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And here's the finished product ready to be enjoyed. I think this one came out pretty well. If you like lots of cum, inflation, and size difference this is the story for you! I don't have much else to say about it besides that lol.

“Amalia! Amalia! Amalia!”

Thousands of alien spectators cheered her name while millions more watched from all over as the one of the most infamously beautiful women in the universe sauntered into the arena. By all outward appearance the location she'd chosen to set a galactic record looked no better than a pit where two Vrankians might kill each other for bloodsport. Compared to the usual places she performed it was downright medieval. But the drab, unfurnished metal oval had been carefully chosen to maximize the unquestionably alluring looks of the star in question. As well as play up the animalistic nature of her newest partner. All the seats surrounding it were soft, well furnished, and specifically tailored to the wealthy organisms that had paid so much money to have them. The technology transmitting it all across domesticated space was state of the art. And she had dressed for the occasion in her finest garments, knowing full well they wouldn't be more than scraps by the time her show was done. It was all planned down to the tiniest detail. After all, if she was going to be the first humanoid lifeform to mate with a Sabrakken war beast there was no way she wasn't going to make it even more of a spectacle than the act itself promised.

Amalia herself looked positively radiant, somehow more than usual, and seemed every bit the creature much of the universe lusted after. A glittering gown made of the finest materials available was draped across her curvaceous body, it's gossamer fabric glittering in the light. It hugged her waist and wide, child bearing hips tightly enough to be almost superfluous while still flowing about her chest and legs like it was barely there. The skin barely concealed beneath it was of a rosy pink hue unique to her race and even then quite rare among her people. Her four fingered hands were clasped behind her back and the large breasts almost spilling out of her dress bounced softly with every gentle step she took. A pair of seductively long legs peeked out from the slits  that started just below her waist before disappearing back behind their silken curtain. Both feet were completely bare to give anyone who might enjoy her similarly four toed extremities to all who might wish to enjoy them. As well as the supple curvature of her calves that made her legs bend differently to nearly all the bipedal races she was often recorded with. A small, horn like ridge extended across her her hair line and curled back towards her pointed ears, tapering off to disappear back into her smooth skin. A waterfall of shimmering crimson hair fell freely around her shoulders and face. Matching, perfectly maintained eyebrows sat above a pair of eyes as black as the void between the stars. Only the twin pupils in each eyeball held any color at all, an almost brilliant diamond coloration that was at different times icy blue, quartz pink, or pure white. Her full, rose colored lips were curled into a coy smile beneath a flat nose that barely protruded from her otherwise paradoxically soft and angular face.

When she reached the center of the arena Amalia stopped and offered a radiant smile to the crowd, “I think it's time you met my co star in tonight's entertainment!”

A beam of light appeared at the end of the arena she was facing. In the blink of an eye a hulking appeared inside it. When the glow vanished all that remained was one of the galactically feared Sabrakken war beasts in all it's glory. Nearly twice her height and more than three times her weight the beast, nicknamed Omega by his human captors, bristled with power. Many onlookers couldn't help but instinctively flinch slightly at the sight. It's mottled, grey blue hide was thick enough to survive direct fire from even a ship based laser and the many, razor sharp teeth filling it's maw could shred metal with ease. His massive forearms alone were more than twice as thick as Amalia's hips and the six fingered fists he was leaning on were certainly big enough to envelope her small frame with ease. The outer edges of his musculature were covered in bone white spikes. The retractable spines continued up his shoulders and the way down his back like a mane. A crown of the barbs ringed Omega's large head and gradually faded away along his broad jawline. Though smaller than his forelegs the back were still corded with impossibly thick muscles and claws that were already starting to dig into the metal floor beneath him. Rearing up like a humanoid and pounding his chest Omega roared so loudly everyone was forced to cover their ears, including Amalia. As he did his spikes extended a few more inches from his body and trembled ever so slightly in preparation for being fired. Enduring his ire for longer than most Amalia waited until his fists returned to the deck before seamlessly sliding out of her dress and stepping towards him.

Despite their fear the crowd couldn't resist cheering at the sight of her nude body. Omega himself paused, tilting his head to the side and sniffing the air several times. His spines slowly started to retract as he lumbered towards her. The pheromones her species gave off were all but irresistible to most races and simply extremely pleasant to the few that could fight off their charm. Of course the sight of her hairless outer lips and tight but perceptibly aroused pussy certainly helped the allure. In addition to the full, plump breasts crested with two large pink nipples pointing skywards. When she turned her back to him and pushed her equally round ass out towards him Omega actually paused to admire the sight before him. His pure white eyes widened for a moment and his stance shifted subtly, turning less outwardly aggressive but still undeniably masculine and strong. His chest visibly puffed out while a growl reverberated from the deepest part of his throat. Amalia smiled alluringly at him over her shoulder and faced him once more. She held out her arms invitingly with the crowd sucked in a collective breath of anticipation. Many expected her to be trampled under Omega's foot like so many others. The rest thought she'd simply die from the trauma of being fucked by what was sure to be a titantic cock. Only Amalia had faith in her own safety.

Without warning he suddenly pounced, leaping across the distance between them and coming to land almost completely on top of her. His height was just great enough that she didn't need to crouch while he loomed overhead. Of course she did so anyways, if only to get a better look at what she was going to be enjoying. Already emerging from its sheath and growing immensely before her eyes was the long, red and pink cock of her soon to be mate. Only a shade thinner than her waist and long enough to rival one of her legs Omega's shaft was truly a sight to behold. The head was tapered to a blunt point that expanded outwards across about a foot until reaching the full girth that comprised the rest of his enormous member. While she'd made sure to practice in preparation for this event Amalia was still enthralled by it's sheer size. As well as the heat radiating off of it. She didn't waste a second reclining underneath him and opening her legs nice and wide for the easiest access. Omega shuffled forward the short distance left and knelt down until his dick was rubbing against her pussy. The crowd sucked in a collective breath as the moment of truth was upon them. Amalia bit her lip and lifted her hips to better position herself against his prick. As soon as she was in the optimal place she gave him a needless word of encouragement.


That syllable had barely left her mouth before his dick was plunging into her cunt faster and harder than anyone watching could have predicted. The tip entered her sopping hole and pushed it wide open for the rest of his member with a startling amount of precision. Almost immediately her body started to resist the gigantic rod attempting to slide inside while the force of his single thrust sent her sliding across the floor like a toy. Amalia steadied herself against his arms, locking her quivering form in place and making sure his dick continued sliding inside her. After the first, and easiest, part everything all the way to the base was one unbroken stretch of powerful muscle. Her pussy quivered at it's enormity and tried admirably to push back against the onslaught. But she might as well have been trying to move the entire arena with a single finger. Omega's dick couldn't be halted or even slowed now that he'd experienced the delicious tightness that so many other aliens had sampled. After the initial momentum of his thrust had worn off he started moving with rapid, less lengthy strokes. His cock pounded her like a jackhammer in a flurry of motions that sent it a shade further each time he moved forward. Whenever he pulled back Amalia was left gasping and squealing with unmitigated bliss and the sensations. As he plunged back in however her breath would stop dead in her chest and she would completely lock up as if frozen. 

In the span of a minute, and faster than anyone but Amalia could have predicted, his cock was almost entirely inside her pussy. The last barrier stopping him from completely dominating her hole was the already weakening barrier between her vagina and womb. And with the tip of his prick repeatedly hammering away at her poor cervix it was only a matter of time until he forced his way inside. The true mystery was whether or not she'd manage to cum before that point. The sight of her flawless skin grotesquely bulging out as she took a massive dick had always been a huge turn on. As well as someone repeatedly thrusting against her cervix. When added to the already delicious cocktail of fucking in front of millions of horny aliens for more money than she could fathom it was a wonder Amalia hadn't already climaxed twice at that point. Squeals and moans only a select few creatures had ever been able to draw out of her filled the air louder and more consistently than they ever had. Her toes curled in against her feet tight enough to make joints crack and her fingers balled into fists against his thick hide. Little by little she could feel her second entrance give way to his unstoppable urges. The hole widened more and more until the tip could finally pass through. Maybe it was because the added pressure from her cervix or simply a consequence of Omega's innate desires but the moment his prick passed that final barrier he shoved the remainder of his cock inside so hard and so fast Amalia didn't quite know what had happened. All her fragmented mind could really piece together was a cacophony of ecstasy swirling around inside her with just the barest hints of pain at the edges.

Whatever happened after that was little more than a blur to her. She was wracked by a powerful orgasm that overtook any semblance of space or time and stowed it away somewhere far from her consciousness. Naturally the frantic quivering of her inner walls only fueled his desire to mate more than any words ever could. Omega started fucking her in earnest as soon as he'd taken complete control and she was little more than his plaything. Well after her climax faded she continued to writhe and whimper beneath him like a slave to his dick. He lifted most of her lower half off the ground as he shuffled forward just a bit until she was staring up at her own pussy being messily fucked right before her eyes. Gooey strands of her own arousal mixed with his precum cum splashed across her face and tits in long, wet streaks. Many of the cameras filming her made sure to focus on the streams as they cascaded across her bouncing tits and splashed over her smiling face. Even in the heat of the moment some small part of her knew they were there and made sure to put on as much of a show as she could: her mouth opening wide to catch whatever reached her lips. The viscous fluids were swallowed faster than they could be produced, much to the delight of all those viewing her show. 

Their enthusiasm spiked even higher when they noticed the almost frantic pace Omega's hips had adopted in the last few minutes. Even Amalia started to notice the change, albeit much later than everyone else, and knew full well what it signaled. She squeezed his member as tightly as she could while coaxingly moaning for him. Whether or not this had any effect on him nobody could say but not long afterwards he forced his entire cock into her pussy and roared. The next moment her womb was filled with a torrent of sticky fluids gushing out of his tip in one mighty spray. Befitting a creature of his size and power the amount of cum flooding inside her was remarkable. It filled her womb in seconds and the rest of her pussy even faster than that. Some managed to trickle out from the sheer force along but the rest stayed inside her where it belonged. With all the pressure building up in such a small space it didn't much to make her belly swell, her pink skin subtly stretching outwards as he released more and more jizz. Amalia stared at her engorged stomach with wide eyes and a delighted smile, her hands rubbing the bump as though it were her own child. She knew he'd finished when her tummy stopped growing and his prick ceased it's twitching. Like her Omega basked in the post coitus pleasure for a spell, though even in the midst of that enjoyment he'd already started to pull out. The moment his dick emerged cum started rushing out like water from a broken dam, a veritable river of creamy seed spilling from between her still trembling thighs. 

“Now you've had your fun . . .” She panted, “It's time I had mine! Now lay down!”

Crawling out from under her lover as spunk bubbled out of her ravished pussy Amalia stood in front of Omega and fixed him with a commanding stare. He looked down at her with unmistakable confusion, his dick already starting to re emerge from it's sheath. All the spectators watching the display were torn between the delightful sight formed by the streams of cum bubbling out of her hole and the intense looks passing between the two performers. Most expected Omega to simply pounce on her as he had before and fuck her brains out again. Many were actually hoping for that outcome. Everyone else was eagerly awaiting whatever she had in store if he followed her commands. For several long, silent seconds they were left waiting. Amalia delivered her command again with even more gravitas than before. Omega's head slowly tilted to the side as if he was contemplating it's option. After a few more moments of uncertainty he finally knelt down in front of her. He rolled onto his back and expectantly looked at Amalia. She grinned in triumph at him and then the assembled crowd and cameras. Stepping onto his waist and around his nice and hard prick she came to rest somewhere around his midriff, her ass pressed against part of his shaft. As plump and juicy as her buttocks were they couldn't even begin to wrap around his reddish member to any appreciable degree. They merely rubbed against the girthiest parts while the crowds cheered wildly.

Amalia slid her soft ass and still overflowing pussy up and down as much of his length as possible. His cock was far too big for her to tease properly but what she could reach she made sure she did. Though more for the benefit of her viewers than Omega's or even her own she certainly couldn't pretend the thrill of teasing a Sabrakken beast of war wasn't easily one of the top five most memorable experiences in her storied career. But eventually the build up had to be paid off, unless she was trying to ruin someone's orgasm, and luckily for everyone involved she was beyond eager to reach that point. With no small amount of difficulty she reached behind her and pulled his member down to a more accessible position. It's constant throbbing and her own excitement made it somewhat difficult yet she didn't slow in her efforts until the tapered end was almost completely parallel to his body. The instant it was Amalia pushed her already stretched cunt back against the tool that had so thoroughly wrecked it. Her outer lips accepted the head without the slightest difficulty and she slowly glided further down his length. The further her slit moved the harder he throbbed, the force of his motions increasing so much at times she was almost completely lifted off her feet. This had the added bonus of forcing her to slide even faster down his shaft whenever his member reached it's apex. It didn't take long for Amalia to reach the base of his titanic prick under those circumstances, her ass finally reaching his hips with a soft smack that nobody but her and Omega heard.

“Oh yes!” Amalia cooed, “Ohhhhh that's what I was looking for!”

Incredulous cheers filled the arena and for a moment she basked in the adulation of her fans. And the full body pleasure reverberating out from her overstuffed cunt. The mere act of taking his entire cock so soon after the rough fucking she'd been given was enough to make her quiver. Though she didn't need to touch it at all one hand leapt to her clit and started rubbing as fast as her fingers could move. It was more than enough to push her right over the edge into another climax and make her already impossibly tight walls grip Omega's shaft even more snugly. He let out a roar that drowned out her own cries of ecstasy, his claws shredding the metal below him. She might have already been as far down on his prick as she could be but that didn't stop him from thrusting upwards all the same. Amalia gasped in delight and pushed herself up his length just enough to give him a little traction. Omega didn't hesitate for a moment to use his small allowance of control to start fucking her in earnest. She started to bounce a little higher up his member with every thrust, her own legs aiding in her ascent as much as they possibly could. Before long his head and shoulders were lifted off the ground so he too could enjoy the sight of her body gliding up his shaft. It would have been downright comical if not for the near constant moans escaping her lips and the always pleasing jiggle and sway of her breasts each time she rose or fell. Or the visually stunning bulge formed by his dick that by all rights should have utterly destroyed her intestines as it nearly reached her tits.

Amalia's orgasm faded a little more than a minute after their second round began but the pleasure continued unabated all the same. With Omega's 'assistance' she was kept in a perpetual state of breathless ecstasy even without a proper climax to lose herself in. Her hands moved across every inch of her writhing body over the course of their bestial intercourse, groping her chest, teasing her nipples, feeling the bulge of his cock, playing with her pussy, and even a few times reaching back to stuff a finger or two into her ass. One of the many benefits of having sex in a live show was not needing to worry about any sort of time constraints. And with that thought perpetually bouncing around in the back of her mind Amalia rode her war beast as long and as hard as she possibly could. To an immortal being like her time was a meaningless construct anyways. All that really mattered was the unending waves of pleasure surging through her. She could feel Omega's enjoyment almost as strongly as her own, the look of exultation on her face one few being had ever seen. There was no telling how long he could go after blowing his load so quickly the first time around. He'd already more than doubled his initial bout by the time she was starting to feel the wonderful cresting of another orgasm. It wasn't until he fell suddenly quiet and she could hear her own whimpers that she knew Omega was nearing a climax of his own.

Sure enough his dick suddenly swelled inside her pussy with such force she lifted almost completely off his body with one mighty throb. Of course with nothing to support her she immediately slid back down his member until every centimeter was buried within her. Omega roared in the same almost desperate tone as before and bucked his hips a few more times. Then all at once another deluge of amazingly hot cum flooded her tight space. She couldn't be sure but in the brief moment of lucidity Amalia had before she was overwhelmed she could have sworn he'd somehow produced even more seed than the firs go around. Her pussy was filled to the brim in an instant and her womb was flooded with a new wave of cum. It poured into every nook and cranny of her body before her once taut skin was forced to stretch and balloon outwards to accommodate it all. With the almost perfect seal formed by his tremendous cock the jizz being steadily pumped inside of her had nowhere else to go. If she'd still been capable of thinking about such things a simple look down at her huge, swollen belly would have told Amalia all she needed to know about the quantity of his spunk. The first time had been enough to give her a bump that rivaled her breasts but the second time produced an inflated mass so large she couldn't actually get her arms around it. Even after he'd stopped adding fresh spunk to the swirling vortex it was still more than she or anyone watching had thought was possible. 

With one final, satisfied roar Omega fell still against the floor of the arena. Were it not for the subtle rise and fall of his chest he looked almost dead. Amalia shivered and rose on shaky feet off his still powerfully erect cock. She could have kept riding him for a few more minutes at least but after everyone's reaction to the first cum shot she knew better than to indulge herself any longer. Barely able to stand while waves of pleasure continued to surge through her body she rose steadily up his shaft until naught but the tips of her toes remained on his rock hard skin. Pausing to let out a loud moan, mostly to mask the fact that her legs simply refused to work in that moment, Amalia reached back and grabbed her ass with both hands. She pulled her beautifully plump buttocks apart for everyone on one side of the arena to see her perfectly unsullied other hole. Thanks to the camera's zooming capabilities all the universe got a wonderfully close up shot of not only her tightly puckered asshole but her still cock stuffed pussy and the pale blue jizz seeping out of it. After holding the pose long enough for anyone who hadn't yet cum to finish she released her hold and gave her soft cheeks a heavy smack for good measure. The ensuing tremor that ran through her body made Omega's shaft twitch mightily inside her. Amalia gasped and leaned forward just as the involuntary spasm started. With an echoing pop his member emerged from her slit amidst a torrent of fresh cum. She instantly sank to her knees on his chest and let the spunk drain from her overflowing body.

The moment she could Amalia slid off his prone form and onto the cool metal floor. All the cameras zoomed in on her gaping pussy and the river of Sabrakken semen flowing freely from it. She giggled and winked at the crowd, both hands rubbing her swollen, seemingly pregnant belly. As the cheering continued and countless dicks across the cosmos were stroked, groped, and fondled she slowly leaned forward until she was on all fours like the 'animal' she'd just finished fucking. Once she was in position Amalia bit her lower lip and pushed suddenly with all her might. The steady flow of cum suddenly became a jet as the walls of her ravished cunt tightened. Spunk erupted from her body like a fountain and the onlookers went wild. Amalia moaned and quivered both from the exertion and the thrilling feeling of debasing herself even further for so many different creature's amusement. The harder she pushed the more aroused it made her and the tighter her body became. Before long her massive belly had shrunk considerably and an ever widening pool of war beast jizz was gently lapping at her hands and knees. She managed to messily evacuate nearly three quarters of the sticky mess until her waning strength totally gave out. The last gallon or so of steaming cum was squirted out of her cunt when she collapsed on the floor and the pressure on her belly expelled it all.

Even in her satisfied and sex addled haze Amalia instinctively tried to put on the best show she could, lifting her hips as high as they could go to give everyone a better view of the mess that was her lower half. Normally she'd play with herself a little but that was asking a lot of her limp and lifeless arms in that moment. Instead she rolled onto her back and spread her legs nice and wide. She could feel Omega's cum seeping into her hair and skin while the remnants still inside started to get absorbed by the walls of her pussy. She couldn't wait to see what kind of specimen their union would produce, the mere thought of having such a monster's baby making her quiver. Little by little her strength returned to her and when she was able she promptly lifted her legs off the ground and pulled them as close as she could towards her head. The resulting position made both her ass and pussy stretch pleasingly wide. So naturally all the footage zoomed in extra close to survey the results of her record breaking fuck. She glanced at one of the feeds above her and smiled at the sight of her own experienced cunt and asshole filling up the holographic screen. The angle was so tight and intimate it was like billions of aliens only had to lean in just a few inches to taste her for themselves. But they couldn't. And most would never get the chance. Amalia smiled at the thought and let her legs fall back down into the spunk once more. All the cheers slowly died down, never completely going away, as the audience waited to see what she'd do next.

“Excellent work Omega,” She thought with a smile, “We put on quite the show!”

“Thank you my love!” He telepathically replied, “Should we give them an encore?”

“Maybe . . . if you think you're up for it . . .”

“I have enough left in me for one more go.”

“Then my body is all yours darling!”


Fooled Trooper

Well...talk about plot twist...


Hopefully that's a good reaction! I won't lie, a big part of that reveal/twists motivation was inspired by a concern about bestiality lol