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Happy Halloween everyone! I know pretty much anybody outside of the U.S. won't care about that but hopefully a nice bit of smut can make up for the cultural differences! This one ended up WAY longer than I planned. It's honestly close to double my average. Fingers crossed that ends up being a good thing in hindsight.

Deep in the belly of a dead city where only the mad or suicidal would venture two Queens held court together for the first time in a millennia. They stood on either side of a vast, moonlit chamber sizing up one another as their servants and minions gathered behind them. One was Amelia, Queen of the werewolves standing pridefully at the head of her pack. The other was Ileana, Queen of the vampires watching patiently beside her haughty nobles. Both had agreed to meet one another but neither was interested in making the first move. Centuries of bad blood and bitter wars were hard to forget and both women had long memories. Indeed it was only through the absolute power each held that their hordes didn't set upon one another on sight. Even in the presence of their rulers the animosity was boiling like water in a cauldron. The werewolves snarled and scraped their claws along the ground while the vampires sneered and bared their fangs with bloodlust in their eyes. As the moon they loved so much crept higher into the sky Amelia and Ileana knew time was running out. Soon dawn would come and with it the waking of the mortal world. In unison they stepped towards one another and a hush fell over their courts. They moved towards the dais at the center of the chamber and stood bathed in moonlight mere feet apart. Near identical snarls formed on their lips yet they were able to keep their baser urges under control. For the time being.

“I didn't think you could leave your crypts.” Amelia remarked.

“It was easy once I'd heard you left your forest.” Ileana stated, “We only had to follow the smell.”

“I'm surprised you could smell anything with those feeble senses.”

“If only your senses were above those of an animal, you might be able to find proper clothing.”

Amelia snorted at the jab and smiled at her lifelong foe. Unlike Ileana she stood naked as the day she was born without the slightest hint of shame. Her shaggy mane of deep red hair flowed about her strong face like water flowing around a rock. Both of her smoldering gray eyes were narrowed ever so slightly and her sharp nose was crinkled as she constantly smelled the air around her. She bared the numerous, razor sharp teeth hiding behind her plump lips with a small that'd made many a warrior furn tail and run. Possessing a strong but feminine jawline that paired well with her muscular physique, particularly her broad shoulders and wide, curvaceous hips she was undeniably womanly even as she was undeniably beastly. She had nails more akin to claws on both hands and feet along with a distinctly bestial scent about her that only enhanced her aura. Every part of her from her thick arms down to her powerful legs rippled with , including her firm but bountiful buttocks, and she towered above every monster present. Including her own, already transformed werewolves. Yet she was still remarkably buxom for a being so powerfully intimidating, her ample and perfectly rounded breasts and puffy nipples catching many eyes within the chamber alongside the thicket of curly red hair above her plump slit. Naturally tanned skin gave her a more exotic look to match her fierce demeanor.

“Perhaps if you weren't so vain you'd have arrived sooner.” She replied.

Ileana smirked at the comment from her mortal enemy. In contrast with Amelia she stood impeccably dressed in a form fitting, dark purple dress designed to allure and entice. It clung to her slender form like the arms of a lover, coyly hinting at her modest breasts with a tiny flash of cleavage along with a revealing and shoulder baring neckline. It carried all the way to the floor where it trailed behind her similar to a bridal gown, the material growing more loose and flowing as it reached beyond her waist. Her arms were covered by sheer gloves patterned in the likeness of roses while a pair of elegant heels covered her feet. She'd fashioned her golden blonde hair in an elegant bun that left a few strands carelessly falling across her forehead while a splash of makeup dotted her otherwise bone white features. With lips as red as blood, eyes the color of the sky she'd never seen again, and a small, slightly upturned nose she was the picture of beauty with a dark side. Everything from her face down to her hands and feet was petite without lacking in substance. Her heart shaped posterior and similarly appealing hips attested to that. At her full height she was a good head shorter than most of her retinue and little more than half the size of her rival.

“Say what you have to say and be done with it.”

Amelia nodded approvingly at the uncharacteristic bluntness, “Very well. I'm tired of this war.”

Raising an eyebrow to hid her surprise Ileana simply replied with, “You are?”

“Yes. We've been killing each other for so long it's become boring.”

“I wouldn't have expected those words from you.”

“They feel strange to say. But I believe them. As do you I bet.”

“I do.” Ileana admitted, “This centuries long stalemate is a drain on both sides. And with the mortals growing in strength it may be a our ultimate doom.”

“Exactly!” Amelia exclaimed, nodding and crossing her arms, “So I have a fix for that.”

“Some sort of treaty?”

“No. A final competition to decide which of us is superior. With us as the competitors. No more servants or warriors.”

“A fight would lead nowhere. Neither of us would gain the true upper hand.”

“I know. Which is why I propose something other than combat. Something even a prissy noblewoman like you enjoys.”



“I beg your pardon?”

“You enjoy it. I enjoy it. I say we each find a mortal and use them to settle this once and for all.”

“How expectedly vulgar.” Ileana sighed, undeniably intrigued by the idea. “You're proposal is for us to kidnap a mortal—”

“A mortal man. Their fun is easier to measure.”

“To kidnap a mortal man and use him as a sex slave to decide which of us is the superior race?”

“Exactly. We already know we're evenly matched in every other way. That's the last thing question to be answered.”

Smirking at the truth in those words Ileana clasped her hands behind her back. The idea was interesting in more ways than one, “And the winner will not be disputed?”

“How can it be?” Amelia replied, thoroughly amused by how visible her rival's interest was, “We'll say it's so. None of my clan will oppose me.”

“Nor will any in my court.”

“Then we have an agreement?”

“I believe we do.” Both women extended their hands at the same time, grasping one another's wrists and shaking for a moment.

“We'll meet back here in three days with the men we've chosen. “

“Should we decide upon a race?”

“If you're truly the superior creature it won't matter.” Amelia taunted.

“Very well. We'll reconvene in three days.” Ileana said after a slight shake of her head.

“See you soon!”


The following night Ileana was perched atop a guard tower at the southern edge of a forested kingdom she intended to terrorize. Cloaked in the shadows of a cloudy night she stood watching a group of soldiers seated around a campfire. Her eye had been on the company healer, an honest and brave young man, long before her deal with the werewolf Queen. She had decided to make him a personal consort during her last outing for blood and now seemed the perfect time to go about it. Once he separated from the rest to check on the wounded left from a skirmish earlier that day she could pounce. That plan was thrown into complete disarray when the howl of a wolf pierced the still night. Before she could react Ileana heard the sounds of claws tearing against wood and felt the tower she was on tremble. She let out frustrated sigh and turned towards the opposite side of the spire in time to see Amelia leap over the edge and land crouched on all fours. Crawling towards the same edge as her vampire hunting partner she peered over the edge at the men standing with weapons raised. Another howl pierced the night and all of them turned towards the source. The began shouting instructions at one another while the healer retreated to the back of formation. Both women watched everything unfold below for several seconds until one thought to ask a simple question.

“Which one are you stalking?” Amelia asked.

“The dark haired healer in the back.” Ileana answered in a cold tone. She watched the man in question for several seconds until she noticed her rival looking at her with begrudging respect, “What?”

“He's my prey as well.”

“Excuse me?”

“The dark haired healer is my prey as well. I came to pick him for our competition.”

Unable to stop herself from smiling Ileana shook her head, “Of course you are.”

“Do you take issue with that?”

“Not at all. It almost seems more sensible for us to use the same male.”

“I agree.” Amelia said with a grin. “I'll go collect him.”

“Is that so?”

Like a flame being extinguished Ileana vanished in a plume of smoke while Amelia tolled her eyes, “Show off!”

Leaping from watchtower and landing with an echoing crash she unleashed a terrifying roar. Several of the assembled men fainted the moment they heard her bestial cry and the rest turned towards Amelia with wide eyed terror. Though she stood well within pouncing distance she walked slowly towards them with her shoulders hunched and her fangs bared. If any of them were confused by the sight of a towering, naked woman approaching they hid it beneath several layers of fear. The company hurriedly reformed and the man she was hunting retreated to the back once more. Little did he realize the shadows dancing from the firelight all around him had ceased to move. As the flames continued to crackle the darkness they'd cast was slithering across the ground and coalescing behind him. It swelled into a humanoid shape and from within stepped Ileana. She looked to Amelia and nodded. The werewolf Queen let out another roar and a two more soldiers collapsed in terror. While the rest were recoiling the Queen of vampires grabbed her quarry with one outstretched hand. Faster than he could turn around the darkness swirling around her swallowed them both up. Their ill defined shape melted back into the surroundings shadows and quickly disappeared completely from view. Satisfied if a little underwhelmed Amelia snarled at the men still standing one more time before turning on her heel and bounding away. The howls that'd heralded her arrival stopped and suddenly the night was still once more.

Back in the moonlit chamber where their agreement was struck Ileana once more stepped from she shadows. The man she had absconded with  stumbled away from her coughing and clutching his head with both hands. His halfhearted attempts to escape were stymied by Amelia suddenly landing with a crash a few feet from him. Crying out in surprise the healer fell back and landed with a hand thud on the stone floor. All the air rushed from his lungs and he lay there gasping for several seconds while Ileana and Amelia approached him. The werewolves and vampires looking on cackled at the display while their respective Queens eyed the young man with concern. As humorous and enjoyable as the terror of mortals was they had no interest in causing him any harm. Not that he had any reason to think such things as he stared up at them with wide eyes. His curly black, shoulder length hair partially covered his dark skinned, masculine face but even with such an obstacle both could see his handsome features well enough. Ileana was already well acquainted with them and Amelia was quickly beginning to see why he'd been chosen. Everything from his beard to his clothes spoke of a certain amount of dedication and care that was undeniably appealing. If only because of their natural urge to 'corrupt' and alter such things. 

Amelia squatted beside the man, her elbows resting on her knees and a wide smile on her face. Ileana took up a more dainty kneel on the opposite side, her hands resting in her lap. “What's your name?”

“He's called Te'oma.” Ileana answered.

“How do you know my name?” He demanded.

“She's been watching you for some time.” Amelia replied, “Not that I blame her.”

“What do you want with me?” Te'oma asked, sitting up as much as he dared and looking at both of them with open fear.

“I'm not sure you'll believe us.” Ileana remarked with a smile, “Would you prefer to tell him or should I?” She asked of her companion.

“I'll do it.” Bending over him until her face was inches from his Amelia stared hungrily into his eyes, impressed at how little he'd shied away from her despite his terror, “We're going to have sex with you.”

“W . . . what?”

“You're. Going. To. Fuck. Us. Both.”

Looking more confused than any creature they'd ever seen Te'oma slowly turned his gaze towards Ileana, “She speaks the truth. You will be the subject of our final competition.”

“I-I don't understand.”

“You didn't tell me he was a halfwit.” Amelia said.

“He isn't. You're just not explaining this situation clearly.”

“Ha! You're one to talk! Okay human, here's how it works: we're gonna take turns fucking you. Whoever does the better job wins.”

“You kidnapped me . . . for sex?”



“You're not going to eat me?”

“I may swallow your cock but I won't bite down. Very hard.”

“No we're not going to eat or kill you. Although when this is over you may join my court if you so choose.”

“Hang on I was gonna offer him a place in my clan!”

“And now you have.”

“After you stole my thunder.”

Te'oma listened to them bicker with utter amazement, his mind still struggling to comprehend what was going on. If they were speaking the truth he was the luckiest man in existence. Of course that was a rather large 'if' and the alternative meant death. “Is this going to happen in front of all these . . . people?”

“Of course not. Leave us.” Ileana said to her court.

“Get out of here!” Amelia barked at her clan.

After some grumbling and glares at the opposing side both vampire and werewolf retreated from the chamber. Starting to believe their claims a little more Te'oma slowly sat up and wondered, “Why have you chosen me for this?”

“Because Ileana wanted you first.”

“I wanted him because I find him desirable. From your scent I know you do as well.”

“Heh, I can't deny that.” She laughed, “What about you mortal? Are we 'desirable' to you?”

To accentuate the question Ileana whispered a small incantation. The gown she wore melted away from her body to reveal the petite yet curvaceous body underneath. Her rosy nipples stiffened under his gaze her the outer lips of her entirely shaved slit were already starting to glisten. As he stared at both of them standing almost side by side Te'oma couldn't deny they were a pair of inhumanly striking beauties. The fact that their bodies were so disparate in nearly every way they could be only added their individual allure. Before his good sense could kick in he was slowly nodding while he eyes continued to feast on the tableau before him. There was no doubt in his mind they weren't telling him the truth but his baser urges were starting to accepting that notion. He swallowed several times and let out a slightly ragged breath while his soon to be lovers sauntered towards him. Both were so imposing in their own rights he wanted to take a step back even as his cock stiffened and strained against his breeches. Amelia reached him first and rather than starting with a kiss or anything he might have expected she leaned in close and smelled him. When Ileana joined her she too drank in the smell of his body, albeit in a far less beastly fashion.

“I can smell your lust.” Amelia growled.

“It radiates from your body.” Ileana whispered.

“I-I . . . okay . . .” Te'oma answered, entirely at a loss.

Ignoring his feeble attempt at a response both of them reached down to the bulge between his legs, their fingers lightly squeezing separate parts of his shaft near simultaneously, “You'll do quite nicely.”

“Yeah you will!”

Eager to start Amelia bared her teeth in a wild smile. She released his cock to grab the front of his tunic instead. Her claws sank into the cloth and with a simple tensing of her muscles she tore it off his body. Ileana did the same to his breeches a split second later and suddenly Te'oma was standing naked save his boots with a werewolf and vampire practically rubbing themselves against him. Both women let out a sound caught between a moan and a growl, their eyes admiring his shaft. Just the right size for both of them  to work at the same time and plenty big enough to satisfy the urges they were starting to feel his member would be their one and only focus for quite some time. Their hands returned to his shaft and once more the disparity between their bodies was highlighted in overwhelming detail. While Ileana's smaller and softer hand felt incredible lightly caressing the base of his shaft Amelia's larger and rougher fingers had a certain strength that made his body shiver. For want of something to do with his hands he nervously slid his arms around their respective waists. When he wasn't immediately reprimanded for doing so Te'oma sighed in relief. A moment later he was staring in surprise as both of them reached back, grabbed his wrist, and moved his fingers to their buttocks. He sheepishly groped their incredibly soft yet perfectly firm asses and tried his best not to look as flabbergasted as he was.

“Whichever one of us gives him the greatest pleasure by morning wins?” Ileana suggested.

“That's perfect.” Amelia agreed.

“Good. Then we have one last issue to take care of.” She uttered a short spell and at the conclusion of her words Te'oma felt a sudden rush of invigoration, as if his entire body was suddenly filled with energy.

“What did you do?” Amelia demanded.

“I made sure his mortal stamina won't be an issue for us.”

“Hmph. That better be all vampire. If I find out you cheated—”

“Oh I hardly need to cheat. I could please a dozen men in the time you take with a single one.”

“Only if you use magic! Otherwise no mortal would come near your frigid body.”

“Is that so?” Ileana scoffed.

“Of course it is! Everyone knows mortal men love soft, warm flesh more than—you cheater!”

Tired of waiting and eager to see what her future consort was capable of Ileana dropped to her knees, lifted Te'oma's cock to her lips, and slid it's entire length down her throat in a single motion. She kept one hand firmly around the base of his shaft while the other lightly fondled his sack and her head bobbed back and forth. His quickly shut and a surprised groan escaped his lips, the pleasure of her touch catching him completely off guard. He could feel her fangs scraping ever so slightly along his length with every pass and the added element of danger, imagined or otherwise, made everything else feel sharper. Unsure of what to do with his hands he continued to squeeze and grope Amelia's buttocks with one while the other reached out to touch Ileana's soft locks. Although he was still mortally afraid of what she might do he managed to work up enough courage to tangle his fingers in her otherwise pristine hair. Her response was a rather impossible to misconstrue slurp followed by an skillful shift of her tongue along the tip of his member. A powerful shudder coursed through him and precum oozed into her mouth a split second later. She swallowed it up and stared lasciviously up at him. When he failed to notice her gaze she turned it instead towards her competitor and a gloating smile lit up her face. 

Marred as that grin was by a large dick buried between her lips it nonetheless succeeded in rankling Amelia to no end, “Gloat all you want vampire. It won't help you!” She hissed, “Why don't you put this hand to better use?” She whispered to Te'oma.

Taking hold of his wrist and pulling his fingers away from her ass she none to subtly pushed them between her damp thighs instead. And while he certainly didn't need much guidance she still all but pushed his middle and ring fingers inside her pussy. The moment his unexpectedly soft digits slipped into her sex Amelia leaned in for a long, lustful kiss. Not one for sharing she had to do something to occupy herself while Ileana was taking her sweet time with his cock. And if that something could help him finish faster so she could have a turn that was an acceptable price to pay. She was convinced once he had a chance to enjoy her body there wouldn't be any contest. Just a vampire left out in the cold and werewolf Queen with her new mate. It was a delight to feel his fingers probing and massaging her inner walls with no small amount of skill. Within a few seconds they were curling back towards his palm and pressing against a very sensitive spot deep inside her slit in the process. Perhaps as a consequence of his profession he seemed to have no trouble multitasking either, his lips and tongue more than keeping pace with her even if she was undeniably guiding everything. The only time Te'oma slipped up at all was when Ileana would linger near the base of his dick, her throat wildly contracting around his member and causing him to audibly gasp in response. But all Amelia had to do was pull him back into their kiss and grind a little harder against his fingers and his focus would suddenly jump back to where it belonged. 

Like they had for centuries the two Queens of the night played a constant back and forth with one another for the attentions of their lover. Since Ileana had the upper hand she was always able to get his attention with a deft shift of her tongue or a calculated movement of her lips. To her credit Amelia managed to keep pace despite her disadvantage, mostly through teasing him with the prospects of far more pleasurable things than simple oral sex. The sheer tightness of her slit as it quivered around his fingers couldn't be expressed in words and even just having those squeezed by her inviting inner walls made his knees weak. Though some of that was undoubtedly the result of a very talented immortal woman sucking his cock at the same time. Hoping to tip the scales in her favor enough to actually pull him away from Ileana's embrace Amelia nuzzled against his neck while at the same time pulling his fingers from her pussy. He barely had time to register what was happening before they were being pressed against a smaller, far tighter hole deeper between her thighs. Realizing what was going on at the same moment the tip of one digit had slipped inside her ass his eyes widened. When he looked down to see Amelia's open mouthed, pleasure drenched face Te'oma could barely contain his excitement. He quickly pushed the entire length of his finger inside her ass and was rewarded with a protracted moan in response. Her grip around his shoulders tightened and her breath buffeted his neck and face. But the most powerful reaction came from the shaft Ileana had been so skillfully working that entire time.

“Oh Gods!” He exclaimed.

Twin bolts of excitement lanced through Amelia and Ileana as they heard his cry. The first point would go to the vampire Queen as Te'oma's body went rigid and his shaft throbbed wildly in her mouth. She hurriedly slid down to the base and closed her eyes as the first gooey streak of cum erupted from his tip. Already satisfied with being the first to satisfy him she basked in the wonderful feeling of fresh, warm seed pouring into her belly. Whether it was her stomach or her womb she simply adored the feeling of a man's pleasure filling her body. The sensation alone was enough to send additional tremors up her spine and make the already slight trickle of juices seeping from her slit practically gush out. One hand remained to grope and squeeze his sack while he continuously pumped load after warm load inside her throat and the other slid down to her bare slit to lightly rub against her warm pink folds. Her plan was to keep him as sensitive and stimulated as possible so she could slid his well lubricated shaft into her pussy and secure another sticky, hot point for herself. And maybe even a child to further solidify the union she desired with him. 

That was her plan but naturally Amelia had something entirely different in mind. “You've had your fun, now it's time for him to feel a real woman!”

Batting away his hand and grabbing Ileana's head she none too gently yanked her rival off Te'oma's member. Gasping and sputtering as his dick retreated from her throat amidst a shower of spit and cum the vampire Queen fell back against the floor with a mighty scowl. In the time it took her to sit up Amelia had already taken her place. Only instead of kneeling down she remained standing with her back to Te'oma and her plump buttocks enveloping his shaft. She looked down at her rival with a wide grin and subtly shifted her stance. His cock slid between her cheeks to rest against the tight hole that only a few seconds prior had been home to his finger. Still reeling from his climax but growing more lucid by the second Te'oma's hands grabbed her waist both to steady himself and attempt to thrust forward. He managed the first but the second was made irrelevant when Amelia speared herself on his dick before he had the change to take control. Despite how tight her ass was and how large his dick was the copious amounts of saliva and cum clinging to his shaft made entry remarkably easy. She might have felt a minor twinge of discomfort as her body was suddenly stretched open by his throbbing cock but that feeling absolutely paled in comparison to the pleasure that accompanied it. Few alive knew just how much Amelia enjoyed the feeling of a nice, hard dick inside her ass but that love was quickly becoming apparent with every inch that slid into her. There was also the innate and surprisingly potent thrill of having her life lone foe's efforts aiding her own pleasure in a very direct way. By the time she'd gone from tip to base her entire body was trembling and her knees looked about ready to give out. Her tits were heaving and bouncing like mad and try as she might her face couldn't stop breaking into a smile.

“We're supposed to be pleasuring him.” Ileana remarked as she stood up and crossed her arms.

“We never said we couldn't have fun while doing it!” Amelia panted, “Isn't that right moral?”


“I think he enjoys me just fine.”

Comically choosing that moment to start thrusting Te'oma punctuated Amelia's point rather nicely as his cock retreated several inches from her ass only to be slammed back in with all his strength. Since the woman he was joined with hardly needed to be coddled he saw no reason not to start at the highest point and remain there until he could last any longer. The loud, echoing moan accompanying his first thrust told him everything he needed to know about that decision. Reaching back to hold his head and she smiled at him Amelia quickly forgot all about Ileana as more important matters called for her attention. She guided his hands up to her trembling breasts so he could give them the same treatment he was currently giving her ass, moans immediately spilling forth as his fingers pinched and rolled her pert nipples. Her hips pushed back against his and slowly gyrated as the softness of her tanned skin and tightness of her amazing body truly started to sink in. Te'oma groaned once more and managed to slide his feet a few inches further apart for a more stable stance. That was the last conscious choice he was able to make before descending completely into the kind of animal instincts that ruled Amelia's entire life.

Ileana watched them for several seconds, her jealousy well hidden by a neutral expression and a feigned disinterest. But no matter how much of a show she put on there was no pretending she didn't want to be exactly where Amelia was. She watched him thrust and thrust and thrust while her body trembled and heaved with genuine pleasure. The smell of their arousal hung thick in the air and the chamber was completely filled with the sounds of their frantic sex. From where she was standing she could just barely see his balls slapping wetly against the lower portions of Amelia's slit. Little showers of clear, sweet smelling juices splashed off her outer folds after every impact and soon the ground beneath their feet was glistening with the results of their frenzy. Beginning to regret not having a mortal for each of them Ileana stepped closer to the pair and bit her lip. Much like her rival she wasn't one for sitting around waiting for a turn and the longer he went the more compulsive her desires became. But it was only when she noticed a subtle yet important change in their dynamic that she decided to act. At some point in the midst of their furious embrace Te'oma's thrusting had slowed and Amelia had taken control of the situation. Thanks to her natural strength and overactive libido she was more than capable of matching his speed and ferocity with her own movements and seemingly without warning his hips had completely ceased. Instead she was slamming herself backwards against him and constantly grinding herself on his cock in the process. About the only input he seemed to have was the continued and very eager attention he was paying to her sensitive breasts. So when the time came to cast a gloating smile at her opponent Amelia found naught but empty air in front of her. But like her rival Ileana wasn't about to let her actions pass without a little gloating.

“You're right werewolf,” She said from behind Te'oma, “We absolutely should enjoy ourselves. Perhaps our companion will appreciate how I like to enjoy myself!”

Once more dropping to her knees she licked her lips and smiled at Te'oma's firm, muscular butt. Her soft hands spread apart his buttocks and she leaned in nice and slow as her tongue extended from between her lips. Then, as soon as she made contact with his hole, she suddenly pushed forward. Ileana pushed her tongue inside his ass with such speed and efficiency his body reacted long before his mind had processed everything. Lurching forward and tightening up his dick slammed into Amelia at the same time she was pushing back against him. The resulting collision sent shivers down both their spines and caused no small amount of moaning from all three of them. After a few seconds of shivering Te'oma managed to gain enough composure to try and look behind him. He might have caught a glimpse of Ileana perfectly tonguing his asshole were it not for the jealous werewolf wanting every ounce of his attention for herself. As soon as he tried to look anywhere but her Amelia exerted just a fraction of the strength she was capable of to pull his gaze right back where it belonged. They locked eyes and she smiled, both at the intensity of his stare and just how madly his cock was throbbing inside her at that moment. Regardless of how much impact Ileana actually had on those wild twitches there was no getting around it: he was going to finish and he was going to do it soon. Sliding back and forth along his shaft a few more times for good measure she slowly pushed herself down on his member one final time. Once her cheeks were resting against his waist her hips started their slow, grinding gyrations until the big moment. Amelia only had to work him for a few seconds.

Far too overcome to last any longer Te'oma groaned and buried his face in Amelia's neck. His hips thrusted as much as possible while the rest of his body tightened and shivered. Ileana kept pace with his contractions, her tongue continuously assaulting his sensitive spot again and again. Both women felt a shudder run through his body and both of them shivered in delight. Rather quickly one of them was trembling far more than the other as jets of cum exploded deep into her body. They streaked out of his shaft in thick dollops that coated her inner walls and gave her the most wonderfully full sensation after just a few seconds. When his seed continued to gush inside her ass Amelia couldn't help but let out a very wolf like moan of pleasure. Her inner walls squeezed his dick as hard as they could while she reveled in every drop that exploded outwards. If the competition had been for quantity of seed produced she might have won outright just from that climax alone! By the time he was finished little drops of spunk were oozing from her quivering hole and a toe curling amount was still swirling around deep within her just waiting to be set free.

“We're even now bloodsucker!” She panted as Te'oma's cock remained balls deep inside her ass, “Now's your chance to forfeit!”

“I'll make you the same offer.” Ileana laughed, standing up and sliding her arms around his body, “Because once he feels my body there won't be a competition.”

Amelia rolled her eyes and gave his dick a nice, hard squeeze. Some more cum squirted out of her ass and he shuddered. His hands gripped her with renewed strength and he readied himself for more wild thrusting. Naturally Ileana had other ideas. Once more demonstrating that strength that still terrified him she pulled him away from his companion while simultaneously shoving Amelia towards the dusty floor. She caught herself before anything too embarrassing could happen but the echoing pop of his shaft emerging from her asshole combined with the jet of cum that sprayed out certainly did enough damage as it was. Or at least it would have had her vampire rival not been preoccupied with mouthing his freshly unoccupied dick. Having lowered him to the stone she'd already thrown a leg over his waist and taken hold of his dick. In one smooth motion she slid his entirety into her pussy. Feeling more and more fortunate by the second Te'oma's fingers closed around her narrow waist and his eyes closed. Her slit was a different but no less wonderful kind of tight, the copious amount of juices trickling from it felt incredibly against his skin and there was something almost dignified in the way she sat atop his cock. Even when she started to bounce along his length her body remained astonishingly composed despite the constant moans spilling from her mouth. Not to mention her claws scraping against his chest as her fingers curled into fists. And of course the incredible sensation of her sex quivering around every inch of his member as it was slowly pumped in and out at a luxurious pace. The whole thing made for an incredible experience long before he opened his eyes to see Amelia's pussy filling his vision.

With him on the ground and more helpless than ever his lovers had complete freedom to use him as they saw fit. Or more accurately his cock, hands, mouth, and any other part they wanted. Amelia got to enjoy first hand how good he was with his tongue, her thighs practically crushing his head several times while she was gasping and squirming atop him. Ileana rode him long, hard, and skillfully until he unloaded a voluminous amount of cum deep inside her cunt. The spell she'd cast on him apparently worked exactly as planned because his cock remained hard and eager despite how quickly he'd climaxed in such a short time. The sensitivity he was feeling after three orgasms basically right after each other didn't fade though, perhaps as part of the spell or perhaps as a consequence of his member never being without a pair of lips, a warm pussy, or a tight ass for more than a few seconds. The moment Ileana lifted herself off his shaft it was sliding into Amelia's mouth as she opportunistically bent over to swallow it up. She continued grinding her pussy against his mouth for a short while longer until her opponent casually pushed her away for a chance to ride his dexterous tongue as well. Faster than he could blink his tongue was sliding into her cute little asshole and giving it the same treatment he'd just been giving Amelia to almost exactly the same results. Little did Te'oma realize that pattern would form the backbone of their all night, half crazed sexual competition. About the only change arrived after he'd emptied enough cum into each of them to thoroughly fill their holes and send a constant flow of semen dripping out any time he wasn't inside them. Sometimes even when he was.

But rather than giving him a taste of his own fluids they instead changed tactics entirely. Like some unspoken line had been crossed suddenly they were competing more literally than ever. He first noticed it when, rather than slamming down onto his freshly exposed dick, Ileana and Amelia instead opted to start licking either side of it at the same time. Their tongues worked every inch of his prick again and again with one occasionally wrapping their mouth around his tip while the other passionately sucked his balls. They seemed to edge each other out of the former as often as possible while using the latter as some sort of staging ground to accomplish it. The resulting battle over who got to swallow his cum was both comical and immensely pleasurable, neither woman letting their competitiveness get in the way of making sure it felt utterly amazing. At the end of the first bout Ileana managed to snatch his orgasm away from Amelia. His lips closed around his dick moments before it erupted and the look of pure, satisfied lust on her face was incredible. She seemed to be reacting more powerfully than Te'oma and he was the one completely overwhelmed by pleasure. As expected the moment he was finished unloading another fantastically thick bellyful of cum into her Amelia took over sucking his dick and their battle raged on. Back and forth they went up, down, and all across his shaft until the incredibly motivated werewolf Queen managed to sneak in another point for herself right under Ileana's nose. She inhaled his entire shaft and moaned so loudly the chamber seemed to shake while spunk flooded her mostly empty stomach. And despite both of them more than accomplishing what they set out to do neither was satisfied with that particular avenue. They continued to tease and play with his dick for another minute or so before things rather smoothly transitioned into a different angle entirely.

Rather suddenly he experienced a familiar yet somehow different sensation around and against his ever twitching cock. When Te'oma lifted his head to look at it he found Amelia and Ileana grinding their slits against either side of his shaft. Neither seemed to mind the way their bodies inevitably touched as a result of this, not if their wild smiles and continuing moans were any indication. Their mortal plaything certainly couldn't complain about it either. Especially when it came time for another messy release and Amelia shoved her rival out of the way to slam down on his prick. He unleashed another torrent of cum inside her slit but rather than taking it all inside her she pulled back near the tail end of his climax. As the last few jets exploded into the air both women shivered and moaned. His seed splashed across their stomachs and dripped onto their already spunk drenched cunts. They promptly resumed their furious tribbing with his dick separating them. Soon the warm, unique feeling of their bodies led to the same place it always did. And when Amelia attempted to snatch another point for herself she was rebuked by Ileana quite literally smashing her pussy against her opponent's slit. Momentarily knocked off guard the werewolf Queen hesitated just long enough for Ileana to slide onto his shaft and claim another orgasm for herself. She was even stingy enough to hoard the entire thing and not let so much as a drop erupt anywhere but within her trembling pussy. Even after she was pushed off the angle and pace of her gyrations kept as much of his cum inside her as possible. Everything seemed to devolve into more blatant competitiveness after that point, the pair of them leaning forward and practically wrestling one another. Considering the result hardly mattered to him Te'oma was content to let them struggle so long as they never got too animated. Although even if they did there wouldn't be much he could do to stop it.

Since their only measurement of time was the moon and stars through the cracks in the chamber above them, and nobody was paying attention to such things when more important matters were at hand, everything seemed to stretch on for an eternity. In the best possible way. Their only true indication of how long it'd been was the constant orgasms enjoyed by all three of them. Te'oma certainly was the front runner among their menage a trois but there was no denying Amelia and Ileana were enjoying their fair share as well. Something about the thrill of competition paired with the constant swapping and teasing just worked for them in a way that hadn't expected. Both were still very much focused on winning but more than once that focus managed to erode just a little bit to allow them some truly liberating moments of sexual gratification. Those little glimpses into their more human, or at least less monstrous, sides never failed to turn him on like crazy. Usually enough to send his hips into overdrive whenever possible and always resulting in a particularly strong release soon afterwards. Without any sort of timer their pleasures would have fed into one another until Te'oma passed out from dehydration or starvation. Luckily for him and the future plans his lovers had for him the warm glow of a newly rising sun put an end to any change of that. Arriving so abruptly it caught all three of them off guard Amelia and Ileana hissed as the light spilled into the chamber. Pulling away from it's uncomfortable rays they carried Te'oma with them, both fully intent on getting one last cumshot from him before calling the competition over. They might have even managed it had they not chosen to taunt one another again.

“You put on a good show vampire but now we know which of us is superior.” Amelia remarked.

“How funny, I'd have never thought you'd agree that I won.” Ileana countered.

Te'oma looked at both of them with a nervous smile, feeling incredibly uncomfortably standing between two powerful and petty women, “Perhaps we can—”

“I'd never agree to any such thing! I won and there's no question!”

“Is that so? Because from where I was sitting it looks like you lost.”

“Hah! He put enough seed in me to father an entire clan!”

“Well too bad having a litter of half breeds wasn't the goal!”

“Neither was riding him like a timid milk maid but you sure did that!”

“Spoken like a true animal. Real men have no desire to lie with their pets!”

“No a real man wants a woman that'll keep him warm, not suck him dry!”

“Oh I sucked him dry. Better than you ever could! And now he's coming with me!”

“Hold on a moment!” Te'oma tried to interject.

“Over my rotting corpse he is! I've claimed him as my mate by winning the competition!” Amelia growled.

“You neither won nor have any claim to him!” Ileana seethed.

They stared malevolently at one another for several seconds while Te'oma was left to wonder if he'd be torn apart by their fighting. But rather than attacking one another they turned their attention towards him. Time seemed to freeze as he saw the looks in their eyes and realized what they intended. Each was totally unaware of what the other was doing and both lunged towards him at the same time. In unison their fangs plunged into his skin just below his jawline. He cried and tried to push them away but his strength was already beginning to fail him. When they pulled back Amelia and Ileana realized what had transpired as his blood glistened on their lips and tricking down his bare chest.

Clutching both sides of his neck Te'oma took a clumsy step away from his companions. He managed a second, even more ungainly step before collapsing to the floor, “Perhaps it won't affect him.” Ileana suggested in a wholly unconvincing tone.

“No,” Amelia said as he started to convulse, “You definitely killed him.”

“I did no such thing! It was your intrusion that led to his death!”

“We both know he was gonna join my clan before you bit him!”

“We know nothing of the sort! He was going to join my court!”

“Hah! Like that would ever happen!”

“It would happen far sooner than anyone willingly joining your 'clan'!”

They snarled at one another and stepped close enough for their bodies to touch. Any concern for Te'oma was set aside as hissing and glares abounded. With no clear winner their entire endeavor had been fruitless. And with the carnal pleasure they'd experienced wearing off it was quickly beginning to anger both of them. Almost as much as the continuing presence of their rivals. Had their more base frustrations not been alleviated Amelia and Ileana would almost certainly have been at one another's throats. Events were still heading in that direction even with that mitigating factor in place. Despite the countless other battles the two of them had waged already proving neither could gain an upper hand over the other. Just as their entire competition was on the verge of collapse and war was undoubtedly to follow Te'oma stopped twitching.

“I think he perished.”

“It looks like it.”

He groaned and suddenly launched upright, his head slumped forward and his shoulders sagging, “You killed me.”

“Is this some trick?” Amelia demanded of her companion. “What are you doing?”

“This is no trick.” Ileana immediately answered, “I don't know what this is.”

Slowly lifting his head Te'oma looked at them with startlingly crimson eyes, his face breaking into a fanged smile, “I feel stronger.” Lurching forward to rest on his hands and knees he let out something akin to a laugh, “I've never felt like this before.”

“Should we be worried?” Amelia wondered.

“I think so.” Ileana said with a slow nod.

Both of them backed away from their unintentional creation, uncertainty gripping them for the first time in centuries. When he suddenly pushed himself onto his knees they reflexively tensed. Seemingly paying them no mind Te'oma shakily rose to his feet and looked down at himself. His hands repeatedly curled into fists and then relaxed while his talons glinted in the growing light. Ileana and Amelia continued to back away from him as the uncomfortable pillars of light stretched into the chamber. It wouldn't directly harm a werewolf and it would only inconvenience a powerful vampire but neither wanted to risk weakening themselves. Not when the possibility of a fight seemed more likely than ever before. As the first of the sun's uncompromising rays fell across Te'oma his entire body tensed. He looked up from his hands to stare at the cracks in the ceiling high above. But instead of flinching from it or outright fleeing he let the glow wash over him. His eyes closed and he tilted his head back to bask in the warmth. For several tense seconds Ileana and Amelia watched him, neither sure what to do and the unfamiliar urge to flee growing stronger. 

Before they could act Te'oma looked at them as if it was the first time he's truly seen them, “I think I know who won . . .”



I love it. Everything I could have hoped for when I suggested the prompt and so much more. And that twist ending? Perfection.


Thanks! I thought up the ending almost immediately upon reading the prompt and I was super excited to actually implement it!


I love this and the twist ending


I'm glad the ending's going over as well as it has. I definitely put it in there because I wanted to end on a spooky note but I won't pretend it wasn't also to help avoid declaring a proper winner in the competition lol