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So this was actually finished last month (on the last day) but I wanted to wait and release it a little ways into this month just to make things a little more spread out and even feeling. I don't have much to say besides that, I hope y'all like Greek gods getting naughty lol

Without really knowing how he got there Cole returned to his desk and stared unblinkingly at his darkened computer monitor. It was over. He was done. There wasn't a single thing left to do but wait for the inevitable and needlessly cruel punishment to ensue. Based on what little he knew about Greek myth, or more accurately Greek history, he knew whatever was coming would be horrible. The fact that Zeus hadn't enacted his revenge immediately was enough to make Cole fearful of that. Simply being struck by lightning like his poor, innocent boss would've been preferable. Waiting for punishment to be literally doled out from on high was undoubtedly part of the torture. And it something he was playing into without even thinking about. But even when that notion did enter his mind there wasn't much he could do to really stop the fear taking over him. Rational justifications and arguments didn't hold much weight when put up against a literal God almost certain plotting his death a few dozen feet away. The only thing that distracted him at all was thoughts about all the things he'd never get to do again. Then all the things he might still have a chance to do if he hurried and Zeus took his time doling out whatever elaborate punishment he had in mind. Moving for the first time in minutes he slowly stood up and grabbed his things as calmly as possible.

“If I have any time left, I can't worry about this.” Cole told himself, “I shouldn't spend my last hours worrying about death. I should do something I love . . . I should . . . I should . . .”

Somehow the only thing his mind could focus on was one last meal at one of his favorite restaurants: Kefalas' Bistro. Deciding it was as fitting a place as any to go he tried to leave, only to be stopped by a pair of young coworkers, “Did you see the new secretary Cole?” one of them asked.

“N-no I didn't . . .” He responded, “I was actually on my way out for—T”

“You gotta check her out man!” The other one exclaimed.

“I don't really have time for this guys.”

“You don't have time to look at a hot chick? Come on man, it'll take like five seconds.”

As his coworkers patted him on the shoulder and walked back towards the last place Cole wanted to go he couldn't help but feel compelled to go see the new girl, if only to confirm a suspicion, “What happened to Edna?” He asked.

“She retired I think?”

“That's what the new boss said.”

“Which is great for us because the girl he brought in to replace her is amazing dude. You have no idea!”

“Yeah man . . . there she is! Check her out!”

Stopping just far enough away for it to be creepy that they were staring at her Cole and his coworkers peered into the small office separating the boss' area from the rest of the floor. It was little more than a grandiose waiting room with a desk opposite the entrance and a door beside it leading into the main office. Of course the room was hardly important when the woman sitting in it looked as unfathomably beautiful as she did. Practical glowing her shoulder length blonde hair flowed like a river around her softly tanned, heart shaped face. Sparkling blue eyes as bright as sapphires rested beneath softly arching and plucked eyebrows. A pair of rectangular glasses sat perched on the end of her petite, slightly upturned nose and her crimson lips were curled into a smile as if she knew she was being ogled. Her body was similarly transfixing even if she was sitting down and much of it was blocked. The dark blue business attire she had on seemed more designed to draw attention to her massive breasts and buxom form than cover it up. What seemed like half the buttons on her blouse had been undone to reveal enough cleavage to put a pornstar to shame. She looked remarkably full bodies and easily as tall as most of them men in the office if not taller. From the brief flashed that could be glimpsed as she typed her hands seemed strangely delicate by comparison, perhaps due to the periwinkle blue nail polish and the overall soft, seductive nature she seemed to give off.

“Oh no . . .” Cole thought, “Not another Goddess!”

“I bet she and the boss are having sex!”

“How could they not be!”

“Yeah, I bet that's why he hired her!”

“I'd hire her for that.”

“What's her name.” Cole asked.


“I'm not sure.”

“You guys don't know her name?”

“W-we didn't ask.”

“Yeah I-I've been really busy.”

“I'm sure.”

“Hey man, you didn't even wanna—oh shit here she comes!”

While his coworkers hurried away Cole remained exactly where he was, correctly assuming the secretary was looking to speak with him. As she approached he was given a change to see the rest of her curvaceous body and further confirm she was some sort of deity. With legs that seemed to stretch on for miles almost completely revealed by a short pencil skirt that could've doubled as a belt if she slid it a few inches higher the woman was unquestionably another denizen of Mount Olympus. Or wherever they all came from. Her hips swayed back and forth with every step and even without properly seeing it Cole knew she had an ass that could flatten a watermelon with ease, along with with an unexpectedly slender waist compared to the rest of her relatively large body. Upon reaching him she crossed her arms beneath her ample breasts and smiled at him. With relative ease he managed to avoid looking at her uplifted breasts in favor of staring directly at her sultry face. He could guess what she probably wanted but until it actually came up he wasn't going to say a thing. About his suspicions or anything else more complicated than the weather.

“You're Cole right?” She asked in a voice instantly as seductive as her looks.

“That's right. It's nice to meet you . . .” He said in a questioning tone as he held out his hand.

“Lani.” She answered, taking his hand and shaking it.

“It's nice to meet you Lani.”


“How are you adjusting to the new job?”

“Oh it's been great! Everyone here is incredibly nice.”

“I'm glad to hear it.”

She smiled at him with a look that was, on the surface, innocent and friendly. But something more lascivious lay just beneath the surface and Cole had little trouble spotting it, “Were you going somewhere?” She asked, gesturing to his coat and briefcase, “I didn't mean to hold you up.”

“I was going out for lunch.” He answered, seeing no reason to be dishonest.

“Oh that sounds nice, I haven't had a chance to eat yet.”

“Well there's a cafeteria downstairs if you didn't bring anything with you.”

“Oh really? I'll have to look into that. But I kind of feel like eating somewhere a bit fancier than a cafeteria today.”

“You can't go wrong with Cooper's or Scapelli's. They're both a few minutes away and they have takeout.”

“Thanks for the recommendation!” Lani exclaimed, “Which one were you gonna go to?”

“Oh I was planning on going somewhere a little further away.”

“Ahhhh, you're saving the best places for yourself huh?”

“Something like that.” Cole said with a placating smile.

“Well I guess I don't have any choice but to go with you.”

“Excuse me?”

“If you're going to hide the best restaurants from me I'll just have to go with you so I can try them myself!”

“It's called  Kefalas' Bistro.” 

“Nice try, you're not getting rid of me that easily.” Sliding her hand around his arm she interlocked her fingers with his and smiled cheerfully, “Lead the way.”

“Of course.” Cole sighed. As the rest of the office looked on in jealousy he walked to the elevator with Lani. They stepped inside and before he could hit a button she pressed one for him, “What're you doing?”

“I need to make a quick stop.” She explained.

“That floor's being remodeled.”

“I know.”

Stifling the sigh that wanted to escape from his lips Cole didn't say anything as the doors eventually opened and they stepped onto half lit,  plastic covered eighteenth floor. He let his companion guide him down a hallway and into an office devoid of all but a desk haphazardly pushed away from the tarp covered window. Finally releasing her hold on him Lani sauntered into the middle of the room and let out a small giggle with her face hidden by hair and her back to him. Golden light suffused her and Cole watched as her clothes peeled themselves from her body. Everything fell to the floor in a heap while she turned, naked and unashamed, to face her soon to be lover. Much of her body looked exactly the same except for that same unearthly glow, although she did look a little more thick around her thighs, breasts, and buttocks. For whatever reason a crown like braid had formed in her hair while the rest of it remained wild and untamed. A triangular tuft of blonde pubic hair sat above her plump sex as if pointing straight towards the glistening outer folds of her pussy and the swollen little clit peeking out at it's crest. Large, pink areolas sat at the center of her breasts, her nipples already stiff as little beads of what looked like milk dripping from them. Standing more confidently than human could 'Lani' flashed Cole a brilliant smile as she spoke.

“I trust you know who I really am?”

“I knew you were a goddess,” He stated, “But I don't know which.”


Cole thought about it for several seconds, only one name springing to his mind, “Aphrodite.”

Smiling wider than ever she nodded and said, “Very good mortal. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to avoid wasting any more time with idle chatter.”

“I guessed as much.”

“Oh my, Hera told me you were rather dour but I never expected this! But no matter . . . I enjoy a challenge!”

Strutting towards him like a runway model Aphrodite squatted down in front of Cole and laid her hands on either side of his slowly hardening member. She looked up at him with a strangely innocent stare as she unbuttoned his slacks and pulled his cock out in three quick movements. Suddenly her lips were wrapped around the head of his shaft and her expression was melting into one of unbridled lust. Her tongue swirled around every inch of dick that passed her lips while at the same time one hand skillfully stroked the rest of his prick and the other lightly fondled his balls. Cole's hands jumped to her head, more to steady himself than anything else, and he started to groan at the sensation. Barely halfway down his rod and she was already making him feel light headed and dizzy. Copious amounts of precum oozed from the tip of his cock and each dollop was swallowed by her like it was a delicious treat. At least until his member slid deep enough into her mouth to begin gliding down her throat. Once it was that far in his precum simply dripped directly into her waiting belly without any opposition.

Enjoying the feeling of a nice, firm dick buried in her throat Aphrodite remained pressed against his body for several uninterrupted seconds. Her eyes locked with his and her lips curled into as much of a grin as she could manage with a mouthful of dick. Cole met her gaze and released a pent up breath as his only real response. Although it was rapidly becoming less noteworthy there was still something impressive and remarkable about how easily both Hera and Aphrodite could manage his shaft. In some ways it was akin to a fantasy come true. Particularly when she started sliding back and managed to retreat all the way to his tip without so much as a gag. She made more than her fair share of gurgles and slurps though. Again she paused at the head of his prick, her mouth open and her tongue swirling around it for him to enjoy. After giving him more than enough time to burn the image of a Goddess sucking his cock into his memories forever she pushed his dick back into her throat with ease. Only this time upon reaching the base she immediately retreated instead of holding herself there. Her hands slid around his waist to hold him steady while she bounced back and forth along his member at a steadily increasing rate. Simply starting off at a breakneck pace was easy and would no doubt lead to the same results but there was just something fun about taking her time and building up to that point. Cole's perpetually twitching shaft growing more animated and enthusiastic with every pass being among the biggest points in favor of it. And even with her measured approach she was still moving fast enough send her hair flying and spit dripping down her chin within a minute or so anyways. It only took another minute or so for all the rising pleasure to finally grow too much for him to handle.

“I'm cumming!” Cole groaned.

In his understandable distraction he missed the momentary gleam that flickered through Aphrodite's eyes. Her slobbering, enthusiastic blowjob continued uninterrupted and it wasn't until several seconds of panting and moaning that Cole noticed something was wrong. No matter how close he teetered to the edge of an orgasm or how badly his body wanted a release nothing ever seemed to come. Not even with his companion's soft lips sliding up and down his shaft faster than ever before. When he finally opened his eyes to stare down in confusion at Aphrodite the impish look she flashed him, with most of his dick still stuffed down her throat of course, told him everything he needed to know. Yet even after he realized he was being toyed with the outrage he expected to feel simply didn't arrive. Perhaps it was the unparalleled oral sex or perhaps it was just another facet of whatever she'd done to prevent him from climaxing too soon. Either way he felt oddly content simply standing there and letting her suck his dick to her heart's content. Even if a little, pragmatic voice in the back of his mind was wondering what would happen if she blocked his orgasm for too long. Thankfully such issues could be and indeed were pushed out of his thoughts for the time being. So long as she continued to bob along his member as though it were her only purpose in life there really wasn't much to complain about. Particularly when she began stroking his shaft with one hand while very visibly pinching her nipples with the other. Part of her wanted to slide his meaty dick between her breasts and continue playing with him until he gave her the same rough, commanding treatment as he'd given Hera. Unfortunately she just didn't have the patience for such things.

Abruptly pulling away and standing up she moved to the nearby desk and flattened her palms against it while smiling back at him, “You should probably stick that fat cock in my ass . . .” Aphrodite suggested in a breathy whisper, “I'm very . . . fertile. Unless . . . you want to put a baby in me?”

“No!” Cole immediately said, despite the powerful twitching of his cock, “I don't want that.”

“Awwww, another time then. For now . . .” She bent over the desk and spread her buttocks with one hand, her index finger teasingly swirling around her asshole, “I want you.”

Grateful he could at least avoid adding some sort of demigod, baby daddy drama to the mix Cole stepped forward and pressed his slick cock against her ass. She moaned and he let out a long sigh as it slipped inside her with remarkably little effort. More than half was swallowed up by her incredibly tight yet paradoxically welcoming asshole. Like it was nothing he pushed the full length of his cock in and came to rest with his hips pressed tightly against her plump ass in a matter of seconds. Aphrodite continued to moan as he throbbed away within her, his entire shaft twitching like mad against her inner walls. She smiled at him as if to say 'what are you waiting for' and squeezed his dick hard enough to make him gasp. Needing no further incentive Cole grabbed her waist with both hands and started thrusting away. Since there was no need to worry about hurting her and this was, in all likelihood, the last time he'd ever have sex he didn't bother holding back at all. Within a few thrusts he was pounding away at her like he was actively trying break her. And Aphrodite was loving every second of it. Or at least that's what he assumed by the way she screamed his name and gripped his cock so hard he never wanted to stop.

Little did Cole know that was exactly what Aphrodite intended. At least until she got to enjoy a climax of her own. Being the Goddess of beauty had many perks but without question the biggest downside was how quickly men always seemed to come when having sex with her. Even Gods weren't immune to such weaknesses but fortunately for her needs she'd long ago perfected a solution to the issue. An unintended but very gratifying side effect of her magic was the increased ferocity her partners always showed upon learning they wouldn't be able to climax.  Somehow not knowing they'd be able to cum spurred every last one of them to lose control as if simply fucking her like a wild animal would somehow overcome the issue. In a way they were sort of right as it never failed to hasten her own pleasure and bring about the exact thing that would set them free. Despite few if any of them every making that connection. If what she'd been told by Hera was any indication Cole was already a passionate enough lover but there was no denying something primal inside him as he fucked her. The desk she was bent over had started to rock back and forth thanks to the power of his thrusts and the speed at which he pounded away at her pushed the limits of what a mortal man was capable of. 

She reveled in not only the feel of his turgid cock but also the wet, slapping sensation of his balls furiously colliding with her pussy after every thrust. Already the murmurs of something big had begun to stir within her and every movement brought her just a little bit closer to that edge. Doing her best to tease him and simultaneously bring about her own release a bit faster Aphrodite moaned his name in the most seductive, pleasure wracked manner she could. Her hips pushed back against him each time he slammed forward and her entire body tightened with ever wet smack of their connecting flesh. She was so certain he was completely under her sway when Cole suddenly and wordlessly pulled out she was actually surprised for the first time in centuries. There was just enough time to look back at him in confusion before she was being flipped onto her back and laid out lengthwise along the desk. He wasted no time moving back between her trembling, pussy juice soaked thighs after repositioning both of them. His cock returned to her slightly gaping asshole a split second later and he resumed his wild thrusting as if nothing had changed. Only now he was able to stare directly into her eyes as he furiously pounded away. Delighted by his momentary burst of initiative and the ability to properly see him as he worked Aphrodite stared up at him with open mouthed pleasure. Her hands closed around his forearms as he held on tight to her waist and she quickly snaked her legs around his hips. Her ankles crossed behind his back and pulled him closer, her innate strength keeping him from pulling too far back and instead forcing him into smaller but faster motions instead.

Minutes passed in the blink of an eye as they lost themselves in one another's bodies. For him the pleasure of being able to fuck without fear of finishing too early really let Cole unleash every bit of frustration that'd been building since Hera first revealed herself to be a Goddess. He could take out all his ire on the tight, nubile body of the woman that'd 'seduced' him without any fear. After all, how much worse could things really get? For her it was little more than the simple but undeniably joy of fucking a mortal man. It'd been quite some time since she'd had the chance and like always all she could think about in the moment was doing it more often. Maybe with Cole and maybe with some other male. Or perhaps even an entire group of them. The possibilities were endless and she was all to happy to explore them now that she'd gotten a taste of it again. As mighty as the Gods were they were also selfish, petty, and jealous in ways mortals could only dream of. It was nice having a good old fashioned, uncomplicated fuck without worrying about anything but a nice, gushing orgasm. Curiously enough Cole unintentionally reminded her of this when, completely out of nowhere, he reached out with both hands to grab her heaving, jiggling tits. While his efforts weren't particularly dexterous or skillful the rough, pawing way her groped her combined with his dick still jackhammering away at her ass made for an excellent pairing. Enough to send the rising tide of pleasure that'd been building inside her into a veritable frenzy. Upon realizing just how close she was getting Aphrodite immediately started to encourage her lover with loud, breathy cries.

“Fuck me Cole!” She moaned, “Oh yes, just like that! Ohhhhhhh just like thaaaaaaat!”

Although he heard her words there wasn't anything Cole could say or do except continue thrusting away like he'd been doing for some time. So much of his willpower was focused on keeping up his furious pace already it was impossible for him to speak more than a grunt in response to her words. He did manage a longer, more pronounced groan upon feeling her ass quiver and tighten around him as her impending orgasm came to head. In a last ditch effort to make her climax as explosive and powerful as possible Aphrodite released her grip on his wrist and promptly buried three fingers inside her pussy a split second before everything came crashing down around her. Her back arched and her whole body tensed for a moment before everything began to quiver and shake seemingly of it's own accord. A fountain of clear, sweet smelling juices squirted out of her pussy, arcing high into the air before falling down upon them both like rain. Another followed soon after as she furiously rubbed her clit  and though it was certainly smaller than the first it still managed to drench them both in a torrent of unexpectedly enticing odors. Like rocks on the edge of the sea she was repeatedly battered by cresting waves of ecstasy, each one sending reverberations through her entire body. Nowhere was her climactic pleasure more apparent than her ass, the tightness of her quivering body actually proving too much for Cole to over come. For the first time since they started he was forced to slow his movements in the face of such an all encompassing reaction. Naturally he continued thrusting away as fast as he could but there was considerable slowness to his motions that felt almost lethargic compared to earlier. At least until Aphrodite finally slumped against the desk and fell, relatively still. He was struck by a surge of energy and adrenaline soon after and while his conscious mind didn't realize what that meant his baser instincts certainly did.

With the spell broken and Aphrodite's pleasure fulfilled, for the moment at least, there was nothing standing in the way of Cole enjoying a similar release as well. Barely ten seconds after she'd finished quivering he let out a moan and shoved his entire dick inside her ass. Holding onto her the way a drowning man held onto a life preserver he threw his head back and stared blankly up at the ceiling. An explosion of cum sprayed into her tight little hole a moment later and suddenly she was trembling and moaning once again. All the magical edging she'd done to him was paying off better than she could have hoped as a flood of spunk gushed deep into her body. Every new load sent more of his warm jizz deeper inside her ass and further soaked her inner walls in a fine glaze of cum. Without even needing to make a conscious effort her body squeezed and massaged his dick through every twitch and throb, milking as much as she could out of him for the regrettably short time he was cumming. Because if there was one downside to her interference of the natural order it was the way everything erupted out of him faster than normal, resulting in a breathtaking but short experience that saw him finish within a few seconds of starting. But her ass was still filled with enough cum to coat her face, tits, and stomach with plenty left over to swallow. Not to mention the cute face Cole made as he unloaded everything he had within her and was left so drained he couldn't have retained an erection with anything short of magical intervention.

Stumbling like a drunk fresh from the bar Cole slowly pulled his sensitive cock from Aphrodite's ass, his eyes fluttering and his breathing heavy. His member emerged with a wet pop and she laughed. With a coy smile she immediately covered her indecently stretched hole with one hand and grinned at him as he swayed back and forth. Although he wasn't really watching anything in particular she still felt obliged to bite her lip and push just a little bit of his cum out of her well fucked hole. A very loud squelch filled the room as his seed gushed onto her fingers and his attention was drawn to the source of the noise. Pulling her now spunk covered digits away she let him ogle a sight only a few mortals and Gods ever got to enjoy. He watched with no small amount of amazement as her gaping hole slowly closed as if nothing had happened. Only a single drop of pristine white cum managed to ooze out before it'd returned to the cute little thing he'd just spent a considerable amount of time fucking. His attention was rather quickly diverted again when she started licking her hand. Propped up on one arm and looking directly at her partner Aphrodite sucked each finger clean of his seed with a purposeful lack or urgency. She took her time with every, individual drop, hoping to burn the image of a naked Goddess practically worshiping his cum into Cole's head. Towards the end of her little show he stepped forward, close enough for her to feel his soft dick pressed against her skin, and she half expected him to grow hard once more. Instead he simply looked down at her with a mostly weary expression, his hands gripping the sides of the desk for support.

“Well done mortal.” She cooed, accepting that he was well and truly done for the time being, “I can see why Hera chose you.”


She laughed and and trailed a finger along his jaw, “I'm looking forward to our next lunch . . .”

Aphrodite sauntered out of the half finished office with a cocky smile on her face. The clothes she'd discarded earlier magically reappeared on her naked body as she walked while Cole was left alone to think. All but certain she had him wrapped around her finger like any other mortal she had no idea his thoughts had almost nothing to do with her. In fact he couldn't have been less in her pocket without forgetting she existed entirely. Because as good as she was and as fun the distraction had been when all was said and done there was still one massive, looming issue hanging above him like a storm cloud. And that issue was only a few floors below no doubt plotting a multitude of creative ways to kill him. Or worse, punish him like so many tragic Greek heroes in the old and apparently true stories. Cole was so preoccupied worrying about what Zeus would do to him he seriously contemplated simply leaving work altogether and fleeing the city. Only the certainty that his 'boss' would find him regardless kept him from bolting for the elevator and running for his life. If he was going to die he might as well do it in his home town where he was, or used to be, comfortable.

“I am so, unbelievably fucked.” He said aloud as he lay flat on his back and stared up at the ceiling, “There's no way sleeping with another Goddess isn't going to make things worse . . . at least she's not his wife . . . I assume . . . fuck I don't remember anything about mythology class . . . maybe I'll doing some reading before Zeus kills me . . .” Cole smirked and chuckled at the absurdity of his priorities, “I guess it hardly matters. I'm sure Athena or someone will come along before I get the chance . . . Apparently I'm a lightning rod for horny Goddesses. And probably actual lightning pretty soon . . .”


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