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So this one's a bit odd. It's a sequel to a story I didn't feel comfortable posting on Patreon because of certain elements within the story,. But this chapter obviously lacks those issues and kind of, maybe retcons them a little as well. I probably won't upload the first chapter on here now that it's public but I don't think you really need to read it in order to enjoy this one. Especially not if you like a certain, busty cosplayer being a slut.

Oh and this is also the first of two stories I'm writing for the week. So stay tuned if you don't like smut about real people!

“Hey Johnny someone's here to see you.”

Bemused by the thought of anyone coming to see him so early in the day he asked, “Is it that rep from corporate that's supposed to stop by?”

“I don't think so. She just said her name is Jessica.”

“I don't know anyone named . . . oh . . .” The realization hit him like a truck and his heart sank. For a moment he looked around his small office as though an escape route might appear before him “S-send her in.”

“All right. You okay? You're looking kinda pale.”

“Yeah I'm fine Vicky, thanks for asking.”

“Sure.” Stepping out of the doorway and speaking to the visitor Johnny's coworker said, “Come on in!”

Vicky disappeared from sight and the door to his office started to swing shut. It was stopped at the last moment and pulled open to reveal the last person he thought he'd see again, “Hey stranger!” Jessica Nigri said with a wide smile, “Long time no see!”

“I-I'm sorry, have we met before?”

“Oh don't play coy.” Shutting the door behind her and walking towards him she sat down in the chair opposite his desk, crossing her legs and biting her lip with the same manic grin on her face, “I know you were the one that fucked me on Halloween.”

“That wasn't—”

“It'll save a lot of time if you just admit it.”

“I . . . I . . . okay . . . that was . . . that was me . . .”

Leaning back and nodding, a satisfied look spread across her face, Jessica crossed her arms. Almost as if directly contrasting how Johnny had last seen her she was dressed quite nondescript. Or at least as nondescript as a beautiful woman like her could be. A dark gray tank top and black sports bra 'covered' her large breasts and hugged her taut stomach all the way down to her wide hips where a pair of form fitting blue jeans. Both did a purposefully fantastic job of showing off her curves, especially her plump ass and milky tits. It looked like she was wearing a normal pair of sneakers but he wasn't exactly paying close enough attention to her feet for that to be clear. She'd tied her bright blonde hair back in a messy ponytail while a smattering of bangs obscured the right side of her pale face. A fine layer of dark eyeliner was the only makeup covering her naturally strong yet womanly features. Something about the look in her glittering green eyes was both alluring and terrifying, much like the way her delicately plucked eyebrows arched above them. Her full, pouty lips were still curled into a smile and her petite nose was just a little flushed from the chilly winds outside. Somehow she managed to look even more sexy just dressed normally. Enough for his pants to get a little tighter despite the circumstances. As he waited for something to happen her nostrils flared and she took a deep breath. Johnny couldn't even imagine the hell that was about to rain down on him. If she knew what actually happened on Halloween he'd be lucky if he didn't go to jail.

“Good.” She said, a note of amusement creeping into her voice.

“H-how did you find out?”

“Well when I woke up the next day my ass was so sore I couldn't sit down.”

“Oh . . . I'm sorry.”

“No you're not.” Jessica laughed, “If you are then you shouldn't be. My boyfriend's never fucked me like that before.”

“Okay . . .” Johnny said.

“Once I knew he wasn't the one responsible I retraced my steps. With the help of some friends and the people at the bar. After that finding you was pretty easy.”

“I see.”

“The thing is . . . the more people I talked to the more I started to remember. I've definitely been sore after sex before, but nothing like this. And I can't remember the last time a guy made me squirt without toys.””

“W-why are you telling me all this?” He asked, his cock no straining against his slacks and his face beet red.

“Because at first I was pissed off. Now I'm just wondering how much of that was because I was drunk and horny and how much of that was you being a good fuck.”

“I don't—I'm not—I can't—”

Rising out of her chair and leaning forward, her hands flattening against his desk while she smiled seductively at him, Jessica said in the most casual way possible, “I want you to fuck me again.”


“You heard me.” She stated, “I want you to fuck me like you did on Halloween. I wanna know if you're actually that good.”

“But what about—”

“Are you really gonna grow a conscience now?”

“Uhm . . . n-no I guess not. M-my lunch break is in—”

“Uh uh, you're gonna fuck me right here, right now. Or I'll tell my boyfriend everything. And maybe share some of it with the cops too.”

“You're blackmailing me so I'll have sex with you?!”

“No, I'm blackmailing you so you'll fuck me like you did before.”

“I don't . . . am I dreaming right now? This feels like a dream . . .”

“No this is real.” Jessica grinned. She straightened and sauntered around to the same side of the desk as Johnny, “If you're as good as I think you are then I'll let that first time go and you can fuck me as much as you like. Deal?”

He watched her extend her hand like they were closing some sort of business arrangement, his mind still unable to comprehend what was happening. Thankfully his body elected to take charge and before he knew it he was shaking her hand. “D-deal . . .”

“Good. Now close those blinds and take off your pants.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Call me Jessica.” She remarked.

With a nod Johnny did as he was asked and shut all the blinds, knowing full well doing so pretty much invited everyone to make assumptions. When he was finished he turned around to see Jessica standing a few feet away behind his desk, her hands clasped behind her back and her jeans sitting in a heap nearby. Only a tiny black thong covered her lower half and if the meager triangle of fabric on the front was any indication there wouldn't be much of anything covering the back. He could easily see the curly blonde pubic hair atop her pussy, most of it completely exposed above her panties and the rest peeking out the sides. Her plump outer lips were just barely hidden beneath the damp cloth and even as he watched the edges of her underwear started to disappear between her folds. It made for an immediately stunning sight and one that had him eager to go regardless of the consequences. For whatever reason she'd left on her sneakers but the look worked for her in a way he couldn't quite describe. She turned around after a few moments and sure enough the minuscule cord splitting her cheeks was almost entirely swallowed up by that large, pert ass. To such an extend he barely noticed it at all until she took him completely by surprise. Grabbing her ass with both hands she slowly pulled her cheeks apart. Not only did this reveal the hitherto unseen thong but also her nicely puckered asshole and the lower portions of her pussy as well. Given how small and pointless it was Jessica's g string did absolutely nothing to hide her tight holes. If anything it sort of drew attention to them in a manner that made Johnny's mouth water. He'd already seen both areas in plenty of detail but having them knowingly offered to him in such a way was incredible. 

Moving towards her as fast as he could Johnny pulled his cock out and instinctively angled it towards her puckered asshole. Sliding aside her thong and pressing the tip against her entrance he was stopped  by Jessica suddenly stepping away from him, “Not so fast mister!” She remarked, “You have to work up to that! For now you're starting with my pussy!”

“A-all right . . .” Bridging the small gap between them he moved her g string out of the way again and rubbed his tip against her pussy, “Why though?”

“Because if you stick it in my ass I'm definitely going to cum!”

“Oh . . . of course . . .”

Not really interested in delving any further than that Johnny pushed his cock into her slit, his movement slow but forceful. His entire length glided into her wet cunt without much resistance and both of them shivered at that initial penetration. “Oh fuck I remember this dick!” She moaned, “You're definitely the right guy!”

“You weren't sure?” He asked with an incredulous tone.

“Not one hundred percent,” Jessica replied, looking back at him and smiling, “But now I am!”

He could only shake his head at her bizarre and arousing attitude. So far in both encounters she hadn't been at all what he imagined and yet that proved to be even more of a turn on than the mental image he had of her. Knowing she was apparently such a casual and unrepentant slut definitely made it easier for him to get into the same head space he'd been in on Halloween. Having his cock stuffed balls deep in her pussy and feeling her warm inner walls clamped down around him didn't hurt either. And considering everything about how she'd been acting and what she wanted he felt reasonably certain he could get away with the thought that just popped into his head. Deciding he might as well go for it all things considered Johnny grabbed a fistful of Jessica's hair and pushed her head against the wall. She gasped and tightened at the sudden shift in demeanor and her pleasure only continued to rise when he started fucking her at full speed. Without any preamble or buildup at all his cock was hammering away at her pussy like there was no tomorrow. The force of his assault repeatedly bounced her half naked body off the wall hard enough to fill the room with an audible thunk. Her moans soon joined the growing sound as she was given the kind of toe curling, pussy breaking treatment she'd been hoping for. Juices cascaded out of her pussy and little bursts of pleasure danced through her. His hips slapped relentlessly against her increasingly wet ass, the fluids seeping from her cunt splashing all over both of them. Knowing anyone could walk in on them and see her getting railed turned Jessica on more than she could describe but it was the fact that so many could undoubtedly hear her being dicked that really did it. The fact that many if not all of Johnny's coworkers had taken one look at her and assumed she was there to take his dick, if there condescending looks had been any indication, and there she was doing exactly that just felt incredible. Easily as good as his actual, throbbing dick slamming away at her tight pussy.

“Oh fuck!”

Within a minute he could already feel the several weeks of celibacy coming back to haunt him. In fact by pure coincidence Jessica had been the last woman he'd had sex with and his endurance was already starting to reflect that. At first it was nothing but a boon as he slammed into her like a wild animal and she loved every second of it. Thanks to just how horny he was he managed to keep that pace up quite a bit longer than he might have otherwise. Of course getting to fuck such a well known and apparently quite slutty cosplayer like her definitely helped his motivation. But the longer he stayed inside her and the more passionately his dick pumped back and forth the more Johnny realized how unsustainable this entire thing was. There was no way he'd make her cum before blowing his load and that meant a whole list of things he didn't want to think about. With an audible groan he did his best to think about every repulsive, un-sexy thing his mind could conjure. He even went as far as shutting his eyes so he wouldn't see her fat ass jiggling as it was repeatedly smacked by his waist. Too bad there wasn't a damn thing he could do about the feel of her amazingly tight cunt or her very eager and extremely genuine sounding moans. Any time he started making headway in his attempts to avoid finishing to soon she'd gasp and clamp down around him in a way that totally shattered his concentration. Well part of it at least. Because the part centered on dicking her as hard as he was able never faltered. 

Including when he found himself suddenly and unexpectedly dumping a fat load within her perfect cunt. Jessica felt his spunk flooding her pussy almost immediately, the familiar twitching of his shaft and clenching of his hands giving it away as surely as the unmistakable sensation of warm jizz gushing inside her. But since he continued thrusting away despite how much semen was spraying out of him she decided not to comment on it just yet. After all she was as big a fan of creampies as any woman and if he managed to keep going after finishing she'd consider it nothing but a major plus. Already she was feeling the beginnings of an orgasm washing over her. The feeling of a man's spunk filling her up never failed to get her hot and bothered. Especially when that man wasn't her boyfriend. The simple fact that Johnny managed to keep up his roughness throughout just added to her enjoyment. And for about ten or fifteen seconds it looked like he might manage to keep going. He'd finished emptying his balls into her slit and his thrusts hadn't abated. They might have slowed just a little bit but the force that'd been the most appealing part of it all remained in earnest. She moaned and wriggled against him for good measure, fully expecting him to keep going until she was ready for a nice, wet climax of her own. That quickly turned out to be little more than a fantasy as his movements gradually slowed and while his dick never went limp it definitely lost some of the hardness that made her quiver so efficiently. He still had the good sense not to pull out though, not even when she looked back at him with a smirk.

“Well that's a little disappointing.” She remarked in a voice not unlike what  teacher might use when talking to her student, “I expected better of you Johnny.”

“Hold on!” He groaned, a cold pit forming in his stomach, “I'm not done yet?”

“For your sake I hope that's true!”

She reached back to press a hand against his chest and pushed him away from her. It took Johnny's pleasure addled brain a moment to realize what she wanted but once it did he dutifully pulled back. His cock slid from her pussy and Jessica wasted no time sauntering over to his desk. He watched her plump ass jiggle and sway in the handful of steps it took to reach the new spot. Like something out of a sex comedy she unabashedly swept most of the paperwork and other items off the surface with a single push. Johnny wined as his things clattered to the floor but after a moment he managed to find something to distract himself. Perhaps more accurately he found two things to distract himself as she pulled off her tank top and the sports bra underneath. Suddenly standing naked as the day she was born, save her sneakers, Jessica sat down on the desk and slowly leaned back. Keeping herself propped up on one elbow she beckoned to him with her free hand, both legs spread nice and wide to show of her wet and currently unattended pussy. She only had to curl her finger back a single time before he'd rushed over. Grabbing his cock and slapping it against her slit a few times he quickly pushed it right back inside. She moaned and bit her lip, thoroughly delighted by how hard her little display had made him. It was almost enough to make her forget about the momentary lapse in ball slapping fun. Of course the presence of his cum inside her pussy made sure she couldn't forget that. But when he immediately picked up where they'd left off it was easy enough to put aside the more disappointing aspects of it and just focus on the fun. Like his meaty dick pounding away at her slit with renewed energy. Thanks to their altered position he could go a little deeper than before and with a cock as big as his 'a little' meant quite a lot more. The pleasure she'd been feeling returned in force and her legs quickly wrapped around his waist.

Her back flattened against the smooth wood as she stretched out across his desk. Both arms lifted above her head to grab the edge above her and she smiled up at him with a coaxing grin. He was already fucking her with considerable speed and power but she knew there was just a little bit more to be had before he was truly at his peak. She let her noticeably higher pitched moans and whimpers spill out without any kind of filter as most of her body trembled and writhed beneath him. Fortunately the sight of her round, fake breasts jiggling away from every impact did the trick rather nicely. More so than any seductive looks ever could. Johnny did his best not to stare at them but since they were the only part of her he hadn't been able to ogle in proper lighting yet his efforts failed miserably. Soon his eyes were latched onto her heaving tits and his hips were slamming away. His hips slapped repeatedly against her body, the added force brought on by his stare making her whole body jump a little with each impact. It also sent the desk scraping against the carpet as the combination of her grip and his ferocity pushed it out of it's usual spot. It only took him a minute or so to realize what was happening, with Jessica noticing immediately and loving it, and by that point it'd already slid several inches closer to the other wall. Gripping the sides of the desk to keep it from moving too much Johnny found a renewed burst of speed  in the certainty that he wouldn't need to worry about anything except fucking her stupid. As it turned out he was quite mistaken. Caught off guard in the best way possible Jessica cried out in a particularly eager way that was undoubtedly heard by everyone within earshot. Her ensuing moans were similarly loud and prolonged, each one arriving in the midst of a flurry of wet smacking his coworkers no doubt heard as well. Once again it took Johnny much, much longer than it should have to notice how vocal she was being. Fully expecting it and definitely getting off on the noises she was making he went through several bursts of frenetic thrusting before it finally occurred to him how far they were pushing their luck.

“You gotta be quiet!” He hissed, his movements not slowing in the least.

“Choke me!”


“Choke me!” She moaned. Both of her hands grabbed his forearms and tried to pull them off the desk and toward her neck, “Choke me until I can't make a sound!”

“I'm not gonna choke you!” Despite his words his dick absolutely throbbed at the notion. But his arms remained exactly where they were. “Just keep your voice down!”

“Uh uh! You're dick's too good to stay quiet! I'm gonna let everyone in here know how much I like feeling—” Whatever else she wanted to say was cut off when Johnny covered her mouth with one hand, his concern vastly outweighing how much he was enjoying her dirty talk. He couldn't keep his hand cupped quite as tightly as he wanted though and more than a little bit of her enthusiasm bled through regardless. “Mmmmmmmmm!”

Jessica moaned into his hand, her tongue sliding between his fingers as she drooled all over him. One of her eyes started to close while the other rolled back in her head and a look of pure ecstasy spread across her face. Having never seen what she looks like when she's cumming Johnny could only stare in amazement. Everything about her confident demeanor slipped away until there was nothing left but a cock loving slut so eager to get dicked she didn't care who knew it. He'd never been more erect in his entire life but since he was already fucking her as fast and as hard as possible there really was little else to do but enjoy the sight unfolding in front of him. His cock was definitely throbbing harder than ever against her inner walls and he was certainly being a bit rougher in the way he manhandled her tits but otherwise his movements stayed almost exactly the same despite her welling orgasm. Which was exactly what Jessica wanted as pleasure flooded her body and all her nerves were set alight at the same time. She quivered harder and more uncontrollably with every passing second and each thrust of his uncompromising dick sent her further down the rabbit hole. By the time she was too overcome to make any sounds at all her orgasm had nearly reached it's zenith. What finally sent her over the edge was a sudden and unexpected move from Johnny. 

Stuffing two fingers into her throat deep enough to make her gag he relished in the way her entire body tightened in the same way she relished being treated like an absolute whore. For all her boyfriend's wonderful qualities he'd never been one for rougher, demeaning sex and that itch was being scratched perfectly by Johnny. She gurgled and sputtered around his fingers while juices erupted from her pussy in thick, almost creamy streams. Her back arched and her big, fake tits heaved as ecstasy flooded what seemed like every sense she had within her. With uncomprehending eyes and a wide smile she stared up at the ceiling while her body was locked in place. Stars danced in her eyes and the edges of her vision faded while he thrusted away completely unconcerned with what might have been happening to her. If anything the feel of her rapidly tightening cunt and juices spraying across his body pushed him to keep up his current pace as long as he possibly could. When she started to tremble and shake the added visual treat of her athletic body writhing around on the end of his cock added more incentive than ever before. Feeling not only her pussy contracting around him but her tongue swirling across his digits as she haphazardly sucked on his fingers or sloppily moaned around them was so enjoyable he flat out didn't care who might happen upon them. In fact part of him almost wanted to get caught. He wanted people to know how much of a slut Jessica Nigri was and how good he was at making her cum like a broken fire hydrant. Without even realizing he was doing it Johnny started fingering her throat in the same way he;d have played with her pussy. Although he was a little more gentle his movements still resulted in near constant gags and sputtering as she convulsed a little harder from the unexpected but very welcome stimulation. Thanks to his creativity her orgasm was lasting much, much longer than she expected. For nearly two full minutes her body was a quivering mass of nerve endings and pleasure with little awareness outside of what was being done to it.

No doubt a consequence of just how long she was being forced to climax towards the end of Jessica's messy release Johnny suddenly announced the arrival of his own, “I'm gonna cum!” He growled, “I'm gonna cum!”

Just lucid enough to know what she wanted and pull his hand away from her mouth she hurriedly gasped out a final request,“Shove that cock in my ass! I wanna feel your load in my ass again!”

Johnny grunted at her request and pulled back just far enough to free his dick from her pussy. In a single thrust he shoved it inside her second hole while she squealed in delight. With the echoes of her orgasm still very much present having her asshole used as a glorified condom was simply perfect. To her surprise the sudden change imbued him with a small, but rapidly waning burst of stamina. Johnny managed to thrust several more times in quick succession, each one just as hard and fast as the pace he'd set before, until he finally made good on his promise. Gabbing her waist with both hands and pulling her forward at the same time he made his final thrust he rammed his dick balls deep inside her one more time. She felt his dick swell once more and in the blink of an eye spunk was gushing out of him in toe curling spurts. Every load was accompanied by a groan and shudder, his prick throbbing hard against her tight walls. Laying across the desk and groping her tits Jessica let her head hang off the side while she moaned at every drop to flood her hole. Contractions surged through her entire body one after another and the increased tightness only made Johnny gasp. He could barely stand just how incredible her asshole felt. Somehow even better than the first time he emptied what felt like gallons of semen into her all within a few seconds. By the time his dick was finished twitching and his sack had relaxed both of her holes were swimming in fresh cum. Some of it was even started to drip out of her thoroughly fucked pussy and Jessica wasn't shy about playing with it as it emerged. At least while he was still buried nice and deep in her ass. Pushing two fingers into her cunt and noisily playing with herself she grinned up at him with the obvious desire of keeping him hard and raring to go. Sadly her attempts were unsuccessful despite how intently he watched her little show. After a few moments he pulled out and admired the lightly gaping sight that was her ass and pussy. When she looked down to see his shaft slowly going soft she knew for certain he wasn't going again. But considering how good it'd felt that wasn't as big of a complaint as usual.

“Fuck . . .” Jessica whimpered. Cum dripped out of her ass and pussy in near equal amounts, both streams mingling as the oozed down her thighs and dripped onto the carpet of Johnny's office, “Fuck!”

“Did I live up to the hype?” Johnny asked, his breathing labored and his chest heaving.

“Oh yeah . . .” Letting her legs drop down while the rest of her body trembled Jessica barely managed to life her head and smile at him, “I'm glad I wasn't just imagining things!”

“Yeah . . . w-what happens now?”

“Now? Now we hope nobody comes in before I get the feeling back in my legs!”

“Oh shit!” Suddenly realizing how easily they could be discovered Johnny pulled up his slacks and hurried towards the door. In his haste to fuck Jessica Nigri again he hadn't even locked it, “I don't know how we didn't get caught!”

“Oh I bet the whole office knows what was going on!” She laughed. With considerable effort she rolled onto her stomach and smiled at him, “You weren't exactly quite!”

“Me? What about you?! I thought you were gonna—”

“You loved every second of it.”

Johnny heaved a sigh and looked down at his feet. He couldn't even pretend that wasn't true, “Yeah.”

When he looked up Jessica had pushed herself onto her feet and was leaning heavily against the opposite side of his desk. Her gooey pussy and sweat soaked pubic hair were just visible above the edge. “Next time we'll fuck someplace a little more private. Like your car.”

“So there's definitely gonna be a next time?”

“Oh yeah.” As she smiled at him a shiver coursed through her body and hearty dose of jizz squirted out of her holes, “You aren't the first guy I've had on the side.”


“Of course not! I love my boyfriend but sometimes a girl just needs the kind of rough fucking only a fuck buddy can provide.”


“And now that I know where you work I can stop by any time I feel like having some fun.”

“Well I may not always—”

“Oh you'll make time for me.” Jessica said in a cheerful but uncompromising voice, “Now hand me my jeans.”

“All right.” 

Bending down to pick up her pants he shuffled a few steps to the side to grab her panties as well only to be stopped when she said, “I don't need my thong.”


“Because I want you to keep them. Something to remember me by when we're not fucking.”

“Oh . . . thanks I guess? I've never been given panties before.”

“You're welcome!” Taking her pants from him with a word of thanks she sat down in his chair with a wet squish and started wriggling her way into the jeans. Once she was finished she gave him a fond slap on the ass and walked towards the door, “I'll see you in a few days cutie.”

“See you in a few days.” Johnny replied, his fingers idly playing with her soiled underwear. With a final laugh Jessica unlocked the door and left him to contemplate his situation. And clean up the mess they'd made. “What the hell is my life right now?”


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