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And now it's time for the second story of the week. This one's definitely on the shorter side but I didn't really feel like it warranted a large word count. Hopefully y'all agree. Oh and anyone not interested in futa should give this a pass!

“Aaaaaand just tighten this a little more . . . Perfect!”

Gaige stepped back and wiped the sweat from her brow. After weeks of effort her newest invention was finally finished just in time for her twentieth birthday. She tossed her wrench into a nearby toolbox and immediately peeled off her grease and sweat stained tank top. It too was thrown onto the table while she slipped out of her specially made black thong. The reason it was specially made gradually swelled between her thighs until it was throbbing fully erect and dripping precum at a steady rate. Both her modestly sized, seven inch cock and equally humble balls were shaved completely bare. In fact her entire, petite body was well groomed save for the reddish orange locks pulled into small pigtails atop her head. And of course the eyebrows arched coquettishly above her soft green eyes as she surveyed her special creation. Stepping closer to her new machine Gaige bit her lower lip and grinned. Goosebumps erupted all across her pale skin, the only place not dotted with them was her left arm made entirely of metal. Much of her angular, teenage face was flushed with excitement and the small pink nipples cresting her equally dainty breasts were already stiff. Slowly stroking her cock with her human hand she approached her crude but effective creation, fittingly dubbed the 'Robo Lover', and rested her metal hand upon it.

The main part was shaped not unlike a pair of buxom, jiggling ass cheeks made of very soft materials that perfectly mimicked the feeling of human skin. Between the buttocks was a tight, warm, and well lubricated asshole just waiting to be enjoyed. All the workings around the orifice were designed to simulate a real body, along with stimulating her dick until she passed out. Were that all she'd created it might have been a nice, but otherwise unremarkable little device. What really set it apart from other machines like it was the 'undercarriage'. Rather than simply being in the shape of a woman bent over and presenting herself there was an entire separate set of limbs hanging beneath it. None of them got in the way of the main goal but all of them would play a role in her fun as soon as she started. Having rigged it to respond as soon as she penetrated it Gaige stepped forward and rubbed her cock around the edge. She thought about the one and only time she'd fucked Maya's perfect ass and smiled at the memories. Her cock throbbed appreciatively at the thought while she closed her eyes and pretended it would happen again. Perhaps when her Siren friend returned she'd test out the machine as well. It might have to be re-calibrated to accommodate her larger cock though. Making a concerted effort to push away any further technical thoughts for the time being Gaige gently slid her dick inside her advanced sex toy. Immediately the sensation was so real and so perfect her whole body began to tremble. But she continued thrusting forward until her balls were gently resting against the entirely cosmetic vagina she'd added purely on a whim. All the extra bits made to enhance her pleasure sprang to life and started their work before she could even think about pulling out.

First to rise up between her deliberately spread apart legs was a conical piece of metal about as long as her hand attached to a robotic arm. Already glistening with lube it slipped between Gaige's tightly clenched buttocks and pressed against her asshole. Even knowing it was coming she still jumped a little at the feeling. But her incredibly well trained asshole immediately relaxed and allowed the specialized buttplug to slip inside her. All those years spent as Maya's cock sleeve were paying off as more than half effortlessly entered her ass. Only around the midway point, when the cone was several inches around, did she begin to encounter trouble. Of course it was the kind of trouble that made her knees tremble and her dick swell so it was hardly anything to shy away from. In fact it was that very feeling of being stretched and penetrated by an unfeeling, implacable machine that finally motivated her to start thrusting. The fact that pulling back also helped the plug reach even deeper into her ass certainly aided her decision but even without it there was no way she could help herself. She watched her glistening cock emerge from the warmth of her toy while shivering and openly moaning at the flood of stimulation to her incredibly sensitive hole. When she stopped with about half of her member free and the rest still enveloped Gaige let out a long, pent up breath. She knew what would happen when she pushed forward and it was something she wanted to savor.

Once she was good and ready her hips slammed forward and several things happened in near perfect unison. First and most pleasurable was the first toy stuffed inside her ass: rather that sliding out or lagging behind as a result of her motion it lunged forward a millisecond after she did. So when her body came to a stop the entire thing, except the flared base, plunged into her asshole and wracked her with pleasure. Second and still immensely enjoyable was the main part of the toy itself: the facsimile of her lover's ass. It realistically clamped down around and massaged Gaige's cock in a fashion so uncannily like a real human she could almost fool herself into thinking it actually was one. Those tight inner walls continued to squirm and contract around her as she slowly pulled out yet again. What came third was perhaps the most important even if it didn't directly affect her at first. Another arm extended out from the underside of her contraption, this one sporting a rather large dildo modeled after Maya's twelve inch, asshole destroying dick. As a favor to Gaige she'd allowed a mold of her shaft to be made before she left and the young Mechromancer was eager to finally put it to use. Of course that would be quite impossible with her butt stuffed up with a nice plug. Luckily for her aching libido she'd thought of that too. Around the time she was thrusting back into her toy the cone inside her ass expanded. Much like the petals of a flower the various segments that made up it's shape separated and spread open, pushing her quivering little hole wide in the process. Within seconds her ass was gaped wide enough to fit several fingers inside without touching the edge. But that still wasn't wide enough to accommodate what she was really after. Though it was more than enough to send bolts of pleasure surging throughout her body and massive globules of precum seeping from her dick.

Luckily the machine was properly calibrated and her hole continued to be stretched while she haphazardly thrusted with all her waning strength. It opened her ass like it was actively trying to rip her apart, stretching her quivering inner walls until she could take it anymore. And just when Gaige started to wonder if she'd aligned everything properly a foot long dildo was shoved into her thoroughly gaped asshole. Nearly every inch was buried into her all at once, much of it passing effortlessly past her wide open hole. Even once it started to reach deep enough to actually encounter resistance her slutty body had little challenge swallowing up the added pleasure like it was nothing. Once most of the dildo had been stuffed inside her the plug that'd been keeping her asshole helpfully spread apart quietly retreated and her quivering pink flesh was allowed to close. Only a few centimeters though as it was rather quickly and efficiently stopped by the big, fake dick inside her as well. She had all of fifteen seconds to adjust to the feeling before the piston connected to that meticulously molded prick activated. At full speed and with perfect accuracy. Realizing what true pleasure was Gaige cried out like she was being set on fire as every sensitive part of her ass was hit in rapid succession. In the blink of an eye she was lifted onto the tips of her toes by the force and speed of the cock slamming her ass. There was a good chance she'd have been lifted right off them entirely were it not for her own member still buried inside the rest of her invention. After weakly attempting to thrust for several seconds she all but gave up and allowed herself to be mercilessly fucked into submission. If it felt at all weird to be the submissive for a machine instead of a human such a peculiarity was swiftly pushed to the bottom of her priorities.

“Oh fuck!” Gaige screamed, not the least bit worried about how loud she was being, “Oh fuck I'm a genius!”

She threw her head back, shut her eyes tight, and let the ecstasy wash over her body. Cum thick and copious enough to break all her prototypes erupted out of her cock while her ass was relentlessly fucked and her entire quivered uncontrollably. Powerful, gooey ropes of jizz sprayed out of her at an almost constant rate, the mad twitching of her dick and balls unleashed load after load deep inside her creation. And exactly as intended it responded to the presence of all that spunk by clamping down around her shaft and milking her for every last drop. Both the intense pleasure and the forceful guidance of the cock in her ass pushed Gaige balls deep inside her invention and held her in place while she climaxed. More spunk than she'd ever produced before gushed out of her in a seemingly endless flurry of pleasure. Within seconds she was little more than naked piece of meat trembling like she was having a seizure. Every time she thought there was no more cum left inside her that dildo expertly assaulting her inner walls would purposefully hit her g-spot and another messy spurt would gush out of her. There was no telling how long it could last or how much she was truly capable of producing as the receptacle designed to house all her seed was gradually filled with more and more loads. She could physically see the balloon on the opposite side of her creation inflating and somehow watching that only made her more excited. Soon any rational, coherent thoughts she might have possessed slipped from her mind as surely as semen was sucked from her sack. Were it not for the sudden, jolts of pleasure she'd almost certainly have collapsed by that point. But every time she was about to the dildo bringing her so much joy would retreat and fly back in. Her entire body would stiffen and another breathy gasp would burst from her lips.

When, after several minutes of unfettered carnal bliss, she finally had nothing left to give Gaige's machine released her. She immediately stepped back from it and offered a shaky grin to nothing in particular, “I guess it works!” She managed to say before collapsing to the floor and passing out a moment after.

Several hours later, while Gaige was still unconscious in a puddle of her own cum and sweat, Maya returned. Stepping inside the room with an approving grin she surveyed the mess in front of her and stated, “Well I guess she finally made it work.”


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