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I hope you guys were in the mood for something long because this story definitely fits the bill! I don't have much to say beyond that though, I think it pretty much speaks for itself and there's nothing wild enough to need a warning. So read on and I hope you enjoy!

As their shuttle docked with the International Space Station the four astronauts within prepared to disembark for their six month mission aboard the ISS. While their Mission Leader checked in with command and confirmed that everything had gone over smoothly the rest began the slow but well worn task of moving what little they'd brought from spacecraft to station. Among them was the theoretical physicist Dr. Malik Ibrahim. It was his first proper mission into space and while he was a touch nervous between the ample amounts of training the opportunity to study things normally impossible to recreate on Earth his nerves were a secondary concern. In fact as he went about the cabin he was wearing an ear to ear grin. His delight was shared by his fellow astronauts even if all three of them were considerably more experienced with such things and thus a little more jaded. But even if they'd all been complete and utter wet blankets it wouldn't have dampened his enthusiasm one bit. Although in spite of that eagerness he was the last to actually leave the shuttle as a desire to make sure he'd collected everything alongside a lack of experience with such routines left him slightly behind the rest of his fellow researchers and scientists. When he did finally have everything he needed Malik made his way to the airlock, his skin still covered in goosebumps from the weightlessness of his movements. He opened the door and drifted into the second airlock that would lead to the ISS proper, entirely unaware of the hairs on the back of his neck rising.

As soon as he pressed the button to close the door behind him and begin opening the one in front everything changed. One moment he was floating eagerly in the space between the shuttle and ISS and in the next he was plummeting towards the ground. He landed hard against an unfamiliar, stark white metal hard enough to send all the air rushing out of his lungs. Upon rolling over to groan and clutch his undoubtedly bruised ribs Malik realized the space suit he'd been wearing was gone. Somehow he was lying there in an strange new place without any of his protective gear. All he had on was the blue jump suit he'd worn underneath but that was of little comfort. It took him a few more seconds of panting and struggling to comprehend what was going on to properly realize he was breathing without any trouble and that nervously hyperventilating was accomplishing very little. Once that'd been sorted out he focused his attentions on where exactly he was and what the hell was going on. The blank, featureless ceiling above him provided no answers save the same brilliantly white, inexplicably lit surface against which he'd nearly broken his nose. So with a considerable amount of trepidation he slowly sat up to look at the rest of the room in the hopes of piecing together what'd happened to him. Immediately three very disparate features jumped out at him during his scan. The first was a dark, gray door directly in front of him. Second was a pair of large windows providing a beautiful view of the space behind whatever ship he was on. Third was the presence of an alien patiently floating behind him with a serene look on it's face.

Unsurprisingly the sight of a genuine alien life form a short distance away sent Malik into something of a panic. He scrambled to his feet and immediately backpedaled away from the being, his heart racing and his dark eyes opened wide in fear. Although the logical part of him knew it probably wasn't hostile his instincts had fully taken over instead. The first contact training he'd received in the event of meeting extraterrestrial life hadn't included what to do when teleported to an entirely different place and trapped in a room with the alien in question. So for want of anything better to do he continued to move backwards with his eyes fixed on the figure the entire time. It was only the eventual presence of a smooth, unyielding wall against his back that eventually stopped him from retreating any further. But even with that barrier in the way he still pressed himself as tightly against it as he could. For several tense, near silent moments he heard only his own labored breathing and the pounding of his heart. The being across from him simply watched, clearly waiting for something. Since he was in no hurry to find out what that was the two of them remained where they were for quite a while, at least by Malik's skewed understanding of time. He couldn't even tell if the being had the ability to communicate with him.

It did possess a mouth around where one might be on a normal human but that did little to comfort when stacked alongside the rest of it's appearance. With a long, oval shaped head and three sets of dark blue eyes lacking any sort of pupil and deep gray skin it was undeniably alien in spite of any superficially humanoid features. Like the stark white, braided hair falling down around it's face or the almost comically mundane, albeit sharp and broad, nose at the center. The rest of it's body continued the trend of familiar yet distinctly not human with a slender but not quite bony frame that walked the line between graceful and unnerving to an almost impossible degree. It's shoulders were broad and angular while it's torso was without curves, save perhaps the slightly rounded area about where a bust might be found, all the way down to the hips. Perhaps that was the result of it's three sets of arms protruding outward at equal intervals. That was undoubtedly why it's upper body was so much longer than one might've expected. Though it's hips were slightly wider and more curvy than other parts they remained incredibly petite like it's delicate arms. Surprisingly it only possessed two actual legs but they were both incredibly long and apparently unnecessary as the being hovered in the air without any visible means of doing so. There was at least three or four inches between it's toes and the floor. Much of it's actual body was hidden beneath flowing red garments with a gold trim that looked uncannily like religious vestments, of course lacking any sort of symbols Malik actually recognized. It left the being's shoulders, arms, and legs bare while covering her torso and hips with two long, rectangular stretches falling down to stop at what would be it's ankles.

After staring at one another endlessly he finally managed to speak the words his mind had been saying since he first saw the being, “Who are you?”

The alien tilted her head to the side and for a moment he thought she might actually respond. Instead he felt a strange . . . presence in the back of his mind. Like a thought one couldn't quite recall but not of his own making. Before he could even comprehend the intrusion a voice filled his mind, “We are Ahk'tanhri and it is a great joy to meet you Dr. Malik Ibrahim.”

“Y-you're—how—what—this—” He continued to stammer out audible responses as his brain tried to wrap around the undisputed telepathic communication that'd just occurred. When added to the instant, or so he assumed, teleportation and the presence of alien life it made for quite a startling sequence of events to go through in such a short amount of time, “Why is it a great joy to meet me?”

He felt a sense of amusement radiate outwards from that little presence in his head followed shortly by the same voice as before, “Because we've been waiting for you. Now that you've arrived we can finally begin the process of healing those affected by the Nektul Plague.”

“I-I don't . . . what?”

“Forgive us, we forget you are not familiar with events beyond your own planet.” She drifted closer to him and continued, “the Nektul Plague is a biological weapon created to destroy the males of whatever species it's unleashed upon. It was designed to evoke terror in those afflicted before their species inevitably died within a generation.”

“That's horrible . . .but what could I possibly do about it?”

“To combat the plague itself nothing. We are well aware your knowledge lies elsewhere. It is with the rebuilding that we wish to involve you.”

“The rebuilding of what? The species that were wiped out?”

“Of the species that remain in the aftermath.”

More confused than ever he could only respond with a single word, “How?”

Ahk'tanhri moved a little closer to him and continued speaking, “After years of study we have determined that your species possesses the necessary genetic material to aide in the rebuilding of the species that survived the Nektul Plague. But it remained theoretically possible to take samples from any Human we felt it best to acquire them from one that stood above it's fellows.”

“And that's me?”

“There's no need to be humbler Dr. Malik Ibrahim. We studied your scientists, your researchers, your men of intellect and learning. Soon a list that had numbered in the thousands was less than a dozen. But we could not abduct them from the planet's surface without arousing suspicion. Though primitive your technology is advanced enough to detect our presence should we venture too close.”

“You couldn't just teleport them away like you did me?”

“Not without considerable effort on our part and a much higher chance for catastrophic failure. Taking you from your International Space Station presented less than a billionth of a percent chance for death, maiming, or or other mental and bodily harm. Thus you were selected as the best candidate both in genetic versatility and intellectual capability. We apologize for the abruptness of it all but we were not sure how best to approach you in a manner that would yield the best results.”

Malik stared at Ahk'tanhri for what felt like an eternity as he slowly wrapped his head around what she was saying. Aside from the massive ego boost it all seemed so . . . bizarre. Like something out of a pulp science fiction book one would find at a used book store. “Then , , , all you need is a sample of my DNA? Some blood? A cheek swab?”

More amusement filled his mind and Ahk'tanhri mysteriously replied, “That would suffice, if you were so inclined . . .”

“But if I wasn't?”

A flicker of excitement passed through his head, “We think you would much prefer donating your genetic material in a more . . . traditional manner. Those aboard the ship waiting for you would prefer this method as well . . .”

“Y-you mean . . . you mean . . . you want me to . . . to have sex with them?”

“We only want you to assist us in repairing the damage wrought by the Nektul Plague. How you do so we leave up to you. We are only providing you with all the options available at this time.”

“But the women I'll be helping, they want me to have sex with them?” Malik asked, his heart racing and his mind reeling at the thought of such a thing.

“Yes.” Ahk'tanhri stated after a few seconds, “They very much desire that. All three are able to copulate in a manner similar to humans and have expressed their interest in doing so with a human. If the idea is unpleasant to you—”

“I-it's not unpleasant!” He immediately clarified, “Just . . . unexpected . . .”

“We understand how strange it must all seem. We are familiar with your cultures and customs and are aware that what is being offered sounds 'too good to be true'—”

“That's putting it mildly.”

“—but we can assure you it's very true. You need only step through that door and see for yourself the truth of what we offer.”

Malik glanced at the nearby door and slowly shook his head. It was all so utterly and completely insane and yet he found himself not only accepting what she was saying but looking forward to it! There was no pretending a considerable portion of that interest wasn't born from the thought of having sex with beautiful alien life forms like a modern day Captain Kirk. The idea that they might not be physically attractive barely entered his thoughts and when they did the much less selfish notion of helping restore and entire race of beings trumped that concern. If what Ahk'tanhri said was true then it was practically his duty as a sentient organism to help. Especially when that assistance required so little of him but would mean so much to those he helped. Yet as he looked at the alien before him a thought occurred to him. One he almost felt foolish for voicing aloud but one that needed to be asked all the same. Because if it hadn't been considered it would be catastrophic for the three devastated races he was supposedly helping.

“Would you need more genetic material than my own?” He asked, “Surely the inbreeding that would follow after my . . . contribution . . . would destroy the following generations?”

He felt a mild confusion that didn't belong to him, followed soon after by more amusement, “You're referring to your own species' inability to mate with genetically related humans?”


“It gladdens us to know you do not care only for yourself.” She stated, “But your concern is not valid in this instance. All three of the species we have on the ship do not suffer the same effects as humans under those conditions. In fact before the Nektul Plague each of them found a great deal of strength from the reinforcement of certain genetic lineages. This is why we searched your planet for those capable of producing offspring that were both strong and intelligent.”

“I see . . . then I suppose there's no reason not to go through with it . . .”

“There is not.”

“And your certain my genetic material will be able to accomplish what you claim?”

“Without question.” Ahk'tanhri replied, more amusement flickering through his mind, “Some parts will be incompatible because of your physiology or theirs but this will not adversely affect any of the children produced by your unions. If our calculations and research is correct it will strengthen them by excising the few genetic deficiencies central to your species and allow the strengths of the mother's species to flourish in their place.”

“Wow . . . it almost sounds too perfect.”

“We can see why you might think that, considering your limited perspective, but we can assure you the discovery of this 'perfect' outcome has taken a very long time. More than a hundred species have perished while we searched for candidates to help them recover.”

“Oh . . . I'm so sorry . . .”

“It was not your fault. But we appreciate your sentiment despite it being unnecessary.” A slightly melancholic feeling passed through him, this time not solely from the presence in his mind, before Ahk'tanhri continued, “Did you have any further questions for us?”

“No . . . well . . . no. I don't think there's much left to say.”

“We are glad. You may proceed through the door when you are ready. The first of your mates will be waiting on the other side.”

Ahk'tanhri drifted back while he finally stepped away from the wall. Wondering what off Earth was in store for him Malik approached the door like it was about to explosively decompress. When it silently opened upwards into the bulkhead above it he sucked in a breath through his teeth. Not because of what'd happened but rather because of what he was seeing through the open portal. Instead of another room like the one he was currently standing in decorated to set it apart he was looking at an entirely different world. One with it's own sky, it's own ground, it's own everything. Stepping closer more out of curiosity than anything else he peered into the 'room' to examine the impossible sight a little closer. Where there should have been a ceiling he saw only an endless plane of dazzling purple and orange. At the horizon a massive, fiery yellow sun was disappearing behind the ocean. In direct contrast to those on earth the sea that stretched out endlessly in every direction was a deep, rich pink color and what little plant life he could see within it was tinged vibrant shades of fuchsia and lavender. Unable to stop himself he stepped beyond the threshold and towards the visually arresting spectacle before him, the coal black sand beneath his feet softly crunching as he walked. Several steps into this new world he turned back to see the door shut but still very much present behind him. There was something reassuring about it's presence there despite how utterly incongruous it was sitting on a beach unsupported by any walls. Malik stared at it for several seconds before the sound of softly displaced sand pulled his gaze away.

Still dripping with water, or whatever substance was present in the ocean behind her, was a short, stout figure that walked the line between alien and feminine. By human standards at least. Her skin was a beautiful shade of deep, rich emerald and even without the liquid dripping down her frame it had a shimmering, almost glossy texture to it. The lower half of her body seemed to comprised entirely of tentacles like those found on a squid or octopus while the upper half was much more humanoid in shape, albeit with a myriad of subtle traits to match the more alien parts of her appearance. An almost transparent webbing was visible between all seven fingers on each of her hands and there small, seemingly retractable fins across the underside if her forearms. Although it wasn't immediately visible another fin ran down her back with two shorter ones parallel to it. A subtle yet pleasing curve was present in her waist and it gave her a buxom appearance which was further was accentuated by the two small yet prominent mounds upon her chest similar to human breasts. Her shoulders had a broadness to them that did little to undermine her womanly allure while doing a lot to demonstrate a certain strength and sturdiness in her form. She had a strong neck lined with gills below a decidedly alien looking, ovoid head marked by softly feminine features. In place of hair she had more than a dozen long appendages similar to those found below her waist that framed her face and cascaded down her shoulders. Both eyes were oval shaped, inky black, and lidless but angled at a slant to give her a strangely innocent appearance. There was no visible nose between them and her mouth but her lips were unexpectedly full and plump in a way that seemed paradoxically out of place yet perfectly suited to her appearance.

“Thank you for helping me Human,” She cooed in an airy voice that didn't match her more robust frame at all, “You cannot imagine how deep my appreciation goes . . .”

“Y-you're welcome.” Malik replied, bowing for a moment before stopping himself, “My name is Malik Ibrahim.”

“Malik Ibrahim . . .” She repeated as a smile slowly spread across her face, “You have a good name I think . . . it is one the hatchlings will remember for centuries . . .”

“I'm . . . thank you . . .”

She nodded at continued to smile at him with a dreamy look on her face, “I do not know how to say my name in your language . . . I fear it would not translate . . . but others have called me Kisytra . . . you might call me that as well if you wish . . .”

“A-all right, Kisytra,” Malik said, “It's a pleasure to meet you.”

She moved closer to him, her lower body winding across the sand like a snake while her upper body swayed gently back and forth, “The pleasure is all mine Malik, truly.” Kisytra held out her hand and he looked down at it in surprise. A moment later she pulled it back in embarrassment and said, “Forgive me, I thought that was one of your Human customs. It seems I was mistaken!”

“Not at all!” Malik immediately clarified, “I was surprised that you knew it.”

He extended his hand to her and she shook it with a nervous smile, “Of course . . . this must all be very strange to you . . .”

“More than a little bit.”

Both of them laughed as he admired the unexpectedly pleasant texture of her skin. He'd expected it to feel slimy or even clammy but there was a soft warmth in her touch that made him smile a bit wider without realizing it. “I've also learned about Human mating practices . . .” She quietly remarked.

A blush crept into his cheeks and Malik awkwardly cleared his throat, “I-is that right?”

“Yes . . . would you like to know what?”

“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little curious . . .”

Kisytra nodded, a nervous little smile spreading across her face. She stared at him for several unbroken seconds before her gaze slowly drifted down across the jumpsuit covering his body. It took Malik a few moments to realize what was holding her up and with a soft laugh he quickly set about sorting out his clothing situation. The beautiful alien woman in front of him watched with a slightly awestruck look on her face as he stripped naked in front of her, then giggled as he took the time to nearly fold his discarded apparel so nothing would get uncomfortably sandy. But once he was standing before her completely nude a subtle yet impossible change came over her. He watched a certain sparkle appear in her eyes as her lips curled upwards and a noticeable shiver coursed through her. Something sweet and altogether intoxicating filled his nostrils while her entire body seemed to . . . ripple. Like a once still pond with a single drop of water falling into it. But as strange as the sight was it couldn't compare to what came soon after. Because rather than pushing herself to the tips of her tentacles to kiss him or do any number of other things he expected after she teased learning about human sexual practices Kisytra instead sank to her 'knees' in front of him. All of the tendrils keeping her upright spread outwards and she dropped from being eye level with his chest to looking directly at his suddenly hardening cock. It didn't take a theoretical physicist to figure out what she was planning on doing next.

“The males in your species enjoy this don't they?” She asked as her slick, warm fingers closed around his member and started stroking in a very awkward but earnest manner, “They always seemed to experience a great deal of pleasure when the females did this . . .”

“Yes,” Malik breathed as he stared down at the indescribable sight of a gorgeous alien woman giving him a handjob, “We like this a lot . . .”

“Good . . .”

Smiling with obvious pride she continued to sensually stroke his manhood, her inexperience with such things shining through almost constantly. But there was an undeniable charm to her movements in spite of and often because how little she knew about such things. The way her fingers nervously gripped his shaft upon reaching the base, the way she paused at the tip to look up at him whenever precum oozed out, and the way she seemed not at all phased by the size or shape of his cock. Most human women would've commented on the ten inch, rather girthy prick he was hiding away but lacking any sort of understanding of those things Kisytra didn't react at all. Aside from the occasional breathy moan as his dick throbbed mightily against her hands. The first time she looked up at him with an unmistakably aroused expression on her face he couldn't help but let out a quite gasp of his own. Something about seeing her unmistakably alien face making such an, apparently, universal look made his whole body ache. Her hands continued to glide up and down his length without any real rhyme or reason, often times feeling like she was petting his cock more than stroking it. But between the heady smell of her arousal clouding the air and his own eager libido it didn't matter if she was slapping his dick around like a cat with a toy. As long as continued to touch him in that adorably sincere manner he didn't have any complaints at all.

Malik was so preoccupied with everything else he didn't even notice how the rest of her body was slowly moving closer to him with every passing second. Even staring directly at her while her fingers slid up and down his cock he failed to notice the subtly movements of her body until his shaft was resting against her chest and she was visibly shuddering from the contact. Once that realization actually penetrated his brain he quickly found himself marveling at the incredibly softness of her skin and the lascivious smile spread across her face. Although he had no reason to assume she'd enjoy what she was doing the same way a human woman might everything about her expressions and movements told him she was enjoying herself a great deal. When a thick dollop of precum seeped from the head of his prick to fall against her bare flesh Kisytra let out a genuine moan. It only lasted a second but the unmistakable sincerity of it combined with the way she glanced up at him with what could only be described as a thrilled look almost made him cum then and there. He'd completely failed to notice how close he was but seeing an incredibly cute alien react with such sincerity to his body was about as harsh a reminder as one could find.

“I don't think I'm gonna last much longer,” He groaned, assuming she wouldn't understand if he simply announced he was gonna cum, “We should probably make I don't waste any of my . . . genetic material . . .”

Kisytra nodded in apparent agreement but didn't alter her behavior in any way. If anything she started stroking and rubbing his member with even more gusto after his announcement. “Will you only be able to climax once?” She asked him.

“What? Uhm, I don't . . . maybe . . . I mean . . . probably not? W-why?”

“I wanted to see if your fluids are really as tasty as they seem,” She replied with an innocent smile made all the more paradoxical by what she was doing, “Human women seem to enjoy it a great deal . . . I thought I might enjoy it too . . .”

Entirely caught off guard by the prospect of what she was saying and much too close to orgasm to really argue Malik could only nod at her. Kisytra bit her lip and nodded back before slowly wrapping her mouth around the head of his cock. Her hands continued to rub and massage the rest of his prick while her tongue slowly coiled around the tip in a very gentle manner. It was such a far cry from what he was used to he couldn't even begin to hold himself back. Uttering a long, shuddering groan he grabbed the sides of her head for want of something to hold on to as cum erupted from his dick. It sprayed into Kisytra's throat in thick, ropey jets that caught both of them off guard. She was perhaps understandably surprised by the mere act of it while he was taken aback at the sheer volume exploding out of him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this aroused and that was very much reflected in everything from the frequency of each load to the sheer size of it as it basted her inner walls. But despite how caught off guard she was his lovely alien partner didn't let any of his genetic material go to waste.

After the initial surprise she actually pushed herself a little further down his prick, ensuring that every last drop would flood her body while simultaneously guaranteeing he gave her every last drop he could. Because as incredible as everything else was her warm, soft mouth was the last straw. He pumped so many warm, sticky jets inside her it felt like she was in danger of drowning. And while Kisytra never wavered nor pulled back a cursory glance at her face betrayed just how amazed she was by the amount of semen filling her mouth and throat. When he finally did manage to come down from his endorphin laden high Malik actually felt quite guilty. Although he was entirely misreading the situation when she pulled back and looked at him with an open mouthed stare of amazement. She obviously hadn't done enough research to prepare herself and now she was regretting her decision. That was the only explanation that made sense but it didn't last very long.

“Do all humans produce that much when they climax?” She asked, a little bit of his semen trickling from the corner of her mouth.

“No and I'm really—”

“Thank you!” Kisytra exclaimed. Rising to her full height she threw her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest, “You must find me very appealing to have released such a considerable amount!”

“I-I—uhm—y-yes!” Letting out a noise stuck between a squeal and a giggle she hugged him even more tightly, her arms threatening to break his spine in half before he groaned and said, “You're gonna break my back if you don't stop hugging me so tight!”

“Oh!” She let go of him with a worried look and swiftly asked, “Did I cause any serious damage?”

“No, maybe a little bruising but I should be fine.”

Kisytra nodded at him, her inscrutable eyes looking him up and down for a moment, “Are you well enough to continue?”

“I think I am.” Malik straightened and cracked his back “Definitely.”

“Good . . .”

She fixed him with an exceedingly sweet smile for a moment, her nervousness almost palpable. But she seemed to get over it rather quickly because in the next moment she was pushing herself off the sand with considerable force. Startled by her sudden pounce Malik instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist like they were doing an energetic dance. Her arms slid across his shoulders while the tentacles that formed her lower half wrapped around his body. Like the rest of her they were incredibly soft and the perfect amount of warm. So much so the initial shock of being enveloped by at least a dozen tendrils barely registered in his mind. Although part of that could very well have been the result of what happened at the same time. Thanks to the appeal of the woman he was supposed to mate with along with his own libido Malik's cock hadn't actually gone soft after he finished ejaculating into Kisytra's mouth. Which meant her sudden acrobatic maneuver had brought his shaft in direct contact with her unseen pussy. Although he'd assumed it was hidden somewhere at the center of her tentacles he didn't really think about it until after his member had slid balls deep inside the tightest, wettest, and most incredibly slit he'd ever felt in his life. Admittedly he wasn't some great ladies man with years of experience but even with a small amount of familiarity he was absolutely floored by how breathtaking Kisytra's warm little cunt was as it wrapped around his dick.

Seemingly just as overwhelmed as he was the moment their bodies finished shifting she looked him dead in the eyes and whimpered. It was a sound born out of pure, unbridled passion and the quiet, almost understated nature of it just made ache that much harder. He felt her inner walls clench around him as his cock throbbed madly inside her and for several seconds the two of them didn't need to do anything more than stand there. His grip tightened around her waist as the sheer pleasure of her body washed over him while pulled herself as close as she could to his chest without breaking their lingering stare. Her tendrils squeezed him with considerably force but unlike her hug earlier they didn't continue until his bones were ready to break. Rather they were like a constant, soft pressure from his waist down to his thighs with the vastly more wonderful pressure of her pussy centered around his cock. Something thick, viscous, and altogether arousing was leaking down his thighs and even in the handful of seconds they remained poised there Malik could feel it dripping from his balls in long, gooey strands. Though he very much wanted to know what it was and maybe even taste it along with her vagina there was no way in hell he could pull out. At least not as much as he have to in order to accomplish that goal. But after close to thirty seconds of basking in the pleasures of their united bodies he was compelled to begin moving at least a little but. Though not without at least waning her.

“I'm going to start thrusting now,” He murmured, “Don't be afraid to tell me if I'm going to fast or if you're feeling uncomfortable . . .”

“I will . . .” She said as a breathy smile lit up her face, “But please don't worry about me Malik Ibrahim . . .”

As sweet as she was being it was impossible for him not to worry about her comfort. But at the same time the unimaginable ache in his loins all but demanded he start moving and there was little he could do to resist. So with as gentle a motion as possible he slowly pulled her off his member, the speed of his withdrawal sending shivers through both of them as his cock emerged from her gooey slit. By the time he was most of the way out he noticed her tentacles tugging insistently at his body, like they were trying to yank him back inside her. Amused by this reaction and by the open mouthed stare she was giving him Malik eventually obliged, his ensuing thrust arriving just a little bit quicker than his departure. His cock returned to her pussy with a quiet slap and Kisytra's entire body stiffened. Had they been capable of such a thing there's no doubt her eyes would've widened, if the startled moan that burst from her lips was any indication. He felt a small torrent of those same thick fluids cascade down his legs and in response his dick twitched harder than ever. Another couple of seconds passed by as the two of them remained in that position reveling in the aftershocks of his initial thrust. It was abundantly clear she had little or no experience with actual sex and that this was, in all likelihood, her first time enjoying such a thing. Which meant it was up to him to give her the best experience he could on top of all the cum he had left inside his body. With that in mind he stared deep into her beautifully dark eyes and proceeded to give her the most tender yet passionate fucking he'd ever managed in his life.

Moving at a steady yet measured pace he pumped his cock in and out of her pussy with just enough force to make her whole body twitch but not nearly enough to be considered rough or forceful. It only took a few seconds of this new rhythm before she was gasping and writhing against him in abject delight. More than once she moaned his name and bit her lip in a manner that all but begged him to go faster and harder. But he resisted the urge and maintained his course. As enticing as it was to simply let loose and pound away he felt reasonably confident she'd respond far better to gentle and careful movements. The rather messy stream of goo leaking down his body every alternate second certainly helped to solidify that theory as did the way her pussy clamped down around him hard enough to, at times, prevent him from actually thrusting forward as hard as he did. But it wasn't until she was suddenly wrapping her arms around his body and burying her face in his chest that he knew he was on to something. The almost desperate way she scrambled and clawed at his back, like she was trying to escape some great, looming threat, put the widest smile on his face. Letting out a soft groan he allowed himself to increase the speed of his thrusts just a little bit and the reward was as immediate as it was incredible.

Less than two minutes after he'd started moving in earnest Kisytra was shaking so hard against his body it was an actual struggle to keep a hold on her. The amount of fluids cascading out of her pussy had reached a sort of critical mass with an absolute waterfall of creamy, pungent goo running down his body. He was practically swimming in her arousal and every quivering spasm that ran through her cunt sent another spurt erupting across his body. Much of it was caught by and made to subsequently ooze from her tendrils as they too quivered against his flesh like so many uncontrollable legs. Alongside the almost seizure like shivers running through her limbs and the wildly cute noises spilling from her mouth he could only assume she was having some sort of orgasm. Possibly her first one ever. And with that thought front and center in his mind he did everything possible to prolong her ecstasy. Mainly by doing exactly what he'd been doing up to that point. He kept his thrusts as measured as could be when her insanely snug pussy was clamping down like made around every inch of his dick just as he held and cradled her against his body in the most tender manner he could. There was no way of knowing how much effect this really had but for close to an entire minute she was a gasping, shaking wreck drenching Malik in slime and making him wonder how he'd ever go back to having sex with humans after this.

By the time she was finished clawing at his back and soaking his everything below his waist in a messy goo Malik was just about at the end of his rope. He'd always found an enormous amount of pleasure in making a woman cum and Kisytra was no exception. If anything her adorable nature and alien physiology heightened his arousal. Because when she finally pulled her head from his chest to look up at him with a dazed smile he knew there was no way in hell he could last another second. Pushing the full length of his cock inside her inhumanly amazing pussy he called out her name on instinct. In response her whole body tensed and she let out a little gasp, whether from surprise or delight he couldn't really say. And it hardly mattered as another thick, unabashedly massive load of cum erupted from his cock regardless. He drenched her inner walls with the first wave and whatever she had for a womb was no doubt soaked by the loads that came afterwards. Every hot, creamy jet released into her body was met with an eager little gasp from her and a much louder grunt from him.

Between the intensity of his climax and the sheer tightness of her pussy Malik was actually having trouble standing up as she milked him dry faster and more completely than any other woman ever. The unbroken and beautifully amorous stare she fixed him with the entire time only ensured he pumped every last drop into her. But it wasn't until the tail end of his climax that he properly noticed all the little things she was doing like the subtle gyration of her hips or the tender way her fingers stroked his shoulders. Not to mention the quiet encouragement she moaned between each creamy eruption. Of course no amount of extra effort could change simple human biology and eventually his incredible orgasm had to come to an end. Although it did last much, much longer than normal and it left him feeling so utterly drained he wasn't even sure how he'd remain upright let alone do the same for two other women. Luckily neither of those issues were important in the aftermath of their pleasure.

“That was incredible . . .” Malik panted.

“Thank you,” Kisytra whispered, her head returning to his chest as she hugged him like never before, “Thank you Malik Ibrahim . . .”

“You're welcome . . .” It felt bizarre to say such a thing after what she'd just let him experience but then he remembered the underlying purpose of why he was there and what he was doing, “I hope your hatchlings are healthy and happy . . .”

“You mean our hatchlings,” She replied as her fingers slowly trailed across his back, “And I know you must leave but I hope someday you might come back to see us . . . and perhaps make more with me . . . if such a thing is appealing to you . . .”

Feeling a little saddened by her words Malik could only nod and swallow past the lump in his throat, “I find it very appealing.” He said with absolute sincerity, “I hope I can do that someday.”

“As do I.” Kisytra lifted her head from his chest yet again and smiled at him. Both of them shuddered as his cock finally slipped out of her pussy among a torrent of gooey fluids, “I must leave now . . .” She said with regret evident in her voice, “I cannot remain above water for much longer and our hatchlings must be laid in the depths if they are to grow strong . . .”

“I understand.” Malik replied, “Before you go . . . would you like to know another human custom?”

She eagerly nodded and he chuckled. Cupping her face with one hand he slowly leaned and pressed his lips against hers. He felt her body tense as a little shudder coursed through her and when he pulled back she fixed him with a surprised look, “Humans are very strange . . .” Kisytra commented, “I didn't enjoy that as much as the sex!”

Malik laughed,”Well I'll remember that next time.”

The way she perked up at the prospect of seeing him again almost made him regret the knowledge that he was unlikely to ever cross paths with her. Especially once she slowly pulled herself from his body and returned to the ground, “Next time I will show you my mating customs!” She promised as she drifted towards the ocean while still facing him, “I'm sure you'll love them as much as I loved your customs!”

“I bet.” He said with a wave, “Goodbye for now Kisytra.”

“Goodbye Malik Ibrahim!” She bowed, “And thank you!”

After Kisytra disappeared beneath the water's surface Malik got dressed and turned back towards the door he'd entered from. Ahk'tanhri had clearly indicated there were multiple species he was supposed to aide but she'd been just vague enough about it all to leave him wondering how that might all work. The best and most likely scenario he settled on was the door changing where it led to every time he returned to the main room with his mysterious guide. His theory was proven partially correct upon approaching. Because instead of finding the first room he'd arrived in Malik found instead another self contained alien world in the same vein as the one he was leaving. Pausing just long enough to cast a look back at where his first companion had vanished from sight he stepped through the doorway and into a vast, exotic desert unlike anything he could've imagined. The sand dunes he stepped on to were a deep, glittering blue while the sky was a brilliant shade of crimson. There was no evidence of a sun but the moon that hung suspended above the horizon was a warm orange color. All around him at seemingly random intervals were great spires of black, obsidian like rocks jutting from the ground. Some were as tall as skyscrapers while others barely reached his knee. They were sprinkled haphazardly across the landscape without rhyme or reason and the smaller, similarly colored chunks slowly orbiting them only further served to underline the surrealism of what he'd just stepped into.

Like the first time the door closed behind him but after the somewhat calming experience with Kisytra he was far less nervous. That was until he heard a hiss from one of the obsidian spires near him. His whole body tensed as he spun towards the source of the noise, his neck craning to see what might have caused it. A figure slowly rose to it's feet at the top of the spire before leaping off to land mere inches in front of him. Had he not been so dumbstruck by what was happening Malik might screamed in abject terror. He still managed a small whimper as he stumbled backwards a step before falling down entirely. Before he could tumbled down the backside of what turned out to be a rather large dune the creature before him lunged forward to grab his jumpsuit and pull him back to his feel. She lifted him like he was nothing and even let out a rasping chuckle as she did so. Although still beyond nervous he felt at least a little bit more reassured after the sudden and thoroughly unexpected meeting with this new companion.

In the momentary silence that followed he took the opportunity to truly look at this new alien partner he'd be spending an intimate time with. Head and shoulders taller than him with a lithe yet muscular form she was, at a glance, much more humanoid than expected. The sheen of glossy black scales covering her from head to foot quickly abolished that notion as surely as her large, crimson eyes and slitted pupils. Both hands had frighteningly long claws extending from all four fingers while her three toed feet were similarly endowed with what surely had to been incredibly sharp talons. Her legs were bent backwards the opposite of how a human's normally looked but were otherwise uncannily similar right down to the general musculature. She was even possessed of wide hips that blossomed outwards from her thighs before shrinking back in around where her navel should've been. Though it wasn't immediately obvious from the front she had something approaching a human rump as well and one that seemed quite rounded and firm to go along with the rest of her build. Her chest was completely absent any sort of contours that might compare to breasts but she slender shape of her shoulders along with the agile tone of her arms indicated a certain femininity all the same. Her head and neck were even more snakelike than the rest of her body with a hood like that of a king cobra extending from about midway up her neck all the way to where her ears might be. But rather than the face or features of an actual serpent her countenance was a strange blend of humanoid and snake with pronounced and visible fangs visible between her lips, a flat and broad nose, the same glossy scales that covered the rest of her body, but the general shape and dimension of a more human face. All at once alluring and terrifying she was exactly what Malik had expected when imagining the women he was to mate with.

“Silly human!” She said in a throaty yet rasping voice, “Urkalth not hurt you! Urkalth mate with you!”

“Of course.” Malik nodded, amused by her words and the bemusement with which they were said, “It's a pleasure to meet you Urkalth, my name is Malik Ibrahim.”

“Name not matter! You save my people, you be Clan Father in stories I tell to young!”

“Clan Father? I like it!”

“Urkalth glad! Now we mate yes?”

Caught off guard by her brusqueness after the previous experience Malik nodded before he'd even fully thought about what he was agreeing to. In a flash his clothes were torn off his body while he was all but tackled to the sand. Landing hard among the tattered ribbons of his jumpsuit and underwear he didn't have time to gasp before Urkalth was upon him. Squatting over his waist with a licentious gleam in her eyes she grabbed his shoulders with both hands and grinded her loins against his not quite erect member. In the split second before she made contact he wondered just what it was she hoped to accomplish since, upon first meeting her, he hadn't noticed any external sex organs. Apparently that was no longer true because the moment her body brushed against his he was greeted by the wet, warm folds of what was unmistakably a vagina. He shuddered with equal parts surprise and pleasure as her slick folds smeared a liberal coating of something warm, wet, and highly arousing across his length. It also made his cock tingle in a manner that felt almost drug induced but it was hard to really appraise it clinically when he was pinned to the ground by a powerful snake woman grinding her pussy against him. After a few seconds of panting and smiling down at him with a wild eyed look she stopped with her wet slit resting snugly atop his shaft. Her eyes locked with his for a moment and a slightly brash look flitted across her face.

“You last long time,” She murmured, “You make me feel good and I make you feel good!”

“I-I can do that.”


Continuing to smile with a look that left him both aroused and fearful Urkalth slowly moved her hips backwards, smearing even more of her alien fluids across his dick in the process. But rather that coming to a stop and sliding forward again she continued to move backwards until her slit had vanished completely from his body. One of her hands left his shoulder to reach between them and lift his cock up towards herself. The moment it was poised directly beneath her upraised pussy she lowered herself onto him without a moment of hesitation. Malik groaned as he was once again treated to the inhuman pleasures of alien physiology. Urkalth wasn't quite as snug as Kisytra but she was without a doubt just as warm and perhaps, somewhat paradoxically, even more wet. Every centimeter of his cock tingled as she slowly enveloped his entire shaft and by the time she'd swallowed up his entire length he was out of breath and withing against the sand. Her hissing laughter soon filled his ears and he could guess what it was she found so amusing. What he couldn't predict was the sudden and almost ferocious movements that followed that initial penetration. Although he definitely should've expected such a thing he was nonetheless taken by surprise when her hips flew upwards in a blur only to stop and immediately reverse their course upon reaching the tip of his shaft. Her pussy, along with the rest of her body, came slamming back down against him with a lewd slap as pleasure flooded both of their bodies. And while he certainly gasped at the stimulation she made her own pleasure clear with a rather impressive roar that didn't at all match her lithe, athletic appearance.

Her outcry echoed across the empty desert and made his ears ring but before she was even finished her hips had repeated the motion that'd caused the outburst. Malik groaned again as her body slammed into his and the incredible sensation of her inhuman pussy flooded his body once more. The second time around a slight element of danger was added to the equation as he felt her talons dig ever so slightly into his shoulders. Not enough to draw blood or even hurt but certainly enough to remind her how easily she could rip him to pieces. For reasons best left unexplored that little bit of added thrill made his cock throb like crazy inside her and no doubt encouraged Urkalth to star riding him in earnest after a couple more isolated movements. It almost certainly encouraged her to do so in the most characteristically forceful way she possibly could and be even more vocal about her pleasure in doing it. Slamming her body against his hard enough for the impact to send sand rushing away from them in little clouds she drilled his cock into her pussy again and again so many times in the first couple minutes he was honestly having trouble keeping up. Had he not been literally watching her increasingly wet and gooey cunt slide up and down his dick he might not have believe it was happening as fast as it was. But the proof was as incontrovertible as it was incredible and every passing second only left him more breathlessly overwhelmed by her ferocity.

There was a certain animalistic purity to her movements, one that was made all the more potent by his previous experience and just how wildly the second one deviated from it. There was no illusion about what they were there to do or why. Just the wild, unfettered lust of two sexual creatures enjoying that fact with one another for as long as they possibly could. And thanks to his earlier orgasms Malik was confident he'd be able to do so for quite a bit before giving Urkalth what she was after. Or rather one of the things she was after because if that gleam in her eyes was any indication she was definitely seeking more than simple impregnation. Otherwise there'd have been very little need for her to grind her hips in a fluid, circular motion when she slammed down against him or to occasionally pause her movements entirely to rock back and forth. The former left him more breathless each and ever time it happened while the latter smeared her nicely pungent fluids across his abdomen in a manner that almost felt like he was being marked. But if he ever had to be a piece of meat for a ravenous alien sex beast he couldn't imagine a better candidate that Urkalth. Her movements might have been initially uncontrolled and slightly haphazard but it didn't take very long for her to really find a groove that left both of them on the right side of overwhelmed.

But even as the seconds melted into minutes of uninterrupted pleasure Malik found himself unable to simply lay there and let it all happen to him. Despite how utterly she was dominating him and how strangely arousing that fact was. He needed to do something to contribute no matter how small or ultimately insignificant. Unfortunately his partner seemed to lack a lot of the features that might otherwise allow him to easily pleasure her. He couldn't see any sort of areola visible on her chest and though she was moving too fast for him to properly stimulate it she didn't seem to have any sort of clitoris either. Which for a short while left him somewhat lost as to what to do. He could only lay there sprawled against the ground as she hammered him deeper into the sand with her pussy while soaking his body in fluids. Her juices were actually beginning to creep up to his chest thanks to the angle of his body and her own emphatic motions. That eventually led to a small eureka moment for him as he realized the most obvious route forward. Urkalth was clearly from a culture that respected strength and power so it only made sense for him to think along those lines. His hands jumped to her waist and in the brief, expected moment of surprise that followed afterwards he thrusted upwards as hard as he possibly could.

“Good Human!” She gasped, “Good!”

Laughing a little at the simplistic praise and how it almost made him feel like a dog Malik repeated the movement at the same time she was plunging down onto his cock. The resulting impact sent a shock wave through both of them, one that left human and alien alike in a state of quivering bliss. Urkalth was the first to recover, unsurprisingly, and she started to ride him with somehow even more gusto than before. He hadn't thought it possible for such a thing to occur but apparently he was underestimating just how passionate a being she could be. Once he'd managed to recover from the nearly bone pulverizing force of their initial reunion he quickly settled into a nice, measured groove of thrusting whenever he could and recovering from the subsequent collision as waves of pleasure coursed through him. Over and over this back and forth was repeated with increasing success as she roared near constantly while he gasped almost as often. There was no telling how much damage he might be doing to his own pelvis but until he actually felt some sort of pain he wasn't going to stop. At least that's what he told himself before the early flickers of an orgasm started to rear their head. Wholly engrossed in keeping himself in one piece he'd barely given any thought to his libido and how much of a hit it was taking each and every time he shoved his dick inside her like that. Her utter lack of concern for that same thing didn't help much either. Or, considering what they were trying to do, one could argue it helped immeasurably!

Groaning almost as loudly as she was he gripped her waist as tightly as he could and drove his cock upwards with all the force he could muster. Whether or not this was having any effect at all on her remained to be seen but under the circumstances he was having trouble find the motivation to care. As selfish as it was his own budding orgasm had taken precedence over everything else and with every passing second it overshadowed the rest of his reality. Before long he was shuddering so hard he couldn't move and Urkalth's continued ferocity only added fuel to the fire. Under such conditions it was no surprise he lasted barely a minute after feeling the first pangs of a climax. Just as it was no surprise that his ensuing eruption was only a fraction less copious than the ones he'd given to Kisytra. Thick, voluminous loads of cum sprayed deep inside her alien pussy while she threw her head back and roared at the sky. Her movements noticeably slowed as each new spurt was met with a full body quiver. More often than not she slid all the way down to the base of his prick just as he was delivering another creamy load and thanks to the sheer frequency of them she scarcely had the chance to continue moving if she wanted to make sure his seed reached as deep as it could possibly go. Not that she seemed at all bothered by this fact. If anything the delighted look on her face and the constant shivers coursing through her body told the story of a woman entirely satisfied with how things were working out. He certainly didn't have any room for criticisms as he blew his wad for the third time in less than an hour with the aid of an incredible alien beaity.

Almost the instant he finished cumming Urkalth rose off his cock and stood up. She loomed tall over him with a triumphant expression while he slowly lifted his back off the sand. It was during this process he noticed the scales around her bare slit shifting to cover her pussy once more with only a drop or two of his seed managed to escape before it was completely hidden from view again. Malik chuckled softly to himself, amused by how effortlessly the small mystery of her physiology had been solved. When she stepped back he half expected her to simply turn on her heel and depart without so much as a backwards glance. Instead she bent down to grab his shoulders and lift him to his feet like he was a small child. Once she'd set him back down she brushed away some of the sand clinging to his skin away and let out a hissing laugh. He looked at her in confusion and she continued to chuckle for another couple of moments. Before he could ask what she found so amusing she did as he expected and turned her back to him. As she started walking towards a large, black rock spire he very nearly followed her only to think better of it and stop. He did ask her what she found so amusing though.

“Humans!” Came the enigmatic reply, “I know you make good babies but you strange!”

“Oh . . . strange how?”

Looking back at him with a smile she simply said, “You just is!”

As Urkalth scurried up a nearby obsidian pillar with astonishing speed Malik made his way back to the door. Confident in what would happen he approached it without hesitation. If anything he was eager to see what new sights lay beyond it and what new being he might encounter in that world. When it slid open he was not disappointed in the least. But unlike the first two locations the one he stepped into wasn't breathtaking because of it's alien nature or grand landscape. Rather it was breathtaking for the unmistakable sorrow and stillness that infused it. All around him were the towering yet ruined structures of some no doubt bygone and almost certainly extinct civilization. Although the many of the buildings themselves were intact the metal that comprised them was rusted and broken. Any sign of art or culture on the exteriors had been worn off or shrouded by the strange plant life growing across it as further reminded of it's fallen state. What little could be gleaned showed an architecture of smooth shapes and gentle slopes with many buildings looking more akin to great domes than the towers and skyscrapers Malik knew from Earth. Everything was much, much more vertical despite that quality with the ground levels showing few points of ingress if they had any at all. Of course some of that could very well have been the fault of the overgrown plant life practically infesting everything. The vibrant greens and yellows and blues of flora around him threw into stark contrast the monochromatic colors of the buildings they were taking over. But he didn't have the chance to dwell too much on his surroundings.

And as luck would have it the final alien female he was to assist was already waiting for him barely ten feet from the door. By virtue of the sleek, form fitting white and gold jumpsuit covering her body from neck to feet she was easily the most 'normal' of the alien women he'd met that day. Although it was rather intriguing how it covered literally every part of her curvaceous, plump body down to each of her five fingers. With so much covered he could only guess what she must have looked like beneath the glossy material using her face as a reference point. Her skin was a beautiful, dusky shade of gold while her hair was a deep, almost unsettling onyx. It cascaded down her face and back in a like a curly waterfall, partially obscuring the crown like ring of dark bronze horns that seemed go around the entirety of her head. She had two silvery pupils in each of her piercing eyes and her nose was a strong, almost commanding presence at the center of her face. But with full, pouty lips beneath and a wide, dominating facial structure there was a good deal to remark upon with her looks. From what little could be seen of her ears they seemed to taper off to a point at both the peak and lobe and were much larger than one might have expected. Though it was impossible to pretend that she wasn't visually arresting from top to bottom even with a jumpsuit on. With beautifully wide hips, an equally expansive bust, and a rear that would've left most of the people on Earth salivating she was gorgeous no matter where one looked. Even her arms and legs had a delightful plumpness that accentuated her incredibly feminine appearance and made him think of the most voluptuous models he'd seen on Earth. But perhaps the most striking thing about her whole appearance was how unaware she seemed of her beauty. How she stood without any kind of seductiveness in her posing or alluring smile upon her lips. She simply looked like a scientist who happened to be as beautiful as Kisytra and Urkalth.

“I'm glad we've finally had a chance to meet one another Dr. Ibrahim.” She said with a voice like a soft melody, “My name is Ishtav Gol and I too am a fellow researcher.”

“It's truly a pleasure to meet you,” Malik replied. He held out his hand and she gladly shook it, “I didn't expect to meet a like minded soul on this journey.”

“No? I'm glad to have exceeded your expectations then!” She glanced away from him to look at the silent world around them, “I study ancient and dead species. Even as my own very nearly became one itself.”

“Well I'd be happy to assist you in changing that.”

“Indeed. Can I assume by your lack of clothes that you've already done so for the other females aboard this ship?”

“I have,” He laughed, “One of them was a little more eager than I expected.”

“Well I can hardly blame her.”  Ishtav Gol replied, her face lighting up in amusement, “And I suppose it will save us a small amount of time.”

“Yes I'm sure that's precisely what she had in mind when she did it.”

Both of them chuckled and after a few seconds Ishtav Gol turned away from him and started to walk through the city. He wordlessly followed and the two made their way a short distance to a nice, quiet clearing overlooking a beautiful view of the ruins below them. She approached the worn railing that lined the edge of the balcony like area and leaned against it with a sigh. Before he could do the same she glanced back at him, her face lighting up with an unmistakable smile. Without saying a word she slowly pushed her rump out towards him in a seductive manner while biting her lower lip. Malik stared for several seconds as his cock sprang to life and the rest of his body was inexplicably frozen. Ishtav Gol quickly thawed him out by slowly swaying her hips in a circular motion and offering him the most seductive look he'd ever seen from a sentient being. It was as if her every molecule radiated sexual arousal all at once. If the grass and foliage around them had rustled from the shockwave of her movement it would've made all the sense in the world. But he was entirely too busy approaching her to pay attention to that sort of thing anyways. Instead he was much too busy thinking about how he was going to peel that jumpsuit off her body and fuck her like a madman. The smell of her lust was already clouding his senses so thoroughly he barely had time for rational thought. Upon physically reaching her and laying his hands on her waist he was finding it hard to think at all.

“My jumpsuit splits down the back if you want to—” Entirely too eager to wait Malik grabbed the sleek material right above her buttocks and ripped it open like a wild man, “—that works too I suppose!”

Her amused chuckle fell on deaf ears as he stared down at the fantastic contours of her wide, shapely ass along with the far more subtle hints of her pussy tucked away beneath it. Though he couldn't see much without kneeling down he could certainly make out how delicious her slit looked. The outer edges were the same golden color as her skin while the inner folds were a much deeper and far more rich coloration. There was also a certain plumpness to her sex that paired rather nicely with the many differences between hers and a human's vagina. Like it's far more circular shape and the distinct lack of a crest at which some sort of clitoris might be found. The fluids leaking out of her were equally as strange by virtue of being far more watery and far less thick than the previous companion's he'd enjoyed. Of course none of that did anything to dissuade the overwhelming urge he felt to slide his cock inside her and start thrusting away like it was the sole purpose of his existence. Which in some ways it pretty much was. He was so distracted by the curves of her ass and uniqueness of her pussy he didn't even notice the subtle markings visible across her newly revealed buttocks. Not even when he brought his hand down against one of them with an echoing smack as the other one hefted his cock and guided it towards her hole.

“Sorry,” He managed to groan, “I couldn't wait!”

“There's no need to apologize, it's quite flattering to know I—ahhhhhhh!”

Whatever else she planned on saying faded into a protracted moan as he buried his cock inside her pussy with a single thrust. Reminded yet again how much better alien pussy was Malik groaned like a wild animal. His hands clutched her waist as tightly as they could manage while his fingers were shaking as much as they were. He widened his stance soon after and faster than Ishtav Gol had a chance to react he was pulling back. She gripped the railing in front of her and let out a long, wavering gasp while his dick retreated only for it to suddenly rise in pitch and volume when he pushed forward yet again. Her whole body lurched forward from the impact and her already jiggling ass produced the most eye catching ripple as his hips collided with it. Both of them shuddered as their bodies were wracked by pleasure. A nice little spray of fluids cascaded down his bare legs to join the copious amounts left by Urkalth and Kisytra. Although he couldn't smell it over Ishtav Gol's natural odors Malik absolutely reeked of sex. Luckily for him the woman he was mating with could very much smell the effects of his earlier liaisons and if her flared nostrils were any indication she was enjoying his scent as much as he enjoyed hers.

“I'd heard humans could be quite forceful but I had no idea how true the rumors were!” She gasped.

“I'm glad I can be a credit to my race!” Malik replied.

Looking back at him over her shoulder with an expression that could destroy lesser men Ishtav Gol coyly replied, “I wouldn't go that far yet Doctor.”

They smiled at one another for a moment before he resumed the thrusting he didn't notice he'd stopped until that moment. Everything about what she'd said and how she looked encouraged him to continue as long as he possibly could but it wasn't long before he felt the urge to do even more. Undoubtedly as a result of the hormones running through his body and the pheromones flooding from hers Malik did his best to fuck Ishtav Gol in every single position he could manage in the short time they had together. They started off simple with her bent over the railing and him slamming into her pussy with total abandon. Since she gave no indication at all that she was put off by his breakneck pace and unbridled force he continued in that matter for a few minutes. His cock absolutely hammered her cunt in a way that probably would've injured a lesser being. It certainly would've taken them by surprise if nothing else. But she simply moaned and gasped with every thrust while her free flowing juices soaked them both and splashed across the ground beneath them. In his haste to fuck her as hard and as fast as he could Malik didn't even realize the effect her arousal was having on the plant life around them. He completely missed the visible glow that radiated from any flora that was splashed by Ishtav Gol's secretions just as he completely missed the effect those same fluids were having on him as they soaked into his skin. But since those effects were part of the reason he was pounding her with all his might it was probably better for both of them if he didn't examine it in detail. It was certainly better for the variety of their sexual congress!

The first position he switched to was a simple one but no less enjoyable in spite of that. Pulling out just long enough to turn her around and press her back against the railing he lifted one of Ishtav Gol's legs of the ground and shoved his dick inside her pussy once more. Letting her ankle come to rest beside his head he held on to her thigh with one hand while the other groped and pawed at her breast through what remained of her jumpsuit. Immediately her pussy tightened around his cock and she stared up at him with a growing smile, albeit one marked by an open mouthed look of sheer pleasure. This lasted them for a short while before he lifted up her other leg and really started fucking her properly. Getting to see every subtle and not so subtle change in her expressions as he repeatedly slammed into her was beyond exhilarating. He hadn't realized how much he'd enjoyed sharing that experience with Urkalth and Kisytra until he was doing the same with her. It was a delight to see her gasp and shudder as he brought both hands to bear against her ample breasts. Even through the fabric covering them he could feel how soft and full they were. He almost ripped apart her suit to expose them but thought better of it at the last moment. His focus was and should remain on the sopping wet pussy into and out of which his cock was wildly plunging.

After a while he remembered his original goal upon shaking off the spell that was her breathtaking face and Malik promptly shifted into another position. Lifting her off the railing entirely as he grabbed her ass and let her legs wrap around his waist he slid his feet apart and proceeded to absolutely ravish her pussy. Staring with an incredibly flurry of thrusts that filled the air with wet slaps and sent both of them into fits of pleasure wracked shivers he used both gravity and his own libido to really make sure she enjoyed every last millisecond of satisfaction assaulting them both. This gave him a chance to both live up to his species' apparent reputation while at the same time enjoying more of her beautiful face in the process. Not to mention groping her fat ass in a way that might have seemed indulgent and counter productive under different circumstances. Her arms rather quickly wrapped around his shoulders as leaned back and grinded against him to the best of her ability. Although she clearly couldn't move as much as she might have wanted Ishtav Gol didn't seem to have any complaints so long as his cock was flying in and out of her cunt at the speeds he was demonstrating. But even when he slowed down to trade frequency for power she continued to moan just as loudly as ever.

From there everything melted into a blur of spur of the moment decisions and passionate sexual escapades. At some point she was bent over the railing while he slammed into her pussy and repeatedly spanked her glorious buttocks. At another he'd pressed her up against a nearby pillar with one hand around her throat and the other fondling her tits. There was a distinct memory of him holding her aloft like a wheelbarrow as he pumped furiously and her whole body bounced to and fro. More than once they returned to the way they'd started off their fun, it being an almost neutral state from which all the other ones developed. But no matter how she was being fucked Ishtav Gol continued to voice her pleasure until her cries were echoing through the dead city just as Malik continued to give her that pleasure until he was practically standing ankle deep in the fluids she was leaking. The longer it went on the more eagerly he fucked her which only inspired further switch ups that invariably led to an increase in the already substantial lust he was feeling. That back and forth lasted for a good deal more time than either of them expected, not that either were complaining one bit about such a thing.

But eventually all that changing up positions and madcap thrusting led inexorably to the orgasm both of them were striving for. Malik was the first to actually arrive as he pumped his cock in and out of her with increasingly ragged movements. With almost no fanfare at all cum started erupting from his cock in thick loads as the last of his energy and wherewithal was utterly spent. Since he was holding Ishtav Gol in a full nelson he couldn't rightly see how she was reacting but he could certainly feel her arousal as every new load gushed inside her pussy. About midway through his own release she seemed to experience one of her own. All the obvious signs were present as copious amounts of fluids sprayed from her cunt and violent tremors wracked her body. But what was far less obvious was the sudden appearance of strange markings all over her body. What had been initially faded and hard to see came into sharp relief as black etchings appeared across her golden skin. Their intensity only grew with every passing second as she screamed atop his cock and soaked the area around them in a tidal wave of rainbow colored fluids. Her silvery eyes darkened and an almost blank expression washed over her face. The pheromones already clouding the air intensified to the point of nearly choking Malik, pretty much the only sign of her strange climax that he actually noticed, as her shuddering gradually came to a complete stop. All of a sudden she was as still as a statue while he continued to thrust and pump her full of cum. But just as he was beginning to notice all this the moment passed and everything returned to what passed for normal under the circumstances.

Malik's cock emerged from her pussy with a soft squelch and his seed almost immediately began to leak out, “Oh . . .” Ishtav Gol remarked, “That's not ideal . . .”

“What?” He replied as he lowered her to the ground and did his best not to collapse backwards into the soft looking grass, “What isn't idea?”

Leaning hard against the railing and covering her pussy with one hand Ishtav Gol turned to look at him with notable amusement, “Thanks to your primitive urges I can't rely on my jumpsuit to keep your genetic material inside my body.”

“Oh . . . sorry about that . . .”

“It's quite all right. I think the overall experience was worth the mild hassle.” Reaching down to slide her other hand between her thighs she chuckled, “Perhaps in the future we can both arrive without clothing.”

“I think this was supposed to be a one time occurrence.” He stated, half lucid and not at all thinking straight.

“Perhaps. I suppose time will tell if that remains true. I hope it doesn't but I can hardly blame you if it does.”

He watched as a little shiver ran down her body and his brain tried it's best to think up a response to what she'd just said, “Okay . . .”

Ishtav Gol laughed and nodded in the direction they'd come from, “You should return tot he main deck now. I suspect it would be a much more comfortable place to collapse than these ruins.”

“Right . .  that makes sense . . . thank you . . .”

“Thank you Dr. Malik Ibrahim. You've done more than you can ever know.”

“I'm glad I could help!”

He offered a clumsy wave before staggering away like a drunk and returning to the portal back to what was supposedly the main deck. Stepping through the door with a dazed smile Malik stumbled forward several steps before realizing he wasn't in another self contained biome filled with fantastical, alien sights. Instead he was back in the first room standing a few short feet away from the woman that'd greeted him. Simultaneously delighted and disappointed that his tour of the galaxy was apparently over her let out a sigh and sank to his knees as exhaustion finally settled in. Ahk'tanhri smiled down at him as she hovered closer. One of her hands moved away from the others to twist upwards and rise several inches. He watched her motion with no small amount of confusion before feeling a rush of displaced air. Beside him appeared a comfortable looking, albeit decidedly alien, seat. Far too tired to question her mysterious powers he sat climbed into the chair and sat down with another sigh. His eyes slowly drifted shut as he tilted his head back and waited for whatever might come next. Fully expecting to be teleported back to the shuttle or even to wake up in his bed on Earth he was instead met with another laugh. That small, almost imperceptible presence within his mind radiated amusement and when he looked at the alien being before him he saw a flicker of that same delight in her large, mysterious eyes. A smile found it's way onto his face as he pulled himself up a bit higher to ask a question she no doubt knew before the words left his lips.

“What happens now?”

“First we thank you,”  Ahk'tanhri replied, “You have helped save three noble and ancient species from extinction and for that there is no reward.”

“I think the deed was reward enough.” Malik joked.

“We are glad to hear that.”

He chuckled at the slightly bemused sensation coming from the presence in his mind, “I assume there's more?”

“Indeed. If it is your wish we can return you to your people. You will appear on your International Space Station with none of your colleagues aware that you were ever gone. You can live the rest of your life content with the experiences you've had and the knowledge that you've done more than any Human.”


“Or you may remain with us aboard the ship. You may travel the universe and witness all the scientific marvels of space and time. You may witness the rebirth of the three species you saved and their subsequent return to the cosmos. You may grow old and die among the stars as so many of your race has dreamed of since it's beginning . . .”

Malik's heart raced and his eyes widened as the true scope of what Ahk'tanhri's offer sank in. Never in his life had he heard a more appealing proposition and that included the prospect of mating with three beautiful alien women. But as he clumsily stood up to deliver his answer he couldn't help but cheekily ask, “Why does it sound like you'd prefer if I stayed?”

“We do not know what you mean.”

“Well your list of reasons why I should stay was a lot more enticing than the reasons I should go.” He observed, “Even though I'm certain you could find just as many of them to entice me into returning home.”

“Perhaps,” Ahk'tanhri remarked, “But we did not give it much consideration. We always knew you would remain with us if you agreed to donate your genetic material.”

“I haven't actually agreed to anything yet.”

Ahk'tanhri tilted her head to the side and more amusement radiated outward from that little speck of consciousness occupying his mind, “Then we would appreciate if you did.”

Malik looked at her and then back at the door from which he'd entered. He thought about everything he was leaving behind on Earth and everything he'd spent his life trying to accomplish. Then he thought about the three unimaginably beautiful alien women in those other rooms and the ethereally fascinating one standing before him. It seemed so foolhardy to simply abandon the life he knew to go gallivanting across the universe and yet wasn't that exactly what he was striving for in the first place? Wasn't traveling beyond the solar system and seeing the rest of the Milky Way precisely what he and his peers were doing their research in aid of? How could he ever live with himself if he passed on the most extraordinary opportunity any human had ever been given? How could he even consider returning to his home after being given the chance to see and experience things the rest of his race had only ever dreamed of? Going back to Earth would be the height of selfishness! It would be denying himself the chance to answer the questions he'd wondered since he was a child staring up at the night sky! It would be the death knell of any scientific merit he possessed and the admittance that for all his eagerness to learn he lacked the courage to truly reach for the stars. Well aware she was reading each of his thoughts as they arrived he turned back to look at Ahk'tanhri and chuckled. She was still looking at him with that same inscrutable stare and it was only the slight sense of anticipation from her presence in his brain that clued him in to what she was feeling.

“I'll go with you.” He unnecessarily told her, “I'll stay.”

Her once emotionless face broke into a smile and Malik felt delight that was not his own flood his mind. “We are overjoyed to hear that.” Ahk'tanhri stated. She moved close to him and laid her two lowest hands upon his shoulders, “But we must confess, we were not entirely honest with you . . .”

“Well here's your chance to remedy that.”

“Indeed.” She stared at him for several seconds before looking away. Malik felt a strange sensation flicker through his mind, one that he never expected to feel from such an evolved being. Somehow and for some reason Ahk'tanhri was embarrassed. “The species you saved today were not the only ones in need of your genetic material . . .”

“How many others need my 'genetic material'?” He asked, certain he already knew the answer but ever so slightly fearful he might be leaping to conclusions.

“Only one.” Looking back at him for a moment she cast her eyes downward and said, “We too have need of your contribution . . . but we were unable to ask when we first met you . . .”

“Are you asking now?”

“Yes . . . but we would understand if you are unable or unwilling . . . we understand that our physical form is not as desirable as others . . .”

Malik softly snorted at her words and said, “I didn't expect a race like yours to be capable of vanity or self doubt.”

“We are not as evolved as you may believe.” Ahk'tanhri admitted, “Perhaps that is why we too fell victim to the biological destruction that eradicated so many others . . .”

Keeping his thoughts as blank and neutral as he possibly could Malik looked at her until she finally lifted her gaze to stare at him as well. He could tell even without the glimpse into her feelings how nervous she was. “I'd be honored to help you.” He finally replied.

A near overwhelming sense of joy filled his mind as Ahk'tanhri smiled at him, “Thank you,” She said in a quiet, heartfelt voice, “Thank you!”

He covered her hands with his own and laughed, “I think I'm the one who should be thanking you . . .”


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