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Fans of cheating will definitely find something to enjoy with this one! As will fans of cheerleaders getting down and dirty. If you're not interested in such things this will definitely be a story to skip lol!

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Kandi! 

By most standards there was no day more demoralizing than the middle of the work or school week. To many people it was the absolute nadir and an obstacle to be overcome by the prospect of the impending weekend. But in the case of Katie Anderson it was the exact opposite. After being banned from going to a concert with Stacy and Mayumi there was pretty much nothing to look forward to between Friday and Monday. Wednesday however, that was a very special day indeed. Not only would she arrive home a full hour before her mother but Blaine, her mom's hunky new boyfriend, would also be there. Which meant that after two weeks of teasing, playful teasing, and a seemingly harmless back and forth it was finally time for her to properly seduce him. In fact she'd been thinking about nothing else all day and the end of cheerleading practice couldn't have come faster. She practically sprinted off the football field and towards her care, giving her friends only the barest of acknowledgment before doing so. Not only was she beyond eager to get back and spend as much time with Blaine as she could but Kandi was even more excited to see him after what she'd learned the previous night.

While talking on the phone with one of her bitchy friends her mother had casually let slip that her new boy toy, in addition to being pretty hung, also had a fetish for cheerleading uniforms. Presented with quite possibly the biggest and easiest opening imaginable how could she not speed home to finally put her plan into motion? Everything had lined up so perfectly it was almost preposterous. But she wasn't about to question good fortune. Upon arriving home she was delighted to find the garage absent her mother's car as expected. But even more delightful than that was what she discovered after walking inside. Immediately greeted by the unmistakable smell of sweat and musk she followed the trail into the kitchen where Blaine was standing in a tank top and work out shorts, both of which were damp from his exertions. Distracted by mixing some sort of protein drink for himself he didn't notice her come in and she took the chance to ogle him a bit before announcing her presence. At least a foot taller than her and built like a Greek God he was a hunk by every definition. He had the boyish good looks of a man still very much in the prime of his life and if her mother's passionate noises were any indication he wasn't a slouch in bed either. And she had him all to herself for at least forty minutes!

“How was the workout?” She asked in a casual voice.

“Pretty good!” He replied, seemingly unsurprised by her presence, “Sorry about the smell though, I forgot to turn off the fan when . . . started . . . working out . . .”

As he turned around to look at her Blaine was immediately struck dumb by the sight of Kandi standing there in her cheerleading uniform. Although he'd seen her in before it'd only ever been in passing or in the occasional picture. But suddenly being confronted with her standing there, hands clasped behind her back and a sweet smile on her face was almost too much for him to deal with. He'd never realized how long and toned her legs were, or how smooth and soft they were. Nor had he every noticed just how tiny the actual skirt of her uniform. It didn't even go far enough down to hide the white cloth strip covering her pussy which only made the visible contours of her outer folds all the more prominent. It was impossible not to stare as attention was practically drawn to it by the contours of her appreciably thick thighs and the stance she'd adopted. But it was also impossible not to continue lifting his gaze higher as he moved across her wide hips and towards her much more petite waist and the belly button piercing that formed the only alteration to an otherwise flawless belly. Her rather large breasts were barely contained by her top with the low cut nature leaving ample cleavage visible while at the same time ensuring as much of her midriff could be exposed as possible. The way her honey blonde hair framed her slender face and cascaded across her shoulders and back was perhaps the last thing he noticed but it was also where his gaze finally settled. Even though it felt strange to look into her soft gray eyes while he was simultaneously admiring her pouty lips and cute, upturned nose.

“That's all right.” Kandi said in a slightly more husky tone. “I don't mind . . . In fact . . .” She sauntered towards him with her hands clasped behind her back and a nervous little smile forming across her lips, “I kinda like it . . .”

“O-oh o-okay . . . uhm . . . y-you're welcome?” Blaine stammered.

Laughing softly at both his words and his reaction she continued to approach until he was forced to back up to keep from bumping into her. Every time he took a step away she took one forward and in short order he was pressed with his back against the counter and the only thing keeping her from pressing against him was the glass he was clutching with both hands. Unfazed by this little annoyance Kandi moved in as close as she could, her round and perky breasts squishing against his hands instead of his chest. Although he visibly tensed at the feel of her body Blaine made no move to actually pull or away to rebuke her. So she smiled up at him with the sort of innocent yet not so innocent look that drove every man wild. Her hands slowly unclasped as she reached out to grab the cup in his hands. For a split second he resisted, like a child refusing to give up a favorite toy, but she quickly won out and it slid from his fingers without any further trouble. His hands fell away soon after and Kandi was free to press her tight, young body against him under the guise of setting the glass down on the counter. Of course once she'd done that there was no valid reason to remain squished against him. Beyond the obvious swelling in his shorts at least.

“K-Kandi I-I don't think w-we should be d-doing stuff like this!”

“Why not? Don't you think I'm hot?”

“O-of course I do! I-I mean that's not the p-point! You're my girlfriend's d-daughter . . . we're not supposed to d-do anything like this!”

“We're not doing anything wrong.” Kandi replied in a slightly hurt tone. “It's only wrong if I did something like this . . .”

As though it weren't the least bit strange to do so she reached down with both hands to cup Blaine's impressive and impossible to miss cock bulge. For a second he didn't react save the throbbing of his dick against her hands. But then he managed to find a sudden burst of strength to push Kandi away. He didn't shove her nearly hard enough to send her more than a step or two back but it was enough to wriggle away and move towards the center of the kitchen. Staring with wide eyed shock he looked at her in stunned silence for what felt like an eternity. But rather than breaking the quiet or doing anything that might ruin the mood she just stood there looking at him with a seductive smile, her eyes promising all the lovely things he could do to her body if he wanted. The fact that he didn't immediately leave spoke to just how tempting her offer was even if he was clearly trying resist them. When she eventually took a step towards him he didn't reciprocate by stepping back. Though he did suck in a breath. She moved a little closer and he visibly tensed but still didn't try and leave. Moving within arm's reach of him and slowly taking in a shuddering breath Kandi stared up at her hunky companion and softly whispered to him.

“Don't you want to know what it's like to have sex with a real cheerleader?” She asked, “Nobody has to know . . .”

“I-it's wrong . . .”

Unable to deny that Kandi instead reached out to grab his wrist with both hands. She lifted his fingers towards her chest and pressed them against one of her tits, a quiet moan escaping her lips as he made contact, “I don't care . . . I want you . . .”

“I . . . I . . . I want you too . . .”

“You can have me . . .”

As if she'd said the magic phrase that bypassed his sense of right and wrong almost the moment those words left her mouth Kandi found herself pressed against the refrigerator with Blaine's sweaty body pressed against her. His hands groped her tits like there was no tomorrow while his lips pressed against hers in a flurry of passion. Unbelievably delighted by how good she'd gotten at seducing her mother's boyfriends over the years she threw her arms around his shoulders and slipped her tongue into his mouth. A moment later she wrapped her legs around his waist in a manner that brought her barely clothed pussy into direct contact with his bulge. The moment he felt her sex against his cock he pushed his hips forward and her waist was slammed with a good amount of force against the fridge. A wild shudder coursed through her body as the size and hardness of his dick was made abundantly clear to her. Both of them moaned, their unbroken kiss continuing to stretch on even while she started to grind and rub herself against him. He responded in kind and they went back and forth in that manner for quite a while. Since he was a good kisser she was content to make out with Blaine for a little while, especially with his dick rubbing pleasurably against her pussy while it happened. A nice, creamy wet spot had already formed across the inside of her panties and it wasn't long before the smell of his body left her aching for more than kissing and drying humping.

Thankfully it seemed like her companion was of a similar mind. Barely ten seconds after she first indulged the thought of him fucking her right there in the kitchen he was yanking down her top. She moaned into his lips the moment she felt her tits bounce out of their confinement and her pleasure only increased when his meaty hands closed around them an instant later. Groping and pawing at her chest in a manner that definitely illustrated a lack of experience he nonetheless managed to make her squirm and moan just from the taboo of it all. Plus he did start to pay special attention to her nipples as time went on and the feeling of his strong fingers pinching and pulling at her sensitive areola was quite a lovely experience for her. When he eventually broke off their kiss to start working his way down her neck she was left to wonder just how good he'd been with his tongue. She was given an answer right away as with one hand he hiked her up a little higher while the other continued fondling her chest. This left one of her breasts unattended for a split second before his lips closed around her large pink nipple and started sucking with all his might. Although by itself that wasn't mind blowing it did feel quite good alongside his hands and the continued presence of his cock. Enough to make her call out his name in a breathy moan.

“Blaine!” She gasped, “Oh God Blaine don't stop!”

Her words were as unnecessary as they were arousing and he continued to play with her soft, perfect tits for quite a while. Long enough to leave Kandi thoroughly soaked and aching for something more than simple foreplay. Around the time his mouth was switching back and forth between her nipples with predictable regularity she was pretty much ready to get to the real fun. Hoping to illustrate that as clearly as possible she grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him away from her tits. He stared at her in confusion just long enough for his brain to register the look on her face. Once he understood that pretty much unmistakable smile he immediately reached into his shorts with one hand. Pulling his cock and balls free in a single movement he turned his attention towards Kandi while she eagerly moaned at the sight of both his dick and the thought of where it was about to get shoved. When he yanked aside both the built in crotch of her cheer uniform and the panties she had on beneath it another delighted gasp filled the air.

This time it was shared by Blaine as he stared down at her tight little cunt for a moment, amazed by how wet she was and how cute her pussy looked. The little tuft of blonde hair above her sex was matted down by all the juices smeared across the rest of it and if there'd been any doubt in his mind before now it was gone. Still holding her against the fridge he grabbed his dick and shoved it into her pussy like there was no tomorrow. Thanks to how turned on she was and how eagerly she wanted him inside her all nine inches of his shaft slid balls deep without the slightest bit of trouble. Moaning loud enough to make her throat sore Kandi wrapped her entire body around him as his girthy prick stretched her out in the perfect way. His hands moved down to grab her firm ass and hold on tight as he widened his stance a little before pushing forward. Once again her body collided with the fridge quite hard and much of the air rushed out of her lungs as result. When he started thrusting that breathlessness only heightened the ensuing pleasure as her slightly dazed mind failed to keep up with what was happening to her body. Of course she managed to recover eventually but the first minute or so of feeling his cock gliding effortlessly in and out of her was simply divine. What followed afterwards was only a slight downgrade.

Since she couldn't see the clock behind her Kandi had no idea how long they were in the kitchen as he fucked her with increasingly forceful movements. All she was really cognizant of was how good his dick felt as it scraped against her inner walls and just how wet she'd grown since he first slid inside her trembling cunt. Without looking down she could already tell there was a nice little puddle on the tiles beneath them and thanks to the steadily rising pace of his movements there were even little flecks of her juices splashed across the fridge and nearby cabinets. It didn't take long, or maybe it did and she just didn't care, for him to start moving at a pace that kept the entire kitchen echoing with the wet sound of a cock being slammed into a pussy along with her passionate moans and his occasional grunts. Once they hit that threshold it was beyond easy for her to sink down into the pleasure assaulting her senses and simply bask in the feel of him. Everything about his muscular body pressed against hers, the intense way he stared into her eyes, and the rhythmic yet bestial movements of his hips was exactly as perfect as she'd hoped. Admittedly some of those hopes were based on witnessing him doing the same to her mother but she was still delighted to find him more than able to live up to that hype with her. If anything he seemed to be hammering Kandi's pussy way harder than he ever had with her mom. A fact she was exceedingly thrilled by as soon as she realized it.

It wasn't until she felt the telltale throbbing of his prick and saw how he was gritting his teeth that she realized the downside of how turned on he was. Continuing to thrust as though her pussy held the secret to life and his cock was the only thing that could get it out Blaine was definitely on the fast track to cumming way earlier than usual. He didn't even realize it as his mind focused entirely on the innate pleasure of sleeping with a young, nubile college girl after being with a horny middle aged woman for as long as he had. The two were so fantastically different from one another yet oddly similar in a way that only a mother and daughter could be. Add to that the shame and guilt he felt as he betrayed Samantha with every thrust and it was the perfect recipe for a short bout of infidelity. One he was enjoying immensely and one Kandi had been enjoying too, right up until she realized he wasn't gonna last nearly long enough for what she desired. Allowing him to keep going for a little while longer purely because of how much she enjoyed getting slammed by his big dick she eventually pulled herself together enough to actually speak up and hopefully prevent him from ruining their good time.

“Wait!” She panted, “Wait, slow down!”

“What?” He groaned, trying his best to do so but failing.

“Slow down and . . . and carry me to the living room?”


“Because I want to ride your massive cock!”

More than satisfied with her response Blaine nodded and clumsily walked them into the living room, all without removing his cock from her pussy. He practically collapsed onto the couch and in the moments right after he did so it was hard for either of them to do much of anything aside from pant and smile. But it wasn't long before Kandi managed to pull her feet underneath her so she was squatting atop his dick with her tits smothering his face. His hands remained glued to her ass while she sensually moved up his length with only the barest hint of involvement from them while she did so. Her pace was only a fraction of the speed that he'd been moving at and while it initially felt all kinds of dissatisfying he quickly realized how much better it was to have her in charge. Not only did it let him properly enjoy the feeling of her incredibly tight pussy selfishly gripping his cock every centimeter of the way but it also freed him up to bury his face in her breasts and enjoy them at the same time. And when she inevitably sank back down the languid speed of her movement made it all the more amazing when she finally reached the base and his entire shaft had been swallowed up by her cunt. He'd never appreciated just how warm, wet, and snug Kandi was compared to her mother but now he was not only given that chance but practically forced to enjoy it.

And enjoy he it did because if there was one thing a person could say about Katie Anderson it was that she knew how to fuck. Starting off almost painfully slow and building open momentum at the perfect speed to leave both of them quivering and gasping for more was a specialty of hers. It'd let to more than a few bad grades changing to good ones and definitely resulted in a fair number of lifelong sycophants all without any real effort on her part. But as good as those perks were the best was how effortlessly it prolonged the sex and allowed her a chance to really enjoy it. While she definitely enjoyed being fucked stupid it wasn't as much of a turn on for Kandi as it was for her friend Stacy and most guys couldn't go the distance anyways. The day she found one that could pound her until she was a cock addled whore without cumming midway through the process was the day she got married. Until then it only made sense to put her in charge so she could slide up and down whatever lucky guy she was straddling until he had trouble seeing straight.

The toe curling tightness of her pussy did wonders to aid in that goal but what really made them gasp was how perfectly she moved at the same time. Almost like she knew everything about a man's cock her motions never failed to leave him on the edge of ecstasy yet not quite able to tip over. Sometimes they came frighteningly close but whenever that happened her movements would slow and she'd begin the process anew in a way that only made them want her even more. Several times Blaine tried to take matters into his own hands by pulling her down onto his cock with more force only for Kandi to resist. Once she even gave him a playful slap across the face followed by a sultrily raised eyebrow. His dick throbbed harder than ever inside her pussy after that particular experience and he almost wanted to try again purely so it could be repeated. When he eventually did he was given the same enormously pleasurable treatment and Kandi continued to work her way up and down his prick at her own pace.

Of course for all her talent in teasing and prolonging sex there was no denying she like a good, hard fuck just as much as any woman. Which meant that no matter how long she was stretching it out eventually her hips increased in speed and her gyrations increased in vigor. What had once been a mostly silent living room filled only with breathy moans subtly turned into one filled with the wet slap of two bodies colliding together. It only continued to grow more lewd as time went on and she allowed herself to sink further and further into the pleasure of the moment. With only a single glance at the clock breaking up her prolonged eye contact it was clear to him that she was focusing all of her attention on having sex. Which was a welcome sensation for a myriad of reasons not the least of which how great her slit felt wrapped around his dick. Her rapidly increasing pace only served to demonstrate in full how a little buildup could make everything better because the faster she went the more overwhelmed he became. Within a couple minutes he was barely able to keep up with what she was doing!

Slamming herself down on Blaine's fat cock as hard as she could Kandi threw her head back and let out a wild moan.  Her nails dug into his bronzed skin and the walls of her cunt tightened immeasurably around his prick. Although he groaned just as passionately as she did his pleasure was a distant, distant second to her own. She was so damn close to cumming it didn't matter in the slightest what he was doing so long as his dick stayed hard and he didn't try and interrupt. Thankfully her mother's boyfriend was more than used to being dominated and he had no intention of getting in the way of the crazed, sex fueled teenager riding him. Especially not when she was so enthusiastically bouncing up and down on his prick in a way her mother had never done. It was all he could do to keep from blowing his load as he felt her tight pussy gliding up and down his shaft faster and faster with every second. Having his hands rather firmly attached to her tight, incredibly firm bubble butt didn't help either. Or rather it helped tremendously in making his prick throb like crazy inside her. The fact that she'd never removed her cheerleading uniform added a lot too, although he had no idea how deliberate that decision truly was. Nor did he have any idea that Samantha was actually pulling into the driveway at that very moment. But Kandi knew and she didn't care one bit. In fact she rode him as hard and as fast as she possibly could upon hearing the sound of the garage door opening.

“Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!” She squealed, the wet smack of her body against his echoing through the entire house, “Oh fuck your big, fat dick is gonna make me cum!”

Blaine groaned mightily at her words, gritting his teeth and gasping, “Me too!”

As his eyes closed Kandi smiled wickedly down at him and then glanced backwards at the door her mother would soon be coming through. While it was true she was about to cum she hadn't been honest about why she was about to cum. It had a lot less to do with Blaine's dick specifically and a lot more to do with where it shouldn't have been. Of course that didn't mean there wasn't anything to enjoy about have nine inches of thick, twitching cock sliding wetly in and out of her pussy. As she plunged down onto his shaft as fast as her body would allow there was no denying he had a nice shaft. She might even fuck him again if her mother kept him around. But as the doorknob started to turn those thoughts slipped away from her in favor of putting on the most over the top yet genuine show she possibly could. Both for the benefit of the cheating boyfriend about to blow a load inside her nubile pussy but also for her asshole mother who'd dared to tell her she couldn't go out with Stacy and Mayumi on Saturday. Leaning back with both hands resting on Blaine's knees and her head thrown back in ecstasy she screamed louder than ever just as her mom emerged into the living room.

Having heard the unmistakable sounds of sex the moment she left her car Samantha had assumed her daughter was once again seducing some jock or perhaps even a teacher. She was all ready to burst in and punish her slutty child for yet again violating the rules. But then she heard what sounded like Blaine groaning. For a split second her heart sank and her stomach did a nervous flip. But then a swell of anger surged through her and she stormed into the room just in time to watch her soon to be ex boyfriend ejaculate inside her daughter. Both of them were moaning loud enough to rattle the window panes and it was impossible to tell how much was genuine and how much was fake. In the end it hardly mattered as thick strands of cum exploded out of Kandi's pussy while copious amounts of clear juices swiftly joined them. They splattered all over not only his bare legs and her half naked ass but also the couch they were resting on as well as the carpet below them. That alone was worth going on a rampage over in Samantha's eyes but added on top of everything else Blaine was lucky if he left the house with his cock still attached to him. Her daughter was a dead woman regardless.

Although she wasn't bouncing on his cock anymore Kandi couldn't help but continue moving in some way as she messily came all over Blaine. Especially since she could feel her mother's stare burning a hole in her back. So with both hands pressed against her fuck buddy's shoulders she grinded against his dick with all the gusto of a pornstar putting on the best show of her career. Juices gushed out of her pussy in thick streams while the undeniably impressive amount spunk he was draining inside her similarly erupted out almost as soon as it arrived. Between the sheer size of his dick, the tightness of her cute little slit, and the wild contractions of her inner walls there really wasn't anywhere else his jizz could go but out. And the fact that it did so with enough force to splatter across both of them and the carpet in a wide radius only made the whole thing better. In much the same way as Blaine's loud and incredibly pleasured moans. Normally such a thing was little more than an annoyance to Kandi but knowing her bitch mother was watching and listening turned his every gasp and groan into just another source of pleasure for her. So much so that her emphatic gyrations were nearly as forceful as the way she'd been riding him only a short while ago. It certainly fueled the torrents of hot arousal spraying out of her and there was no doubt those facets helped to ensure he dumped every last drop of cum he had inside her.

At least until Samantha approached them with murder in her eyes and rage in her voice, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?!”

“Oh no!” Blaine whimpered.

“Ooops!” Kandi laughed.

Both of them turned towards her but only one expressed any sort of regret or fear. “I-it isn't what it looks like babe!”



Giggling to herself as she rose off his cock and what little spunk had managed to stay inside her quickly oozed out Kandi rolled onto the couch beside Blaine and stood up to watch. “REALLY?! BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE FUCKING MY DAUGHTER!”

“I wasn't! I-I mean I was!” Blaine immediately added upon seeing the murder in his girlfriend's stare. “But I didn't meant to—I mean I didn't think about—I mean I wasn't planning on—Oof!”

While failing to explain himself he'd tried to stand up only to be shoved back down hard enough to make the whole couch rock. Kandi snickered at the display and folded her arms, delighted by how perfectly everything was going. “AND YOU!” Her mother shouted, “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK THIS WOULD ACCOMPLISH?!”

Kandi shrugged, a little shiver running down her spine as Blaine's cum dribbled down her thighs, “Who said I was trying to accomplish anything? Maybe I just wanted a little dick!”


“All right.” Turning away without any concern at all she sauntered towards the stairs and even started to ascend them before turning back and saying, “I guess you should've let me go to that concert . . . we could've avoided all this trouble . . . oh well!”

“C-concert?” Blaine asked in confusion.

He quickly learned how much of an enormously poor decision opening his mouth was as Samantha turned towards him, “DON'T SAY A FUCKING WORD YOU SHITHEAD! MY DAUGHTER MIGHT BE A BITCH BUT I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE A PIECE OF FUCKING TRASH!”

“I-I'm not! I-I can explain if you just—Oof!”

Listening to the wholly one sided argument with a smile on her face Kandi strolled into her bedroom and slipped out of her uniform. Now that she'd gotten back at her mom it was time to take a shower and figure out how she was gonna sneak out to the concert. It wouldn't be too hard considering how many times she'd done it in the past but even after things cooled down a little her mom was definitely gonna be watching her like a hawk. Which meant she'd have to put a little extra effort into slipping away Saturday night. She was already looking forward to the challenge of it and when she emerged from her room holding a nice, fluffy bathrobe and some skin care products it was with her biggest grin yet. She relished in her mother's hoarse screams all the way to the bathroom until they were drowned out by the shower. Whereupon she stepped beneath the steaming blast of water that greeted her and let out a satisfied sigh. It'd been a good day.


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