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So this story's a little different from my usual fare. Rather than going with a traditional one off I thought it might be interesting to something not quite as sexually explicit focusing more on a character. And since the character in question isn't as well known as some of the others I write about she seemed like a perfect candidate. I think if you imagine this story more as something part of a broader world instead of an isolated story it works a lot better but that might just be me trying to excuse my writing. Hopefully y'all enjoy this installment either way and I will say that future chapters in this anthology will feature the graphic eroticism you expect from me!

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Aurora! 

It was with a content yet weary sigh that Aurora finished washing the massage oil from her hands. After nearly six hours at work she was ready to go out with her friends and have some fun. She'd never liked being cooped up indoors when the weather outside was so lovely and the growing soreness in her fingers made every new massage difficult. Assuming her mother didn't ask her to stick around until they closed she only had one more client to see before her day was finished. Thoughts of what she, Stacy, Sarah, and Gwen would do once her shift was over were already flitting through Aurora's mind and she emerged from the employee bathroom with a smile on her face. It only grew wider when she looked at the clock as saw that her final appointment wasn't for another ten minutes. That left her just enough time to slip into her massage room, collect her phone, and type out a quick message to her friends. 

That was the intention at least but she was quickly distracted by the massive, three way discussion taking place in the group chat. Somehow a rather spirited debate about the merits of a certain anime she'd never heard of had dominated the conversation with Sarah spearheading the charge against Stacy with Gwen's support. It made for an enormously fun read and Aurora regularly giggled at the back and forth between her three best friends. By the time she reached the end of the ongoing conversation she'd completely forgotten to tell them she'd be getting off soon. In fact she'd completely forgotten about the next appointment entirely as the delightfully characteristic back and forth dominated her thoughts completely. It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door and her mother's voice that she was snapped back to reality.

“You're next appointment just pulled up!” She said.

“Thanks mom!” Aurora called back, fumbling with her phone for a moment. Her heart sank a little as she noted her mom's use of the word 'next' instead of 'last' but she elected not to be bothered by it too much, “I'll be right out!”

After double checking it was on silent she put her phone away and glanced around the softly lit room to make sure everything was in order. Once she was certain it matched the level of presentation expected of her she stepped into the hall and made her way to the lobby. The woman she'd be massaging was already standing at the front desk smiling as she looked around the room while idly tapping her thumb on the wood. Aurora took one look at her gorgeous client and nearly melted into a puddle right then and there. Tall without being imposing, muscular without being bulky, and possessed of a beautiful alabaster skin the woman standing in front of her was all at once enormously beautifully and frighteningly approachable at the same time. Her bright blonde hair was fashioned into a very flattering pixie cut that framed her softly angular features, draw attention to her wonderfully pouty lips and the subtle shape of her jawline. She had a nose that was both striking but also cute in a way that seemed impossible much like her large and expressive yet warm and inviting green eyes. 

Dressed in a bright pink sports bra and black yoga pants the eye catching curves of her body were on fully display in a manner that left Aurora weak at the knees. With long, shapely legs that blended perfectly into a tight bubble butt and slender waist she was the picture of athletic beauty. Her smallish breasts and nicely toned shoulders, arms, and neck further supported her overall look in a way that all but demanded attention while simultaneously keeping her from being so stunning that she felt unapproachable. Altogether her appearance was one of understated yet paradoxically self evident beauty in a way that undoubtedly left any sane human being flustered and unsure of themselves. Or at least that's what Aurora assumed as she did her best not to openly gawk at the woman before her. She'd never been one to do such a thing to begin with no matter how a person looked but after a day spent massaging exclusively men, every single one of which seemed to expect some sort of happy ending, the sight of a little femininity was a breath of fresh air. But even with that admittedly low bar there was no pretending her client wasn't absolutely enthralling from head to foot.

It was all she could do to keep up her professional atmosphere as she approached the customer and struggled to remember the greeting she'd said at least ten times that day alone.  “H-hello!” She stammered, “My name is Aurora and I'll b-be your masseuse t-today!”

“Hi!” The woman said in a voice as sweet as cotton candy, “My name's Jessica!”

She extended her hand and for a split second Aurora simply stared at it. But then her brain kicked back on and she grasped it like a normal person. Shaking just long enough to not seem like an even bigger weirdo she pulled her hand back to clasp both in front of her fluttering stomach and say, “I-if you'll follow me I can show y-you to your room!”

Jessica nodded and motioned for her to lead the way, which she did after a moment of nodding like an idiot. Despite the trip down the hall barely being more than ten seconds long her client still managed to ask a question and further put Aurora off guard, “Am I your first client sweetheart?”

“W-what? N-no! I've had like ten clients today alone!”

“Okay,” Jessica chuckled, “Well there's no need to be nervous then right? I'm a real easy customer, you're mom's been taking care of me for years now!”

“Oh . . . g-good! Thank you for your business!” Aurora could just about kick herself for what she'd just said but luckily her customer didn't seem to notice. If she did she was too polite to say anything and the two of them stepped into the room with that part of the conversation mercifully concluded, “You can remove your c-clothes in the other room and put on one of the towels provided.”

“Lovely, thanks sweetheart!”

Watching her beautiful client saunter towards the door Aurora did everything in her power to calm herself. First but turning on the ambient music and then by lighting a little incense to make the room smell lovely. Her efforts seemed to bear some fruit in the couple of minutes Jessica was gone but as soon as she returned so did the butterflies, shaking knees, and all manner of embarrassing high school level antics. Seeing such a beautiful woman dressed only in a towel and knowing full well that she was naked beneath that immediately sent little shivers down Aurora's spine. Thankfully she managed to hide the bulk of them by moving towards the shelf laden with massage oils while her customer climbed onto the massage table. Feeling more unsure of herself than ever the nervous young woman lathered her hands like she had a thousand times before and turned around with a deep breath. Jessica was already lying flat on her stomach with her arms folded beneath her chin. She'd even removed her towel and draped it across her buttocks while leaving her entire back exposed. Like it really was her first time doing such a thing Aurora stared at her client for much, much longer than she should have before finally stepping forward and doing her job.

She reached out with ever so slightly trembling fingers to begin the massage and although she felt no small amount of nervousness her muscle memory and experience rather quickly took over. For several minutes things were about as mundane as they could be with Aurora's bright amber eyes staring vacantly down at Jessica while she worked out every knot and tension in her shoulders. It wasn't until her beautiful client let out a contented moan that things grew difficult once more. That sort of reaction should've been a completely run of the mill indication that she was doing something right and yet the moment Aurora's ears heard it she instantly made mountains out of molehills. All of a sudden she couldn't help but notice how soft Jessica's skin was, how warm she felt, and how she was completely lacking in any gross body hair. A faint whiff of jasmine and vanilla wafted past her nostrils and she drank it in without a second thought.

Pushing down with a little more force than usual just for an excuse to lean in Aurora caught another whiff of her client's soap and a little smile spread across her face. She quickly pulled back before her actions got too creepy or she ran the risk of sending the wrong message. Because no matter how much her heart was fluttering and her stomach was flipping over she was there to give a massage and nothing else. Despite what Mayumi claimed and often did. Another few minutes passed in relative mundanity with Jessica moaning ever so often and Aurora doing her best not to betray how much she enjoyed that sound. Eventually it came time for her to work on more than her client's shoulders and suddenly all her trepidation returned with a fiery vengeance. In her nearly single minded dedication to staying professional she hadn't so much as glanced anywhere but the spots at which she'd been working. Which meant when it came time to do the same with the long, smooth plane of skin that curved gently down to her buttocks Aurora was about as unprepared as one could be. She even let out a quiet gasp upon first making the trip with her slowly widening eyes.

“Is something wrong?” Jessica asked.

“N-no! Of course not!”

“Good because you're doing an amazing job!”

“T-thank you.”

Feeling a whole lot more proud of herself than usual Aurora resumed the massage with slightly less anxiety. That continued for all of a few minutes before her hands reached her client's waist and she noticed something that further eroded her composure. Just visible beneath the fluffy white edge of the towel and peeking out in manner that seemed almost manufacture was the uppermost top of Jessica's buttocks. For a split second Aurora thought it was her imagination, some trick played by her nervous mind after so many weeks without any kind of romantic involvement beyond what she did with her shower head. But after a quick glance away her eyes returned to find the barest hint of her customer's pert, round ass visible despite the towel that should've covered it. Once more a small gasp slipped out of her mouth only this time she managed to mask it by clearing her throat. She exercised every last ounce of willpower left in her body to tear her gaze away from that wildly enticing sight. Luckily her hands had continued their massaging despite her distraction so she didn't fully betray herself.

“Ohhhhhh I needed this!” Jessica quietly moaned, “I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed!”

“I'm glad you're enjoying the massage.” Aurora replied in a very stilted manner.

Jessica let out a little giggle but whether it was at her expense or something else she couldn't tell. Either way Aurora pushed it out of her mind as she finished her work and pulled away to apply more massage oil. Upon returning the started to massage her client's long, amazingly smooth legs all while doing her best not to think about or focus on what was hidden beneath the towel her hands were inexorably moving towards. Only when her fingers had drifted up Jessica's right thigh did Aurora suddenly realize just how little covering the towel draped across her buttocks provided. Not only had it been laid lengthwise across her buttocks but it'd also been folded for reasons that eluded her. The resulting effect left very little to the imagination with only shadows keeping her nudity hidden. Stopping a few inches shy of her client's buttocks out of naught but a desire to maintain the professionalism her mother demanded Aurora hesitated, her eyes staring into the shadows as if willing them to brighten. Luckily no such miracle happened and she resumed her massage for what felt like the tenth time.

But just as she was about to pull away and repeat the process on Jessica's other leg her client spoke, “Can you go a little higher?”

“Excuse me?”

“Could you go a little higher?” She asked in a tone that didn't seem to betray any sort of ulterior motive, “I've been working out a lot and I'm really sore just below my glutes.”

“Uhm . . . I don't usually—I mean that's not normally—we don't typically—”

Lifting up her head to glance back at her Jessica offered a disarmingly genuine smile and said, “If you're not comfortable with it don't worry. I understand.”

“I-it's not that I just . . . don't . . . uhm . . . I can—I can do it.”


“S-sure.” Aurora nodded. “N-no problem!”

She swallowed several times in quick succession and waited until Jessica was lying back down before making good on her promise. Her fingers moved at a snails pace as they crawled inexorably up her client's leg and towards the edge of the towel she'd been so effectively skirting. Though she paused upon reaching the spot that'd previously marked as far as she was willing to go Aurora didn't let her nerves get the best of her. There was nothing wrong with what she was doing. Nothing at all. At most it was a little bit of a gray area but even that felt inaccurate. This was just a masseuse fulfilling a good customer's request. That's it.

Repeating that assurance over and over again Aurora pushed her fingers beneath the towel to continued to massage. The moment she felt the contours of Jessica's amazingly soft yet appealingly firm buttocks her adrenaline spiked through her system. Her heart nearly exploded out of her chest and a rush of something easily defined and hard to ignore ran down her spine. But in her complete self absorption she failed to notice a similar reaction in her client. Although some part of her was definitely aware of the subtle tensing in her muscles and the small shiver that flickered through her body neither made any sort of a lasting impact on her. Not while she continued to move forward until her hands had almost completely vanished beneath the towel and her fingers were wrapped around the upper portions of Jessica's thighs while her thumbs were snugly squished against her buttocks. Just as she was about to wonder if she'd overstepped her bounds or something Aurora's client put those fears to rest.

“Perfect . . .” She sighed, “That feels great . . .”

“Okay . . .”

Not really sure why she always felt the need to respond Aurora tried her best to focus solely on the massage she was giving but such a thing was impossible. So long as she could feel even the barest hint of Jessica's buttocks there was no hope of her mind thinking about anything else. So rather than trying to fight it she simply let those thoughts occur while she did her job. Little did she realize while the movements of her fingers were perfectly normal the motions of her thumbs was slowly but surely growing more lascivious. While nine of her digits skillfully kneaded and massaged her client's supple muscles the remaining two had started shifting in ways that didn't belong anywhere outside of the bedroom. Gliding sensually across Jessica's cheeks in small, back and forth strokes they still maintained some facade of the massage she was giving even as they strived to feel more and more of her firm ass. And thanks to Aurora's decision to avoid deliberately pushing away any perverted thoughts her movements continued for much, much longer than they should have.

In fact the only thing that properly stopped her was little more than a holding pattern. Entirely on a whim and without any thought given to what she was doing Aurora quietly switched to Jessica's other leg to begin the process anew. Remembering what she was supposed to be doing she started with the normal side of the massage, gradually working her way up that long, smooth calf and across her nicely muscled thigh before she even considered anything else. Of course once she'd done that to a satisfactory degree she didn't show much hesitation before allowing her fingers to slip beneath the other side of the towel as per her client's request. Her fingers drifted to around the same point and her thumbs resumed their gentle stroking of her cheek as though there wasn't anything strange about it at all. She even managed to convince herself that was she was doing was simply part of a different kind of massage. After all it wasn't like there was only one type. There were probably hundreds that focused on areas like the buttocks! Upon thinking that a smile spread across Aurora's face. Maybe she'd look into that when she was finished. It could make for a very informative reading and it never hurt to broaden one's horizons. She might even—

“You can remove the towel if it's in the way.”

“What?” Aurora asked, her thoughts elsewhere and her mind unable to process what'd been said to her.

Sitting up to look back with that same genuine grin as before Jessica repeated herself, “You can remove the towel if it's in the way . . .”

Silence exploded between them with only the gentle ambient music to break it up. Aurora could only stare the breathtakingly attractive woman before her while her mind reeled at the prospect of what was being offered. Every fiber of her rational mind knew she should've politely declined and perhaps even conclude the massage then and there. What was being offered, or at the very least the implication that came with it, went against everything her mother stood for. It flew in the face of what the massage parlor was supposed to be and it was something Aurora herself had never even considered. But rather than doing anything rational like voicing those issues or simply excusing herself from the situation altogether she could only nod. She wasn't even truly aware of her unspoken agreement until the towel covering Jessica's body had fallen away and her nude form was suddenly exposed to the wide eyed look of amazement spread across the face of her young masseuse. Instead of saying anything or even acknowledging what was happening the blonde haired bombshell simply laid back down as though nothing had happened which left her dark skinned companion more nervous than ever.

Experiencing shivers like she'd just stepped into a walk in freezer Aurora stared at Jessica's tight ass as though it were the first one she'd ever seen. But it wasn't just the perfectly sculpted shape or the rather prominent bikini tan lines that made her rump such an appealing sight. It was the little hint of what lay behind them that pulled her in. That barest glimpse of plump outer lips and soft pink folds. The teasing sight of curly blonde hair tousled against the massage table. An undeniable aroma of something that made her head spin and her heart pound. Aurora stared for much, much longer than she should have but for once she didn't think about how such a thing might come across. Under the circumstances it hardly made sense to fret about that sort of thing.

“D-did you—did you want me to—to massage your—your glutes as well?” She stammered.

“If you don't mind . . .” Jessica replied in a rather unambiguously husky tone.


Though she knew full well what road she was headed down Aurora slowly reached out towards those perfect buttocks without delay. Her heart was ready to burst from the excitement and she didn't even have enough massage oil left on her fingers to provide a flimsy justification for what was about to happen. But she didn't care. The moment her fingers made contact with Jessica's beautiful ass everything just sort of faded into the background. Grabbing to big handfuls of her client's cheeks she didn't waste a single thought on what she was doing or why. Aurora simply squeezed them until her companion let out a little whimper. Her digits quickly relaxed their grip a little bit as her attention was pulled somewhere else. Because in addition to feeling those unimaginably soft yet perfectly firm cheeks she also caught an even better glimpse of the warm, damp sex they were obscuring. And the moment her eyes fell across that she didn't have any other desire than to see it again. Since she was much, much too timid to simply spread open Jessica's ass like some kind of deviant Aurora instead settled for a slow, sensual groping.

One that moved her client's buttocks in such a way that every so often they were pushed apart just far enough for her to drink in the sight she was truly yearning for. An unintentional but welcome side effect of this was the way her movements gradually pulled open Jessica's glistening folds. While they'd been well on their way to spreading open on their own the assistance provided by Aurora's pawing let them do so even faster than normal. Each time her hands moved in their vaguely clockwise and counterclockwise motions she got to see a little more of the soft pink flesh normally hidden away. It wasn't until her excitement got the best of her and she moved a little more forcefully than before that Aurora was truly given a chance to revel in the circumstances she found herself in. With her thumbs cradling the underside of Jessica's buttocks and dark fingers stretched across the rest pushing down hard enough to make little mounds of flesh rise up between them she pulled her client's cheeks further apart than ever before. A soft moan filled the room but surprisingly it didn't come from the woman being fondled.

Rather it slipped from the lips of the woman standing above her watching as the gloriously creamy lips of her customer's pussy finally opened like a blossoming flower and the full scope of her amazingly pink inner folds were revealed. Jessica did let out a quiet whimper of her own soon after but it was almost unheard in the heady silence that followed Aurora's reaction. It certainly passed by completely unacknowledged by the young masseuse while she stared at her companion's bare sex and watched in delight as little beads of arousal formed all across it. She slowly licked her lips and breathed loudly through her nose in a manner that might have been off putting had it not been paired with a genuinely enraptured look across her soft face. Her mind was only dimly aware of Jessica propping herself up to loo back at her once again so great was her fixation. Everything about it just looked sumptuous and the longer she stared the more layered her own arousal became. 

First it was simply the sight of a beautiful woman's naked pussy. Then added to that was the transgression of seeing a client in such a compromising position. From there the fact that she was also flying in the face of her mother's orders and her own beliefs. On top of those wonderful reasons was the knowledge that she hadn't been involved with another woman in ages. All of those things blended together inside her like a cocktail of bad decisions. One that would almost certainly see her giving in to her urges if left to her own devices. But that didn't seem like such a bad thing, even when her hands resumed their movements and Jessica's beautiful sex was returned to the brief but enticing flashes that'd been glimpsed before. If anything suddenly returning to that system was almost worse. Having her staring back with an unrepentant smile certainly didn't help either.

“Am I your first sweetheart?” Jumping a little at her companion's voice and wholly unable to speak Aurora cleared her throat before shaking her head. “Good . . . why don't you give it a little spank?”

While she had no idea why that was good she was hardly going to question the command she'd been given afterwards. Raising her left hand she brought it down with a soft but echoing smack. Jessica let out a satisfied moan as her whole body shivered. Aurora felt a warm stain spreading across her panties as a nervous tingle lit up the rest of her body. Lifting up her right hand she repeated the motion and was given the exact same rewards for doing so. Her fingers instinctively went back to groping and playing with the soft buttocks offered to her as she let out the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. 

“Harder . . .”

Offering a quiet nod Aurora pulled her left hand into the air and and gave the buttock on which it'd be perched a swat. Her fingers bounced off it's firm contours to rise back up and she watched as her ass jiggled pleasingly in the warm light. After a second or two the faintest outline of handprint appeared across her alabaster skin and it's presence only made both women shiver all the more. Once she was finished admiring the incredibly pleasing sight Aurora gave Jessica's other cheek the same treatment, her right hand moving even faster and landing even harder than the left. The room was filled with the sound of that firm spank along with the sound of aroused moans as the two of them sank a little deeper into their growing debauchery.

Jessica took it to a whole new level a few seconds later when she suddenly rolled onto her back, spread open her legs, and said “Let's stop fooling around and get to the real fun!”

Suddenly faced with the kind of thing normally occupying her fantasies Aurora stared at her companion's naked and thoroughly inviting pussy for what must have been an eternity. In truth it was only a few seconds but in that time she managed to run the whole gamut of emotions, rationalizations, and wild impulses. All the while staring with wide eyes and a radiant smile at perhaps the most beautiful vagina she'd ever laid eyes on. And to make matters better in the handful of moments that passed between Jessica's sudden position change and Aurora's response a little trickle of fluids had seeped out of her slit to pool on the massage table. It very much mirrored exactly what was happening beneath Aurora's white scrubs and the symmetry was not lost on her at all. When she finally stepped forward it was with a slightly ungainly lurch born of excitement and a little bit of fear. She was midway through climbing onto the table to bury her face in Jessica's pussy when she heard something that made her pause.

“Right this way ma'am,” her mother said from the hallway, “Feel free to get changed in the . . .” 

Although her voice faded the impact it had on her daughter didn't and rather than continuing Aurora pulled back, “I can't.” She murmured, staring down at her feet in shame, “I-I'm not supposed to . . . I can't do that to my mom . . .”

Jessica laughed and for a moment Aurora thought she was about to be mocked for her values. But her companion continued to surprise by instead saying, “I understand. Your mom runs a clean business and you don't wanna tarnish that right?”

“Yeah . . .”

“I think that's very sweet and very noble of you.”

“Really?” Aurora lifted her head to look at Jessica and despite what she'd just said she couldn't help but feel disappointment upon seeing her legs close.

“Definitely. In a way I respect your commitment.”

“In a way?”

“Well,” Jessica laughed as she approached her masseuse and folded her arms, “You are blue balling me pretty hard right now so I can't exactly say I'm thrilled!”

“S-sorry! I didn't mean to let it get this far . . . you're just so pretty and I don't know what came over me but I had no—”

Pressing a finger against Aurora's lips Jessica giggled and said, “You can stop being charming now. You've already won me over sweetheart.”

“O-okay . . .”

“Since you're already done with the real massage I think I'll get dressed now. Maybe hit up one of my booty calls.”

Aurora blushed and nodded, once again feeling enormously disappointed in herself. She watched Jessica turn around, or more accurately she watched Jessica's ass swaying back and forth, and step into the side room. The fact that she didn't close the door as she got dressed felt like one last temptation thrown at her but she resisted it despite wanting to give in. Watching that beautiful women get dressed was a sight she wouldn't forget for a long, long time. Upon returning to the main room she was wearing a strangely upbeat smile. One that seemed wholly at odds with how she should be feeling under the circumstances. Rather than strolling out of the room and leaving she instead approached Aurora as the shy young woman stood there sheepishly clasping her hands in front of her aching sex. Before she could ask what her client was doing the blonde haired beauty slid an arm around the back of her head and pulled her into a kiss.

As their lips met Aurora's eyes flared open and her whole body tensed. She felt Jessica's tongue slip into her mouth and her stomach subsequently did a flip. But after the initial shock wore off she found herself returning the kiss with gusto. While it was hardly the sort of thing she should be doing after what'd just happened it was difficult not to give in at least a little. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she leaned into her companion's embrace with a quiet moan. After a little bit her own tongue soon joined in on the fun and for several beautiful seconds they stood there sharing a kiss that could've been so much more if not for Aurora's restraint. Knowing that made it feel all the more passionate while it was happening and all the more melancholy when it finally ended. Although that feeling didn't arrive immediately because she was far too busy standing there in a daze after one of the best kisses of her young life.

“Tell you what,” Jessica said with her hand still lightly holding Aurora's dark hair, “Why don't you give me a call some time? We can do this where you won't have any problems . . .”

“I-I'd like that!”

“So would I.” They exchanged numbers, with Aurora fumbling a little bit as she tried to work her phone, before Jessica finally approached the door, “You'd better call me in the next couple of days. I might have to come back and ruin this place's reputation if you don't.”

“I-I'll definitely call.” She promised, “Thank you!”

Opening the door and pausing just long enough for a wink and a sardonic remark Jessica said, “Don't thank me yet sweetheart!”

Aurora laughed for want of something better to react with and nodded. Her companion blew her a little kiss and then departed before anything else could be said. Suddenly standing alone with her thoughts the young masseuse was at a loss. Her mind was racing a mile a minute and it showed no signs of stopping any time soon. There was no telling how long she might have stood there playing over everything that'd happened and examining it from all angles had her phone not suddenly buzzed. She looked it out of pure habit and saw a message from Stacy in the group chat. With a few quick taps the text was displayed on screen and she had something to focus her attention on.

“fuck im bored!!!!” it read.

“Did you guys still want to hang out?” Aurora asked.

“u no it bithc!!!” Stacy replied.

“that gave me eye cancer” Sarah quickly added.

“my phone threw up” Gwen chimed in.

“fuc u both!!!” Stacy answered.

Laughing at their antics Aurora typed out, “I'm getting off now. Where should we meet?”

“the mall I wana hear bout the dudes u jacked of 2day!”

“god ur a perv!”

“seriously stace!”

Feeling a little emboldened by what'd happened to her Aurora bit her lip and wrote a message that was sure to leave her friends eager to know more, “I actually do have a story to tell you guys when we meet up . . .”


Sophia Dearden

This was a really fun story and a great way to start things off. Aurora does not get nearly enough attention and any girl on girl content from you is a serious treat.


I agree, Aurora is definitely underserved and I'm more than happy to rectify that a little bit whenever I can!