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Full disclosure: this one was based off a picture the commissioner had done before I ever started writing. Since I know Patreon's a bit weird about links leading to outside porn sites I won't provide it here. But I will say it involves three lovely ladies from World of Warcraft as futas. So if that's your bag you're in luck with this one lol

Sequestered in a far flung corner of Azeroth as far from both the Horde and Alliance as possible was a suspiciously large and well made tavern. It stood completely at odds with the surrounding, barren countryside in every possible way. The only beings to know of it's existence were the two or three dozen patrons that'd made it their new home. Or more accurately the two or three dozen, mostly female, criminals wanted by both sides of the war who were hiding in the Murlock's Gullet because it was the last place they had left. In addition to enough rooms for it's shady customers and more than enough liquor to keep them all satisfied the lodge also had an exceptionally large and well maintained stage on its ground floor. Given the nature of the clientele the quite lavish theater and it's thick purple curtains hiding the backstage rarely saw the kind of use more civilized parts of the world would employ such a structure for. Until a troupe of actors managed to get themselves exiled from every nation on both continents the only kind of performances hosted were of a more risque nature. And for the first time in just shy of a month there was a new show on the bulletin, with three of the most well known women in the world apparently taking part. Nobody knew what to expect but everyone that could be was in attendance when night fell and the curtain started to rise.

The crowd started to cheer almost immediately but their enthusiasm didn't reach it's peek until the crimson drapery reached about waist height and three equally sumptuous cocks were shown nestled in the middle of three shapely and womanly hips. None were fully erect but each was already throbbing and the weighty balls hanging behind them were visibly tensing. Apparently in on the enjoyment whoever was manning the curtain yanked it faster than ever after that tantalizing reveal. In the blink of an eye the rest of the performers was revealed. Dressed in surprisingly similar attire and standing from left to right was Sally Whitemane, Jaina Proudmoore, and Vanessa VanCleef. Each one was sporting some kind of corset that both hid and drew attention to their massive breasts, concealing almost nothing except their nipples yet still managing to keep those mountains of creamy white flesh restrained at the same time. Besides that each was naked save for a pair of stockings covering most or all of their legs from the feet up to the midpoint of their thighs. The remainder of their lithe, muscular bodies was left completely on display, the smooth musculature of their legs and arms laid bare while the tautness of their stomachs was only hinted at. Or in the case of the two career criminals following the lead of their recently turned compatriot it was a set of well defined abs only being teased by the skin tight apparel.

Whether by choice or accident Vanessa and Sally were sporting a swapped black and red color scheme. Sally's stockings formed of smooth ebony silk accented by a gold band near the top and a burgundy corselet strapped showing off ample cleavage behind crisscrossing strings and slanted edges along the top. Vanessa sported a pair of rose colored leggings beneath a slightly more conservative jet black bodice that covered perhaps an inch or two more of her bust behind a short, spiked edge that formed a crescent moon shape across her tits. Jaina was 'clothed in a more uniform royal blue pairing, her stockings leaving her feet bare except a small band that wound beneath the middle of her foot and her corset open all the way down her stomach like a vest held together only by a handful of gold buttons and bands of cloth that looked ready to snap. VanCleef and Whitemane left their hair falling freely around their softly angular faces, Vanessa's straight white locks framing her much more pale complexion rather nicely while Sally's feathered, short black cut gave her decidedly more tanned face a youthful vibrancy. Proudmoore was more put together with the deliberate exception of a thick strand of yellow bangs hanging across the left side of her face to stand at odds with ivory mane pulled into a braided ponytail draped across her shoulder. All three of their sky blue eyes watched the onlookers with knowing glee, their softly manicured eyebrows arched coquettishly and the nostrils of their strong yet girlish noses flared in excitement. Three sets of full, pouty lips were curled into grins at the adulation of their fellow outcasts and criminals.

A sudden rush of energy filled the congregation as they drank in the sight of three undeniably famous women standing almost naked before them and ready to put ona show. Particularly when they noticed each one had her arms tied behind her back with a considerable amount of rope. Going almost unnoticed beneath the much more distracting spectacle above were three evenly spaced rubber cocks stuck to the wood of the stage in a triangular formation. Each one was more than a foot long and about as big around as any of the performer's calves. Though modeled in a remarkable likeness of an orc dick, something all three of them were well acquainted with, the massive sex toys also featured numerous bumps and ridges running from the base all the way to the knobbled tip, also with perfectly even spacing between each small, pointed rivet. It was only after Jaina, Sally, and Vanessa all took their places above their respective performance tools that the crowd really started to get an idea of where the whole show was headed. Not that such a thing was hard to figure out after their entrance. Each villainess adopted a wide stance and smiled out at the crowd, Jaina unquestionably taking the lead by being the closest to the audience, not to mention the first to slide her feet across the wood on either side of her dildo. Vanessa and Sally were quick to follow of course but neither of them went further than their leader. Regardless of how badly they wanted to ride those deliciously thick members like they were the real thing. Instead, like their white and yellow haired companion, they remained perched above each dildo with their knees slightly bent and their cocks steadily throbbing in the open air.

With a choreographed precision all three started lowering themselves towards the waiting dicks at the same time. The nearer they came the harder their own shafts became until they were only a few inches from their goal and all hard as tempered steel. It was impossible for the crowd not to notice the distinct variations in each woman's member, and for many of them to start picking favorites. Sally possessed the unquestionably smallest prick yet it was still thick enough to make most men feel inadequate, particularly so near the tip. Vanessa was larger in both length and girth by a noticeable amount but her sack had the same weight and roundness of her companion's. Jaina seemed to be the best of both of them, her shaft proving longer than Vanessa's and thicker than both of theirs from the base all the way to the tip. Her balls were similarly plentiful and quite visibly ready to burst. Although the latter trait wasn't even remotely unique to her. That became more evident than ever when the knobbly tip of those dildos finally reached their assholes and slipped inside with remarkably little effort. All at once beads of precum either formed at the three women's tips or started cascading down their shafts in a desperate bid for release. The resulting moans emerging from each woman's mouth were lost among the roar of the crowd. What wasn't lost however was the noticeable shift in demeanor that came over the three performers. Having metaphorically popped their cherries with the first couple inches of green dick there was no reason to hold back for the sake of showmanship any longer. And a growing sense that they wouldn't have been able to even if they wanted.

After a short pause in which the crowd died began to settle the trio suddenly plunged downwards with a ferocity that would've snapped a lesser toy, or even a real dick, in half. But their well made dildos simply bent and curved as more than half of them vanished in Vanessa, Sally, and Jaina's assholes with impressive speed. Each of them stopped at different points; Whitemane pausing the earliest, Sally not far behind her, and Jaina descending farther by at least an inch; but they were all well past the middle and stuffed full enough to make their bellies inflate ever so slightly. Not that many in the audience could see such an appealing testament to their sluttiness with the angle provided them so completely filling their view with cocks and asses stuffed by dildos. Once they'd all reached spots they were comfortable with they started to rise at varying speeds as well. Sally was the fastest and most eager to reach the top so she could slam back down even harder, her ass quivering like mad around her new favorite toy. Jaina was no less excited but considerably more measured in her motions, savoring both the feeling and the steady retreat of the cock from her hole. Vanessa moved at a slow, deliberately languid pace to really savor every bump that scraped against her inner walls before emerging from her butt. True to form they all stopped at different points as well yet slid back down with very similar levels of intensity to just a hair farther than where they'd stopped on the first go.

For a time the three of them slid up and down as much of those rubber cocks as they could easily take, each one gliding along the ridged members at their own pace. But the longer they remained with such massive shafts buried inside them the harder it was for similar, more deliberate rhythms to take over. It started off subtle, Jaina and Sally occasionally lifting themselves up at the same time or Vanessa and Sally slipping back down at a similar pace. Gradually as their speed increased to an almost uncontrollable level they all managed to find matching flows that drove them deeper onto each dildo than ever before. Even to the point of their toned, heart shaped asses momentarily slapping against the stage. Before long the force of their movements actually made their cocks smack wetly against the already sticky wood, eliciting shivers of both pleasure and pain from each woman as the impact reverberated through their bodies. Yet no matter how hard their members might have struck the unyielding floor beneath them it paled in comparison to the immense and ever growing pleasure echoing out from their assholes with every second they remained pierced by their rubber sex toys. All the practice they'd had leading up to the show simply hadn't prepared them for the thrill of fucking themselves while dozens of strangers watched. Thankfully with no real obligation to last any specific amount of time they were free to bob up and down on their toys as furiously as their trembling legs would allow right up until the moment their bodies could take it no longer. 

Unable to hold herself back Vanessa let out a sound more like she was surprised and caught off guard than having one of the best orgasms of her life. As she went cross eyed a thick jet of cum erupted from her upward pointing dick so fast many people in the crowd actually missed it. There was no way for them to miss the next load arriving a split second later with the same ferocity as the first. With the smell of cum fresh in her nose and the sight of her friend wildly spraying jizz nearby Sally's mouth subconsciously fell open and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her dick pointed almost directly out towards the onlookers as gooey strands of semen spurted from her length in long arcs. Compared to the other two Jaina's orgasm was remarkably subdued, her turgid shaft merely leaning suddenly to the left while a thick stream of cum dribbled down it's length and she bit her lower lip. It pooled for a moment in a recess formed in her sack, then continued downwards where it dripped onto the dais below. But like a plug being pulled from a damn that little trickle was merely a precursor to a much larger explosion that followed a second or two later. None of them managed to get more than a few drops anywhere further than the stage but thanks to their continuous movements long streaks of jizz were scattered across almost every inch of the smooth wood. The seemingly endless amount of seed stored in their balls was pumped out at an alarming rate, each of them unleashing load after hot, messy load without any care for the amount already spilled all over themselves and the stage. More than thirty seconds passed by before the amount and thickness of their spurts began to lessen. After that it was another ten until it was reduced to something more akin to what normal beings produced. From there it was only a matter of moments until their orgasms, at least the parts relating to their spunk dripping shafts, came to a close.

As the last, ropey strands of cum dripped from their twitching cocks Jaina, Sally, and Vanessa sank all the way down to the base of the dildos they were riding. Not a single centimeter of those massive rubber cocks were left visible. All three of them wore looks of identical, rapturous satisfaction while nearly every inch of their bodies continued trembling with post climax pleasure. Being the first to start cumming Vanessa was also the first to finally collapse under the weight of her own ecstasy. Her quivering legs gave out and she slumped backwards against the stage, her legs sliding across the streaks of jizz she'd left in front of her. Sally followed suit not long after, whether she meant to or not, but not before the sex toy buried in her raven haired companion's butt was noisily pulled from the wood it'd been stuck to. Her own exquisitely modeled phallus was similarly yanked from it's hold by her tightly spasming ass while she unintentionally smeared cum all across her red stockings. For several seconds the pair of them simply laid there and shivered. Their weary muscles in their overstuffed asses struggled to push out the enormous cocks as their dicks pulsed weakly against their stomachs. Little by little the continuous and instinctual movements of their bodies pushed the sex toys further and further from their bodies. Jaina succumbed to her pleasure a few moments later but rather than tearing the fake dick from the wood she managed to lift herself just high enough to flop off the shaft altogether. An renewed chorus of cheers and exclamations filled the air as the onlookers were treated to the partially obstructed but no less delicious view of her gaping, ruined asshole. As her cock drooped over the cavernous hole that had once been her tight little back door Jaina's head slumped against the stage just like Sally and Vanessa. None of them made the slightest effort to remain conscious.


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