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I hope you guys are in the mood for something  naughty and fun because this commission isn't my wildest one but I had fun writing it and I think that comes across. So anyone who likes buxom Elven woman dominating Human clerics should definitely find something to like here! I've also included the reference image I was given for the female character introduced in this story (I'd fully advise giving it a look before you read because she's quite beautiful). She's the OC of one of my patrons and if you like her design be sure to speak up!

Life in the Valley of Stone was as simple as could be. Despite it's relative size nothing of note ever happened in the sleepy little mining colony. Business was going strong, as it had for generations, and neither the population nor the ruling class overseeing it all had any interest in changing things. The only way excitement ever found its way into town was on the heels of an interesting traveler passing through on the way to bigger and more important parts of the world. Sometimes a traveling mage would delight the citizenry with a show of prestidigitation for an evening. Sometimes a theater troupe would wander by and share the latest plays or stories sweeping through the rest of the kingdom. And sometimes a noble and their retinue would make an appearance as part of their tour through the lands they'd likely be owning someday. To the people living in the Valley of Stone it was all just a mild oddity as banal as finding a small vein of metal in their quarries. Nobody ever came to the colony to settle down and even the most interesting travelers eventually grew bored with the banal little town and it's simple Dwarven inhabitants. So when a newcomer did remain for longer than a few days it was quite a notable occurrence. If that stranger happened to be an up and coming cleric in the Order of Golden Fire curiosity turned to adoration overnight. Within a week the name Caleb Brightflame was on the lips of every villager and the miracles he'd performed were becoming the stuff of local legend. In a month he was the de-facto leader of the local church and something of a pillar in the community. No one wanted him to leave and it looked as though he never would. At least as long as the admiration continued to flow as readily as the beer.

Each day after the sermons were completed and the work day had ended he held court in the local tavern where he regaled all who could attend with stories of his personal exploits. Nearly every miner in the town came to hear his tales and ask his advice on matters of love, life, and faith. Caleb was happy to answer them all with the same brazen confidence that bordered arrogance. Without his divinely ordained abilities he might have been mistaken for any common braggard trying to inflate his self worth in the eyes of a pretty barmaid or a stern elder. But after weeks of seeing his magic, heeding his words, and experiencing his certainty there was no denying the kind of man he was. Not once had any of the villagers seen him stumped by a question they posed him. No matter how delicate or strange he always had an answer for them. He even spoke to the more bashful citizens in private when they were unable to unwilling to seek his advice in the tavern. And the longer he remained the more his legend continued to grow. Despite how small and insular the Valley of Stone was rumors about him managed to abound as though some great, tireless mill was churning them out as efficiently as the miners produced dust and rocks. Every little boon or positive development was attributed either to him directly or the favor they were granted by his presence in their community. When a baby boy was born with a fine coating of fuzz across his jaw the people praised the Order of Golden Fire and Caleb Brightflame. When a woman finally had the courage to wed the man she loved the people praised the Order of Golden Fire and Caleb Brightflame. And when a new vein of mithral was discovered in the bones of the earth the people praised the Order of Golden Fire and Caleb Brightflame. Such was his reputation none could imagine a scenario where he might not have the answers, where he might not know exactly how to act. It was simply unheard of. Until Drada Gallaer arrived in town.

If travelers to the Valley of Stone were rare then female travelers were even more uncommon and tall Elven maidens were all but unthinkable. When the watchmen keeping an eye on the road saw her sauntering towards them they had to rub their eyes and look at one another to confirm she was truly there. Even from the top of the palisades and several hundred feet away she was a sight to behold. As she confidently walked up to them with a smile on her lips and a gleam in her eyes it took all of their willpower to not leap off the wall and greet her personally. Instead they announced the presence of a traveler and the gates swung open. They craned their necks and stared with open mouth astonishment until she disappeared beneath them. When she emerged from the other side the did the one thing they weren't supposed to and turned their back towards the road to continue ogling her. Luckily for them no hidden archers of murderous cutthroats emerged to capitalize on their distraction and they were able to ogle Drada's beauty without any restrictions.

Although she was almost ethereal in her beauty and grace she had two strikingly defining features that set her apart from other women and even other Elves. The first and most noticeable was a brilliantly thick mane of wavy hair. It faded into a more purple hue close to her head while the rest was a soft, smoky color that looked equal parts soft and mysterious. Blessed with a volume and thickness that could make any being jealous her tresses extended past her waist at their longest point and well beyond the reach of her already broad shoulders at their widest. More like a long, natural cloak than any normal locks her untamed hair was matched only by the dusky brown color of her skin. Unlike every other Elf that'd visited the Valley of Stone of the years she had a rich, warm complexion that juxtaposed wonderfully with not only the shade of her hair and the piercing, diamond like luster of her eyes but also the crystalline nature of her earrings. Possessed of large, sharply contoured ears that emerged from her tresses to extend several inches from her head, the lobes were decorated with thick, multi faceted gems surrounded by smaller, dangling striations. Higher up each ear was a trio of glittering studs connected by a chain and topped off with another bright crystal. It all matched the necklace and other accouterments resting across her shoulders and collarbone while at the same time contrasting perfectly with deep, onyx pigment of her clothing. Or at least what little she actually wore across her voluptuously wide and buxom form.

If her natural appearance was the height of exoticism her attire was the garnish that pushed her from unearthly beautiful to a goddess among mortals. A pair of elegant heels covered her feet and accentuated the long, sheet stockings that ran up her gorgeously thick and seemingly endless legs. They stopped around the middle of her plump thighs and gave way to a pair of straps on the front and back connecting to a lattice work of cords running across her taut belly, wide hips, and incredibly buxom chest. Nearly every part of her impossibly sultry form was left exposed by her 'clothes' with only a trio of small, triangular scraps of cloth covering her massive, perfectly rounded breasts and hiding what was surely a gorgeous womanhood. Everywhere else, including her breathtakingly large buttocks were left free to the rapacious looks of everyone she passed. Only a single cord all but swallowed up by her incomparable ass kept her clothed by the most basic definition. The only true articles of clothing on her body were the sleeves connected to the choker like neckline of outfit. Ending just past her wrists and hugging her naturally slender forearms the cloth suddenly and explosively bloomed into the kind of puffy, voluminous contours usually found on the most extravagant wedding dresses around her shoulders. This odd yet incredibly fitting element was similarly matched by what could only be described as a bridal train flowing down her back to drift along the ground behind her. Made of the same sheer fabric as her stockings it did very little to hide her body and in many ways it simply drew attention to what was already being focused on.

Unsurprisingly her face and handful of other elements about her appearance were the last thing many noticed, even if those elements often held their attention even more firmly than the rest of her unbelievable appearance. For as striking as her crystal blue eyes were they were nothing without the other aspects that made her countenance so otherworldly to simple folk. The full yet delicately plucked eyebrows resting above them spoke to her nobility as surely as the double studded piercing in the bridge of her strong, prominent nose spoke to her wildness. A faint yet unmistakable dusting of shadow around her eyes matched the deep black coloring of her full lips along with the tribal like marking that ran across her chin from the bottom of her lip. When paired with the large and prominently displayed tattoos across her thighs, calves, and right above her navel it gave her an exoticism that the rest of her appearance only hinted at. The inking across her legs displayed a multitude of beautifully detailed flowers and other plants, all outlined in black without any color to clash with her skin. In contrast to these the one above her bellybutton and almost smothered by the underside of her breasts was of a brightly flickering candle resting in the center of a crescent moon.

If there was any being in the world who knew just how much of a striking figure she cut no matter where she went it was Drada herself. Her sultry grin only continued to widen as she walked through the village and the eyes of every villager she passed followed her. She could almost hear their jaws dropping, men and women alike staring at her swaying hips and lightly jiggling ass with every step she took. Their adoration was quite thrilling even if she experienced that reaction nearly everywhere she went. Perhaps it was the vast gulf in their social standings or simply the fact that she could tempt even surly, stone headed Dwarves but in the handful of minutes it took for her to reach the inn Drada was practically glowing with delight. Upon entering the building she naturally turned the head of every single patron within the place. Their wide eyed stares and the sudden silence that filled the room was like the sweetest music to her ears. Her eyes roamed the dark, sturdy tavern that formed the ground floor, their mysterious blue gleam stopping on the face of each Dwarf for a moment as she inspected her lodgings. Some visibly tensed at her stare, others seemed to melt into their seats, and a few offered bashful smiles but it wasn't until she looked towards the largest gathering of Stonefolk that she found a reaction that truly took her by surprise. At least when compared to the expressions on the rest of the people's faces.

Because while the rest of the congregation around him had the same awestruck look as their peers the priest they were gathered around displayed a far more interesting emotion: fear. Though she couldn't say with absolute certainty his fear seemed to be born not out of concern for his well being or those around him but rather an unfamiliarity with the kind of woman she was. As though he'd never been confronted by someone like her or at the very least had never been in a position of authority when such a thing happened. But it was only there for a moment before vanishing beneath a confident smile that was made all the amusing by virtue of what it was hiding. Deciding he would be the one to occupy her time while she was passing through the mining town Drada sauntered towards the young priest with a telling grin. Her eyes locked with his and she made sure he knew precisely why he was the one being singled out among all the rest. Once more she saw the barest flicker of trepidation dart across his features yet the moment one of his flock glanced at him it was gone from the priest's face. He nodded to the man and all the Dwarves moved aside so the newcomer could sit opposite him at the stone table.

Looking directly at the priest with her head tilted to the side and a smile on her lips Drada asked in a beautifully husky voice, “What's your name handsome?”

“C-Caleb Brightflame.”

One of her eyebrows seductively arched as her grin widened a little, “Of the Order of Golden Fire?”

“You've heard of me?” He replied, his tone a conflicting mess of confidence and surprise. She noticed his chest puff ever so slightly a moment later.

“No. But I do know the heraldry of your Order.”

“Oh, of course.”

“Drada Gallaer.”

“I-I beg your pardon?”

“And you have it.”

“Right. W-what was that you just said?”

“Drada Gallaer.” She repeated with a laugh that made everyone in the tavern suck in a breath and smile, “It's what you may call me.”

“Of course.” He almost introduced himself again but he quickly remained that part of their interaction had already taken place, “What brings you to the Valley of Stone?”



“Nothing.” She repeated. “I've come here because it's where the road led me. But now that I've arrived I'm glad it did.”

“You are? Why is that?”

Leaning forward in a way that pushed her breasts together and squished them against the table Drada smiled at Caleb and asked, “Why don't you tell me Lord Brightflame? From the way you carry yourself and the reverence these Dwarves have for you it seems like you'd know my answer.”

“Of course,” Caleb leaned back from her and adopted an air of confidence and aloof calm despite his movement coming from a place of pure nerves, “Obviously you're looking for adventure. A woman like you isn't satisfied with the tedium of a life in a city. That's why you left and embarked on this journey to begin with.”

“Well said.” She remarked, “Perhaps a little vague and obvious but certainly not incorrect. Now why don't you tell me what kind of adventure I'm looking for? Perhaps if you can guess that we'll have more to talk about than your religion . . .”

Acutely aware of everyone in the tavern watching and listening to their exchange the young priest took a deep breath and sized up the woman before him. He did his best not to stare at the more obvious and distracting aspects of her appearance, even though they all but spelled out the answer to her question verbatim. Instead he tried to read beyond them and see the Elf underneath. Little did her realize what he was seeing was precisely what she was and had he been even half as perceptive as he though the answer would've been so abundantly clear even a child could perceive it. But because he lacked experience in most areas beyond the spiritual the answer he eventually came up with couldn't find it's way out of the narrow box he'd been taught to think in.

“You seek fulfillment. Perhaps through material wealth, perhaps through fame, perhaps through spiritual guidance.”

“And you were doing so well . . .” Drada lamented, slowly leaning back and heaving an overly dramatic sigh, “I suppose I should be fair and say you're aren't wrong in every aspect . . . but even so I thought you more perceptive than that. Perhaps it isn't fair to expect a priest to notice such things . . .”

Taken aback by her disappointed tone Caleb watched his alluring companion stand up and for a split second panic gripped his heart, “Hold a moment!” He said in a commanding tone that, for a second, completely hit how he felt, “I wasn't finished.” 

“Now that's an encouraging remark.” She replied, returning to her seat and grinning at him, “I like a man who can finish a task properly.”

“I am such a man.”

“That remains to be seen Lord Brightflame.”

He ignored her continued use of ill fitting honorifics, uncertain of what she was doing even while his ego swelled just a little bit with every comment, “You may also be seeking fulfillment in a more base fashion. Fulfillment of the flesh perhaps?” It was a guess pure and simple, something motivated by naught by his own libido and the quiet hope that he might earn a reward for being correct, “You seek companionship . . . do you not?”

From the smile lighting up her face and the wild twinkle in her eyes he knew he was right. What he didn't expect was the bluntness of her response, “I like to fuck.” Drada said in a voice as clear and carrying as it was beautifully husky, “Man, woman, or beast I love sex. My travels take me wherever I might find interesting, pleasurable company. It doesn't matter if that's in the center of a coronation or in the back room of a tavern. I enjoy fucking. If you wish to ascribe some deeper meaning to it then you're welcome to do so. But the way I see it few things are more fun that an honest rutting. It lets us know we're alive and it feels damn good when you do it right. Which I always do . . .”

By the end of her monologue Drada was leaning forward again, her glittering eyes staring directly into Caleb's with such an intensity he felt like he might burst into flame, “I-I see . . .”

“I'm not sure you do. But I can help with that.” She rose to her feet and sauntered away from the table with the wide eyed stare of every person in the tavern following her every step.

“Where are you going?” He asked in a voice equal parts demanding and hopeful.

“To my bedroom.” Drada replied, “I expect you to follow me.” She turned away and started descending the steps only to stop and look back at him through her wild mane of hair, “Or else I might have to begin without you . . .”

“But you haven't paid for a room!”

“Of course not!” She called, disappearing from view, “But I'm sure you have . . .”

Caleb looked at his awestruck flock, his expression just as surprised as theirs. After a few seconds his body realized how much time he'd already wasted and he scrambled to his feet. He stammered out a handful of excuses to those around him before rushing down the stairs half expecting Drada to have vanished into some other lucky patron's room. Although it felt exceptionally perverse part of him couldn't help but lean in and listen at every door he passed, the image of his mysterious Elven companion lying with another man, or perhaps even a woman, filling his head each time. But he heard nothing and upon rounding the corner he found her casually leaning against a wall, her arms folded and a sultry grin spread across her face. When he opened his mouth to say something she suddenly stepped forward and pressed a finger against his lips. It took a few seconds of wide eyed staring for him to truly get the message. He offered a little nod and Drada giggled in a most sultry way.

“Take me to your room.” She instructed, “Or I just might burst with anticipation . . .”

Caleb nodded and slipped past her, his eyes fixed on the floor as crimson flooded his cheeks. Almost hoping she was teasing him and nothing would come of it he led her down the corridor to the very end of the inn. He pushed open the last door on the right and heard her slip in behind him. As soon as the heaven wooden portal swung shut he felt a rush of adrenaline spike through his body. When he turned around to face her she was standing with her back against the door. Her hands were pressed against the wood somewhere around her rump and she had an incredibly wild expression on her face. It was almost enough to make him recoil. Never in his life had he been so nakedly ogled by a woman. At least not that he could ever recall. But there was no other way to describe Drada's gaze as she bit her lip and stared at him. She drank in his tall, for a human, and well muscled build, the way his sandy brown hair parted, his strong yet undeniably youthful face, and the almost stern contours of his jawline that contrasted so well with his unabashed nervousness. Although she'd thought him quite handsome from the moment she saw him it was only when they were alone and he stood before her like a lost lamb that she really felt the urge to pounce. Of course she resisted that urge in favor of sauntering towards him with the confidence of a Queen, her every move perfectly choreographed to accentuate her beauty and draw his eyes towards the voluptuous curves few women and fewer men ever had a chance to truly enjoy. 

As expected he instinctively backed up as soon as she started approaching but Drada remained unfazed by his seeming reticence. She could see the bulge in his trousers and that telltale gleam in his eyes. He wanted her even if he wasn't sure he could handle her. So she strolled through his sparsely furnished room, past the little altar dedicated to his order, and right up to the bed pushed into the corner. Because whether by accident or intention Caleb had backed himself up to the very place she planned on mounting him and riding until the foundations cracked and the entire town heard her pleasured cry. He seemed quite surprised when he felt the stone frame collide with his calves and he even glanced backwards at the sudden obstacle. It was during that momentary distraction that she darted forward, her inhuman reflexes coming in handy yet again. When he turned back Drada was so close he could smell the beautiful fragrance of her body, that unmistakable yet wholly unfamiliar hint of arousal that wafted off her like pollen from a flower. Swallowing several times and looking from her face to her massive and barely covered breasts just barely touching his chest Caleb was at a complete loss. His mind tried to guess what the next step would be but somehow in the back of his mind he didn't think her the type to begin with a kiss. Everything about her coquettish smile and aura of utter control told him there was something even better on the horizon. Though he didn't have the slightest idea what that might be

“What are you doing?” He asked in a tone that no doubt sounded very authoritative in his head.

“I'm pulling your cock out of your trousers.” She replied, “Then I'm going to wrap my lips around it and slide the whole thing into my mouth.”

“B-but that's not—you aren't supposed to—by the Gods!”

Not the least bit concerned with whatever it was he was saying Drada did exactly as she promised, her delight upon confirming how well endowed he was evident in the speed at which she swallowed up his member. Although it was nearly a foot long and as thick around as her wrist she had no trouble at all enveloping the full length of his dick. Thanks to years of practice and a lifelong passion for educating virgins and 'corrupting' holy men she knew her way around a cock. In the blink of an eye her dark lips were pressed against his rather hairy loins and his balls were resting firmly against her sharp chin. Her piercing blue eyes stared up at him as her hands gradually slithered up his thighs until they were poised to wrap around the base of his shaft. When she started to pull back her fingers eagerly grabbed the neck of his dick, locking him in place and letting him witness in full the sight of his own prick gradually emerging from her throat. Never in his life had Caleb heard of a woman doing such a thing and while his sexual knowledge was impossibly limited the fact that what she was doing hadn't become a widespread practice seemed downright criminal. Because after twenty years of celibacy suddenly feeling the warm, inviting touch of a woman was akin when he'd discovered his true calling. He watched his glistening cock emerge from her lips inch by inch and prayed there was more beyond what she'd already shown him. If there was he'd marry her the very instant she was finished and if there wasn't he'd still propose as soon as he figured out how to talk properly.

Caleb almost thanked every God he could think of when Drada pushed forward and enveloped his cock once more. His hands leapt to her head and his fingers tangled themselves in her wild mane as she effortlessly sucked his entire length back into her throat. Although he couldn't see the way her neck bulged from the sheer size of his member or the sodden state of the cloth covering her womanhood he could still tell with absolutely certainty how much she was enjoying herself. The gleam in her eyes as her lips returned to the base of his prick and the entirely genuine sounding moans that burst from her overstuffed mouth as soon as she was spoke volumes. And while he couldn't see the intense arousal filling her body he could surely smell the beautiful aroma of her sex as it coated her thighs and let a growing puddle on the stone beneath her. By the time she'd pulled back and gobbled up his prick once more Caleb felt like he'd been struck dumb by the pleasure assaulting him. His every sense was overcome by the carnal bliss she was giving him and his mind was swimming through a haze, wholly content to remain there for the rest of eternity. He didn't even realize his back was hunching and his grip was tightening with every passing second. He couldn't even feel the growing pressure in his loins as she softly fondled his balls. He was completely unaware of what was about to happen even while Drada could feel and see every sign from the smallest twitch to the largest shiver. Twice more she managed to slide back and forth across his member as spit trailed down her chin and pleasure gripped them both.

An almost pained and deeply instinctual groan burst from Caleb's mouth around the time Drada's wonderful lips were gliding back down his cock. She felt his entire body tense and a wide smile spread across her face. Immediately lunging forward to bury the whole of his dick inside her again she looked up at him as best she could while he experienced the first orgasm of his life. Pleasure flooded his entire body, all of it radiating outward from his loins as his mind went blank and the world seemed to vanish for a second. Twenty years of thick, pent up cum erupted from his dick like water from a broken dam, his seed gushing into Drada's belly in a quantity that actually took her by surprise. In the blink of an eye her empty stomach was filled with jizz as his fluids cascaded into her guts and filled her with the most toe curling warmth. Each pulse of his prick brought with it another jet of creamy seed and they were arriving so fast it was as if it were all a single, endless flow. Within a few seconds she was moaning just as passionately as he was and their mutual pleasure was heard by everyone in the surrounding rooms. Her tongue worked what little of his dick it could reach while her hands tenderly massaged his sack and coaxed every last drop of cum that she could. The wet, sloppy sounds of her literally sucking him dry soon joined the cacophony filling the room and it all lasted for nearly thirty, wonderful seconds. 

By the time he was finished emptying his balls Caleb had never felt more drained yet paradoxically exhilarated in his life. He wanted to collapse against the bed and sleep for days but his body simply wouldn't let him. Instead he watched Drada slowly retreat from his cock at a leisurely pace, her smile growing wide with every inch that left her mouth. When the head of his shaft appeared on the edge of her lips something about the sight before him sent a shudder through the young cleric's body. A couple extra spurts of jizz launched from his member to splash across her lips and ooze down her beautifully dusky skin. For a moment it looked as though he might have even more to give her but when no extra morsels arrived she let his dick fall away and instead gave him a little bit of coaxing.

“Now don't tell me that's all a mighty cleric of the Order of Golden Fire has to offer!” Drada cooed. She wiped away the cum clinging to the corners of her mouth and sucked the errant fluids from her fingertips in a lascivious display, “I expected so much more from you . . .”

“Of course that's not all . . .” Caleb panted, “But I've never—I mean this isn't common—I mean I don't know—”

“I'm well aware how much experience members of your Order tend to have.” She laughed, “But don't worry, by the time I'm done you'll know more than enough . . .”

Drada straightened and playfully shoved her companion. He tumbled onto the bed as awkwardly as one could, immediately sitting up in case she did something he didn't want to miss. His eagerness was immediately rewarded as she whispered a soft incantation. The little black strips of cloth stretched across her breasts and between her thighs vanished in a flash of purple light and he was suddenly stared at a near completely naked woman. Her large, oval shaped areola were absolutely breathtaking. Far more puffy than he expected and colored a rich, deep brown he could feel his mouth watering and his cock throbbing at the mere sight of them situated at the center of her massive, round breasts. But Caleb didn't ogle her bosom for nearly as long as he thought he would because there was a far more delectable prize situated a short distance down. Half hidden between her beautifully thick thighs and absent any hair at all was the first vagina he'd ever seen in his entire life. Almost awestruck by how simple yet pretty her womanhood looked he stared with wide eyed amazement at her supple lips and the little trickle of fluids leaking from them. The barest hint of pink was visible between the slightly darker outer folds and it almost looked like there was some sort of button at the crest of her sex. Since he had no idea what he was seeing and the only thing he could really be sure of was that he loved it Caleb didn't have the slightest idea what could happen next. He was only dimly aware of the fact that his cock was supposed to go inside that soft, glistening place.

What he didn't anticipate at all was Drada bending down to grab his ankles and suddenly lift his legs into the air. Although her movement did afford him a chance to see her beautiful tits swaying and dangling under the cruel yet pleasing force of gravity. The moment was gone soon afterwards and he was instead looking at her grinning face as she gently pushed his legs backwards until his knees were nearly pressed against his chest. Caleb felt a small amount of discomfort as his muscles were stretched in ways he rarely experienced but a combination of arousal and curiosity kept him rooted in place. He watched Drada climb onto the bed above him and squat over his cock, her hands still gripping his ankles with a soft yet firm touch. His eyes immediately darted down towards her sodden pussy just in time to watch a long strand of arousal drip from those silken folds and land directly against his pulsing cock. An audible gasp erupted from his lips upon feeling that warmth against his flesh and without even realizing it his hands curled into fists against the blanket. 

Caleb watched in wide eyed shock as she slowly lowered herself the handful of inches necessary to press the unfathomable soft lips of her pussy against the center of his shaft and the moment the two connected he couldn't help but groan. Drada let out a pleasured gasp of her own as his dick immediately throbbed against her slit in a very pleasing way. She softly chuckled at the look on his face and started to grind against him in long, deliberately slow strokes. Although she desperately wanted his prick inside her she knew better than to jump right into the fun. It was always so much better with a little teasing and if the look on his face was any indication her companion agreed. Or at least he would have were it not stared vacantly up at her like a fish out of water. With the practiced ease of a woman used to all manner of lewd activities Drada slid up and down his length as effortlessly as a normal person might breath. Her pussy glided all the way up to the tip of his member before drifting all the way down until it nearly left his body entirely. Then the process was repeated as an ever growing coating of warm fluids soaked Caleb's dick and the rest of his clothes. Because after maybe two passes her cunt was absolutely drenched with arousal and she'd always been one to share the wealth. In fact the more languidly she moved the more copiously fluids oozed from her pussy. Undoubtedly because of how easy it was to press her clit against his wildly twitching length when gliding forward. Back and forth she went as her poor little cleric was left to pant and groan beneath her, his mind and body struggling with the anticipation of something more and the pleasure involved with what he was already enjoying.

“Most men would've cum by now,” She remarked after several minutes. The aroused and impressed tone in her soft voice was evident with every syllable she spoke. “You just might last long enough to really have fun . . .”

Caleb groaned in a rather needy fashion and his dick throbbed harder than ever against her pussy. She smiled at his response and rewarded him with a few more chances to enjoy the feel of her cunt dragging pleasurably against his shaft. But then she started to notice the precum leaking from the tip of his cock and going to waste in the fabric of his robes. Drada suddenly realized how wasteful she was being and why she rarely let the teasing part of her virginity stealing go as long as it had. Deciding it was time to give him a taste of what it meant to be a man she lifted herself up and released her hold on his ankles. With his legs resting on either side of her massive tits and his cock throbbing a good distance beneath her she only had one sensible course of action. Uttering another quiet spell she focused her mind on his wonderfully lubricated and delightfully large dick. An invisible hand closed around the upper portion of his shaft and lifted it into the air. Caleb gasped at the sensation, his eyes flying open in surprise when he lifted his head to see his cock rising of it's own accord despite the undeniable feeling of soft fingers around it. He completely missed the look of concentration on his companion's face or the crackle of magic in the air. At least until she began to sink towards his prick and his tip brushed against her pussy. For a split second it looked as if she was about to drop onto him without the slightest bit of hesitation. Then he felt his member shift back a couple inches to press against something else entirely.

“What are you doing?” He asked, “This isn't—you're not supposed to—I thought—”

“Hush,” Drada cooed, a finger pressing against his lips as her magic started fade, “You'll enjoy it just as much as my pussy, I promise.”

Letting that slightly enigmatic statement hang in the air Drada lowered herself onto Caleb's dick. For a brief moment his tip pushed fruitlessly against her puckered little ring as the natural tightness rebuked his member. The next second it parted willingly as she continued to move downwards and in the blink of an eye he was gliding into the last place he'd ever though a penis could go. But that incredulity failed to stand up to the enormous and unimaginable pleasure that started flooding his body. Her ass was so warm and so snug around his cock it felt like his prick was gonna melt inside her. He had absolutely no way to comprehend  what he was feeling and the sight of her ass greedily swallowing his shaft only further confused his fragmented mind. Had he been even a little more familiar with sex he probably would've been similarly confused by their positions and the dominant nature of her angle above him but since he had no earthly clue about such things that barely registered to him. How could it when his manhood was slowly being swallowed by the tightest and most pleasurable thing in the world. Words failed to describe how good it felt and by the time she'd lowered herself fully onto him he couldn't believe he hadn't cum yet. Drada was similarly surprised although her incredulity was far more elated than his. The longer he went without blowing his load the more time she'd have to really educate him in the ways of passion. And maybe even enjoy a few orgasms of her own along the way.

“How does it feel?” She asked him, “I'm sure you weren't expecting to lose your virginity today but I bet sodomizing my tight little ass is better than lecturing about your Gods . . .”

“It feels incredible!” Caleb moaned, “It's better than I ever imagined!”

Drada giggled at his proclamation and bit her lip. Leaning forward to cup his face and keep him from moving she pressed her soft lips against his and they shared a short yet passionate kiss. But it was over sooner than he expected and when she pulled away to gaze into his eyes her words were even more pleasurable than the kiss, “We're only getting started handsome . . .”

Her back straightened and a shuddering giggle spilled from her lips as she gently lifted herself off his cock. It emerged from her ass throbbing like mad and oozing a steady stream of precum into her body, Caleb's near constant moans filling the room as he felt every centimeter emerge. When she stopped midway through the process he wondered if he'd somehow done something wrong but before he could actually do anything about that concern Drada slammed herself down onto his dick. An echoing slap filled the bedroom and this time both of them cried out in pleasure. His whole body tensed while hers shivered in delight. She'd almost forgotten how fun virgins could truly be but this mewling little cleric was beginning to remind her. The sheer strength of his prick as it twitched inside her ass was breathtaking. As she rose back up his member with the same leisurely pace as before she could actually feel the reverberation of his dick inside her pussy. It was an unexpected and thoroughly lovely sensation that she selfishly indulged in for a few seconds before plunging down onto his prick once more. Her legs actually shivered a little as her plump buttocks colliding with his both and a burst of pleasure surged through her. There was no doubt in Drada's mind that she couldn't maintain this position for as long as she previously thought. Caleb's dick was simply to much fun and the last thing she wanted to do was risk tumbling off him mid orgasm. That wasn't a mistake she planned to make again.

Of course that didn't mean she wasn't going to push herself to the absolute limit before that point. In fact, knowing there was a possibility of failure only made her want to keep riding him for as long as she could. But rather than continuing as she'd been Drada elected to start fucking him properly. She enjoyed the teasing but sometimes a girl just need a good honest fuck and it hardly seemed like Caleb was going to oppose the idea. So with a wide smile she bent over him and started bouncing up and down his prick at a steady pace. Caught somewhere between the languid and ferocious juxtaposition she'd been enjoying before this new rhythm was actually slow enough for her companion to properly understand everything that was going on. Her asshole might've still been tight enough to suck the life from him and make his vision flicker but no longer was he completely wracked with pleasure. At least not for the first minute or so. When the dusky, ethereal woman atop him slowly started to quicken her pace there was no hope of him staying lucid.

Wet, feverish slaps and long, passionate moans filled the hallways beyond their room and echoed into the floors above. Every single person in the tavern could hear the sounds of Caleb and Drada having sex, though none of them had any idea how much control she'd retained. It didn't even occur to them that, for all intents and purposes, she was the one fucking him. More than a few would've loved to peek in on them and find out but most of the Dwarves were too embarrassed to do so. They could only listen to her pleasured cries and imagine what it must be like to fuck such an incredible woman. Caleb himself could scarcely believe it was happening even as her juicy ass smacked against him and her pussy leaked a constant stream of fluids against his chest. Their lips periodically reunited during her frenzy and each time they did it was a little shock to his system. He was so absorbed in the feel of her asshole and the pleasure flooding through his body as she gripped his cock tighter than he ever dreamed possible experiencing the lewd yet tender kisses she lavished upon him was almost too much to handle. Beyond a shadow of a doubt he knew he was gonna cum soon and there was a very good chance he just might die from the experience. With the way she was moving and the unbridled passion she displayed Drada had to be a succubus. Or a goddess taking mortal form. There was no other explanation for how a mortal woman could behave as she did.

A momentary reprieve arrived when she suddenly lifted herself entirely off his cock and let the lower half of his body fall to the bed. Too overwhelmed to question it Caleb felt her body return to his faster than he could've predicted. In what felt like an instant she was straddling his waist and sliding back down onto his prick, this time in a far more mundane, by her reckoning, position than before. But even if he'd been able to appreciate how straightforward their new circumstances were he would've still been astonished at a small yet enormous change. Because rather than stuffing his dick back inside her ass Drada opted for one last surprise in the form of stuffing that big fat cock of his into her pussy instead. It glided inside her with ease, the sheer amount of juices dripping from her inner walls letting even a massive prick like his slip inside her tight slit. Groaning to the heavens and grabbing her waist as tightly as he could Caleb's shut his eyes tight and basked in this new sensation. If her ass had been incredible her pussy was on a different plane of existence. So beautifully hot and wet with a tightness that didn't quite rival her second hole until he really felt the contractions of her inner walls being inside Drada's cunt was as close to heaven as he could imagine being without physically dying. And then she started to move.

Adopting the same pace she'd peaked at before suddenly shifting positions and holes Drada was eager to cum. Too eager to ease her poor lover into it and the result was as spectacular as it was surprising. In a fit of instinctive lust Caleb started thrusting upwards moments after she began bouncing on his dick in earnest. Although he was by no means coordinated with her movements in a way that would heighten their pleasure the mere fact that he was suddenly taking initiative combined with the visceral feeling of his dick sloppily pounding her pussy as best it could really worked from her. She let out a wholly sincere gasp. A moment later he was doing the same and within a few seconds the two fo them were really going at it like wild animals. In no time at all they figured out how to make up for the one downside to his inexperienced nature without so much as a word. The difference between their styles couldn't have been more disparate but somehow it worked out better than it had any right to be. Her frenetic yet highly controlled gyrations blended perfectly with his wild and wholly thoughtless thrusting to form this madcap back and forth of rising pleasure. There was no telling how far they might have gone had both of them not already been so deliciously close to an orgasm. Sadly the two were already teetering at the edge when Drada mounted him again and once the initial shock of their reciprocal movements wore off there was no hope in the world of stopping it.

Like sex starved animals they fucked one another for nearly five minutes of uninhibited passion before finally succumbing to bliss looming above them. Caleb was the first to sink into that roiling sea of ecstasy, his whole body tensing as his cock swelled inside her pussy. Cum exploded out of the tip with even greater force and quantity than before. Almost as if his body was intent on truly emptying itself into her pussy it pumped a massive load of spunk in the first blast and continued to do so with every twitch that followed. As it so often did feeling a man's seen gushing deep into her womb was exactly the catalyst Drada needed to enjoy her own release. She threw her head back and screamed in a strange, guttural language as every fiber of her being was set alight with pleasure. Rolling waves of ecstasy surged through her as fluids sprayed from her pussy in amounts nearly as thick and even more copious than Caleb's jizz. Her breasts jiggled and heaved as each breath came in ragged gasps while her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and her body erupted in goosebumps. And all the while both of them continued to move at the same furious pace that'd pushed them to that point. Or as close as they could manage. He was forced to slow purely from how tightly her pussy squeezed his dick and she couldn't control her legs nearly well enough to ride him like she had before. But they did everything their power to continue for as long as they possibly could with her adorable inexperienced cleric unsurprisingly being the one to eventually fall still as the aftershocks of their pleasure wracked his body. She rode his still hard cock and squirted all over his prostrate body for a little while longer, only coming to a stop when she noticed her partner lying motionless against the bed.

Drada smiled at the barely conscious cleric beneath her and waited to see if he might surprise her one more time. She lifted herself up his shaft and posed as if she was about to slam back down yet her actions were met with little response. When his cock slipped from her pussy and cum started leaking out in thick, gooey strands she knew he'd gone as long as he could. So without any concern whatsoever she slid off him, stepped off the bed, and summoned her clothes. The fabric covering her creamy pussy was specially designed to keep his fluids from spilling out, a little treat to herself as she traveled to her next destination. Caleb found the strength to lift his head not long after she'd dismounted him and he looked at her with an utter lack of comprehension. As fiercely beautiful as ever yet fully clothed and bearing only the barest indication she'd just engaged in the kind of wild, passionate sex many people would never know the sight of her standing as she was before him made no sense at all in his post coitus state. She smirked and blew him a kiss before turning towards the door. With her urges satisfied and another amusing story added to a long life of amusing stories she had no reason to stay in the Valley of Stone. Naturally her companion didn't quite understand that and as the door swung open he finally managed to summon enough strength to roll over. As he did he called out to her in a voice as adorably needy as it was confused and despite her utter lack of interest in him Drada paused. 

“I-is that it?” He asked.

Flashing him a sultry over the shoulder grin she replied, “Of course. I got what I wanted and you're no longer a virgin. I'd say we both made out quite well for only an hour of work. Wouldn't you?”

“But don't you . . . isn't there . . . aren't we . . .”

“Oh I see,” Drada remarked, shutting the door and turning to face him, “You think because we had sex we'd end up married or eternally bonded together because we're soulmates? Is that it?”

“W-well I though because we made love we m-might have—”

“We didn't make love.”

“We didn't?”

“No.” Sauntering towards him with the same confident strut that'd entranced everyone when she first arrived she approached the bed and trailed her fingers along his jawline, “We fucked. Like wild animals. And now that we're both satisfied we part ways. Perhaps you'll see me again somewhere in else in the world. More than likely you won't. Just don't held the next woman you bed up to the same standards as me. She won't match up and it just wouldn't be fair to her.”

“What if I don't want another woman?”

“Then you're going to wait a long, long time darling.” Drada said with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, “I hope you can handle it . . . but if you can . . . well I'll make sure it was worth every . . . second . . .” She bent down as if to kiss him and like an eager puppy dog he lifted himself up to meet her lips. But the moment he brushed against hers she pulled away and let out a soft chuckle, “See you soon priest . . .”

Dumbstruck and more unsure of himself than ever he watched her straighten and walk out of the room and only when the door had snapped shut and the sound of her heels against the floor had completely faded did he finally manage to say, “G-goodbye Drada . . .”



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