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Here it is gents! Ended up longer than anticipated so hopefully the added buildup won't bore you to tears! I still hate that title lol.

“Are you boys sure you can't accept any payment?”

“We're sure Mrs. Jiminez!”

“Yeah, it wouldn't be community service if we did!”

For the first week of their holiday break David and Adam had been shoveling snow from their neighbor's yards, driveways, and sidewalks. They needed as many community service hours as they could get, not only for their many extracurricular activities but also for graduation itself. Everyone on their street was thrilled by the prospect and more than happy to sign the various waivers and forms attesting to their effort. But only Maria Jiminez actually watched them in their task. At first they'd assumed she was making sure they did a good job but the longer they were out there the more obvious it became that she was simply a bored housewife occupying her time until her husband came home. Or so they assumed. Having a little company, particularly from one of the most attractive women on the block, wasn't something to complain about. Even if it meant considerably slower progress because of the chatter and occasional breaks to ogle her when they thought she wasn't looking. They might have been good, church going boys but they were still boys. And since they were both, finally, eighteen so many fantasies suddenly felt wholly possible.

“True, but nobody else would have to know . . .”

David looked at Adam as if to say 'that's a good point' but his friend quickly shut the thought down, “We appreciate it Mrs. Jiminez but we can't.”

“I understand,” Maria nodded, “But I doubt there's anything wrong with some cocoa?”

“No that sounds great!” A slightly crestfallen David remarked, perking up immediately.

“I'd love some too!”

“Of course. I'll be back in a few minutes!”

Taking advantage of the momentary absence of distraction both of them shoveled the snow as fast as they could. True to her word Mrs. Jiminez returned a short while later holding three steaming cups of hot chocolate. She sauntered down her snow free driveway and handed them both their mugs. All three took a sip and sighed contentedly at the warmth and flavor. Nobody said a word as they all drank their cocoa, David and Adam staring pointedly at their cups while Maria watched her two pale as the driven snow workers in amusement. They finished much faster than she did and handed their mugs back with identical words of thanks. She nodded and took them, continuing to sip hers all the way back up the driveway. She couldn't help finding their awkwardness adorable in a way. Maria was well aware of her good looks and remarkably familiar with the somewhat mythic status she had with the teenage boys in the area. Most of the time she was content to regard it as just another perk of being an attractive Mexican woman in an overwhelmingly white neighborhood. On a few rare occasions that reputation coupled with a prolonged dry spell with her husband motivated her to capitalize on her reputation. David and Adam were going to enjoy the fruits of those desires all too soon . . .

Maria deposited the cups in the sink and returned with another, seemingly impromptu idea, “Why don't you boys run home and grab your swimsuits?” She suggested.

They stared at one another in confusion until David replied, “It's like twenty degrees out ma'am . . .”

“Closer to ten actually.” Adam corrected.

“I know. And I thought of the perfect reward. Come back in half an hour and you'll see.”

“With our swimsuits?”

“Of course. Wearing regular clothes would just be silly.”

“But we're not done yet . . .” Adam pointed out.

“How much longer do you think it will take?” 

“I'm not sure . . . Maybe an hour?”

“Forty five minutes.” David countered.

“Sounds like a plan boys. Come back with your swimsuits after you've finished.

Suddenly inspired by both curiosity and the natural desire to finish Adam and David shoveled snow as if their lives depended on it. They finished a hair past thirty minutes and rushed home to collect their swim trunks. Neither one of them had any idea what was going to happen but a plethora of ideas filled their hormone addled brains. In the short time it took them to return their thoughts had devolved so much it was a wonder either of them could walk. Rumors about Mrs. Jiminez's extra marital proclivities had always circulated through the neighborhood but nobody could ever verify them. Even if they weren't about to get proof of the urban legends they were certainly excited to see what they could possibly need swimsuits for in freezing winter weather. Returning to her house to find her waiting for them in the same thick jacket and leggings as before the eager young men were led into the backyard by way of the side gate. Maria didn't say a word to them as they shuffled through the snow, her smile proving more enticing and confusing than her suggestion. The instant they spotted the deck and the bubbling hot tub sitting as the centerpiece upon it they realized what she was offering. With identical looks of surprise and excitement both of them hurried towards the steaming waters.

“Cool!” David exclaimed.

“I've never been in a hot tub before!” Adam remarked.

“Me neither!”

“When did you get it Mrs. Jiminez?”

“You can call me Maria boys,” She replied, “We've been neighbors long enough for that at least.”



“Good. And my husband bought it a few months ago. I've been using it at least once a week since the weather turned.”

They both deflated a little upon the mention of her husband, reality quickly coming in to crush some of their over-inflated notions of Maria's behavior, “That's awesome! And you're letting us use it right?” David wondered.

“Of course. It's not technically a payment after all. And you two have certainly earned it.”

“Thanks Mrs-Maria!” Adam said, “Can we go inside to get changed?”

“Sure. Second door on the right.”

The two of them promptly headed inside to change, each one taking the a rare opportunity to look around Maria's house while the other changed. It wasn't all that different from any of the others they'd been in with the exception of more Hispanic flair than the decidedly whitebread decorations they were used to. Not wanting to linger too long Adam and David stepped back out into the cold wearing nothing but their black and red swim trunks. Shivering madly at the temperature and hopping from foot to foot like they were dancing on hot coals the boys scrambled into the hot tub as quickly as possible. It was a bit more scalding than they'd anticipated, especially after the biting cold, but that didn't stop them from immersing themselves up to the neck in the water. There'd be plenty of time to adjust to the temperature later. Though she hadn't said how long they could use it there was no way Maria wouldn't at least give them an hour or two to enjoy it. The juxtaposition of being in such a warm spot with everything else around them iced over was not lost on the two boys. Somehow sitting neck deep in boiling water while snow gently fell around them was amazingly relaxing. Peaceful even. So much so they didn't notice Maria step out onto the deck until the sliding glass door snapped shut.


“Oh my God!”

Like her two worker bees Maria had elected to change into something more appropriate for enjoying the hot tub. And while her swimwear certainly was fitting for a private moment in her backyard it wasn't up to most people's definition of 'appropriate' in regards to company. Her silky black hair hung freely around her soft face, framing her gentle features and striking green eyes in a way that only enhanced the natural poutiness embodied by her full lips. The mild reddish hue on the tip of her small, slightly upturned nose did nothing to subtract from her beauty. But as striking as her face might have been it was the rest of her body that really drew focus. A deep crimson, strapless bikini top contained her breasts in the same a strip of cloth might restrain two watermelons. Warm brown skin spilled out of every part of her top like an avalanche with only her pert areolas even remotely hidden by the fabric securing them. To make matter worse, or better depending on a person's point of view, her arms were folded beneath them like a cradle lifting and repositioning her breasts in a way that almost screamed for attention. The astonishingly flat stomach below her arms transitioned into a matching set of bikini bottoms so tightly hugging her wide, motherly hips they could have been painted on. Almost nothing was left to the imagination by the remarkably small covering, even the contours of her vagina slightly visible beneath the skin tight fabric.It was even cut so low that her two admirers could swear there were a few strands of dark hair peeking out from the top. With all of that resting above a pair of thick, smooth legs that seemed to stretch on for miles Maria made for the perfect boyhood fantasy come to life. 

“Did you really think I wasn't going to enjoy the hot tub too?” She laughed.

“N-no!” Adamn lied.

“I-It's your hot tub.” David nodded.

“Lovely. Scooch over then, before I freeze my butt off!”

She climbed into the jacuzzi and sank into the water just as quickly as they had, a relieved sigh drifting from her mouth. Her eyes closed and she tilted her head back against the lip of the tub with a knowing smile. Despite their best efforts Adam and David were incapable of looking anywhere else. Even with nearly all of her voluptuous body hidden beneath the water they couldn't stop. When her eyes opened and she sat up they quickly found great interest in the awning above them. Grinning even wider at their embarrassment Maria sat up a little higher and casually stretched her arms above her head. Her half exposed breasts were lifted to the very edge of the water, the gentle motions of the jets making them bob and bounce pleasingly on the surface. She watched their eyes dart to her tits several times in quick succession while they did their best to act nonchalant about their ogling. Few things in the world were as amusing as an awkward teenage boy. After finishing her teasing stretches she slid her hands along the rim of the jacuzzi and stared directly at them both.

“This is nice.” Her companions nodded and momentarily glanced at her face, “What's the matter boys? Is something wrong?”

“No!” David instantly replied

“We're good!” Adam clarified.

“That's good to hear. I'd hate to find out your reward made you uncomfortable.”

“It's all good.”


A little impressed by their restraint, or more likely their intense nervousness, Maria decided to crank things up to eleven, “Well in that case we might as well relax properly!”

“What do you m—”

Adam's question died along with any remaining shred of self control as Maria casually hooked her thumbs into the sides of her bikini top and started pulling. For a moment the tightness of the fabric merely lifted her impressive tits out of the water, her soft skin jiggling from the motions. When the strain grew too much for the meager top to bare her breasts spilled out in an avalanche of bouncing flesh. Her large, dark brown nipples darted back into the water almost too fast for the boys to make them out. Almost. They stared in unmitigated shock while she threw her useless article of swimwear aside, acting for all the world like nothing unusual happened. She didn't have to look at them to picture their reactions, though it was certainly worth it to sneak a peak. Maria had danced this particular dance enough times to know it by heart. After a few moments she sighed contentedly and looked at them both as if only just noticing their reactions.

“What's the matter? Have you boys really never seen a woman topless before?”

“Of course I have!”


“Good,” Maria grinned, “Then it won't matter much if I am.”

Adam and David nodded but didn't respond, both of them suddenly intently focused on the churning waters directly around their stomachs. Both of them wanted nothing more than to ogle her large, perfect tits until the sight of them was forever burned into their memories. But their religious upbringing compounded by their own unfamiliarity with women stymied those desires quite effectively. What couldn't be stifled was the reaction currently taking place beneath their swim trunks. Both teenagers imperceptibly tensed and tried to cross their legs as thoughts of Maria's bosom filled their heads. She knew as well as they did what was going on, though that didn't stop them from pretending she was oblivious to it. For good measure they even tried to casually move away from her. It was a wholly meaningless notion thanks to the size of the hot tub yet they persisted anyways. At least until their own selfish desires brought them elbow to elbow on the opposite side of their half naked host. They jumped as if they'd been stung and momentarily looked at one another with surprise. A delighted laugh pulled their attention back to the source of the awkwardness.

“My, you two really don't know how to handle this do you?” They shook their heads and Maria giggled again, “Well stop acting like I've got a disease. You're supposed to be relaxing. I don't care if you have an erection.”

At the mention of their shamefully stiff members Adam and David's hearts skipped a beat,”Okay then . . .” Adam murmured.

“Makes sense.” David stated.

Moving back to their original positions like they were sidling up to a mountain lion the two boys had no earthly idea how she could be so calm about it all. If they could have seen the thoughts flicking through Maria's head in that moment their concerns would have evaporated faster than the snowflakes drifting past the steam. Upon seeing their reactions to her tried and tested opening move she had the utmost confidence neither one would be able to stop what she had planned. She was even tempted to jump straight to the best part purely for the shocked expression's they'd no doubt make as she rode them. Of course that would spoil the thrill of the build up and she'd hate to miss out on that kind of excitement. Not to mention sating her natural curiosity. Calmly sliding her hands beneath the water like it was nothing she silently reached towards them at the same time. If they noticed her movements they didn't say anything or react until her fingers were resting on both of their thighs. Again they each jumped more than a dog at the sound of fireworks, staring at her with the kind of innocent looks that made her ache. She offered only a smile in response as her hands moved towards their goals. 

Whatever their awkwardness or misgivings few teenage boys, or men in general, could resist the allure of a beautiful women. If that same woman was gently groping their cocks it was all but certain they wouldn't offer up any resistance. Unsurprisingly that trend continued to hold true as Maria touched their pulsing shafts for the first time. Even through their swimwear she could feel the contours well enough to send a little shiver up her spine. She started at the tips, eager to feel out their relative sizes and whether or not they'd been circumcised. As it turned out both were comfortably well endowed and without any of that pesky foreskin to get in the way. Lightly trailing her index and middle fingers up the full length of their cocks she bit her lower lip and stared at both of them in turn. Neither man was able to look away from her face except to glance down in disbelief at the hands teasing them. Just as she had instructed and hoped they had little else to do but lean back and let the stimulation wash over them. It was clear whatever happened next was beyond their control. A notion that pretty much absolved them of any real worry, despite their continued fretting about the situation.

Never one to let the teasing go on too long Maria played with their cocks for barely more than thirty seconds before deciding it was time to feel the real thing. To their continued and mutual surprise her hands dove under their trunks to wrap around their shafts in earnest. Two adorably caught off guard gasps greeted her actions but they were overshadowed by her delighted moan. She didn't waste any time freeing their members, immediately stroking the full length of both shafts the instant they were properly exposed. Sitting up a little higher to make sure that had an eyeful of her naked tits while she jerked them off Maria bit her lip and suppressed a shiver. Letting them know how turned on she was would only spoil the aloof, seductress air she was cultivating. If they proved as fun as she was hoping today there'd be more than enough time to show them her inner whore. For the time being her focus was getting them as worked up as she possibly could. There was no doubt neither of them were going to last very long when the sex started so she wanted to make sure their climaxes were the kind they'd remember forever. She certainly would.

“I can't believe every woman in the neighborhood is after these lovely cocks,” She cooed, “They must not know what they're missing!”

Neither of them could quite think of a response to her words, all of their willpower focused exclusively on not cumming. Maria's hands were impossibly soft and seemed to know their dicks better than they knew them. Even the simple act of gliding up and down their lengths felt better than they could have imagined. When they glanced her way and saw the sultry smile on her lips and the bountiful tits resting atop the water their endurance took an even bigger dip. Inside a minute the two of them were gripping whatever they could hold onto beneath the water as hard as they possible could while thinking about every unsexy thing they could. As she gradually started to move faster and accompany her ministrations with deliberately breathless exhales and moans they were forced to close their eyes. She smiled triumphantly at their reactions and jerked them off even more enthusiastically, water splashing out of the jacuzzi from the force of her movements. The mad throbbing and uncontrollable twitches accompanying her frenzied hands was the perfect motivation to keep going until they couldn't take it anymore. Two fresh helpings of cum in the water would only make future visits to the hot tub that much more fun. Of course it would mean she'd have to send them away without any additional fun. Or risk her husband finally discovering her cheating ways.

Deciding to pleasure herself over them Maria released their cocks mere seconds before they both reached orgasm. Suddenly devoid of stimulation and taken aback by the turn of events Adam and David stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. She gave them both a teasing smile and climbed out of the water. They stared blankly at her retreating form as she disappeared into the house and reappeared in just under a minute. Confusion melted into amazement when she returned to the snow laden deck and wordlessly shimmied out of her bikini bottoms. Suddenly the entire breadth of her curvaceous body was free for them to admire. She even did a little spin for them despite the cold so they could properly drink in her mature proportion. The well maintained patch of triangular pubic hair above her slit was just matted enough to reveal the puffy out lips of her slit while her ass somehow looked even more juicy and inviting. Maria climbed back into the tub before she literally froze her best feature off, sighing as the warm water enveloped her once more. Knowing full well her boys would be expecting some answers she held up the two little packets she'd gone inside to collect.

“Condoms?!” Adam exclaimed, aghast at the mere notion of using protection. David had an equally shocked look plastered across his face.

“I suppose we can go without them,” She mused, “If you boys think you're ready to be parents . . . I certainly wouldn't mind having another baby . . .”

The color drained from their faces as they looked at each other with wide, horrified eyes, “We're good!” They said in unison.

“I thought so. Don't worry, we'll still have plenty of fun with them on. So who wants to go first?” Like the innocent goofballs they were David and Adam raised their hands, glaring at one another as she giggled. “Guess it's up to me then huh? You're up big boy!”

She flashed Adam a wink and a smile, reassuringly caressing David's cheek and handing him one of the rubbers before he could raise any objections. They'd both get their turn just as she would. Freeing the condom from it's container Maria coyly slid it onto Adam's cock in one practiced motion. It was a pity they weren't having fun inside, she loved applying the rubber with her mouth was always a fantastic way to start a bit of extramarital pleasure. Once it was nice and snug on his dick she turned her back to him and sat on his lap, giggling softly at the way his member pulsed between her thighs. She squeezed him for a few moments and grinded her plump ass against his thighs while he clumsily started fondling her tits. After a beat she lifted herself up slowly lowered herself down again, this time the wrapped head of his prick sliding wonderfully deep into her cunt. Between her own arousal and the water swirling around them there was little resistance keeping it from pushing balls deep inside her. Both of them moaned when she reached the base and paused to revel in the sensations. His hands drifted from her tits down to her waist, sliding around almost like he was trying to hug her. She covered them with her own and smiled.

Maria's focus moved back to David even as her hips started grinding in a slow but steady rhythm. The natural tightness of her pussy coupled with the pleasant girth of his cock was more than enough to make them both squirm with delight. But she wanted to make sure her other companion wasn't left out in the cold while his friend had all the fun. With that in mind she slowly leaned forward until they were almost nose to nose. Her hands found his cock once more and she picked up where she'd left off as though no time had passed. One slid up and down his prick at the same speed as before. The other found his balls and started fondling them with the same kind of skill. At first David gasped and leaned away, almost without thinking. He moved back in when he saw Maria's expression and their lips connected an instant later. Soon after her tongue found his and they started making out in earnest. All the while her ass was bouncing in small, deliberate circles atop Adam's cock. She did her best to keep a steady rhythm between the two, though it was nearly impossible with her conflicting desires. The results made for uncharacteristically erratic but no less enjoyable motions as little bursts of speed momentarily took over her hands or hips between the more controlled motions she'd started with.

That juxtaposition very swiftly transformed into a near total focus on Adam's cock. She started bouncing up and down his shaft with as much force as she could muster. Since her hands were all but useless in the wake of her choice she elected to grab David's and pull them up to her tits as a consolation prize. She knew it wasn't much compared to a handjob but he took to it with the kind of gusto only found in horny teenage boys. Which meant she suddenly had two sources of toe curling pleasure instead of one. Her pussy noticeably tightened around his shaft, a particularly hard tremor rushing through her anytime David happened to brush her nipples in his pawing. Every little grope and fondle spurred her to fuck Adam a little faster until she was slamming against him hard enough to send waves of steaming water over the sides of the jacuzzi. In her haste to ride him until they both came she barely noticed the warning signs as they presented. Maria could only think about the pleasure that his surging member brought her and how good he must feel even despite the condom. At least until he finally spoke up.

“Mrs. Jiminez!” Adam finally groaned.

“You'd better get that condom on,” She whispered to David, “Give it to me baby!” She moaned in a louder voice.

More than happy to stop holding back and pretty much unable to do it anyways Adam let out another groan.  His dick throbbed madly inside her pussy and a flood of pleasure surged through her body. She whimpered and grinded against him in earnest, throwing her head back and cupping her tits more for her own benefit than either of theirs. Suddenly his dick stopped mid twitch and went stiff enough to make her gasp. The next moment the tip suddenly filled with a rush of cum so fast she almost though it would break inside her. But the rubber held true, stretching and stretching until it ballooned out deeper into her pussy than his cock could reached. Maria squealed in delight at the sheer amount pumping out of his tensed balls and squeezed his member as hard as she could. If there was one upside to using condoms over barebacking it was the feeling of all the juicy cum sitting like a bubble inside her. More jizz than her husband could produce in three orgasms flooded the contraceptive. It actually started to stretch out her inner walls by the time he finished emptying his load.

“Your turn!” Maria grinned. 

She pulled herself off Adam with no small amount of difficulty, the sheer size of his filled condom actually making her exit a little more challenging. To her credit she managed to separate the two of them without pulling his rubber free, like she so often did, although the resulting pop as it slipped out nearly made her cum. Quivering like crazy and barely able to think straight she pounced on David like a wild animal. Her hips slammed down on his dick before she could even verify he'd put his own raincoat on. Fortunately her newest lovers were nothing if not honest and his slick, rubber clad cock filled her up in the blink of an eye. In her eagerness she'd completely forgotten to ride him reverse cowgirl, instead sitting with her legs wrapped around his waist and her tits smothering his grinning face. Making a mental note to give Adam a little something to repay this iniquity Maria started riding David like her life depended on it. She was far too close to her own climax to spend any more time teasing and building things up. His dick was going to make her cum even if the world around them came crashing down. 

A less experienced woman likely would have taken a bit longer to reach her climax, the experience of fucking a completely new man overriding some of her innate knowledge. Thankfully for everyone in the hot tub Maria was certainly experienced. In just a hair over a minute of frantic gyrating and bouncing she found herself perched on the edge of a yawning chasm and ready to go tumbling off. Too caught up in his own pleasure David barely noticed the changes coming over her but Adam was free to reap the visual treat on display. The unmitigated passion and lust taking over her body with every smack of their colliding flesh. How every inch of her seemed to tighten at once before it suddenly dissolving into a heap of quivering flesh and delighted moans. Had they been out of the water he would have been able to see the jet of clear fluid spraying out of her pussy in the midst of her ecstasy. But even lacking that treat the sight was still almost as enjoyable as the sex itself. For Maria few things in the world were quite so enjoyable. She would have loved it could last every second until her husband returned. Sadly no man was that skilled and her body probably would collapse long before that point anyways. As it so often did the wild spasms of her pussy were just what her lover needed to reach his own bliss. Her orgasm had barely started to subside when David announced what she'd been waiting to hear since Adam first came.

“I'm cumming!”

Like his friend David went completely stiff a moment before release and groaned perhaps a touch louder than she would have liked. But she was far too absorbed in their fun to give a single shit about noise. A delighted squeal erupted from her mouth the same time his first load sprayed into the tip of the condom. No less plentiful than Adam her second lover had just as much pent up jizz inside him waiting to be released. He filled the rubber to the breaking point and then continued to pump semen into it well after that. Just as before Maria moaned and grinded against him throughout, trying her best to savor every slightest twitch inside her. It felt like a water balloon was being slowly filled inside her except if that one popped she'd have a lot more than a little moisture to worry about! Naturally that didn't stop her sex crazed body from gripping him as hard as it could in an almost deliberate effort to pop it herself. She probably could have if she really wanted it. Too bad she still had just enough self control left to refrain. That time around.

“Ohhhhh that's the stuff . . .” She moaned, slowly rubbing against David's cock as it finally stopped throbbing. “My high school bikini works every time!”

“You've done this before?” Adam asked in a dazed voice.

“Once or twice. Did you think you were the first?”

“N-no . . .”

“But you wanted to be?” His look spoke volumes and Maria giggled as she pulled herself off his friend and moved towards him, “Think about this way: you might not be the first ever but you are the first one to enjoy me in a very very long time . . .”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah . . .” She leaned towards him for a teasing kiss, her lips curling into a smile as he grinned goofily at her.

“How long?”

“At least five years. More if you don't count all those times I just masturbated in front of someone . . .”

“You did what?” David asked, suddenly snapping out of his post sex haze.

“That's a story for another time boys. One I'd be happy to share if . . .”

“If what?!”

“If you do such a good job on my driveway tomorrow.”

The identical expressions of incredulous delight on their faces was almost as good as the sex. Maria didn't even try to hide her amusement at their dumbfounded stares. She let her words sink in for a moment then stood up in the center of the jacuzzi. Her hands disappeared under the water again and the two awestruck young men briefly wondered if they were about to see an advance on that teased bit of fun. They were farther off than they'd have lucked but still in the right area, her fingers closing around the spunk filled reservoirs of the condoms still clinging to their cocks. Pulling them both off as if it were just another mundane task like picking up a napkin Maria lifted the remarkably filled rubbers outer of the water before too much could leak into the hot tub. She tied them together so they wouldn't leak and tucked them into the waist band of her bikini bottoms.

“There we go! Wouldn't want them clogging up the intake again.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

“Only when I bother to use condoms.” Once more reveling in their goofy reactions she stepped out of the jacuzzi and skipped across the frozen deck towards the warmth of her house, “Stay in there as long as you like boys. But be sure to tell me when you leave.”

“Sure thing!” David said.

The moment she'd vanished inside the house Adam said, “Oh my God!”


“I can't believe that just happened!”

“Neither can I!”

“Should we tell anyone about this?”

“Hell no!” David exclaimed, “I don't want a bunch of other dudes in our class to start hanging around her! They'll blow it for sure!”

“You think so? Mrs. Jiminez seems pretty on top of it.”

“Yeah but if there's like twenty horny dudes hanging around all the time? Even she couldn't hide that from her husband!”

“That makes a surprising amount of sense. You're a lot smarter after you've had sex.”

“Yeah who knew? Also screw you!”

They grinned at one another and sank back into the water, quietly musing on everything that had happened. As their chins started to dip below the roiling surface David noticed something mixed in with the churning bubbles. It took him a moment to process what it was and by the time his brain connected the dots Adam had noticed it too. Their eyes met and they both stood up like their asses were on fire. Looking down at the unmistakable, swirling eddies of cum on the water's surface for a moment the two instantly decided to call their little adventure quits then and there. Tomorrow they'd try to persuade Maria to reward them someplace a little less communal.

Come sunrise the following day Adam and David were back at her house with their snow shovels. The rest of the houses on the block would need to be dealt with soon but in the meantime they simply couldn't ignore the promise of more sex. Luckily for them both a fair amount of snow had fallen the night before which meant there was actual work to be done. Certainly aware of this fact Maria was watching them from the living room window with a wide smile as soon as they walked up. There was no doubt she'd emerge at some point to tease them or offer a beverage. Before she could however the garage door creaked open and a relatively nice sports car started rolling down the newly cleared driveway. They shuffled out of it's path and tried their best to look busy. It came to an unexpected stop roughly parallel with, the passenger side window rolling down. The genial face of Maria's husband appeared in the space as he waved to them both.

“Keep up the good work boys!” He said.

David and Adam glanced at Maria out of the corner of their eyes, “Sure thing Mr. Jiminez!” The former said.

“Will do sir!” The latter remarked. Mr. Jiminez nodded and waved again, rolling onto the street and driving off while they both looked back at the house with guilty smiles.


Fooled Trooper

Just dont beat yourself down too hard about that title. I would have titled it "All in a days work " Far more worse.


That was a great read! I love slutty wife/milf stories... but u probably already knew that :P lol


I had an inkling. I'm glad you dug it, writing about Veronica has certainly helped me get into the right mindset for that archetype over the years.


I'm not distraught about the title, it's just one of those little niggles one gets when they're really boring lol. And funnily enough I kind of like that title more than mine :P