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Since the suggestions I got this month were all really good I decided to write two of them instead of one with the intention of both being shorter. As you can see from this story I was not successful in keeping the word count down lol. But I will still write and release another story within a few days. Until then I hope y'all enjoy this one, I think it came out pretty decent!

The whole of Gerudo Town hummed with excitement as Ashai prepared to give her students their final lesson before sending them out into the world. Everyone else gathered in the center of the village just as they had the previous two days while her pupils were already seated around the large stone table upon which the class would be taught. In recent years it'd become a tradition to, for three days only, abolish the rule banning men from the city to give the young women a demonstration of what they could expect from the three races of Hyrule. Each day revolved around a specific race with long, detailed lectures about anatomy, erogenous zones, and other noteworthy aspects of physiology being held in the morning and in the classroom itself. Once the sun was at it's peak they made their way to the middle of town where the carefully selected voe was already waiting to play his part in educating the class, with Ashai acting opposite him of course. Both she and her partner undressed before engaging in the various sexual activities common to whatever race she was working beside. On the first day she was paired with a Hylian and it was during that session her class witnessed the dominance of Gerudo women over a smaller, less physically robust type of voe. On the second day she was paired with a Zora and it was during that session her class witnessed the mutual give and take that came from being with a voe capable of matching them. Now it was the third day and every Gerudo was waiting with bated breath for the Goron to begin. As the only race unequivocally stronger and larger than them he would utterly dominate Ashai over the course of the demonstration. In fact both the teacher herself and all those watching, save perhaps the students, were eagerly awaiting that very experience.

As if they were attending some grand festival the Gerudo arrived in throngs to watch the final lesson as closely as they could. Some took to the rooftops for a better vantage point while others sat upon stalls or climbed and subsequently held on to the sides of buildings. A low hum filled the air as eager discussions of what might happen, what they wanted to happen, and what they hoped would happen dominated the conversation. It wasn't until the Goron emerged from the classroom where he'd been asked to wait that everyone fell silent. Though many had already seen him in passing none save Lady Riju and a handful of others had gotten a good look at him. Like every other member of his race he cut quite a striking figure among compared to the other species in Hyrule. More than a foot taller than any Gerudo present his skin had the same pale brown coloration native to his people and the rock-like shell across his back was the color of deep, rich mud. The rest of his body was absolutely bristling with muscles so large even the most powerful women present felt a slight pang of jealousy. His legs and arms were particularly thick and massive enough to hoist boulders without any trouble at all.

Even his rather pronounced gut had a firmness to it that kept his hulking appearance uniform no matter where one looked. Of course the majority of women looking his way didn't pay that any heed as they stared at the twelve inch cock and weighty looking sack swaying between his thighs. Though similar in overall shape to Hylian's it was obviously much larger in both length and girth but that wasn't all that set it apart. Much like the formation across his back the Goron's member appeared to be almost stone like with a multitude of ridges and bumps that gave it the appearance of a penis shaped collection of smaller rocks. Lacking any sharp edges or rough points his member didn't appear unpleasant so much as strange and wholly unlike those of Hylians and Zora, a trait further exemplified by his sack. The underside of his balls had a similar look to them as the shell across his back and for anyone unfamiliar with the anatomy of his race it was quite a shock to see what he possessed between his legs. For the handful of Gerudo that had direct experience with Goron cocks a palpable sense of envy filled them upon seeing his.

As a woman intimately familiar with the physiology of every race that walked Hyrule, including Lynels, Moblins, and Hinox, Ashai was beyond excited. Gorons were by far her favorite race to bed and being taken by such a mighty example of the race in front of so many other Gerudo set her whole body alight with desire. She'd already stripped naked for the occasion, save a pair of gold bangles on her wrists and ankles along with a choker around her neck, and there was no doubt in her mind she was the reason his cock was already stiff and ready. While not as conceited as some, she knew full well how attractive she was, even if much of that was owed to the inherent beauty of her race. At nearly seven feet tall her broad shouldered, wide hipped, and naturally muscular build was a sight to behold no matter the circumstances. Possessed of the same rich orange skin as the rest of the Gerudo along with a mane of bright red hair pulled into a ponytail her beauty and looks were well known among many a voe. She was also graced with the strong, prominent nose and large, expressive green eyes common to her people as well as the long, pointed ears the Gerudo shared with Hylians. Along with the full and naturally pouty lips and thickly arched eyebrows that gave her an almost imperious demeanor any time she wasn't smiling and a stern but alluring beauty any time she was.

What set her apart was the large, round contours of her breasts and the puffy brown areola set at their center. Both were much bigger than the other women around her and along with the impressively firm yet nonetheless soft and inviting curves of her ample bubble butt her already curvaceous figure looked even more buxom. Ashai was particularly proud of her long and nicely thick legs, particularly her muscular thighs and how well they complimented the rest of her feminine features. For the occasion she'd cut away most of the thick hair that usually framed her sex, instead leaving only a small tuft above her appealingly sumptuous pussy. In keeping with the rest of her appearance and especially with everything else below her waist the outer lips of Ashai's slit were quite meaty, so much so they almost looked squished between her legs even as she stood with her feet spread apart. The glistening pink folds partially hidden within were quite understated by comparison but that only served to draw further attention to the large, swollen bud at the crest of her womanhood. A few droplets of arousal were already dripping from the depths of her sex and along with the subtle quivering of her prominent abdominal muscles it made up the only true indications of how excited she was for this part of the lesson.

Upon reaching her the Goron didn't waste any time jumping right into things. Sliding one massive hand between her thighs he wrapped the other around her waist and pushed her against the table. A finger as long and lick as a Hylian cock slid inside her pussy and Ashai immediately gasped. Her head fell back and her eyes drifted shut while an even wider smile lit up her face. A nice little torrent of fluids leaked from her freshly stuffed cunt in response to the rough, toe curling sensation of his digit. The rest of her body quickly followed suit as little tremors wracked her muscular frame and her hips instinctively tried to grind against his hand. In response the Goron pulled his finger from her slit and lifted her off her feet entirely. Laying her out across the stone table he pushed back inside her for all to see and the small gasps from her students sent a ripple of laughter through the other Gerudo. Moving his free hand to her chest Ashai's partner roughly groped and pawed at her tits like she was a toy. His movements lacked the dexterous quality of a Zora or the earnestness of a Hylian but there was no denying the strength and force behind them. Pinching her sensitive nipples between his fingers hard enough to make Ashai moan and arch her back he started sliding his digit in and out of her pussy at nearly the same time. Her legs naturally spread open to reveal as much of what was happening as possible while her own hands reached back to grab the edge of the table above her head. Dina, Pasha, and Risa all leaned in a bit closer to see their teacher's cunt being fingered and stretched in a way that, by their naive estimation, should've been incredibly painful. And yet she didn't seem to be in pain at all. If anything she was more aroused than they'd ever seen her.

That notion was further reinforced when Ashai's back suddenly arched and a violent shiver coursed through her body. Her inner walls clamped down hard around the finger inside her as a nice little jet of arousal squirted from her pussy. Although nowhere near as plentiful or messy as what she was capable of that little burst of ejaculation nonetheless demonstrated just how biased she was towards Goron lovers. Not to mention how wild her already out of control libido had gotten simply waiting for and building up to this point. Wracked by wild spasms for a few seconds she could only grit her teeth, let her eyes rolled back in her head, and douse the table beneath her in fluids. Her small but not insubstantial orgasm was over almost as quickly as it'd arrived but it wasn't until she'd collapsed against the table that her students knew Ashai was finished climaxing. For the moment at least. All the other Gerudo around them weren't the least bit surprised by how quickly she'd been made to cum, though many were delighted by it all the same. Some were already furtively slipping their hands beneath their leggings to tease and play with their cunts as arousal and jealousy slowly took over. More would follow eventually but for the moment only those that shared her love of Goron men were lustful enough to start so quickly. Nearly all of them were glad they did as Ashai's partner started fingering her in earnest not ten seconds after she was done gushing all over his hand.

Burying his digit as deep as it could possibly go inside her he began to move with an unmistakable vigor that hadn't been present before. The muscles in his forearm bulged from the exertion while the sloppy sounds of a pussy being stretched and violated quickly filled the air. As did the pleasured moans of a woman who was having her pussy stretched and violated. But as incredible a sight as it was to see Ashai stretched out naked across a table with a meaty Goron digit stuffed in her cunt that was only a small part of the impressive spectacle. For her students the most eye catching part of the whole affair was the unmistakable bulging of their teacher's soft skin as her slit was worked over like a stubborn horse. Every time the Goron pushed his digit upwards Pasha, Risa, and Dina knew not because of the way his arm moved or through any pattern. They knew because the plane of flesh between Ashai's navel and pussy would bulge outward at a size and shape similar to that of his finger. Taken aback and a little horrified by what they were witnessing the three young women couldn't help but stare in awe at what they were seeing. Not only because of how insane it looked to their naive minds but also because of how pleasurable it apparently was for their teacher. Every time it occurred Ashai would moan and quiver like never before, her tongue often hanging out of her mouth and her eyes doing all manner of absurd things. Once or twice she managed to look their way and despite each of them considering herself a proud Gerudo woman they couldn't help but be intimidated by that purposeful stare. How any being could maintain focus while experiencing such a thing was beyond them but it certainly solidified their already significant respect for her.

They had no idea her movements were wholly beyond her control and that Ashai was little more than a quivering mass of flesh just aching for more pleasure. Not because of how much she enjoyed all the build up required of mating with a Goron, although she certainly did. Rather her unbound delight was coming from a deep knowledge of what would happen once all the foreplay was concluded. Once her incredibly tight cunt had been stretched and prepared for the massive dick that'd be ravishing it again and again while the rest of her people watched. That was all her hazy mind could think about even as her hips were lifted off the table by the force of his movements and her pussy was churned up until the juices seeping out had grown thick and creamy from the force of his movements. Indeed there wasn't anything else her mind could possibly think about as she lay there clutching the table and gasping with greater and greater force. At least not until her large handed lover decided to slide another digit into her pussy without any fanfare at all. Screaming at the heavens while her students recoiled and the rest of the Gerudo leaned in Ashai sank deep into yet another orgasm while her slit was pushed open wider than it'd been in a long time. Too long as it turned out because she wasn't even the slightest bit capable of handling the eruption of pleasure his sudden addition caused. Losing total control of her limbs she tried to pull herself away from that sudden, orgasmic feeling but found her body unable to do so. Not because she couldn't move it properly but because her Goron partner had wrapped his hand around her neck.

Holding on just tight enough to limit her air flow without making her pass out he continued to push the full length of his digits into her pussy until both had sank knuckle deep inside her. The sheer tightness of her cunt was remarkable and the incredible amount of juices gushing out were impressive under any circumstances. His eyes momentarily left her face to stare down at her freshly stuffed cunt and the even more prominent distension of her once taut skin it caused. When they returned to her face he found Ashai clutching his wrist and forearm with both hands while smiling in that crazed, sex fueled way only the Gerudo could manage. Waves of pleasure were crashing down on her one after another faster than she could bear and the only outlet available was frantically scraping and clawing at the man to blame for it. At some point during her involuntary spasms her legs attempted to close, to deny access to her pussy and spare her from the madness settling in. The sheer bulkiness of his hand and it's unyielding nature stopped that hope dead while the curve of his palm inadvertently sent her own sprays of arousal streaking across her body. Despite dousing her belly, tits, and face in pussy juice Ashai barely even noticed what she was doing. All her mind could dwell on was the pleasure cascading through her and how much better it would get. Risa, Dina, and Pasha were dumbstruck by what they were witnessing, arousal flooding their own bodies even though they lacked the confidence to do much about their nascent libidos. The other Gerudo had no such issues and had any of the three students been able to tear their focus away from the teacher they would've felt even more flushed and nervous than they already did.

At least half of the town was, in some way pleasuring themselves to the sight of Ashai getting her pussy absolutely wrecked by massive Goron fingers. The boldest women had simply removed whatever clothing was in their way to being fingering themselves or rubbing their clits. Those with a little more restraint were doing the same only shielded by the flimsy pretense of keeping their pants or skirts on while doing so. Others were unconsciously rubbing themselves against anything rigid enough to provide a little stimulation and be straddled. Some had thrown composure to the wind entirely and were passionately kissing, licking, or otherwise pleasuring one another with only occasional glances at the reason for their arousal. Ashai barely noticed any of that because, after an interminable amount of time, the Goron was finally pulling his sodden fingers from her cunt. He did so at a slow, tempered pace and by the time his digits had slid free she was all but begging for his cock. Although her words didn't come out as anything more than strangled gibberish barely approaching normal speech. He unceremoniously flipped her onto her stomach a moment later and lumbered around the table to stand behind her firm yet quivering ass. Moaning in utter delight she shakily pushed herself upright and offered her slack, gaping cunt to him in all it's creamy glory. Because her partner was so massive he didn't even have to adjust his stance one bit. He simply grabbed her waist with one hand and his giant cock with the other. As the head pressed against her cunt Ashai let out a crooning moan and looked directly at Pasha, Risa, and Dina.

“Watch closely girls,” She said in a breathy voice so unlike her own, “Watch closely!”

Anything else she might've wanted to say disappeared like a grain of sand in the desert as the Goron rather forcefully shoved his cock inside her pussy. Although he didn't do so with all the force he was capable of his initial thrust was still far, far stronger than the three students expected. Ashai squealed in utter bliss as her cunt was blasted open by his massive dick. For all the preparation his fingers had given there really was no way to truly get ready for such a massive piece of meat. Just as there was no way for her to truly comprehend the unique contours of his member until it was inside her. Since every member of his race had a subtly different formation to their cock no two were alike and never was that more apparent than in the wonderful, toe curling moments directly after being speared by one. All the unique bumps, ridges, and protrusions evident from head to base were felt against her sensitive inner walls and all of them were appreciated by her whole body. The simple act of penetrating her with such a beautifully shaped prick was enough to send Ashai into fits of ecstasy. Yet another eruption of fluids sprayed out of her cunt only this time they did so straight onto the table beneath her and the force of that initial jet sent flecks of arousal splashing all over.

Including onto the stunned faces of her students. At first none of them reacted to the warm droplets of pussy juice that splattered their bodies but after a few moments of wide eyed silence they shakily wiped away the errant fluids. For a moment they managed to tear their gaze away from the woman before them to exchange dumbfounded looks with one another, each girl unable to express how desperately they wished they were in Ashai's place. As usual the women around them didn't have any trouble making their envy known, although their methods of doing so were quite different from what one might expect. Those already pleasuring themselves continued to do so at an even greater speed while those just beginning wasted little time stuffing at least two fingers inside whatever orifice gave them the most pleasure. For the lucky few that had partners to play with they were perhaps the most over the top in their appreciation and jealousy as they grinded and gyrated against their partners in a wild frenzy of lust and in some cases love. Before long the whole of Gerudo Town was filled with the madcap sounds, sights, and smells of uninhibited sexual delight, Pussy juice flowed as freely as water from a spring and many of the women had stripped as naked as Ashai. None save perhaps the embarrassed trio of students nearest the source of all the debauchery gave any thought to the absurdity of it all. They were too wrapped up in their own bliss to even care. And naturally the woman at the center of their sudden but wholly expected orgy was the least self aware of the lot. With that fat Goron cock withdrawing from her pussy she was lucky she could remember her own name among the swirling eddies of pleasure inside her.

Pulling back until he'd nearly left her pussy completely her partner slammed his entire length back into her with the kind of strength that could crack boulders. The impact of his body against hers actually created a small shockwave of displaced air that ruffled the clothes of Dina, Risa, and Pasha but that was nothing compared to the orgasmic scream that exploded from Ashai's throat. Absolutely thrilled in her choice of mates for this lesson she let her arms collapse beneath her as the upper portion of her body slumped against the table. Untold amounts of ecstasy set alight every fiber of her being as he grabbed her waist with both hands and proceeded to fuck her with almost total abandon. She might not have been as tough as Goron woman but Gerudo were far and away more hardy than Hylian or Zora females. Something her partner new and took full advantage of as he slammed his dick inside her over and over again without hesitation. The rapidly building pace of his movements paired with the sheer force of every impact quickly drove the women around them into a frenzy. Hearing every wet smack of colliding flesh and being able to see her body lurched forward as her ass jiggled madly from every thrust was the greater aphrodisiac they could ask for. Being able to enjoy her increasingly hoarse screams and the telltale gushing of juices spraying from her pussy at a near constant rate was a lovely little bonus on top of all that. Ashai herself was utterly and completely ruined by the oddly contoured nature of his dick and the way it rubbed against her pussy. Even if he'd been moving without a fraction of the strength and speed he was displaying she still would adored the Goron cock wrecking her pussy more than any other.

Getting to feel his large and deliciously rough balls smacking against her clit at the same time was the true reason why fluids continued to spray out of her like a temperamental geyser. As if the delight of his dick was enough for her the furious collision of his stony balls against her swollen bud on top of that simply wasn't fair. Ashai couldn't have kept up even if she wanted to. And her grinning, muscular lover knew that. When one of his hands departed from her waist she didn't even feel it's absence. But the moment it grabbed her ponytail and pulled hard enough to lift her from the table she couldn't stop noticing. Another breathy squeal escaped her throat as he further dominated her pleasure drenched body in a way only Gorons could. She shivered harder than ever as her lips curled into a smile and her eyes stared unblinking up at the heavens. Until they rolled back in her skull once more. Although it was such a small change his bulky fingers nearly ripping her hair from her head felt absolutely amazing when added to the medley of sensations assaulting her. In no small part because of how effortlessly he maintained his speed and force even without both hands on her waist.

For ten uninterrupted minutes of ecstasy that was how Ashai was fucked. Her massive lover did nothing but pound her cunt over and over again until the corners of her vision were going dark and the juices running pooling on the table beneath her with thick and creamy. And even after he'd reached that threshold, even after she was so completely enamored with his massive, rocky dick her mind had all but completely left her he continued to slam his shaft inside her without fail. Were it not for his meaty grip on her waist she almost certainly would've collapsed in a heap after two minutes. But after five she was ready to simply pass out from the constant and endless pleasure that was being taken by such a large, uncompromising male. Eventually his hand released it's grip on her hair and for a moment she was able to collapse the way her body desired. But then he grabbed both her wrists and pulled her arms backwards, suddenly lifting her chest off the table entirely. Although her head continued to hang down as spit dripped from her open mouth and sweat from the rest of her face she was no longer slumped against the comforting rigidity of the stone beneath her. Only her knees remained on a solid surface while the rest of her body floated in some endless limbo with a fat Goron cock holding her aloft and fueling all the ecstasy rushing through her. Had she been lucid enough for such things Ashai might've noticed her students out of the corner of her eye. She might've noticed the way they were squirming in their seats or the way they clenched their hands against their laps. She might've noticed the looks spread across their faces and she might've realized just how enamored all three were with what they were seeing.

All the Gerudo present were thoroughly enamored with what they were seeing and even those not actively watching could still bask in the arousal it was causing. But every eye was turned towards her regardless of what was happening some twenty minutes after Ashai was first penetrated. Not because of anything she'd done but rather as the result of a noise made by her hulking companion. Letting out a rather telling grunt he suddenly pulled his cock free of her pussy entirely. Everyone watching had a brief glimpse of the cavernous hole that was her pussy before her entire body was flipped over yet again. Suddenly finding herself flat on her back without any knowledge of how she got there Ashai had only one question on her mind: where was his cock? The answer was provided less than five seconds after her mind was able to scrape together enough of itself to ask as the Goron rammed his dick back in once more. With both hands clutched her waist and a wild eyed look on his face he started fucking her like she'd never been fucked before. By any other race at least. On the precipice of an orgasm but stubbornly unwilling to acknowledge that fact he absolutely destroyed her cunt in a frenzied barrage of thrusts so furious many of the women present covered their mouths in shock. Save the most seasoned and sexually experienced among them every Gerudo witnessing the sheer brutality of his movements couldn't help but fear for Ashai's safety. Many were still shamefully aroused by just how roughly her cunt was being pounded and even more enamored with the sight of her belly distending from the size of his dick. But they were also concerned as well.

Risa, Pasha, and Dina were the most worried of the lot and it was only the rapturous smile spread across their teacher's face and their own uncooperative limbs that kept them from standing up. Because no matter how much they might've wanted to intervene even they could see the utter delight spread across her features. They certainly didn't understand how having a cock as massive as his slammed into her pussy so hard the table was actually cracking could be anything but painful. And yet they still watched and gawked at the spectacle like all the rest. Several minutes passed by with the entire town holding it's breath as they waited for the big finale. Ashai had already cum more times than she could count and was even in the middle of another gushing climax during that unceasing barrage of thrusts that'd left her people so amazed. She would no doubt continue to be wracked by orgasms for however long he continued to fuck her but the true scope of that and when it would finally end was anyone's guess.

Save of course the Goron himself. He knew full well how much time he had left and when the end did finally arrive he was prepared for it. Ramming his dick into her as hard as he could a few more times he stuffed every last centimeter inside her pussy and growled like a feral beast. All three of Ashai's pupils gasped in unison, their gaze jumping to his muscular frame. A split second later they looked down at his enormous balls just in time to see them tighten just as the Hylian's and Zora's had. They quickly noticed how their teacher would tense and quiver a moment after each of his contractions and even in their pleasure addled state they could piece together what was happening. The other Gerudo smiled and pleasured themselves more furiously than ever, many imagining themselves in her place. Few knew how truly incredible Goron spunk could be and no matter how many times she felt it coating the walls of her pussy and flooding her womb she never failed to revel in every last drop. Almost as hot as the lava they lived around and nearly as thick it was delivered not in spurts like a Hylian or one continuous jet like a Zora.

Rather it was released in the form of semi solid balls that subsequently exploded after being deposited inside her. At the beginning of his climax she only had to contend with them one at a time but the longer he continued to unleash his seed the more frequently they came. And when her cervix opened up to accept them Ashai was given the unimaginably wonderful pleasure of feeling several exploding inside her womb at the same time. Utterly painting her guts in breathtaking seed her Goron mate couldn't have claimed her body more completely without branding his name on her ass cheeks. Something she actually wouldn't have been opposed to in the heat of the moment. But an even more delightful consequence of the unique way his race climaxed was the way she was able to continue enjoying it even after he was done. Thanks to the built in delay of each ball erupting separately from on another she didn't even know he was actually done until he began to pull out. His cum wasn't actually finished bursting inside her until a few seconds after he'd departed!

Only when his massive, rock-like cock finally emerged from her pussy did Ashai's quivering begin to lessen. All of her students let out the breath they'd been unconsciously holding with many leaning forward to witness the aftermath. Her once tight little cunt was left utterly ruined by the sheer size and girth of the Goron dick that'd ravished it. Thick, luminescent strands of cum were already bubbling out of the slack hole that was once her cute pussy while rivulets of arousal continued to drip from her puffy and every so slightly bruised folds. The rest of her taut, muscular body was glistening with sweat, beads of it rolling down her heaving breasts and across her still clenched abdominal muscles. She kept her legs purposefully splayed both so her students could see the aftermath of the sex and so the rest of town could vicariously revel in the rough, uncompromising sex she'd just enjoyed. Brushing some of her thoroughly tousled hair from her face and looking at her pupils Ashai smiled at the stunned looks on many of their faces. No matter how many times she taught a new generation of young women their speechless stares by the end of the third day were always a delightful way to close out the lessons. Of course a belly full of warm cum and the prospect of a child, from at least one of the voe she'd picked, was a touch more pleasurable. But the difference was almost negligible. Slowly sinking back against the sweat soaked pillow that'd been placed beneath her lower back she let out a satisfied moan as jizz continued to leak out of her to form a slowly expanding puddle across the table.

“Thank you.” She said to her Goron mate.

“It was my pleasure.”

“Indeed.” Ashai laughed, her eyes sparkling as the two of them glanced down at the slightly cavernous remnants of her slit. Soon after her gaze returned to the awestruck faces of her students, “Your final lesson is over. There's nothing more I can teach you. Tomorrow we'll have a graduation ceremony and you can finally depart Gerudo Town to find a voe of your very own.”

All three girls jumped slightly at being addressed directly, their hazy minds unable to process what'd been said for a couple of seconds. Pasha was the first to find her voice and speak up, “Thank you teacher, it was an honor watching your lectures.”

“Thank you Pasha.” A moment later her student rose to her feet with a slightly nervous expression on her face and Ashai couldn't help but chuckle, “What is it Pasha?”

“Before we finish . . . I was wondering . . . if you might . . . if you might . . . tell us where the Gorons live?”

“And the Hylians!” Risa brusquely interjected, rising to her feet with folded arms and a telling gleam in her eyes.

“And the Zora!” Dina added with an exuberant spring in her movements and on her face as she too leapt from her chair.

Wholly unsurprised by their respective interests and more than happy to encourage them Ashai nodded at each student, “Of course. Allow me a moment to clean up and I'll show you on a map where each race can be found.”

“Thank you teacher!” The three of them said in unison.

Each one bowed at her before scurrying off to the classroom with a trio of very noticeable wet spots left on their respective chairs. Many of the other Gerudo present chuckled at the display and the crowds slowly began to disperse. Knowing full well his invitation was fast expiring the Goron turned to leave before he could be thrown out only to find his path blocked by a stern looking woman. Her arms folded and her expression neutral she looked him up and down for a moment and then glanced at Ashai. He did the same and she offered a somewhat mysterious nod. When he turned his attention back to the female blocking his path one of her eyebrows had arched upwards. Unsure of what was happening but growing more curious by the second the Goron folded his arms and fixed her with a cheerful grin. A couple seconds passed in silence as they stared at one another. Buliara eventually broke the stalemate when she unfolded her arms and turned away from him. She spoke in a curt, straightforward tone as she walked away.

“Lady Riju would like to meet you. Follow me.”

Instinctively turning back to look at Ashai the Goron flashed her an inquisitive stare and she giggled at him, “You'll want to meet our Lady.” She replied, “She's quite a fan of these demonstrations . . .”

His eyes widened almost as much as his smile and the Goron wasted no time lumbering after Buliara and saying, “As you wish!”

Biting her lip and sitting up a little more Ashai looked down at the mess that was her pussy and bit her lip, “I think I'll go to Death Mountain with Pasha . . . now that I don't have any students to teach . . .”


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