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I don't really have much to say about this one. All the usual warnings about a story concerning the fictionalized portrayal of a real person apply here. But other than that it's a pretty straightforward romp. I hope y'all enjoy it!

By all outward appearance the Golden Hills carnival was exactly the kind of celebration a modestly sized city would throw in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Main street was filled with revelers enjoying the various stalls set up in the street, multiple parking lots were filled with tents full of games, and strings of decorations formed a latticework of merriment above it all. Nearly every person within twenty miles had turned up to attend and jovial music filled the air along with the tantalizing smell of fresh cooked sweets. There were sections set aside for those celebrating Hanukkah and other seasonal holidays. Including exotic, by the standards of the rural populace at least, food with a unique smell and flavor all their own. But for all the sparkling family fun available there was also something a touch more adult oriented available. Something most of the families in attendance didn't even know about and certainly something the politicians that'd set it up all weren't acknowledging. Even if they were happily participating whenever they could sneak away from their wives. Or in some cases when their wives could sneak away from them. Tucked away just off the main thoroughfare was an innocent little stall and an equally innocuous white tent behind it. Lined with mistletoe and made with simple wood planks painted like candy canes it's only other adornment was the sign above it that simply read 'Kissing Booth'. Of course anyone who knew it's real purpose had far more in mind than simple kissing. 

Sitting beneath the sign wearing a red dress with with fur around the collar, hem, and wrists was the woman in charge of making sure there was a little naughty available every season. Although she was nearing her mid twenties she still had the look of a girl fresh out of high school, including a curvaceous but slender body, glowing alabaster skin, an innocent look that was the polar opposite of her actual personality. The fluffy Santa hat she wore was tilted at a jaunty angle atop her head while flowing blonde, naturally wavy hair hung freely about her face. Lightly curled bangs partially obscured her soft green eyes and dark brows to add an air of sultriness her full, rosy lips only furthered with a coy smile. Her plump cheeks were flushed from the slight chill and the tip of her small nose was bright red. Underneath her comparatively normal outfit was a pair of large, perfectly rounded breasts topped with puffy pink areolas. Even a passing glance at her revealed the total lack of bra beneath her dress but it took a much more detailed examination to learn that her shapely, nubile hips were similarly uncovered. When she stood up to smile or wink at passersby they might catch a glimpse of the curly brown thicket of hair atop and around her sex if the wind was blowing just right. Or the pale tan lines where a pair of panties might normally have gone almost like a reminder of what was supposed to be there. But anyone who happened to notice such things invariably brushed it off as their imagination or a consequence of the eggnog they'd been imbibing. After all, why would such a beautiful, young woman dress so provocatively while operating something as innocent as a kissing booth? It simply didn't make sense to anyone who didn't know the truth about her. 

Daina House had only been in town for a few years but in that time she'd cemented her place in the community more thoroughly than anyone else. And that place was one entirely of her own making. As the winner of every beauty pageant they'd held and a close personal 'friend' of the mayor it'd been easy for her to setup a special place in the carnival every year. Getting customers after that was so simple it was almost effortless. Men of all ages lined up for a chance to kiss her and for only a dollar the price was so low it was stupid not to take the chance. Once they learned how passionately Daina kissed regardless of who it was that paid them, so long as they were an adult, there was often a line leading all the way back to the main street. Many a man turned away from that booth with a goofy smile on his face and his heart beating so fast it felt like he was about to explode. But that was only the first part of the night. When the lines inevitably thinned those who knew the true purpose of her booth started to show up. Usually one at a time in order to take full advantage of the privacy offered by the tent behind her stall. Daina could always tell the ones that'd come for more than just kisses over the ones that'd stopped by for a perfectly innocent show of affection. The latter were always nervous in an adorable way and nearly all teenagers fresh out of high school while the former were furtive and secretive about their embarrassment and near universally in their twenties to forties. 

Sure enough her first true customer of the evening was dressed in a thick coat and three piece suit like he'd just walked out of the New York Stock Exchange. The man dropped a dollar into the lockbox in front of Daina and bent over for a kiss. Their lips met and she laughed a little at the palpable nervousness informing his every action. He even jumped a little when her hand caressed his cheek. But after a moment or two he started to respond with the passion appropriate for one kissing a woman as beautiful as her. Feeling a little cheeky she slipped him the smallest bit of tongue right at the end of their embrace. As expected he suddenly pulled back more out of shock than any sort of objection to what she'd done. His face lit up in a disbelieving smile and he cast a slightly nervous glance up and down the mostly empty street. Sitting back down and watching him with an amused yet kind smile Daina waited until his gaze returned fully to her face before asking the question she always asked regardless of who she'd just kissed.

“How was it sweetheart?” Her naturally sweet and airy voice belied the true question hidden in her words.

“It was better last year . . .” He stated in a slightly questioning tone.

“Oh no!” She exclaimed in a tone that didn't match her bright eyed grin, “We'll have to fix that right away!” Standing up and sauntering around to the front of the stall Daina took his gloved hand and said, “Let's try again where the cold won't bother us!”

“T-that'd be great!”

They stepped into the tent and the moment she was alone with her man Daina was spread out across the small bed that made up the only feature of note. Lying flat on her back with her legs partially hanging off the edge and her thighs slowly spreading apart she smiled up at him as her hairy, sopping wet pussy was revealed to him. Like everyone else who saw her puffy outer lips and the perpetually gooey inn folds he was absolutely dumbstruck. Flanked on both sides by a curly tuft of brown hair her slit was just aching for attention from his fingers, cock, lips, or just about anything else. The pert, swollen bud at the crest of her fantastically aroused sex was already stiff and begging for attention. Which it swiftly got as she started rubbing her clit while waiting for him to act. As expected the tableau of her lying there, legs open and playing with herself, waiting for him enticed her partner to finally act. He fumbled with his slacks for a moment before producing a deliciously long, already erect cock for her sparkling eyes to behold. Of course she only had a split second to ogle it before he stepped forward and eagerly thrusted the entire thing into her pussy. Daina cried out in pleasure as his dick plunged inside her and reached nearly to her cervix in a single movement. Her legs immediately closed around his hips while her free hand jumped to his forearm as he grabbed her waist. The man's eyes closed and her bared his teeth like a wild animal. She felt his prick swell and twitch even harder within her and for a split second she thought he might cum then and there. Sadly she was denied the immediate pleasure of a pussy full of fresh cum in favor of the almost as enjoyable pleasure of a good hard dicking. With his stance appropriately wide he pulled back several inch and shoved his cock back into her. A wet slap filled the tent followed closely by both of their eager moans. The process was repeated to even greater effect a moment later and without much effort at all a nice rhythm evolved from his eager pace.

It didn't take much time at all for his speed to start increasing in direct proportion to how much she rubbed her clit. Any time her fingers hastened in their smooth, circular motions his thrusts would similarly quicken. If she slowed he too would adopt more relaxed movements. Although he never stropped thrusting with a considerable amount of strength which delighted her to no end. As soon as Daina realized how much control she had over his pulsing member and her own pleasure she quickly took full advantage of her power. As her quivering inner walls coaxed him back into a frenzy she urged him into a steadily rising crescendo only to hold him at the peak for much, much longer. Soon he was absolutely pounding away at her cunt while she rubbed her clit so hard and fast her hand was a blur atop her mound. His grip shifted to the underside of her knees as he started to hunch over her and goran in that telltale way all her customers did. She responded with breathy, lustful moans of her own. Their eyes locked and a wide grin spread across her face. The look of rapturous pleasure spread across her cute features was one that never failed to push the men she was with over the edge. Unlike their wives and girlfriends she simply couldn't get enough of their dicks. And she made sure they knew it whenever they looked at her. Getting fucked rough, hard, and fast was a pleasure she never grew tired of and with the excuse of a kissing booth to justify it Christmas was always early for Daina and her presents were the nice, gooey loads each man pumped into her. That much was clear the closer he got to orgasm and the harder she squeezed his member. Before long she didn't even need to touch her clit, though that didn't stop her, as an eager little orgasm of her own washed over her. All from the prospect of getting her first creampie of the night and the knowledge that it would not be her last. 

Under such a flurry of stimulation the man lasted an impressive minute or two before finally letting out a moan that told Daina all she needed to know. But when he abruptly started to retreat as though he intended to cum somewhere other than balls deep inside her she exclaimed, “Don't pull out!”

Confusion flashed across his face in the split second before he started cumming. Since had no other choice the man buried his dick inside Daina and grit his teeth. Cum erupted from his tip and she gasped in genuine delight. The head of his member was pressed snugly against the entrance to her womb and the resulting explosion of jizz blasted into her cervix before spreading throughout her nicely stuffed pussy. That initial jet was exactly as thick and gooey as she wanted, it was instantly clear he'd been saving his spunk up just for her. Or at least that's what she liked to pretend anyways. Along with every pleasingly rigid throb came a jet of cum and a burst of stimulation for both of them. Her body trembled with a small but no less delightful climax of it's own as her inner walls were repeatedly blasted with his seed. His hips started thrusting in time with each new spurt and while the movement was erratic and very shallow it nonetheless felt exquisite when added to everything else she was feeling. Particularly the constant attention Daina's shaking fingers paid to her clit. Those contractions all but ensured his balls were thoroughly and completely drained by the end of his climax as she milked his cock for every drop it had to give. Even after he was finished she continued squeezing his prick as though more  spunk might suddenly start appearing. That wasn't the case but she certainly didn't mind trying. Nor did her partner seem to main remaining inside her while both of them enjoyed the afterglow of their frantic and perfectly timed sex. When he did start to pull out it was at a slow enough pace that she had ample time to feel every inch of his cock as it vanished from her slit. Along with all his cum flooding the areas previously occupied by that dick. Finally slipping free with a wet pop his prick immediately started to soften in the cold air while jizz dribbled out of her freshly fucked pussy along with no small amount of her own juices. He thanked her and turned away, tucking his cock back into his pants and rushing off with an air of guilt that put a smile onto her face. She didn't bother cleaning herself up one bit or even pulling her dress down.

Daina emerged from her tent to find another man waiting for her, dollar bill clutched in his hand. He too was dressed quite well and looked to be from the same atmosphere as her first customer. After sliding the money into her lockbox he leaned in for a nice, long kiss. As soon as it was over he said the magic phrase and Daina responded with the same thing she'd told his predecessor. Both of them grinned and she led him back into the tent so he could warm up with some light exercise. Only this time rather than lying on her back she remained on her hands and knees atop the cot. Her plump buttocks swayed back and forth as she offered both holes to her new companion, a light trickle of cum already dripping from her slit. Perhaps as a consequence of that hole having already been used the newcomer elected to slide his rather thick member into her asshole instead. Daina moaned and squirmed as his prick pushed into her backdoor, the sensation of being stretched even more powerful as her often neglected hole was given a nice long thrust. Not stopping until his prick was balls deep the the man pulled back almost immediately and she was given the tantalizing sensation of his tip dragging across her sensitive inner walls. Shaking harder than ever and slumping forward to bite down on the pillow Daina's eyes rolled backwards and a protracted moan spilled from her mouth. Few people knew just how enjoyable she found anal sex and it was always a surprise to those adventurous enough to try her unassuming little ass for themselves. Much like the man currently reaping the rewards of his bravery those that did fuck her cute hole were rewarded with the kind of sensory pleasure usually reserved for fantasies. The tightness alone was enough to make most guys climax within a few thrusts and the ones that lasted longer enjoyed it even more as she started to writhe and squirm.

But the only real downside to her incredible enjoyment of all things anal along with her naturally tight body soon reared it's head. In less than a minute her second customer of the night was already panting and groaning in a way that told her she wouldn't be enjoying his dick for much longer. She would however get to savor his cum as it was the first to mark her inner walls. To his credit the man did last another minute or two furiously pumping away at her as though it were a competition. For his sake she pushed back against his thrusts and moaned a little louder, the former being a delight and the latter being part of the job. Even if her enthusiasm was genuinely rising the closer he came to a big, gushing finale. When that moment finally arrived she let out a very real and very loud gasp. Her inner walls trembled around him and she bit her lip to keep from getting to noisy. It did little to stop the groans escaping from his lips or the feverish slapping of his waist against her buttocks. Not that she was complaining about either. The sounds would undoubtedly attract more men to her booth and provide ample opportunities for even more cum. Getting to feel that first load of the night exploding into her ass only made Daina want more. She grinded against the cock filling her up and slowly gyrated her hips in the most pleasing way possible just in case he was watching her ass. When he started to throb even harder she knew her efforts were paying off. Both literally and figuratively as more spunk than ever erupted inside her while outside the tent customers were lining up in greater numbers. Her thoughts bounced between wondering how many the sounds of her bringing a man to orgasm had attracted and how much jizz her current partner was going to pour into her. At some point during his climax he'd stopped thrusting and with the constantly churning maelstrom of cum inside her it felt uncannily like his orgasm was lasting much, much longer than it actually was. In fact it was only after he'd pulled out completely and her ass was left slightly gaped in the chilly air that she was certain he'd finished up.

Smiling and thanking her companion Daina was momentarily caught of guard when a man she recognized from previous years skipped the formality of the kissing altogether and just marched into the tent moments after the previous customer had left. He didn't bat an eye at her messy appearance and even seemed to be aroused by the sight of her already used holes waiting for another dick. She quickly recovered and beckoned to him with out curled finger. Such things were inevitable and she'd been in the business far to long to be truly thrown off by eager, horny men. Plus it was kind of flattering in a way, most of them were so polite in their normal lives the fact that she could entice them to rudeness simply by offering them a little sex was sort of delightful. Especially when such things took the form of a cock plunging into her slit followed soon after by a burst of furious thrusting. As was his trademark the man started off strong and continued at that pace for the entire length of his time with Daina. He'd always been consistent in that regard and the way his dick slammed into her hard enough to send the bed sliding across the floor was nothing if not consistent. And completely wonderful in a way that made her cry out with unrestrained passion. Quietly hoping to encourage those behind him to follow his lead in just about every way she started to add breathless, profane encouragements to her ecstasy riddled exclamations. Vulgarity of that sort never failed to arouse the more button downed men of Golden Hills and even the ones used to such things got a noticeable kick out of hearing such filth come from her mouth.

In short order her additions brought Daina's bold returning customer the orgasm he'd been hoping for and he was once again draining his balls inside her pussy. Remarkably he continued thrusting at the same pace as before even while jizz spurted out of him, a trait she remembered more clearly than anything like his face or fashion sense. She could close her eyes and recall every other time he'd treated her to the same flurry of movement and spunk. It always made for a fantastic way to start off an evening of uninhibited sex to such a degree the night probably wouldn't feel the same without him. The final marker of his appearance arrived when he pulled out and gave her pussy a nice, two fingers bit of stimulation. While he didn't exactly penetrate her he certainly rubbed his fingers all around the hole his cock had just occupied. Along with a momentary pass at her clit that left Daina on just the right side of longing. The first time he'd done it she'd been utterly confused by the action but now it was as normal and as welcome as the kisses that preceded her transition into full on slut. So much so she actually winked at him as he started to turn away. The man flashed her a grin and departed to no doubt enjoy the rest of the carnival with his family. Another man, certainly emboldened by the first, popped his head into the tent. While not quite as intrepid as the fellow before him his inquisitive stare gradually melting into a look of lusty excitement was quite an amusing spectacle. She quickly waved him inside and rubbed her slit invitingly, her fingers sliding far enough down to also brush against her cum glazed asshole too. Her bait was as obvious as it was successful and soon enough he was thrusting away inside her ass while she was basking in the feeling of another, soon to be satisfied customer.

Eventually all pretense was dropped and those wishing to enjoy Daina's holiday cheer simply lined up outside her tent. Anybody unwilling to wait their turn departed in the hopes of getting a chance to fuck her with less of a crowd while the rest listened to her pleasured cries and the steady slapping of colliding bodies. If the prospect of having sex with one of the most beautiful women in town wasn't enough to get them eager then hearing her being used by a succession of other guys certainly did the trick. Even the unmistakable pattern of slow, rhythmic slaps and gentle moans building into a crescendo of furious thrusting and orgasmic screams couldn't diminish the excitement nearly all of them felt. Despite it being so consistent it was downright mundane. Because eventually she'd let out a final, delighted scream while the man inside her groaned and, after a few seconds, the fellow in question would depart and the next in line would step inside. He'd drink in the sight of her pale, half naked body bent over the cot with her plump ass in the air and cum dripping out of her ass and pussy like water from a fountain. His cock would spring from his pants and his hips would slam it into whichever hole looked the most appealing. Mutual groans and gasps would fill the air as his dick plunged inside her always inviting holes and he started to move. Then the cycle would repeat itself yet again until he couldn't take it any longer. Sometimes they'd pull out and unleash their spunk all across her trembling buttocks or on the outer edges of her ravished cunt and asshole but more often than not they dumped their seed exactly where it belonged: balls deep inside Daina. She got to feel another hot load of cum pumped deep into her womb or ass and then the rather pleasurable moment where they pulled out and scraped pleasingly against her sensitive inner walls. After blowing them a kiss and thanking them she prepared herself for the next guy to come in and give her another few minutes of nearly anonymous bliss.

The first true surprise of the evening arrived several men later after her ass and pussy had been given so much cum it was starting to soak her inner thighs as well as dripping into the boots she had on. When the man currently fucking her blasted his load inside her cunt and pulled out she took a moment to reflect on what a slutty mess she was and smile. The tent flap opened and there was a gust of cold air accompanied by the footsteps of another partner. Daina almost lifted her head to look at him but decided it would be infinitely more arousing to never see his face. Getting a hot belly full of jizz without having the faintest idea of who gave it to her outside what their cock felt like amplified the already wonderful promiscuity of the evening. But to her amazement the hands that came to rest on her buttocks lacked the broad, masculine feel she'd gotten so used to. Instead they were far more petite and soft in ways few men could match. And instead of a fat, throbbing dick pushing against her holes she felt only a wet, skillful tongue. Daina gasped and her whole body stiffened as the outer folds of her cunt were licked with an enthusiasm that rivaled her own in the rare instances she was able to bed another woman. All the spunk clinging to her aroused lips was slurped up within a few seconds and once it was gone the woman moved deeper to hungrily scoop out some of the many loads that'd been emptied inside her cunt. She couldn't quite reach all the jizz swirling around inside Daina's womb but there was very little besides reality stopping her from trying. Daina almost wished her mystery lover could succeed if only to experience that masterful tongue work on somewhere even more sensitive than her g-spot.

She soon got her wish when the woman finished licking her pussy clean and hurriedly moved on to her equally overflowing asshole. But not before running her tongue along every inch of jizz soaked skin nearby of course. Almost like the foreplay before the main even she took just enough time cleaning the trembling flesh around her second hole Daina was almost beside herself with anticipation. When that tongue finally did side inside her ass the resulting pleasure was enough to send her right into her first proper orgasm of the evening. All of a sudden simple moans and gasps couldn't do what she was feeling justice. Her voice utterly failed her while multicolored explosions danced behind her tightly shut eye lids. The comically enthusiastic sounds of slurping and kissing made up the only noises aside from the occasional ragged breath sucked in when her body was capable of cooperating. Otherwise it was the most uncharacteristically quiet orgasm of her life. Had there not been at least half a dozen men peering through the flap watching the display they might have wondered what was going on. Instead they were wondering how they could give their wives and girlfriends that kind of pleasure. Or else questioning how Daina was able to shake that violently and twitch that hard without completely falling off the bed entirely. She probably would have collapsed into a heap had her movements not been subtly guided and controlled by the woman so eagerly tonguing her asshole. Because as well as an expert in making a slut like her climax the stranger was also, apparently, quite the dominant little minx. With a strong but gentle grip she managed to keep the writhing mess that was Golden Hills' favorite, and only, working girl remarkably steady despite how hard she was cumming from it all. Despite there soon being no more cum to suck up she continued her ministrations for several minutes, guiding Daina through her climax and the afterglow with an almost ruthless efficiency. Were it not for her nearly inhuman lust for cum she probably would've closed down for the night as soon as that tongue disappeared and those hands vanished. As it was she still had to take a few seconds to recover her thoughts and piece together her mind while the men observing the scene stared at her quivering ass and incredibly wet pussy.

In the wake of that toe curling bout of sapphic pleasure returning to the familiar sensation of hard dicks thrusting in and out of her holes was akin to returning home after a wonderful vacation. Almost immediately Daina settled back into the pleasurable predictability of being used by a line of strangers all more than happy to bury their cocks inside her ass and pussy for a while. And subsequently unload all the pent of cum just waiting to be released. Within ten minutes all the work done by her mysterious feminine lover had been completely undone and her cunt was overflowing with spunk yet again. By contrast her other hole remained almost completely untouched save a single messy load pumped deep inside it. Although some of his jizz had dripped from her gaped exit turned entrance as the result of a final spurt launching from the man's prick as it pulled away. Thankfully the sight of her stretched asshole winking and leaking only a small amount of spunk proved quite enticing to the next dozen or so men to step inside and behold her eager, waiting body. All of a sudden she found herself stuffed by a veritable conga line of varied but wonderfully hard members, each one arriving so quickly after the one that preceded it Daina had only moments to recuperate between bouts of frantic, ball slapping sex. As a result the orgasm that'd seemed quite far away after the ecstasy she'd already experienced lurched closer than ever in the blink of an eye. Her asshole was stretched and fucked by an impressive variety of dicks and all of them cumulatively gave her enough cum to fill a bucket. At least that was how it felt as yet another messy load was being emptied into her hole while the grunting thrusts of the man giving it to her filled the tent. The unexpected and very welcome focus on her asshole didn't last nearly as long as Daina would have liked but it was still enough to get her primed and ready for another explosive climax. She made sure to lay on her back in case the pleasure ended up being too much for her legs to handle. Collapsing mid orgasm was fun but not when worry warts called paramedics and ambulances to spoil the fun.

Memories of a fantastic threesome she'd had with a pair of hunky EMTs filled her mind while a particularly thick member plunged into her waiting pussy. Amazingly the man it belonged to reached down and started rubbing her clit with his calloused thumb before he ever started pushing. Yanked from her recollections Daina moaned and stared up at him with barely hidden confusion. Anything she might have said in response faded away the moment he began to thrust. Her mouth fell open in a silent moan while her eyes fluttered for a moment before closing entirely. She held onto the bed for dear life as her hips started to buck and goosebumps erupted all across her skin. It was rare for a customer to give much thought to her pleasure and even if he was motivated by the incredible feeling of her messy slit contracting around his dick the end result was still the same for Daina. For all of ten seconds she held up against the sudden onslaught of pleasure only to go careening off the edge harder and faster than ever before. All the pleasure she'd felt throughout the night layered on top of itself inside her body until she was a pleasure wracked, quivering mess of a woman. Her cries filled the tent and spilled out into the street beyond, many of the men within earshot blushing and nervously tugging at their collars. The odds of getting caught weren't exactly in their favor with such unmistakable sounds  filling the air and yet none of them moved from their spot. Getting to fuck her for so little was literally a once in a year opportunity and it was one they wouldn't be wasting regardless of the consequences.

Inside the tent both Daina and the man responsible for her current bliss were quite overcome by the whole experience. He was naturally capitalizing on her unbelievable tightness by fucking her as vigorously as he could while she was just delighted he'd arrived when he did. Having a nice dick slamming into her while she came was never a bad thing and there was a certain level of affection added to it all. As frazzled as her brain was she tried to make a concerted effort to remember his face and general appearance. Because if there was any justice in this world that man would become a regular customer of hers in the coming year. His constant striking of her g-spot with every thrust sealed that particularly deal even after he committed the cardinal sin of pulling out when it came time for his own release. The second his shaft slipped free she cried out, a jumbled mess of syllables and half words spilling from her mouth. They mixed with the already constant stream of gibberish she'd been saying to pass by unnoticed as the man shot his load all across her trembling pussy. Cum splashed across the dripping folds of her sex in rapid succession, each new load hitting  her and promptly dripping down to join the remnants pooling underneath her buttocks. It was an altogether fantastic waste of good cum and one she couldn't help but lament as he unleashed a considerable amount all over her. Even getting a nice facial or swallowing it all would have been preferable to letting it simply drip off her quivering body and soak into her clothes or the bed. He did smack his rather meaty dick against her clit and pussy lips a few times as a sort of parting gift though so it was difficult for her to stay disappointed in him for long. With the added balm of another cock rapidly approaching seconds later it was downright forgivable! Even if that would mark the last true highlight of the evening and everything else was simply a consistently pleasurable aftermath.

By the end of the night she'd entertained more than sixty men, a new personal best for her and close to double what she'd managed last Christmas. The sheer amount of spunk oozing from her gaped and ruined holes was staggering. When she finally stood up Daina quickly found herself standing in a puddle of mixed cum and all she could think about was how much of a waste it was to let it all get washed away when the tent was cleaned out. Next year she'd have to do something to make sure at least some of it ended up inside her on a more permanent basis. Perhaps she'd give more blowjob and handjobs. That way she could swallow their loads and keep all that gooey, delicious jizz inside her for even longer. Because as fun as it was to have her pussy and asshole pounded relentlessly for hours on end, and it was easily the one thing she looked forward to most the whole year, the number of dicks she ended up taking all but guaranteed her holes ended up slack enough for most of the semen to gush out of her. Although her decision to sit on the edge of the bed, lift her feet into the air, bury two fingers in her pussy, and squirt much of that spunk out of her didn't help either. But she simply couldn't resist the innate pleasure of watching a fountain of jizz spray from both her holes. It arced a foot or so into int the air above her only to come splashing back down in the puddle already formed at her feet. To make the process as messy and pleasurably as she could Daina furiously rubbed her g-spot and even went as far as massaging her clit towards the tail end of her private fireworks show. Part of her wished some of them men that'd contributed their seed were still around to see how much she enjoyed pushing it out of her gaping orifices. Yet there was something extra kinky about doing such a lewd thing without the justification of being watched. She wasn't masturbating with several liters of cum spraying out of her to put on a show, she was doing it because she just loved being a slut.

“Ohhhhhh God!” She panted, her asshole started to wink and pucker as the last drops of spunk oozed from it, “Ohhhhhhhh fuck that feels good!” 

Finally sliding her fingers out of her pussy Daina smeared the leftover spunk clinging to them across her already sweat and jizz soaked pubic hair. Her feet gradually returned to the soaked floor and her slightly less wet digits were lifted up to her mouth instead. She gradually stood up and idly sucked her hand clean while pulling her dress down to at least slightly hide the naked mess that was everything below her waist. Upon stepping out of her tent she found one final customer waiting for her, a rather nervous young man she'd seen several times before. He looked barely old enough to vote and was unable to look her in the eye as he slid a dollar into the overstuffed lockbox on her stall. Swallowing several times and sheepishly rubbing his shoulders the poor boy was too distracted to notice the cum oozing down her thighs or the way her dress clung pleasingly to her skin. Daina smiled at him and approached with an eager glint in her eyes. Last minute customers were always fun and by the looks of this one he had no idea what the real purpose of her kissing booth was. Her grin continued to widen as she lifted the hem of her dress until the outermost edges of her puffy slit and curly brown pubic hair were visible beneath it. Although in the dim light there was just enough of a shadow cast by her thighs that he might mistake it for something else. The slight widening of his eyes and deep red flush creeping into his cheeks told her otherwise though.

“Are you here for a kiss cutie?” She asked.

“Y-yeah . . .” He nodded, “I didn't come to late did I? I wasn't able to leave my stall all night . . .”

“You're just in time baby. What's your name?”


“How old are you James?”

“I-I turned eighteen two months ago . . .”

“Is that right?” Her eyes sparkled with naked lust as she slowly bit her lower lip and sized him up properly.

“Why does it matter?”

“Oh I just have a special treat for strapping young men that just turned eighteen.” She purred, stepping around the stall to sit on the front with her legs crossed.


“Mmhmmm. Now why don't you close your eyes and let me give you a present . . .”


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