cheeks even while it brought a smile to his face. When she lifted herself up off his cock a little shudder ran through his body as his dick popped out with a soft squelch. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” She sighed as cum leaked from her slightly gaped and very swollen asshole, “It's been a while since I came that hard . . . I might need a minute or two!”

“Take all the time you need.”

“Thanks handsome.” Sitting back down on his lap and leaning back against his chest Sakura pulled her heels off the dashboard and let out a long, shaky breath, “So what's your deal?”

“What do you mean?” Luis asked as her nervously slid his arms around her body.

“I dunno . . .” She replied, resting her hands on top of his and snuggling in a little closer, “You seemed like the kind of guy who likes talkin after sex and getting to know someone . . . I thought I'd try and meet you halfway . . .”

“Oh . . . well thank you . . . I am that kind of guy . . .”

“I know.”

Once again her laughter made him blush but he ignored the slightly embarrassed feeling trying to rush through him and instead focused on the simple pleasure of cuddling with another person. “I don't really know where to start . . .”

“Well let's start off simple: do you like fucking random girls in the ass or is this a special occasion for you?”

“It's a special occasion.” He laughed, his heart skipping a beat at her frankness, “It's three special occasions actually . . .”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. This is my first time hooking up with someone I just met, the first time I went to any sort of car meetup, and my . . . . my birthday . . .”

“No shit!” Sitting up at turning around to look at him with a grin Sakura bit her lip for a moment and cheekily asked, “Want me to suck your cock again?”

Blushing a furious shade of red Luis considered it for a second and then shook his head, “I-I'm not sure I could handle it . . .”

“Fair enough. Well happy birthday all the same!”

“Thank you. Today ended up being a lot better than I thought it would.”

“Did you think it was gonna suck?”

“Not at all.”

“Then I'm glad I could make it even better.”

“You definitely did that!” He said with a grin.

Sakura flashed him a smile and repeated her earlier question. Sill unsure of how to respond Luis just babbled about his car and loving cars for a few minutes while she occasionally interjected to given her own opinion. They talked with a little more coherence for another few minutes after that but eventually enough of her strength returned to her and she was able to lift herself off him and slide back into the driver's seat. After pulling down her skirt and fixing her shirt so nobody would immediately catch on to what'd happened. He did the same with his cock and soon enough the two of them had left the parking garage and her coasting through Eugene with the windows rolled down. They continued to chat about nothing in particular as they drove and even ended up stopping at a McDonald's for something to eat after both of them realized they were hungry. Luis climbed back into the driver's seat after they left the restaurant and Sakura immediately teased him about his driving. He ignored her and set off again without really thinking about where they were going. Which didn't seem to bother his companion so he just went with it. They spent the better part of half an hour driving around town killing time and talking before she finally mentioned needing to get home. Disappointed but unsurprised that she couldn't or didn't want to spend the rest of the day with him he offered to drop her off. She agreed and they spent another ten minutes together before finally reaching a massive, gated apartment complex. Before he could try and get inside she hopped out of the car and leaned in like she'd done when they first met less than two hours ago.

“Gimme your number.” She said.

Too surprised to question it he gave her his number and said, “What's yours?”

“You'll find out when I text you.” Sakura replied, “Later handsome.”


He waved to hear as she turned away and she waved back. Despite not wanting to seem creepy or perverted he couldn't help but watch her walk away, his eyes drawn to her seductive hips as they swayed back and forth with every step. When she paused at the gate and glanced back at him he immediately looked away. When he looked back again he saw her flipping him off with a wide grin spread across her face. Luis could only offer a slightly sheepish wave in response and Sakura laughed at him before stepping inside the complex and disappearing. Feeling pretty damn good he pulled out of the driveway and set off back down the road, periodically glancing at the passenger seat as he drove. It was during one of those glances he happened to notice an unintentional, or at least he assumed it had to be unintentional, addition she'd made to his car. Visible on the dashboard right around where her feet were placed while they were having sex was two indentations about the size of a stiletto heel. Quickly realizing what had happened Luis started to lament the damage that'd been done to his car as he leaned over to feel the markings with his fingers while stopped at a red light. But as he returned to his seat and looked at them again, as well as the stains left on the floor mat from Sakura's messy orgasm, a smile gradually lit up his face. As the light turned green and he pulled onto the freeway he thought about the wild experience he'd just enjoyed and quietly laughed.

Maybe I won't fix it.” He thought as he glanced at his 'damaged' dashboard, “I wouldn't mind having a little memento to remember this birthday . . .”

His phone vibrated in his pocket and despite knowing better he pulled it out and checked the text. His stomach did a flip and his heart skipped a beat as he was greeted by the a closeup image of a not so tightly puckered asshole leaking what had to be semen from a number he didn't recognize. Along with a message saying, “Nice work handsome!”

I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a couple mementos.” Luis thought as he chuckled and quickly typed out, “Any time.”


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