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And here's story number two for your Halloween themed enjoyment! In a perfect world I'd manage to get that third one written as well but I don't think I'll manage it. Sorry about that gents, I hope these bits of smut will suffice!

“Why is this plant here?” Veronica asked of whoever might be within earshot upon entering the kitchen.

“I thought it would look nice,” Jack chimed in from the living room.

Staring at the ugly, bulbous stalk of green and the single purple flower that sat atop it Veronica scoffed in amusement at her son's version of 'nice, “Where did you get it?”

“Some guy was selling them. This was the last he had.”

“Who sells potted plants on Halloween?”

“I dunno. But it was cheap and you said you wanted more plants in the house so I thought you'd like this . . .”

He peered at his mom from the back of the couch, watching her as she inspected the odd little plant, “Well thank you sweetie,” Veronica said with a dash of genuine sincerity, “I'll put it the master bathroom.”

“Cool! I'm glad you like it!”

As he turned back towards the television her facade slipped enough for an exasperated look to flash across her sultry features. As hard as they tried neither Jack nor Henry were much good at getting presents. Not without Sarah's help or a massive amount of hints anyways. But they always tried and criticizing their efforts would only make them stop altogether. At least her husband was getting noticeably better over the years. Jack was still a little hit or miss. It was hard not to wonder what his own tastes would be like when he was living alone as she carried her peculiar little gift upstairs. She'd have to find a place for it  both out of sight and with enough sunlight to keep it alive. Or perhaps not much sunlight at all? Looking at it more closely she had no idea what it might need to thrive. Though the flower at the top was certainly pretty enough on its own. Veronica leaned in to smell it and was delighted to find the aroma remarkably sweet.

“Well at least this thing isn't completely unappealing,” She remarked at the top of the stairs. 

Taking another whiff as she walked down the hallway a little smile appeared on her face. It really did smell quite good! Better than she could have expected and probably better than any other plant they currently had in the house. By the time she reached the bedroom a strange kind of fuzziness was beginning to creep into her head. It was oddly reminiscent of being drunk but much more subtle. Without really thinking she smelled the flower again only a few steps into the bedroom and the feeling intensified considerably. Her smile turned into a glassy eyed grin and she set the plant down on counter beside her personal sink. Staring at herself in the reflection without really comprehending what she was seeing Veronica was struck by how vibrant the orange light spilling in from the windows looked against the stark white of the walls around her. Even her typically mundane beige sweater dress seemed to pop against the dusky tan color of her skin. But it was her glittering green eyes that really stood out among her other features. Never taking her eyes off herself she slowly pulled her auburn hair free of the bun it was often tied in and let it all cascade around her face. Even that simple act felt oddly satisfying in a way she couldn't really parse out. 

While she might have intended to change into her costume once she was upstairs suddenly that notions seemed very far down her list of priorities. About the only steps she managed towards that now irrelevant goal was the removal of her dress. Once she had it off and sitting in a heap at her feet Veronica was happy to continue staring at her own reflection. The jet black, lacy nature of her bra and panties looked even better against her skin than her clothes had. She started running her fingers along the waistline of her underwear, shivering slightly at the way it felt to almost touch her bare skin while marveling at the wide, curvaceousness of her  own hips. After tracing all the way around the edges for several seconds her hands leapt of their own accord to her chest. It was much harder to touch any part of her bra without brushing hard enough against her massive tits to elicit a tremble. Her oblivious smile only widened each time she felt that spike of pleasure amidst the gentle current running through her body. The uniquely aromatic smell of the flower filled her nostrils throughout her little exploration until she was once again compelled to bend down and smell it. As she did her eyes closed and her mouth drifted open just enough to let out a contented little sigh.

It was in that brief window of opportunity that her unassuming little gift revealed itself.  All the bulbs along the stalk opened at once but rather than blooming flowers dozens of slick green tendrils emerged and snaked towards her. They wrapped around Veronica's neck faster than she could process and by the time her mind had caught up with what was happening an intertwined mass had already slithered part ways down her throat. Her eyes widened in equal parts surprise and pleasure as the pleasant sensations she'd been enjoying kicked into high gear. She could only watch and tremble as the innumerable little strands continued to extend out from the plant. Thanks to her heightened sensitivity she was able to feel every individual tendril snake across her skin, inexorably moving down her supple neck and towards her chest. They all seemed to coalesce near her breasts and a much thicker collection tentacles dipped beneath her bra to circle around her breast. An even stronger shudder coursed down her spine as she was squeezed like a cow being milked by multiple fibers coiling endlessly over her flesh. They wrapped a tremendous swathe of her tits all the way to the areola where each one split again and latched onto her nipples like a million suckling mouths. A garbled moan erupted from her open mouth as soon as they touched those overly sensitive buds. 

Veronica looked in the mirror a split second later and whimpered with delight upon seeing herself hunched over the plant and being utterly dominated by it's unfathomable will. Somehow being able to see it writhing over her skin made the accompanying feelings a thousand times stronger. Her eyes rolled back in her head and pleasure overtook her even while her often ignored gag reflex momentarily kicked in. The ensuing convulsions from her body's weak attempts to rid her throat of the encroaching mass pushed her even lower over the mysterious little flora.Amidst the constant, toe curling sensation of having her nipples intensely and systematically sucked was a delicious current of lesser stimulation brought about by the continued journeys of multiple tendrils down the rest of her body. Seemingly not content with affixing itself to her breasts her special gift clearly had intentions for every part of her body it could reach. More fibers than should have been possible emerged from it's slender frame and worked their way ever lower on her writhing form. The nearer they came to her panty clad lower half the harder the ones already at their objectives seemed to move. She could feel her nipples being stretched and squeezed beneath her bra while the intertwined mass inside her throat started pumping in and out in a manner not unlike a cock.

Once more joining together in a larger mass a tendril nearly as thick as her wrist plunged into the front of her underwear, slithering over the outer edges of her pussy to curl inside her slit with ease. It's tapered end fit effortlessly within her sex and the gradual widening as it burrowed deeper afforded her a wonderful sense of rising pleasure with every centimeter that slid inside. So much so she didn't notice the myriad of other fibers gliding over her plump ass. At least not until they were slipping between her buttocks to find her tightly puckered asshole. Like the first one they didn't waste a moment sliding inside her backdoor but rather than combining the many separate tentacles remained disparate upon entering. The reason why became clear a moment later when, as one, they all started pulling at the edges of her hole like so many little fingers trying to stretch her out. Veronica squealed in abject pleasure as her often focused on backdoor received another burst of stimulation. By that point the tendril inside her cunt had already reached her cervix and showed no signs of slowing down. Her body was overtaken by another powerful shiver as dozens of little feelers pressed against the entrance of her womb and began wriggling their way inside. 

It was almost possible for her to picture what was happening in either one of her holes on a moment by moment basis. Both from her added sensitivity and simply thanks to the many years of lewd behavior she'd indulged in. Already her ass was open enough to comfortable fit a single finger and at the rate it was being pulled it would soon fit a lot more than that. As used to penetration as it was her cervix practically opened wide for the encroaching tendrils and they reunited deep inside her womb. As if it had no other intentions besides what it had already done the mass within her pussy started retreated moments after piercing that final obstacle. It slithered out at a steady clip, just fast enough to make it's many ridges and knots rub pleasingly against her inner walls yet still slow enough to almost drive her crazy with anticipation. The already at its limits elasticity of her panties was put to the test once more as nearly half of the tentacle emerged from her cunt and paused. Veronica's body clamped down around what little remained inside her, both holes pulsing madly in an effort to prolong their satisfaction. All the minuscule fibers affixed to her asshole barely moved in the face of her contractions. If anything the sudden resistance only encouraged them to continue with a noticeable increase in speed. And after just long enough to make her wonder what was happening the tendril previously inside her womb returned there in a single, mighty thrust.

She tried to scream 'Oh God' but only a gagging mess of syllables spilled out. It was impossible to tell how much time had passed through the plant induced haze currently flooding her mind but however long it had been was just the right amount to turn her into a squirming, barely lucid ball of ecstasy. A wave of pleasure crashed over her only moments before another came screaming in on its back, both of them utterly wracking her supple form. Clear, odorless juices gushed out of her stuffed pussy in such a quantity they drenched the mat below in an instant. Every inch of her started to quiver at once, nowhere more so than her chest and ass. She grinded and gyrated against her many sources of pleasure as much as she was able to but her legs were scarcely able to move under such duress. It was really all she could do to stay upright as her pussy was stuffed and her asshole was stretched like she was nothing more than a playtoy. Yet still she wanted more/ No matter how good it felt or how hard she came Veronica couldn't stop chasing further heights. Even with her cunt more filled than it had ever been and her ass gaping wide enough to fit an entire fist inside with ease. Whatever had overcome her wasn't going away any time soon and she needed to feel it every single second it was around!

Luckily for her the plant showed no signs of stopping regardless of how her body and mind reacted. It didn't slow it's motions one bit while she was cumming and in the post orgasm bliss that followed it continued pounding away at her cunt and stretching her asshole nearly to the breaking point. With the echoes of her ecstasy still reverberating inside the last of Veronica's long suffering endurance finally gave out. Slumping against the counter in an unceremonious heap of jiggling flesh she all but completely submitted to whatever her strange gift had in store for her. Not that it was exactly hard for her to do so. The constant thrusting of it's one large tendril coupled with the pleasurable gaping of her backdoor would've made her submit to just about anything. Particularly when she cast a sideways glance at herself half pressed against the mirror, her face a mask of sexual bliss and her mouth hanging open like she was a bitch in heat. Spit dribbled from between her open lips at almost the same rate that juices leaked out of her overeager cunt. The resulting aromas created by that moisture and the already delicious smells of the flower all but completely eroded her sense of time and space. Before long the only thing left in the world to comprehend was the endless ebb and flow of pleasure within her body.

Several hours later Veronica traipsed downstairs dressed as Morticia Addams, an ear to ear smile on her face. Everything looked even more bright and colorful than ever and her head felt like it was being smothered by a thick, happy cloud. Just the simple act of walking from room to room made her feel good. The moment she spotted her husband in the kitchen furtively snatching candy out of the bowl she let out a little giggle. She threw her arms around his chest and hugged him from behind, planting a big, wet kiss on the nape of his neck. Henry visibly jumped at her sudden appearance and dropped not only the candy he was holding but the wrappers of several other pieces. He let out a nervous chuckle and wriggled around to face his wife, fully expecting her to chastise him like she always did when he ate out of the candy bowl. Instead she leaned up and planted a long, passionate kiss directly on his lips. His eyes widened in confusion and his mouth fell open as a look of total surprise spread over his face. She giggled again and released him, bouncing into the living room with a walk that could be described as exuberant. A startled cry from the living room told him Jack was being given the same, confusing treatment he'd just earned. A minute later she came back in quietly singing to herself and grinning like he'd never seen.

“Honey? Are you all right?”

“Of course Henry! I'm better than all right!”

“Uh huh  . . .”

He looked towards the living room to see Jack staring at them, a black lipstick mark on his cheek and the same baffled look as his father on his face, “Okay . . . I'm gonna . . . I think I'll go get changed now . . .”

“Great! I laid out your Gomez costume on the bed for you!”

“Thanks . . .”

“Any time darling! I can't wait to see you in it!”

Offering his son a perplexed shrug Henry left the kitchen as quickly as he could without making it obvious. There was no telling what kind of mood Veronica was in when she was that cheerful but odds were good she'd want to do more than see him in his costume. And if she just planned on tearing him a new one for something then being out of her line of sight was a good idea anyways. He felt slightly bad about leaving Jack alone with her in such an oddly terrifying state but sometimes it was every man for themselves. Hopefully Sarah would return home soon and help divide her attentions even further.


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