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Now this one is definitely among the longest. I wanted to have it done a few days ago but I'm sure you guys can see what that didn't pan out after reading through this story. But all the same I'm glad I got a chance to write it. Hopefully y'all enjoy reading it too!

The days following the Suicide Mission and the defeat of the Shadow Broker were unexpectedly but gratifyingly calm. Just about every crew member aboard the Normandy SR2 was relaxing in the aftermath of their victories. Even the threat of their betrayal of the Illusive Man couldn't dampen the atmosphere aboard the ship. And nobody was more relieved than Commander Shepard herself. Not only had she accomplished everything she set out to do and more but for a brief, wonderful moment she was reunited with the love of her life Liara T'Soni. There was no telling how long they'd be able to stay together though and that unspoken notion hung over their heads every minute they shared. Which really just gave both of them an excuse to spend as much time together as posible both on board the ship and wherever the ended up docking. During the afterglow of another several hours well spent, as they lay naked on Shepard's bed wrapped in each other's arms a strange thought slipped into the Commander's head.

“What is it Shepard/” Liara asked, practically able to hear the wheels turning in her lover's head without lifting her own from her companion's chest, “What are you thinking about?”

“Miranda . . .”

“Your crewmember Miranda?”


Lifting her head with a knowing smile Liara asked, “Were you fantasizing about her again?”

“Not this time,” Shepard smiled, “I was actually thinking about her behavior during our mission to stop the Shadow Broker.”

“Really? She didn't seem much different to me. Judging by what you've shared about her at least.”

“She wasn't until the very end. After we killed the Yahg.”

“I don't recall her saying or doing anything after that. She was uncharacteristically quiet.”

“It was the way she looked at me. The way she looked at us. Do you remember when I told you about flirting with her?”

“Of course. I was incredibly disappointed she wasn't interested.”

“So was I. Her exact words were “Sorry Shepard but I'm not attracted to women.”

“Mmhmmm . . . so what's your point.”

“I don't think that's entirely true.”

“You didn't think so back then but she was adamant. What's changed?”

“Nothing. Technically. . . .”

Finally extricating herself from Shepard's arms Liara sat up and laughed, “As always you're a master of suspense.”

“Sorry,” Shepard grinned, “I was just thinking. I caught Miranda looking at us almost every time we were affectionate towards each other on the space station. And more than a few times since you've joined us on the ship. She's never looking for long but I always get the impressions she's jealous. Or something like that.”

“Really? Jealous of what?”

“I have no idea. It feels like she's watching you more than me but that could be my own jealousy taking over.”

Both of them paused to reflect on what had been said and the implications that came with it. There was no denying Liara and Shepard found their supposedly heterosexual companion attractive. Most people did. And something about her obstinate refusal to indulge even so much as a kiss with another woman only heightened their interest. They weren't normally ones for group affairs or even consensual cheating but this felt like a worthy exception. It was easy to tell from the look on her freckled blue face that Liara was delighted by the notion of Miranda's sexuality being a little more fluid than she pretended. Shepard was more than familiar with how enticing the prospect was after months of sexually frustrating travel with that sultry, raven haired woman. Already the two of them were forming plans ot capitalize on what looked like a golden opportunity to upgrade their sex life for as long as they all remained together.

“How do we do this?” Liara asked, correctly guessing her Commander was already on board with the plans forming in their heads.

“I'm not sure. We have to be gentle and coax her into it. If we just pounce she might pull away completely.”

“What a shame, I know how much you enjoying pouncing.”

Shepard stuck her tongue out at Liara and continued anouncing her thoughts aloud, “I think I know a way to get us started. It'll take a few days to get everything ready though.”

“What do you need?”

“Well . . . can you get your hands on a certain kind of brandy from Earth? I'd have to search my messages for the name.”

Offering a sardonic grin Liara scoffed and said, “Shepard, I could get you the recipe and resources to make it yourself.”

“The brandy by itself will do,” Shepard chuckled, “We'll need a few other things as well . . .”

A few days later the Normandy was leaving Omega and the crew was settling in for the jump back to Citadel space. Miranda Lawson was resting in her quarters stretched out across her bed idly skimming through a datalog. Since most of the ship was already sleeping and there was little chance of being interrupted she'd foregone her usual white and black, skin tight body suit in favor of an uncharacteristically girly, long sleeved pink robe. It was one of the few things she'd taken with her from Earth and it wasn't often she was able to wear it. Admittedly the fuzzy cloth was getting a bit worn around the edges but it still felt unbelievably soft against her naked skin. The fact that it was also just skimpy enough to double as something naughty when she didn't tie it was an added benefit. Although she couldn't remember the last time anyone saw her in that robe or even saw her naked. Between the Lazarus Project, the Collectors and abandoning Cerberus her love life had been put on hold for months without an end in sight.

Such things wouldn't be on mind at all were it not for the simple yet infuriating fact that masturbation simply wasn't effective. It never had been and she had little hope it ever would be. “Maybe I can stop by a bar on the Citadel . . .” Miranda thought to herself, “Maybe I'll find a nice, muscular Alliance Marine . . .” For some reason the image forming in her head as she closed her eyes was not of a burly man who could lift her with one arm but somebody far more curvaceous. But still possessing the kind of muscles that made her quiver. “Why am I thinking a woman right now?” She asked aloud, her eyes opening and a frustrated look spreading across her face, “I'm not going to get anything done with a—”

Suddenly the door to her quarters opened to reveal Shepard holding a bottle of brandy and Liara clutching three glasses, “Hello Miranda,” The Commander greeted, “Are we intruding?”

“Not at all!” Miranda said in a high pitched voice, her legs furtively crossing to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing panties, “Come in!”

It was abundantly clear both women had been lying in bed having sex in the last hour. Shepard's dark red hair was thoroughly tousled and Liara's azure cheeks still bore faint lipstick marks. The smell of sex hovered over them like a cloud and it did little to stifle Miranda's overactive imagination. Though both women could've been as presentable as ever and she would still be nervous and blushing. Whether by accident or simple dumb luck each was wearing a robe startlingly similar to the one Miranda was dressed in, with the biggest difference being sleeves that stopped just past their shoulders. Shepard's was a sleek black, silky looking number accented with red while Liara was wearing a glossy white robe that looked would've looked downright plain on any other woman. The many similarities in their body types did a remarkable job of highlighting and drawing focus the few areas where they differed. In Shepard's case the biggest differences lay in her shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes, along with her pale complexion. For Liara the obvious rich blue color of her skin along with the hair like crest sweeping backwards atop her head. Her warm sapphire eyes were a bit larger than her companion's but her nose was a bit smaller and more petite. Both possessed full, luscious lips with a smattering of freckles across their cheeks. 

Below the neck the differences between them started to grow more subtle yet oddly more enticing as a result. Each had the same wide, voluptuous hips blending into a shapely waist and modest, perky breasts. But Liara was ever so slightly more plump, especially around the thighs and buttocks, whereas Shepard had a more muscular tone that gave her a slimmer build. Likely as a reflection of their personalities Shepard's robes were tied a bit more tightly around her body while Liara's had been left more loose and flowing. Which mostly manifested in what seemed like miles of cleavage for the sultry Asari guest and just a tantalizing little glimpse for the Commander. Along with a tendency for the cloth to shift more around the legs and provide Miranda differing glimpses of soft, feminine skin. This disparity was also reflected in the length of their apparel as well though to a lesser degree. With Liara the edge of her robes came to rest so high up her legs she only had to lift her arms and turn the entire thing into a skirt. For Shepard it was a bit further down her thighs to form a more reserved look. And while she couldn't really see for herself Miranda could definitely guess at how good both of their asses looked based entirely on how appealing her own was in a similar outfit.

Her guests entered, neither one acknowledging the little flash of pussy they'd just glimpsed despite how enticing it'd been. Shepard sat down at the small table across from Miranda's bed and opened the bottle she was holding. Liara set the glasses down nearby and upon seeing there were only two seats did the logical thing and sat down on her partner's lap. Unlike their blushing, raven haired crew member neither woman made any attempt at all to conceal their bodies. Their choice in clothing did enough of a job covering them up that neither one was strictly speaking naked but at the same time very, very little was left to the imagination. In fact Miranda was almost positive she could see either woman's sex if she only tilted her head to the right angle. Just about every ounce of her self control was dedicated to avoiding that temptation as she moved to the seat opposite her friends. The moment she sat down it became remarkably clear that her new position took away the need for any head movement whatsoever.

“So what's the occasion Shepard?” Miranda asked, swallowing hard and blushing furiously as her eyes stared fixedly at the Commander's.

“Nothing special,” Came the reply, “Liara and I just thought we'd share a drink with you before bed.”

“I was told this was your favorite kind of brandy.” Liara added.

“Hmmm,” Looking at the bottle in question Miranda noticed for the first time it was indeed her favorite kind, “Yes it is! How did you know that?”

“I have my ways.”

“I told her.” Shepard clarified.

Liara clicked her tongue in disapproval but smiled at Shepard soon afterwards. She returned the expression and they looked back at Miranda. Although they covered is as best they could both women didn't think twice about ogling their curvaceous crew mate. After that wonderful little glimpse of her slit it was hard not to think about her in a decidedly sexual manner. Moreso than they already were in fact. Though her thick, shoulder length black hair wasn't as put together as usual it wasn't particularly tousled either. The flush that'd crept over her strong, angular features added a level of adorable uncertainty to her otherwise confidently seductive expression. Particularly in the way she licked her voluptuous lips and the how her piercing blue eyes constantly shifted their focus. Her small but pert breasts weren't exactly being flaunted but there was still enough cleavage visible to draw the eye and hold in there. But it was equally challenging not to admire the simultaneously toned and plump look the rest of her body had, in particular her fantastic heart shaped ass. Even being unable to see it both Liara and Shepard had stared furtively at her buttocks enough to know how good it looked. The not so subtle crossing of her legs afforded them a chance to enjoy her juicy thighs and wide hips without much staring required. Not that they hesitated to do so.

“Well thank you both, it's been a long time since I had time to sit back and enjoy a drink.”

“We all know that feeling.” Liara agreed.

Reaching past her lover Shepard poured each of them a hearty amount of liquor and grabbed one of the glasses, “To finally being able to relax!” She said holding her glass aloft.

Miranda and Liara took theirs with similar grins and clinked them against hers. While the former Cerberus operative took a dainty sip of her drink Shepard and her Asari companion all but drained their glasses. Only instead of drinking from the ones they were holding both offered it to the other. It was a rather cute gesture made significantly more sexual because of how they were dressed and the very deliberate ways Liara shifted against Shepard's body. In the short time it took them to drain their glasses she was all but grinding against her Commander's lap as their friend watched. Unable to shake the feeling she was witnessing something she shouldn't be Miranda did her best not to let the sight overwhelm her too much. Of course no matter what she did the heat growing between her thighs wasn't going to be stopped. She set down her barely touched glass in a weak attempt to prevent herself from slipping any further than she already had. Getting drunk at such a vulnerable moment would only weaken her resolve. Shepard and Liara noticed her reaction soon after they set down their own, freshly emptied glasses. They were slightly disconcerted by her apparent hesitation, completely unaware she was actually ripe for the picking. Their decision to press on bold as brass regardless was exactly the kind of incentive a very confused Miranda needed.

“Is something wrong?” Shepard asked, comfortably resting a hand on Liara's thigh.

“No, the brandy is delicious.” Miranda stated, “I just prefer to sip it.”

“That makes sense,” Liara nodded, her hand covering Shepards to wordlessly guide it higher up her leg.

“Well we have plenty to go around,” Shepard laughed. Her free arm slid around Liara's shoulders, the tips of her fingers brushing against her cleavage in the process, “Don't be shy about drinking as much as you won't.”


Liara leaned back to give Shepard a small kiss, their lips barely connecting for a moment before she pulled away. But in that time her body still managed to visibly shudder. “So how are you enjoying your free time Miranda?”

“It's been very relaxing.” Miranda answered in a slightly robotic fashion. She did her best not to draw attention to how tightly her legs were crossed or the furtive way she tied her robe a little tighter. As flustered as she was it felt for all the world like she was sitting naked in front of her companions and they could read her every slightest thought, “I haven't had a break in almost three years.”

“Sorry about that.” Shepard joked. Deliberately pausing for a moment the ensuing quiet was all but shattered by a small but incredibly distinct squishing sound. Immediately Miranda's eyes went wide and her heart skipped several beats at once. There was no mistaking what had just happened despite being unable to see it. Liara's quiet shiver and the impish smile across Shepard's face was damning enough evidence on it's own. “But at least we've been doing something good the whole time.”

“T-that's true.” Miranda said in a high pitched voice.

“I'm sure we'll all continued to do good things.” Liara said in a barely disguised breathy gasp.

“I hope so.” Shepard agreed. That same moist schlick returned a bit louder than before and a hush fell over the room. But rather than continuing the Commander wordlessly pulled her hand from beneath Liara's robe. For a moment Miranda thought that would alleviate her fuzzy headed, heart pounding nerves. And it almost did. Until she saw the visible glisten of fluids on the tip of Shepard's middle and index fingers.

Their banal, casual conversation continued on shortly afterwards, only it lacked the attention of one of the participants. Miranda nodded and listened to the words coming out of their mouths despite her brain completely failing to process a single syllable. Without realizing it her eyes had glazed over and the nervous little smile spread across her face melted into an open mouthed, almost daydreaming look. Which proved entirely accurate to where her head was at as images came unbidden into her mind. Suddenly she was sitting where Liara was and it was Shepard's hand creeping up her thigh. Her legs were slowly parting to allow unfettered access and her breathing was growing more shallow by the moment. Liara was watching from the seat Miranda actually occupied, her robe completely gone and an approving look spread across her face. The calloused tip of a finger brushed against her sex at the same moment their Asari companion slid from her seat. Kneeling down between Miranda's opened legs Liara offered a few words of encouragement and reassurance. A similar sentiment was echoed in her ear by Shepard, her Commander's breath deliciously hot against her skin. Goosebumps erupted all across her body and for a brief moment she tensed in uncertainty and fear. In the next every muscles seemed to relax and she let herself fall into the open arms of something she never thought she wanted. Miranda snapped back to reality before it could go any further and words spilled out of her mouth faster than she could think them.

“S=Shepard can we talk privately for a moment?” She stammered.

“Of course,” Shepard replied, “Should we step outside and—”

“I'll let you two chat in here,” Liara said, “I need to use the bathroom.”

Their blue skinned friend walked into the restroom and shut the door, suddenly leaving Miranda alone with the source of her confusion and the object of her affection. “Is everything all right?” Shepard asked in a concerned tone.

“No it damn well isn't!” Miranda exclaimed, 

She looked ready to launch into some kind of tirade and maybe even start throwing things. Instead of lashing out in that fashion Miranda rushed towards her Commander. Before Shepard could so much as exhale her companion had pulled her into a passionate, almost desperate kiss. There was no small amount of trepidation in the way Miranda's lips connected with hers yet it was also accompanied by a palpable sense of relief. Having never kissed another woman before it was downright impossible for her to avoid getting in her own way despite how soft her red haired friend's body was. Not to mention how relieving it felt to finally do what her hormones had been urging her to do for ages. When Shepard's arms coiled around her and those strong, experienced hands found her buttocks it was all Miranda could do to not pull away on reflex. Part of her was still reeling from the simple act of kissing a woman while the rest was steadily being lost in the embrace itself. Particularly the unexpectedly fantastic way her companion groped and squeezed her ass. Without really thinking about it Miranda was leaning harder into the kiss than ever before as her own hands grabbed fistfuls of her partner's robe. Under any other more normal circumstance she would've been riding her companion by that point or, depending on the man, letting him bend her over something. But the simple facts that it was her Commander and Shepard lacked the necessary equipment for such a thing slowed her eagerness tremendously. To such a degree she finally broke off the kiss after almost a full minute.

Amazed at how sweaty and out of breath she was, not to mention how collected Shepard seemed to be, Miranda swallowed several times and finally said, “I-I'm sorry Commander. I don't know what's gotten into me.”

“I do.” Shepard smiled, her hands still glued to that firm, juicy ass she'd been after for months, “And after a kiss like that you shouldn't be apologizing to anyone!”

“What about Liara?”

“What about me?” Liara stepped out of the bathroom to see her lover and Miranda locked in an unmistakably sexual embrace, their bodies pressed so tightly together not even their crumpled bath robes could be considered in the way, “Oh my . . .”

“Liara!” Miranda gasped. She immediately pushed Shepard away and tried to cover herself up, “I-I-it isn't what you think. I-I was only—” 

“Finally! I wasn't sure you'd ever come around!”

“Come around . . . you mean . . . you mean you both wanted this?”

“Of course!”

“I wasn't just flirting for the sake of it all those times,” Shepard remarked.

“But you're . . . but I'm not a . . . I don't know what to say . . .”

“Then don't SAY anything.” Liara giggled.

Sauntering up behind Shepard and sliding her arms around the Commander's waist Liara rested her chin on her lover's shoulder while making lingering eye contact with Miranda. Her dexterous blue fingers slowly untied the cord keeping Shepard's robe closed while their blushing friend watched in slightly nervous awe. The moment that loose knot was undone the front of her bathrobe opened like curtains, revealing not only the tuft of fiery pubic hair above her mostly hidden pussy but almost the entirety of her perky breasts as well. While Shepard smiled Liara reached up to grab the collar of her companion's now useless clothing. It was pulled away and allowed to fall to the floor without a second thought. As soon as it was out of the way both women looked to Miranda with near identical grins, Shepard biting her lower lip and arching an eyebrow as Liara tenderly ran her fingers across the silky smooth skin suddenly laid bare. Both of them were delighted by the way their raven haired crew member's eyes followed her caress with unblinking interest. Before long Liara was trailing her digits along the underside of her lover's breasts and through that soft little thicket of hair above her damp pussy. Mostly to ensure Miranda got a nice, unobstructed view of everything she'd been lusting after but also in some part because she simply loved touching Shepard's body.

“What do you want to do Miranda” Shepard asked, “If you're still unsure we can always leave . . .”

“I don't . . . I don't want that . . .” Miranda muttered, sheepishly rubbing her arm and looking away for the first time.

“Don't worry,” Liara cooed, releasing her girlfriend and approaching Miranda to rest a hand on her shoulder, “We'll take care of you.”

Shepard punctuated her lover's words by reaching out and slowly untying Miranda's robes. Liara did the same with her own in a much faster method and the flash of revealing blue skin managed to distract their companion. It was downright impossible to avoid staring as that voluptuous azure body stood close enough to touch. The almost perfect curvature of her breasts perfectly matching her wide, child bearing hips. The completely hairless expanse of skin leading from her navel down to the fully exposed lips of her pussy. The way a visible strand of fluids was already dripping from her inner folds and falling languidly to the floor below. Everything about the sight of Liara's body moments after seeing Shepard in a similar state was overwhelming in the best possible way. She didn't even think about her breasts sitting exposed in the cool air, her puffy nipples gradually stiffening while little drops of dew formed along the plump lips of her slit. A;; those little details quickly returned to the forefront of her mind when Shepard stepped closer and tenderly slid a hand between Miranda's thighs. A jolt of pleasure arced through her as fingers touched her sex for the first time in months. Immediately her gaze shifted back to the Commander and her lips parted in a silent whimper. Words tried to emerge but each one died in her throat as she stared into Shepard's eyes and quietly gave into what she was feeling. A moment later her submission was rewarded when Liara moved in behind her close enough to press her shapely body against Miranda's back.She pushed forward in a gentle but firm motion until she suddenly found herself squeezed between both women and completely unable to move. Save for the occasional squirming shudder.

Miranda quickly found her voice but the only thing to emerge was a timid little gasp: “Oh!”

She might have said more if her mouth hadn't been occupied by a sudden kiss from Liara. While Shepard continued slowly rubbing her pussy her partner was cupping Miranda's chin and turning her head to the side. The moment she was able her soft, blue lips were pressed against hers. Although not quite as wonderful as the one she'd shared with her Commander kissing Liara was still incredibly arousing and more than a little thrilling. After more than two decades of thinking herself straight and having no sexual interactions with women suddenly she'd kissed two in the span of a few minutes. Her mind was reeling from the thought alone and any time it focused on the soft, warm sensations assaulting her senses it threatened to shut down entirely. When Shepard started planting her own little kisses along Miranda's collarbone and even down to breasts things escalated faster than she could comprehend. Both of their hands roamed her body freely to touch, squeeze, and fondle what felt like every part of her that would elicit a shiver or moan. They pressed their own bodies against hers in slow, gyrating movements that let her feel the unexpected heat radiating from between their legs. More than once she was actually treated to a bit more as some of the juices seeping from their slits managed to drip onto her legs. Soon enough Miranda found herself unable to continue kissing Liara, the mounting pleasure inside her body proving too consuming.  She looked from Liara to Shepard with a dazed smile plastered to her face as her talented lovers steadily worked their way across her body with ease. Now free to mimic the Commander their Asari companion started kissing and caressing everything she could reach.

Slowly but surely Miranda's trepidation was assuaged and her actions were fueled less and less by uncertainty. Her nerves never completely went away but having two incredibly experienced women guiding her the entire time was exactly what she needed. What had seemed almost intimidating and nerve wracking at first quickly became her favorite part of what was hopefully the first on many such encounters. It was around the time she found herself standing in the center of her cabin with Shepard and Liara kneeling in front of and behind her and her hands all but stuck to their heads for support that those desires really came to light. Having two different tongues lapping and her pussy and ass simultaneously while separate pairs of hands spread apart her buttocks and thighs was absolutely breathtaking. She could hardly draw a single breath amidst the endlessly churning ebb and flow of pleasure inside her body. And Miranda wasn't even that big a fan of ass play! But there was just something right about having Liara's tongue swirling around inside her quivering asshole, stretching the confines of her inner wall and pressing up against spots she didn't even know existed. Naturally the constant, expert motions of Shepard's tongue inside her pussy was equally if not more wonderful too. If Miranda thought she knew what good cunnilingus felt like before now she was so drastically mistaken it was laughable. It was as if her red headed lover knew her body better than she did, every movement effortlessly sent her into toe curling, mind breaking fits of pleasured spasms. Before long the feeling was so unbelievably good Miranda couldn't form words fast enough to describe it. She could only grind back and forth against the two women pushing her to orgasm.

Soon enough she was right at that threshold and careening over the edge fast. Every muscle in her body started to shake and her voice completely failed. She stared blankly up at the ceiling with mouth agape and a little bit of drool trickling out of the corners. Rolling waves of ecstasy echoed outwards form her core to reach the tips of every extremity where they promptly bounced back in a cascade of bliss. Down between her legs the result was just as spectacular: juices gushing out of her pussy in veritable torrents while the already tight confines of her ass clamped down more than ever. Her grip on Liara and Shepard's heads tightened until she was all but forcing them deeper inside her. Which they were all too happy to oblige, both women shuddering almost as much as Miranda. Shepard in particular was beside herself as she was showered in pussy juice. What little managed to splash across Liara was received with just as much if not more enthusiasm. They were so enamored with the thrill of making their companion cum they didn't even think twice about how sensitive she must have been after almost thirty uninterrupted seconds of cumming. For the most part Miranda couldn't even notice it until her the sharpest peaks of her pleasure started to fade and reality sank back in. But it wasn't until her legs started to wobble and give out that she truly noticed how much Shepard and Liara had rocked her.

“I need to sit down . . .” She said in a dazed voice while her companions stood up to hold her steady.

“I've been there before, Shepard really knows her way around a woman's body doesn't she?” Liara smiled.

“You're not so bad yourself Liara.” Shepard laughed, draping an arm around Miranda's waist to guide her towards the bed. “Do you want to take a break?”

“No . . . I just can't stand for a while.” Miranda slumped across her mattress

“Well that won't be a problem. Will it Shepard?”

Realizing what her companion had in mind Shepard nodded and plopped down on the bed beside Miranda, “I'll never get tired of how you think Liara.” She leaned back against a nearby wall and slowly spread open her legs, “Now it's your turn Miranda.”

Turning her head to see what was being offered Miranda's heart just about stopped. Her eyes widened in amazement and she stared with a hungry glimmer. Shepard's pussy looked exactly as she thought it would. The outer lips were completely devoid of hair and deliciously plump while the inner folds had a warm pink color that made her salivate more than any food. A swollen little bud at the crest peeking out from beneath it's hood drew a similar amount of attention, if only because it was where she intended to start her first ever attempt at oral sex. On a woman at least. Still a little weak from her own climax Miranda clumsily threw herself forward and buried her face in the delectable slit being offered on a silver platter. Thanks to her ungainly maneuver she missed the pert clit her eyes had feasted on and instead found herself a little bit lower and a lot closer to actual prize she'd fantasized about. Shepard immediately gasped as Miranda's lips connected with her sex and months of build up were finally paid off. Like it was her last meal she licked that perfectly sweet cunt with as much enthusiasm as she could possibly muster.The frantic moans spilling from her mouth took on an extra, even more passionate dimension as she worked.

It didn't even matter that Miranda had little to no idea what she was doing, the constant yet inexperienced movement of her tongue while her lips slurped and sucked anything they could felt absolutely divine. Within seconds Shepard's back was arching and both hands were gripping fistfuls of jet black hair. Her legs and thighs quickly closed around her lover's head and her ankles crossed somewhere above her lower back. She tired her best to smile at Liara but her rapidly fluttering eyes and unresponsive lips made the effort futile. Fortunately her always eager lover wasn't one to sit by and watch. Approaching with lusty grin Liara knelt beside the bed and kissed her long time girlfriend fully on mouth. She made it was as passionate and fierce as she could in an attempt to completely destroy Shepard's rational mind. Her efforts succeeded remarkably well as the Commander's eyes suddenly flared open, then rolled back in her head. She pulled Miranda harder than ever against her pussy and moaned into Liara's lips. Looking up from her delicious treat the former Cerberus agent watched in awe as Shepard moved in way she'd never seen before. The sight of such a strong, self assured woman writhing and bucking in a fit of barely controlled muscles was completely intoxicating. Before she even knew what was happening one of her hands had slid down between her legs to start rubbing her sensitive pussy. Little did she know Liara was doing the exact same thing, only in lieu of rubbing she'd pushed two fingers knuckle deep and was furiously pumping them in and out.

For several, uncountable minutes Shepard was given the kind of treatment other women could only dream about. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed down upon her in a steadily rising tide. She could feel the big one rising above her fast and there was nothing in the universe that could stop it. When Miranda finally switched her focus to the Commander's aching clit it was all over save the fireworks. Barely ten seconds after her lips closed around that stiff bud and her finger slid inside the hole her tongue had just occupied Shepard screamed. A moment later her pussy erupted in a fountain of juices that utterly drenched Miranda in the first couple of seconds and soaked the bed beneath her soon after. Completely astonished by the amount of juices squirting from her lover's sex Miranda pulled away to look down at the jets periodically erupting from that convulsing hole without removing her finger or actually slowing it's movements at all. She wisely kept her mouth open as she did so and the spray that followed soon after splashed across her face onto her waiting tongue. Her eyes closed against the sticky torrent dripping down her face and she felt so much of it seeping into her hair it was like taking a very naughty, counter productive shower. Sadly the flood started to diminish soon after and she was only given another mouthful or so of pussy juice to drink down before Shepard was finished. When Miranda finally wiped away the fluids clinging to her eyes and looked at her friend she was delighted to see a look of total, slack jawed bliss on her face.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Liara asked, holding her love's face with both hands. Shepard nodded and grinned, a look of pure adoration plastered on her face, “Good!”

Now time for Liara to be the center of attention she was so excited her pleasure addled brain couldn't find the words to say how she wanted to do it. She barely managed a gasping moan as she climbed onto the bed alongside her partners. Starting to get a feel for how her sapphic companions operated Miranda felt the shifting mattress and  retreated from Shepard's tasty pussy. She shifted until she was flat on her back with her own legs parted for the Commander and her head now resting beside Liara's half kneeling, half squatting body. Seeing Miranda's wet, slightly parted lips curling into a smile as her hair was plastered to her cheeks made the already excited young Asari woman tremble. For a moment it was actually difficult for her to straddle that face the way she wanted to, the constant trembling of her legs proving a bigger obstacle than she expected. It actually took two attempts to throw her leg across her dark haired lover's face, both times gooey strands of pussy juice arcing streaking across much of the bed in the process. She managed to get it right in the end and soon enough Miranda was staring up at the hairless blue lips of a juicy pussy as it was slowly lowered onto her mouth. She closed her eyes and even leaned up to reach it a bit sooner as her tongue plunged into the silky sweet folds she was all too happy to taste for herself. Her head was quickly pushed back down against the bed as she was smothered not only by Liara's juicy slit but her plump ass as well. Being new to having her face sat on Miranda was both astonished and delighted to learn how completely her head was smothered by those big blue buttocks and how perfectly her nose was positioned to be half buried inside her quivering asshole at the same time.

Wasting no time at all she started to gyrate against that soft mouth while grabbing her own breasts and staring up at the ceiling. Her red haired partner watched with one hand touching her recently pleasured cunt and the other lightly fingering Miranda's. While nobody except Shepard was aware of it few things in the galaxy were easier than making Liara cum. The pleasure of doing so was never diminished by the ease of it but even in the longest sessions it didn't take more than a minute to get her screaming and calling out to the Goddess. With all the build up and waiting she'd done since Miranda first kissed Shepard she was little more than a bomb just waiting to go off. Her ex-Cerberus lover barely started moving her tongue in a haphazard, circular motion before Liara was crying out in ecstasy. She grinded so furiously against Miranda's face the deluge of fluids erupting from her slit threatened to drown the poor woman. Luckily for both of them she managed to gulp down enough sweet tasting fluids to prevent that eventuality and simultaneously keep her tongue moving at the same time. But it took just about every ounce of concentration she had. The amount of fluids spraying out of her weren't quite as voluminous or as thick as what Shepard had produced but it was still more than expected in quite a few ways. Some barely cognizant part of Miranda almost felt inadequate compared to her two, incredibly messy partners. That notion didn't last long though as the raw experience of drinking Liara's pussy juice rapidly drowned out everything else.

“Yes!” Liara moaned, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Perhaps more unique than her incredibly sensitive body was the way she always managed to bounce back right after cumming. Less than five seconds after her orgasm faded she was sliding off Miranda's face and crawling along the floor towards Shepard. Now that each of them had enjoyed a nice, full body and mind shattering climax there was very little in their way preventing their fhreesome from getting truly wild. They might not have had the toys and clothing the Commander and her Asari love often used but hands, mouths, and simple ingenuity would bridge the gap for now. The time had come for them to show their burgeoning lesbian crew all the lovely ways three horny women could enjoy each other. Which meant a return to her being the focus of their attention. Miranda barely had time to notice the shift in focus before she was pounced on by her oversexed lover. Her body was pushed into every conceivable position, her pussy was stuffed with fingers, tongues, and even a phallic object she never got to see. Her ass was licked, fingered, and stretched open just wide enough to make her squeal in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her face was kissed, buried between luscious breasts, and smothered by ass cheeks or pussy lips. Time and time again she was made to cum harder and longer than she thought possible while Shepard and Liara enjoyed themselves in a similar, albeit more familiar but still immensely enjoyable way. None of them paid the slightest bit of attention to how long they were at it, how wet and sticky they'd become, or even the amount of noise undoubtedly filtering into the rest of the ship. The only thing that mattered was the pleasure they could give and receive. By the end the deciding factor ended up being nothing more than simple exhaustion. Much like in Liara and Shepard's normal sex lives. Only it was Miranda who finally collapsed in a quivering heap of her own juices instead of either of them. After making sure she was still breathing they tucked her into the sodden mess that was her bed and quietly took their leave.

As fun as it was to play with Miranda's sexuality for an evening there was no doubt in either of their minds that it was a one time occurrence. Using her hormones to their advantage was easy enough to accomplish when she was so clearly starved for affection but in the sobering light of morning such urges rarely persisted. It was well worth the effort though and already both women were quietly wishing they'd found a way to record Miranda's first and only lesbian encounter. The memories alone were enough to make them shiver and smile at each other as they stepped onto the elevator. So much so they didn't think twice about the looks their wet, disheveled, and flushed appearances earned them from the handful of crew members still awake. Most of them had to be used to their sexually open and unabashed Commander by that point and anyone who wasn't had no right to be surprised by that point. Certainly not after Liara arrived.

“Did you succeed Shepard?” EDI asked shortly after the doors closed.

“You told your AI about this?” Liara asked with an incredulous laugh.

“Of course. EDI asked me about human sexuality. I thought it best to give her an example,” Shepard explained, “After that she seemed interested so I kept her updated.”

“You're lucky I love you.”

“I know.”

They stepped closer and slid an arm around one another's waist, Shepard resting her head atop Liara's while her Asari lover snuggled against her Commander's shoulder. “Hold on . . .” Liara murmured, “Did you watch us EDI?”

“Yes. The Commander said it would be fine so long as I didn't ask questions until afterwards.”

“I did but I also expected you to have a lot more—”

“Did you record us?”

“—to . . . ask about . . .” A delighted look spread across the Commander's face, “Please tell me you recorded us EDI.”

“I did record you Shepard. I hope that wasn't unethical of me but I wanted to study your interactions.”

Liara looked at her lover with the biggest grin she'd sported all night, “We'd like to see that recording EDI!”

“Of course, I'll send it to your Omni Tools.”

They stepped off the elevator and rushed into Shepard's quarters. Their clothes were tossed aside and they jumped naked into bed straight away. As the two of them slipped under the covers Liara produced her Omni Tool and pulled up the video in question. Both women were absolutely delighted to see the recording start less than a minute after they walked into Miranda's quarters. It was even taken from multiple angles that allowed them to watch just about everything with ease. Shepard watched for a few moments until the urge to see what they all looked like writhing around the bed, floor, and table became too much. She skipped ahead to the first kiss, tentative kiss she'd shared with Miranda. Liara bit her lip and subtly moved even closer, her soft fingers idly running along her lover's thigh. The Commander cheekily one upped her by grabbing a soft handful of jiggling blue tit and giving it a nice squeeze.

“Shepard!” Liara whimpered, “We should send this to Miranda.”

“Do you think she'll enjoy it/”

“I think she will.”

“Then let me send it. I'll make sure she knows EDI was the one to record it.”

“That's a good idea.”

“Mmhmmm . . .” A short silence lapsed between them as they watched the naughtiness unfold, “We should watch it all first and make sure there's nothing strange in the recording.”

“Of course, it only makes sense to double check.”



Sophia Dearden

Great writing as always Snizz. Fanfiction like this can get tricky if you want to remain at all true to the original characterizations, but you did a great job of it.


Outside of the whole conception of the story of course lol. But your sentiment is appreciated despite my snark.